Why do populists like the pee pee man and UK autist always try to paint the world as some collapsing disaster while things are getting better?
Why do populists like the pee pee man and UK autist always try to paint the world as some collapsing disaster while...
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slickest entryist?
Because real wages are stagnating and jobs are getting harder to find. Of course right populists won't fix that, but things aren't good for the working class just because they now have cool gadgets and some CEO makes lots of money.
The thing is populism only works when there are problems facing the majority.
Because pee pee man and UK autist know if they say "the EU is an economic failure with low growth" the average person will go "hey that's true, I'm making less and less and my job security has gone to shit!" while liberals will go "Um actually I think you'll find the GDP has gotten HIGHER, good sir" like that matters at all.
Irrelevant for the workers.
Only good if wages aren't stagnant which they are.
Why would a Norman not want what's best for the english people?
A (weak) recovery from a crisis is not the same as progress. Also, lmao at those graphs. What's it called when the y-axis starts way too high to give the impression that change has been greater than in reality?
It annoys me that in this comparison between communist dictatorships and capitalist democracies, it's always the terms communism and democracy that are matched with each other. It's just a cheap way to remove the word capitalism from the discussion.
Is this pure ideology or sarcasm?
Things look to be improving actually.
How progressive. Surely this will improve the lives of all working women.
Wow, you must be some kind of woman hater. I bet you didn't even vote for Hillary.
wew lad have i got news for you
Neither. It's irony.
Of course whenever you try to bring this stuff up with liberals you get some shitty "fact check" that ackchooally GDP is still growing at a reasonable rate and the unemployment rate is still low(ish), therefore things intrinsically must be improving for everybody.
And then they wonder how right-populists capitalising on the fact that no, things aren't really improving economically have managed to do so well re: Brexit & Trump.
oh, it's a collapsing disaster alright, just not in the way they say it is
why am I even replying to this garbage