When are we adressing the nazbol problem?
When are we adressing the nazbol problem?
Seriously. These Nazbols need to go back to Holla Forums. They aren't leftist.
You have to like brown people and be against fascism to be leftist.
We don't have to, they take care of themselves with unbridled autism.
Cant ban them but sage all their threads and dont answer to their posts. Most of them are Holla Forumsfaggots.
Hogshire deserved it
Hello Holla Forums
truly you are the most cancerous form of anarchism
Actually, you know what, I'll bite
Why do NazBols follow that ideology? What about it appeals to you over Marxism-Leninism, Syndicalism, Anarchism and so on and so forth *sniff*?
I just find Dugin interesting and the left is stale on good theory outside of Bookchin. It's a poisoned hive of cancerous ideologues in general. The flag aggravates people's retinas, which draws me to it, naturally.
What are things that Nazbol support?
What are your feelings on Bookchin exactly?
Why are anarchists such hypocrites Holla Forums?
Why are their asses so easily hurt?
Something like dialectical naturalism is an essential development.
Nazbols are good when not actively trying to derail threads. That's my job.
Hogshire deserved it
Nice buzzword.
When did anarchism start to mean that you have to tolerate every viewpoint? How is a community decision to exclude someone against the principles of anarchy?
What about his rejection hierarchy/his view of hierarchy as being inherently destructive to ecology?
This is why anarchism is a meme ideology. No matter how democratic your society, it's still a government. Even if you eliminate economic hierarchies, you're just creating new social hierarchies based upon your bourgeois "democracy". The fact is, democracy is nothing more than a popularity contest with no emphasis on actual merit.
Merit in the socialist sense isn't the same thing as ''''merit'''''' in the capitalist sense.
nazbols are good you fuck off back to Holla Forums
Governance =/= state
A state is the apparatus that one class uses to dominate another. Once class distinctions are done away with the state will cease to exist. Read a book.
Double lol
Never, its just dumb leftists being dumb again
Read Sorel.
I never knew someone could project this hard.
this tbh
Personally, I reject hierarchies to the greatest extent possible I just have a different idea of what they entail and maybe how to move past them. I just think neoliberalism is a plague. I respect Bookchin and the Rojava feminism. I do not believe in any hierarchy of races or ethnicity, but I don't necessarily think nations or traditions are bad. I like diversity.
You're Bob Blacked son. ;^)
That's the Marxist definition of a state…
Good thing I'm not a Marxist.
once again only naz bols and tankies make cogent list on this site
This is true comrade.
Lol what, the one demanding hisn"right" to post here is you, thenthing your post are of bad quality and this needs to be adressed
Why not?
thanks comrade :3
Well what are you my little snowflake?
Because he is a Holla Forumsyp tired of being called out when using a nazi flag
this tbh
This begs the question of what determines what is popular, and what you mean by democracy. Humans aren't completely rational actors but they aren't completely irrational actors either. A well informed and decentralized system of democracy is necessary for it to work well and not form new hierarchies, as is an agreed upon social contract and ethics which helps to negate this possibility.
Traditions and shared culture is not something to be frowned upon. The "Democratic Nation" is not the same thing as a nation-state, in that nation-states more often then naught discourage diversity and originality of culture in favor of state chosen culture. You can have your traditions and culture but they should be the libertarian aspects of the traditions and the negation of the authoritarian aspects, because in the end one will end up negating the other anyways.
I've seen you get btfo by leftcoms and all you do is say "fag" and "cuck" and "spook". You're one of the worst posters here.
You call people liberal who disagree with you. Not much different, Dugin sucker.
Do you know where you are?
I agree, I don't have any particular fondness for the nation-state and I despise bourgeois nationalism. I just feel like we should work within our means. I sometimes go full devil's advocate just to push people into having clearer thoughts about these things and better arguments as I know the actual fascists are organizing, and they don't send their top minds to come debate the autists on leftypol. Why would they?
Do you know where you are?
Lol there he goes again!
There isn't any other kind of nationalism
If anyone should be banned it's you and you know it cabron. Will you admit it's because I trounced you earlier today and always do and all you can do is screech?
