We haven't had one in a long time & it's a great idea since we're having many new users visit the board...

We haven't had one in a long time & it's a great idea since we're having many new users visit the board. I've been seeing great responses to others who've posted leftist webms in threads here recently.

Many new posters haven't read theory yet, or don't know exactly what communism, socialism & other leftist views really are. No shame in that, especially if you're an American(like me). It's likely you've just been blasted by negative lefty propaganda so much that you have more questions than answers available. Luckily for you & I, there are some really intelligent posters here, who are willing to help answer these questions.

I'll dump some random webms to begin. Yes, I have lots of Bernie.

I'll close by saying:
Welcome, newcomers. I was new not too long ago. As a burger, this board was a great refuge from other places/forums online that censor political views too often, especially during the Primaries & general election. I've learned a lot in the past roughly 2 years I've been here. Holla Forums has given me so much material, resources to further study & engage in politics.

I hope you stay, comrades. We can consider this a type of introduction thread. Pardon my rambling; post webms.

Other urls found in this thread:



These videos explain LeftCommunism.





I have that kid as a friend on facebook, he's actually ancom lmao



A classic during the election

The title of this webm is wrong, btw. It's Pete Seeger.

What's the name of that man? I've seen him in an other webm, he's great

Could someone thoroughly explain the difference between a socialist and a communist? I think I consider myself a socialist, but I'm not quite sure.

I'm actually not sure who he is; sorry. I remember when I downloaded it I tried to search for that, too. It's likely someone else around will know, though.

Micheal Parenti on the fall of Communism.

thanks famrade


I found the webm I was talking about but I can't upload it, so here's the youtube link:


I'm a little busy atm, so I can't be thorough. Someone else will though, I'm sure.

I'm still learning as well, but from what I know, the biggest difference is whether or not there's a state/centralized power or authority. Communism is stateless, because at that point of progress it would no longer be necessary.

I'm a socialist; my main concern is workers' rights & raising class consciousness. Socialism is about abolishing the wage system & Democracy in the work place. Without a boss or owner, you wouldn't need the wage system in place.

Ok so yeah I think I'm a socialist.


This is the one someone posted that inspired me to make this thread.



This is from a documentary called "The Wobblies" about the IWW(Industrial Workers of The World) & earlier socialist movement in the US.

Did not see that coming

Lmao, yeah. That was before they were bought out by a Clinton associate. Now it's mostly MSM/idpol garbage.

This one has some bits taken from
Good edit, though.



lol nice





What did Debs say about the system of electoral politics, and particularly, the office of presidency? I've seen many radicals say that Sanders is good, but that the presidency is an office of imperialism always.

Debs actually ran for President in 1904, 1908, 1912(he won 6% of the votes, but no electoral votes) & the last time in 1920 while currently in prison(where he got almost 1 million votes).

I'm not familiar with all he's said on the matter in particular, regarding the electoral college, but I'd imagine he'd be staunchly against it. And yeah, the Presidency is the head of the US, though some argue that their responsibilities or abilities are limited & somewhat symbolic. Although Bush & Obama did a lot to secure them even more power.
If we has a socialist in office, they could at least veto shit bills & have a major platform to spread socialist messages.

1 million popular votes*



True. Forgot about that.

And even more importantly, Bernie would have won.


Also don't forget pardons for people arrested under laws meant to clamp down on dissent.

Yeah, that's a big one. And providing clemency, like for example with Snowden.


Yeah no.

Prepare to cringe.

Tbh, I heard someone floating the idea of Jim Webb as VP once or twice. He's mostly conservative(recently changed to dem), but I think him on the ticket could've sealed the southern & conservative vote as well. He's anti-war iirc, but also a "tough guy."
I'm curious as to who Sanders would've chosen. It's slim pickin's these days.


Tulsi Gabbard was just old enough and ticked the following boxes
She would have probably made Pence look like the worst kind of old white man in the VP debate and she'd be attractive to many of the former Clintonites. Sanders didn't need the south to beat Trump. He would have won the states that Trump took by "surprise" because he had the same basic message for the working class, just with a more coherent plan. Jim Webb would not have helped. He's a classic slimy politician and not popular, especially after becoming a democrat. I think he was just there to make the other candidates look better.

