Why does /r/socialism hate you all so much, Holla Forums?
Are bridges burned and mods there entirely unwilling to listen, forgive, and build bridges?
Is their opposition to you because of your lack of interest in and support for the social justice movement, or just an excuse? Would other lefty internet groups on reddit or elsewhere suddenly be cool with leftypol if you rallied around trans-rights and acceptance, social justice, feminism, and so forth? What if you did that while also quite simply packing up and leaving Holla Forums with all of its baggage and starting your own chan, leftychan or whatever?
Or again, are they just an excuse and justification?
Furthermore, you can use this thread to represent your own views on social justice, feminism, transgender rights and so forth.
I am a transwoman myself, and hold agree with a lot of the social justice movement aside from a few areas, such as people mistaking cultural appreciation for cultural appropriation, and people harassing others for that. That is going too far, but as a whole, I support the social justice movement, and the social justice movement has support for me in return as a transwoman.
But I'm also not really a channer or a leftypol, this is my first post here and I haven't used a chan in years. Last time I posted on a chan board was /jp/ since I like Touhou, and it was still a pretty awful place in comparison to other places to Touhou talk.
Honestly, I want to stick up for your side in all this. But I don't know enough about you all and what is going on. I'm just a redditor and former NeoGAF user stopping by to get a feel for things.
Picture of bunny girl because bunny girls are comrades.