You are cancer.
Call it what you want. You clearly don't understand the power of Sorelian myth. You also don't understand revolutionary violence in it's most effective form. I bet you're one of those dumb faggots who thinks breaking the windows of a bank or vandalizing public property is revolutionary. You are a simple minded pawn of the bourgeoisie.
Sorelian National syndicalist with some [email protected]/* */ influences.
I used to be a Marxist until I started thinking critically about how Marxism would actually work.
I don't completely dismiss the idea of democracy, it can work on a small scale but only those qualified to vote on certain issues should be voting. For example, it wouldn't make much sense for a miners syndicate to be voting on decisions related to manufacturing or some other industry. Workers councils can be elected from a pool of qualified individuals but when it comes to national decisions, these decisions should be left to the councils themselves, with the governing leader of said nation also having a large degree of influence.
Well, I tend to disagree on occassion. Sucks to be you.
He only knows how to communicate in meme's. He's easily the worst poster here. Not to mention, this entire thread is D&C shilling. I wouldn't be surprised if he was FBI.
Liberal showing his true colors
>Sorelian National syndicalist with some [email protected]/* */ influences
thats Voltaire, not Cartesius, innit?
Watch out you dont want him to trigger him
Literally what? You're even more inconsistent than usual. I suggest you Google Murray Bookchin.
[email protected]/* */ was essentially a National-Syndicalist if you look critically at his ideology. There's nothing eclectic about it.
How does pic related make you feel? p true tbh famalam
Yet somehow the autist is implying I am who always responds with memes kek
Your entire ideology is trash kid, this is not up to discussion
t. Stirnerite
You made the premise that all NazBols should be banned on the basis of their ideology. You're not willing to debate me and therefore not willing to back up your assertions about NazBols with evidence. The only trash here is you m8. You should considering living true to Nihilism and just kill yourself already.
what is this, a jury?
kek nihilposters are best
It's intended to be a logical discussion, something that is clearly foreign to you.
Not even trying at this point.
citation needed
Sticking up for your buddy or just new? This man is known autist.
Again, this isnt the marketplace of ideas, my ideas are above yours, they do not have equal value.
I do not have to have a pogical argument with you, not only because there is no ned, as nazbol is literally a meme ideology, but because taking itnserious means you are retarded
That's not even a meme, that's not even anything.
Your ideas are clearly inferior to mine because you're not even trying to defend them or back up your premises' up with evidence. To even call Anarcho-Nihilism an ideology is almost laughable if you are it's representative. You're practically a walking parody. Your superiority complex validates all of the right wing stereotypes that left wingers are dumb. You're unable to defend yourself so you hide behind a false sense of superiority which has no basis in reality. You are a petulant child.
Start deconstructing anytime
Thanks fam it looks alright, will have a read.
Oh my keks!!
Libertarian municipalism is supposed to be that, though. It's essentially a revolutionary program that doesn't outright necessitate violent conflict with the bourgeois or state, just the gradual negation of their power through creating a parallel structure of power or "dual power.
I don't necessarily believe that democracy should be organized along the lines of syndicates. Makes more sense to keep it localized then to have something as far stretching as a syndicate. In terms of scale, things such as production should be localized as much as possible and municipalities should strive for autakry. Again, the idea is to not have ill-informed citizens since such a thing is ultimately harmful to democracy. Institutions of education are just as important as institutions emancipation (in some ways, they're the same thing) and the very act of engaging in politics should be an act of learning and expanding knowledge.
The nazbol's problem will continue to be the jew until further notice.
I love how in an effort to alienate NazBols, anarcho-lifestylists instead showcased their own cognitive dissonance and lack of critical thinking. Bonus points for bookchin meming.
8/10 thread be sure to make yourself look like assholes more often post-praxis babbies :^)
But bookchin is literally the opposite to "lifestyle" anarchism
Do you think his program can be accomplished in more developed areas though? Kurdish situation is a very particular set of circumstances. Though I absolutely agree Marxian dialectics needed such an expansion.