Also, Pocahontas never had integrity. She was shored up as a progressive just for this moment or one like it, to try to win over progressives to Hillary.

Gabbard is trash. Pro-modi and voted no on a bill for Syrian refugees to come here.

Those are some good points. And I forgot about Tulsi Gabbard.
She put herself on the line to endorse Bernie & that says a lot about her.

This is the CTR & r/EnoughSandersSpam line I always saw against her.


Many leftists (who to be fair, probably don't know much about Gabbard) have loved her because she put her job on the line to endorse Bernie. But this doesn't exonerate her bad positions.

You can look them up. Don't get me wrong. I'm pro-Bernie and anti-Clinton. And that's why I'm saying Gabbard is the wrong pick both on a moral and tactical level.

Sure, it doesn't exonerate her bad positions. I'd need to see the context of those decisions to be more informed on the issue. I think her good positions would outweigh the bad, though.

Chill out dude. I brought her up as an alternative to JIM WEBB. Do you think you're going to find an actual leftist anywhere important in US politics?







Father, cat is hungry.
Love that one.






Where is that second video from?

Syria I believe. I was told it was a Turkish helicopter

Sorry, I'm out of lefty webms but I wanna keep posting.



Thanks for contributing, user. I saved some of your lefties. ^ ^



These are some great points. The main reason you don't see the working class revolting or striking is because they're psychologically beaten down & too scared to lose any perceived "stability". The irony being their lives are anything but stable.

Also, "boutique activism" - that's a fantastic term/description of what we see constantly online.


I really should've let it all play before commenting, lmao. The only thing I disagree with in what he said was at the end when he says/implies white people generally don't know what's going on in these neighborhoods. He should specify middle class, then. Because we all know plenty of white people do live in marginalized neighborhoods. But he's right that it's good to get everyone's point of view so we can be more effective.



Jesus Christ. Fuuuuuuuuuck theeeeeeeem. Taking advantage of people not knowing any better.

It's hard to even believe that's real, but Wal-Mart certainly does these things regularly.

Wal-Mart is the second-biggest employer (after the Department of Defense) and unionizing it would be a monumental achievement.

Don't forget.


this scary, but now I comprehend, why anti Anarchist, anti Communist and anti Socialist feelings/ideas are so strong and rabid in the US.

I honestly think videos like these would be more likely to make people want to learn more about unions and want to unionize than keep them away from them.

They literally crushed it, beat it out of the working class people & ruined its reputation with negative propaganda.
There was a lot of effort from the robber barons, social/political elite. It's really amazing how well those tactics worked & how pervasive those sentiments continue to be, today. Our educational system being so God awful is a plus for them, too.

You're right; it's scary. I didn't even know what communism & socialism were until I was in my late 20s, I just turned 30 because I grew up in poverty & didn't have access to a good education. There are so many like us in the US, too, who have no idea about its history.

I'm almost 30, didn't grow up in poverty, and had access to a pretty good education. Nobody ever told me what the fuck socialism was, I had to wait for a youtube video to find out.

It's insane that this is able to happen, isn't it? Bernie Sanders is how I found out or got interested. But even after he was forced out of the race, I still didn't have a firm grasp on what socialism is. After finding this board, tbh, I have a better idea of leftism.

The documentary "Hypernormalisation" by Adam Curtis highlights an aspect of the cause of this. We all live in this propaganda/online/unreal world nowadays. This makes it even easier to become ignorant or manipulated. At least we both found a way to use the internet to our advantage; to learn more.

I can't stand Americans that have no clue about the differences between communism ans socialism, I even get really pissed, at the idiots that confuse the left with liberals.
we need to create class conciousness, through any mean necessary, I'm really happy to see you finally figured it out on your own.

I remember watching that live, not being able to believe it. It was an obvious jab at Sanders & his supporters, too. "Homegrown ideologue." Comparing communists to Jihadists as well… Fuck off, Obama.

Obama was the ideal third way democrat/politician really. All style and very little substance. He was essentially a spokesmen for the 1% and will be handsomely rewarded for it I have no doubt. Cards Against Humanity (a porky ass liberal company) already sent out a joke job posting trying to get him to be their CEO. The ruling class knows whose side he is on. Fuck him.

