Am i the only one getting a little bit of a personality cult vibe ?

am i the only one getting a little bit of a personality cult vibe ?

The guy is in every alt-right meme folder, what do you think?

are you just now noticing this?

Is it me or have Garrison's graphics actually gotten shitter when compared to Ron Paul years?
Or maybe it's because the Jew edits were so funny?

over time the amound of words to describe the shitty drawings has gotten more and more

maybe its because his drawings got worse, maybe its because his user base got dumber

you decide

he's gotten lazier because he keeps making the same cartoon over and over again with slight variations.

No more of a cult of personality than Bernie was, or Stalin (if you're a sperg tankie).

it's the B^Uckly syndrome

I love how guys like Ben Garrison and Alex Jones are pro government now.

Of fucking course, he is literally trying to get people to trust him and only him, and somehow many people are stupid enough to do so.

Compared to him the mass media are harbingers of truth

It's nothing compared to the breathless cult of personality that has arisen around Obama

the one that lasted about two weeks

Obama's cult was never that bad, trump literally has people following him like a religious idol, completely ignoring reality or facts and blindly believing any bullshit he says and literally making excuses for every single lie and promise he broke a minute after he does, they can't think anymore, they just suck pee pee man dick

Not really. He's still basically the Democratic version of Reagan. It was one of the biggest problems with Bernie's campaign. Every time he tried to attack the system he would have to tiptoe around any law or policy that might implicate Obama lest liberal flip out.

who sailed better ?

trump or stalin ?

Uh lol

kek, you really have to be oblivious to not notice the hyperbolic worship of what by even liberal standards has been a mediocre presidency.

kek we've had eight years of breathless worship as if he was the second coming of FDR and JFK (with a healthy dose of Jesus), which I suspect will intensify given the shitshow Trump will likely entangle himself in

Words, labels and stuff
For example, why are Trump's wife and kid in the comic, makes no sense

Yeah it's a pretty clear personality cult

All American presidents have a cult of personality. Such are the ways of the American people.

Obama at least tries to make more inspiring positive speeches which improve his image, I ma sure he has some brainless followers but most people just like him based on his image, on the other hand most Trump o supporters, especially online are literally blind fanatics and that is a big difference.

Somebody make a site that tracks all suicides during trumps adminstration so everyone is reminded that these elite kikes dont give a fuck about you. All pro trump posts are shills. Nobody I know who voted for him has ever read a page in a book.

His presidency in a nutshell, all image no substance

Oh well, at least he can get he golf on now

I mean the whole Trump/alt-right movement was started by a Russian Gnostic doomsday cult, so yeah.

"Those jobs are never coming back :^)"

Great, we now have Obama apologists and Trump derangement infected liberals leaking over into this board.

My mother believes he's been sent by god because he'll be 70 years old, 7 months and 7 days after his 2017 inauguration.
Yeah it's a personality cult.


They're calling him a god emperor just a few months ago.
You tell me

lmao, even Holla Forums falls for the russian bogeeyman, what a sad state this board is at

The right are known for creating cults.

Jesus Christ right wingers cannot into subtlety.


i dont get how these people can simultaneously worship ron paul and trump. they're about as different as two republicans can get in terms of policy. ron paul even said he would vote for jill stein before trump.

They don't have fully formed political views, they mostly just know what they dislike. So they see Trump and Ron Paul as being anti establishment while still being republicans and that's enough for them. Basically they're idiots.

Fascists are just scared libertarians. That's how it has always been.

It's not just you. He was better and funnier when he was criticising people and not riding their dicks with his smarmy characatures. He's almost Chris-chan Tier atp.

There's been a personality cult around this guy since 2015, you're only just realizing?

What did Ben Garrison mean by this?

Neo-Holla Forums and neo-Garrison would never have embraced Ron Paul.
Old Holla Forums would have liked Trump of course, but only for the lulz, and they'd have liked the BLM shooter for the same reason.

Holla Forums got srsbsns about the idiot shit they were spouting, and Garrison followed the money.

Americans can't do anything if they can't "have a beer" with whoever it is. It's fucking pathetic.

t. American

Makes me angry.

he labels everything

shit drawfag


Holla Forums isn't even trying to be subtle I see


Well, this is simply astounding.

BG is implying that Trump will turn the US to the left by:
Winning: discrediting neoliberal institutions
Freedom: giving the market more freedom, the inherent contradictions of capital will be laid bare.
Jobs: decreasing the real wage by flooding the job market with shit jobs, wages will stagnate while goods become more expensive

Trump really is the left's /ourguy/

Lol wut? Obama is literally seen as a god by libs, you literally can't criticize him on anything without Libs flipping the fuck out. On plebbit, my biggest downvoted post ever was about Obama's extrajudicial assassination of american citizens including children and the expansion of the survellience state, all sourced. I got like 300 downvotes in a minute.

Can't wait for Chump to start fucking up and braking every promise. How butthurt do you think he'll be?

Obama was a terrible president. Some call him Bush lite but he wasn't, he was worse. He maintained all of the Bush regimes polices but dropped 10 times as many bombs and got a Nobel peace prize for his efforts.

That spells Islam.


90% of libertarians and an-caps are pseudo-fascists

Fucking american political cartoonists.

When are we going to edit his cartoons to become communist?

what is the alt right

The smell of hotpockets, fascism and autism.

fight the good fight, dont let them pass

so all the fakes of the right
whats the real right?


the alt-right is literally just edgy contrarianism and cuckposting

they are hardly right wing.

A miserable little pile of classcucks.


Ben calls himself libertarian yet he supports a quasi fascist who wants to restrict the free press because he gets triggered.

The funniest thing about Ben's cartoons are that they are so easy to shop them into fascist propoganda because very little besides the characters need to be changed. Most right wing libertarians are just closet fascists.

you should have a beer

Yea thats a problem. Obama is loved by idpol because of his race and blacks will totally run aeay from your cause because he is an idol for them. He was by and large a bad president because he did the same shit as bush plus more but also destroyed any left wing movements by calming the masses with identity politics. The dude made a huge deal out of trannys in bathrooms yet did nothing about issues facing the poor. I mean fuck the Dems alone voted in obamacare without a single GOP vote so had the oppurtunity to make it single payer but no, they produced the biggest corportist piece of legislation ever in US history.

Its actually sad that Nixon was more left wing than Obama.


they are the honest bunch of the right, the ones that don't bring up bullshit and just expose their irrationality for what it is without any shame

Fascists believed that the free market could protect them from nigs. Now they realized capitalism does not care about their aryan princesses they jumped to the ultra nationalist wagon. They don't care about freedom at all, they only care about muh colored flags.

doesnt make sense
sounds like a (draw what i disagree with as ugly and what i agree with as beautiful) garbage meme