Yes, and? I like the bookchin memeing because I like bookchin, not because it somehow reflects negatively on you. You've done enough of that yourself anyways.
probably his point
nihils are supposed to be good at negation
I wish that were the case. That way I wouldn't have to lose so much hope in humanity as an intelligent species.
You truly are an idiot.
Well, I can halfway agree with this sentiment. Localized democracy is fine to an extent but I feel there has to be a strong governing body to prevent bourgeois influence from creeping into a given society. If I could be defined as a democrat, it would be a democrat with a small d. Economic democracy is arguably a good thing but you have to have qualified individuals voting on issues that they actually are able to comprehend and understand.
Autarky is one of the defining principals of national syndicalism. My disagreement with bourgeois democracy is how easily it can be co opted by outside influences through the manipulation of voters who aren't necessarily voting in their own best interests. That's why you need a meritocratic element within any given democratic system. Or in my case, it would be more or less a dictatorship of the proletariat with some democratic elements when necessary.
I agree.
I agree with this sentiment as well. I'm not sure if you're an anarchist but if you are you're a much better representative of anarchism than some of the other posters on this board. So you seem like a cool enough bro.
Revolution is never a certainty, as much as some people on here might pretend otherwise. Rojava if nothing else is a praxis to build off of, and example to showcase and a potential supporter of international efforts to replicate what they're doing there. It's given me hope for the future if nothing else.
Well why would a lifestylist like meme meme bookchin then?
Agreed. And I like Dugin for the Heideggerian perspective, and the salt he causes the liberal intelligentsia, if nothing else. I think many ex-libs are insufficiently freaked out by the neoliberal abyss.
Top kek
So wise, so woke.
Could use some syrup right now tbh, not memeing
But i rather get some ket
Communalism/Libertarian Municipalism is not against strong organization, in fact it's dependent on it. It just sees domination as the overarching problem of civilization and this includes domination of society by a centralized authority i.e. a state. Reaction is defeated within this system not by relying on a state apparatus but on the creation of a mass, grass roots movement that prevents the kind of power that both the bourgeois and the state (which they use as an apparatus to their advantage) by putting power into, as a I mentioned previously, a dual power that is outside the state and directly contradicts the states power apparatus (although not necessarily violently). An informed populous is indeed incredibly important, but the solution is not the exclusivity of expertise but the democratization of knowledge and expertise so as to make everyone capable of participating and contributing to the democracy. Indeed, bookchin advocates the study group as the nucleus of revolutionary politics.
Like Bookchin, I no longer consider myself an anarchist but a Communalist. Partly because I don't want to be confused with people like OP, partly because I see anarchism as an irredeemable term.
Well that's Holla Forums confirmed for lumpen then. Nice posts tho fam.
We don't want NazBols, you can keep your Eurasian clowns.
t. Holla Forums
On Jewgin:
Ok Holla Forums.
Fair enough. Here, have a lewd catgirl.
Thanks! I hope you read up more on bookchin and reconsider the more authoritarian parts of your ideology. No one here who is actually serious about creating a mass movement should dismiss someone simply because of the ideology they currently hold perhaps with the exception of post-leftists, though I suppose anarcho-lifestylist is just being consistent since they're not interested in making a mass movement, or really any movement.
we need more of these tbh
I'm anti-authoritarian. I can't speak for the others.
How do you reconcile your anti-authoritarianism with an ideology that is so seemingly authoritarian?
I'm not really a NazBol, I'm the guy who just likes Dugin and finds IRL NazBols funny and based.
Fair enough. I might check out his critique of neoliberalism then.
I thought fairness was a spook according to nihilists.
If anything, this thread revealed that Anarcho-Nihilists (except one British guy, he is nice) are absolute trash that don't read anything that exceeds their epistemological echo chamber of the Wikipedia article of Max Stirner - not to mention their constant attempts to D&C and contributing nothing, zero, nada, to the discussion. Stirner would probably cringe at you guys considering he was a cool guy with a filter cigarette and so on.
And what's this constant condescending shitposting? You don't read and you are proud of it. You have nothing to brag about.
Anarcho-Nihilists are retarded, but that doesn't make nazbols any less retarded. Banning them would be stupid, but we should remove their flags or anchor obvious nazbol threads.