That's exactly how the ruling class see communism though. All that really matters to them is that we want to dethrone them. Jihadis want that too, so to them the difference is minimal.


Thanks, comrade. I have to say it is embarrassing to admit all of that, how long I went before knowing.. But it's the truth. My parents are going to be coming to visit me soon & I'm learning all I can to pass it onto them as well. I will teach my sisters, nieces & nephews as well.
Thanks again.

Just look at what was presented to me in my university basic economics class. The rest of the class was pretty good and I took away some memorable concepts like externalities and environmental Kuznets curves. But here's what we got when we reached the "other types of economic systems and governments" part of the course. Was this supposed to be helpful?

Holy shit I thought it was satire until I read your post

Oh no, lots of stores make these videos.


Seriously, I love how passionate Bernie is.

That Bernie is from 25 years ago now (when he first got in the House). He's not quite as bold anymore.

Yeah, he's a bit older now, so he's not as loud. ;^)
But I'd say just as passionate. There's a real goldmine of older Bernie speeches though. I love the videos of how he's able to easily predict the motives & outcomes of suspicious bills. The Iraq/Desert Storm wars, too.

I really wish I'd known of Bernie much sooner. I was too young 25 years ago, but sooner rather than later.


No. Is that a joke? Economics is apologia for capitalism. I wish I had the webm of Richard Wolff explaining this, but basically economics is saturated with bullshit meant to explain how great capitalism is while business actually explains how it works so that people can succeed in the market.








I'm just dropping all the webm's in my folder rn, some of them aren't labeled so sorry if some off topic shit gets posted



That's basically all the faggots from the pony Holla Forumsread from Holla Forums










A bugga bugga bugga bugga bugga
A bugga bugga bugga bugga bugga

And people say Heaven isn't real.


That's alright. I enjoyed the puppies. :^)

well in that case…I guess I'll reupload







^ ^

That seems dangerous.



Saw this video a long while back, have been trying to find it again for ages. What's the youtube source?

The Obama = fascism sign was pretty accurate tbh.






Feels good.

































welp, that's just about it for my files. Good night lads.





requesting that recent webm of the shit pig capitalist saying that the Oxfam data was a good thing.


This needs to be memed up and posted everywhere… thank you


G'night, Muke.

I think we all know what needs to happen.

Haha, oh god, the awkward silence while she's internally debating whether to grab a bottle or a gun.




Is Kevin O'Leary an accelerationist?



That particular story starts at around 7:00.

It seems that would be counterproductive to his best interests. of living

I saw that a while ago. I'm about 80% sure the black guy was mad at his joke and was being sarcastic.

I don't see why the black guy would sarcastically say that in response to what Zizek said. They also obviously knew Zizek well, considering they had his book and were at his signing.

Not that poster, but this reminded me of this webm.

Lol Bernie is seriously a cool cucumber

He had Hedges on his show once too.

on contact

Why doesn't he ever do another take when an emergency siren ruins part of an interview?

Dude, RDW looks stoned af.

Oh wait

It's me that's stoned… That's Chris Hedges, lmao.

this played on a disney channel? damn

Go grab the torrent on the sticky, my man.

war is always leftypol related


Fuck off with that ISIS & gore shit. At least spoiler it.

I know it's being said to death recently because of the raids, but seriously, go back.
>>>Holla Forums

This is a fucking classic; love it. Can someone please webm this already? I would love to save it & I don't have the ability with the freeware I use.

To anyone who's new: avoid these.

Oh my fucking god this is great

Yeah, it's pretty perfect. The music, dialogue, put-on emotion. Retarded fish-frog babies. It comes together so great.

I like how they used the correct pronunciation instead of the shitty anglicized pronunciation. Fucking woke

What's the original song?
(Both the Vaporwave, and if you know it, the sampled track.)

Nu Shooz - I can't wait

Woah, what Jimmy Dore video is that from?





that woman in red she is getting even more red I like it.

Barrel bombs are literally a propaganda term invented by the powers that want to replace Assad with someone more malleable.

