
What's your opinion on internet anonymity? It's a holy cow on imageboards I'm aware.

I know it plays an important part when fighting powerful oppressors as well as a psychological outlet for troubled people. It's vital for piracy as well.

But are the benefits of anonymity really worth it? Few Holla Forumstards would have the guts to spew their poison if they had to sign it with their name. They wouldn't be able to stand up for their opinions anymore. I'm positive anonymous shitposting won the election for Trump, and at this point I suspect internet anonymity does more damage to the world than good.

Other urls found in this thread:

Who cares?

if you don't like it go back to Reddit

Everyone who voted in the election would care since this was a decisive factor.

Yeah but I wouldn't post here either if I had to sign my name. Also there are certain socially unacceptable things (that should be socially unacceptable) and can't be discussed in a non anonymous setting. Hentai for instance

I disagree with anonymity, it promotes hypocrisy, lying and avoiding the consequences of being an asshole.

Also if someone is too much of a failure irl will throw his individuality and become a brainless stereotype of X board, how Holla Forumstards get most of their support


>>>Holla Forums

millenials and gen Xers voted overwhelmingly for clinton, trump was elected by oldfags who rarely if ever use the internet

Holla Forums didn't make the wave, they rode it


Depends on the level of anonymity. The problem with it here is we have no idea if someone is being genuine or a Holla Forumsyp in disguise. People can use anonymity to their advantage to fuck around since usually an ideological flag is our only identifier. Some make it more obvious than others, but some might be good at blending in while we scream at each other.

That being said, I think anonymity is important to a degree. Especially when there are those in power that seek to enslave us.



This is hilarious, truly shows who are the dumbfucks that voted for the pee pee man

That's the beauty of the system, nobody knows who's making what post, and each post is judged on its individual merits.

Also i don't think anyone is advocating for posting with your real, identifiable name here. Problem is I don't think people like being considered tripfags either. So it's a catch-22 all things considered.

No it isn't, it's how imageboards work. There are plenty of places where you can go by a pseudonym, here it's total anonymity.
it seems like you should lurkmoar

That goes for Communists first. Automatic fines or even prison in quite a few nations.

We need to have discussions that span many posts, not to waste time creating individually perfect posts.

Mods and BO see your IP hash.

but we can do that now without tripcodes.

Do what? Have discussions without IDs?

Any serious thread gets hijacked almost immediately then. This is why I started using tripcode.

Keep telling urself that famalam.

Proof that imageboards in general are echochambers

Internet anonymity should be mandatory everywhere. If you reveal your real name government agents should drag you out into the street and execute you.

In Holla Forums's wet dream. I talked to someone earlier who was talking about how Trump's supporters were willing to do whatever it took to make America great again (full SS death camp mode).
A certain sort of person seems to become totally detached from reality when exposed to too much internet echo chamber.