Oh man thanks for clearing that up for me that was really bothering me
t. dead syrian dude

Porky BTFO


Here we go. It was a minor nightmare getting it ready, since I had to transfer it between machines.

Though since I'd already made the effort, I also webm'd the economic advisor to the miner's nightmare having some suspicion that he'd been used.



Thank you, comrade! :DDDD
You're awesome.








Santa Marx is so underrated

That smug look on Clinton's cunt face. She everything to do with that being sprung on him out of nowhere. Then Sanders owned their asses. That's why Americans love him, right there.








If you have any more, please share. This one is good.



Porky's enforcers.


what version of kapital does he have in this vid?

Not Holla Forums, but a good one.

Fuck the democrats. Fuck them all to death. That fucking cunt tried to trap Bernie and when he wouldn't give her the soundbite she wanted or more likely than not was ordered to get she tries to cut him off.

Is there enough rope in the hemisphere to hang every last one of these bourgeois pieces of shit?


















Top kek.





















The Bob Crow Brigade taking their job of fighting ISIS in Rojava very seriously.







what anime is this?













It's called Aiura, but the subs in that webm are fake


Whats the source on this?

Anyone know which book that is?

Dunno, sorry








we need to revive comrade bunkers tbqh

Yeah I had one too. I never really found out exactly what he was other than tankie.

The Devil is a… Libertarian?

Already have that

woops, thanks

What speech is this video from? I want to see the entire thing.


sorry m8, couldn't tell ya. he's got hundreds of videos going back years now.

liberals and conservatives not even once.





I want to know the source of this RDW video as well. I want to save a higher quality copy.

Can you provide them to me?
fpt host?
some file sharing host?
I wantz.

Stupid me. Of course I meant ftp

Pretty sure it's this one:



OP here. You guys fucking rock. I probably doubled my lefty webms. Many news ones I hadn't seen yet, too. Really happy about how this thread turned out.


Is this guy worth listening to?

Very much, especially if you're a burger. He's waking a lot of people up, pushing people lefter & keeping focus on the important issues.

jesus he's a walking fucking stereotype

I'm a britbong but I think I'll check it out anyway.


Thanks to whomever made these & to you for posting them. They're great. ^ ^

Comrade Dore ain't bad, but he's kinda riding the fence between full-on leftism and limp-wristed American liberalism. Part of Holla Forums's fascination with him is witnessing his progressive slide from staunch liberal at the beginning of the US elections to increasingly Leftist positions. Recently he even cited Comrade Wolff which if he saw his recent Economic Update means Comrade Dore also knows about Holla Forums

There's even a guide on bunkermag that shows you how to make your own written by the revolutionary comrade that made them


There was a Wobbly-poster during the Primaries who went to a Bernie rally & met Dore. He took pics & told him about Holla Forums. iirc Jimmy said he's stop by. Maybe he's forgotten though, since so much was going on. But I'd love for him to stop by sometime. Would be awesome.

As far as limp-wristed American liberalism, I'd say that has a lot to do with the American audience. You have to still be careful what you say.. Ease people into it. They're so reactionary in the US He's also under contract with TYT & we all know how limp-wristed they are. So I'd say that assessment is correct. Now that Hillary lost, Jimmy's been able to let loose more on TYT & they can't shout him down for it, anymore, as some of those fucks did when they were trying to get Hillary elected. Jimmy at least was against Hillary, the entire time, which I respect him for(given how toxic things got with fucktarded liberals in the US).

Hell yeah. I'll check that out!








holy shit the end needs cut off from the rest








I saw some text for a moment, but didn't catch it. This is from one of his movies?






dunno fam, sorry


have some /comfy/, comrades (1/3)



Ukropigs BTFO

pls give the link to organal video of frist webm

Which anime is this?


OP again. I have an assload of gondola webms. Some have potential for being transformed into lefties.. This one could be for Posadism. Maybe shoop a commie hat on him. :^) I'd do it, but I have no skill.
I haven't watched these in a while, either. I was just thinking of one in particular, for some reason & decided to watch them. I'll post it next once I find it.






One more unless anyone has a request of a specific one. Like I said, I have a lot.
Feels incoming..

Good source of electoral news when you don't want to read, but sometimes he doesn't know what he's talking about.


was for

This one's easy.
