Holla Forums is getting triggered over rise of Holla Forums
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It also draws a lot of disenfranchised users because they can't keep from spilling their shit all over the website (and probably from 4chan as well) and shouting out any opposing opinion
This is pretty funny. Not surprised they're behind a lot of the Trotskyist and Nazbol shitposting. Hopefully the BO finds a way to deal with Holla Forums nationalists and more covert shitposters without hurting the breadth of discussion.
What a beautiful thing to see.
I've been here since mid-2015. I remember the Holla Forumsacks coming to this board expecting to stump us with the same approach they use against liberals. They can never win so long as they don't know their enemy.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
dat detailed analysis, tho
As opposed to living 24/7 online, orโฆ continuously shitposting?
Yes, your repetitive sperging about your pet ideology is certainly scathing critique
Everyone here knows that nazbols are Holla Forumsfags, even if that status is honorary. It's evident because unlike the other posters (anarchists, Marxists) NazBols never post theory or reading material. The easiest way to identify a Holla Forumsfag in disguise is to look for the least literate among us. You're not fooling anyone but yourself.
See, even if you were a NazBol and not just a Holla Forumsfag (or honorary), you would have some NazBol writers you'd be shilling (Dugin or whoever). The fact that you don't indicates that you're not dedicated at the minimal level to even fucking READ up on the ideology you claim to "support."
No, and I don't see how he's relevant to national bolshevism.
Should I honestly give a shit what a bunch of stormfags think about us? Let 'em get mad.
I've seen maybe one of you who isn't just a Holla Forums shitposter
Well, Holla Forums?
I came here as a lib just looking for a place without constant NIGGGERS LMAO threads. got converted.
fuck man. when you put it that way it's pretty obvious.
Anyone else revel in how hated we are?
Our very existence seems to invoke triggering
Now what kind of a sicko would enjoy that?
it's cause they know Holla Forums is the vanguard :)
I wonder what it's like to live in a world where your emotions are your primary concern in politics.
what? I've never heard nazbols actually talk politics. They all just speak in memes. I've yet to meet a nazbol who I can say for certain wasn't being ironic.
Ok but seriously why is Holla Forums's answer to everything "NIGGERS AND JEWS LOL"?
At least NRx and ancaps on kekdit read about Julius Evola and Moldbug, but Holla Forums is entirely fueled by memes, has absolutely no philosophical or intellectual foundation beyond simple platitudes ("KILL ALL NIGGERS", "GAS THE KIKES", "BUILD THE WALL") and yet is extremely successful at turning young people.
NazBol is based on actual human existence rather than crude, autistic materialism that nullifies everything under it with an overarching meta-contradiction (the Absolute Idea of Communism) which is just a retro-transhumanist cult.
fuck, they're onto us
I assume everyone who uses a NazBol flag is either shitposting or Holla Forums.
The biggest threat to the continuation of the white race is *points to dilznick*
I can love white people, hate immigration, hate jews, hate homosexuals, hate women and still be a liberal. Indeed, virtually all OG liberals would have exhibited all of the aforementioned traits. This American perversion of what the term actually means needs to end.
You just explained it yourself. It's tailor to ADHD, no-attention-span children. It's the laziest and least intellectually curious politics you can adhere to, while simultaneously allowing you to pat yourself on the back for being "redpilled" and initiated to some super secret knowledge not available to the "normie" population.
Love it every single day.
Pretty much every other board is triggered that Holla Forums is not a complete fascist torture chamber.
Isn't it just based on Russian Orthodox weirdos' drug trips?
Top fucking kek
Also note that most fascist 'literature' tends to be fucking retarded and devoid of any rationality, so creating a culture which despises reading and intellectualism also serves to obfuscate how absolutely vapid and empty the ideology is at its core.
Only one chart needed to explain all far-right thought.
Song related
Hitler dubs.
One of my favorites tbh. Don't even like Fidel.
lol look at how hard those fags are raging
Why are they so insecure?
a church in severe denial, adhered to by 19th c. Whigs with 21st c. college debts.
I'm done arguing with Holla Forums. Nothing gets past these fucks.
you gotta babysit them. Be frendly and point out their contradictions. try debating with the least memehappy ones. don't go for the ones with better (but still retarded) arguments nor the uterly retarded ones. SEIZE POL.
Because the left doesn't have contradictions
What difference does it make, you guys were #3 back in the middle of the summer too, both times you get flooded with left of center redditors who vote Democrat, flood your board with feminism and PoC bullshit, and then they fuck off, because you're larping ideological purists. You'll go back to #11 soon enough.
We hit 3 because we were getting spammed, not because of new users.
never said we don't
There is a spectre haunting 8ch: the spectre of communism.
Nice trips.
Also, far right doomsdays look like a fucking picnic compared to what will really happen.
kek, just got banned.
Hide your IPs guys.
I find this rather humorous. I don't understand why Holla Forums is getting so upset at what we do. Then again our existence is enough to make them mad so there is that.
It's delicious.
They should be scared. We have a history of kicking their asses in world wars.
It's always been gratifying. At first they were just triggered by the fact that leftypol exists. Note they're triggered that we're popular.
When leftypol eventually surpasses them in users that salt is going to be so good. I'm getting hard just thinking about it.
Holla Forums needs to take over presence on the net. What if someone makes leftist themed ASMR videos and takes over that community? It could be fun. Just need an attractive person with a nice voice and the right kind of microphone.
Because they believe in an imaginary past where everything was fine and good, so to them the problem must be some external, hidden influence corrupting their previously flawless utopia. Hence, Jews, Marxism, niggers, feminists, Stacies, etc.
We are coming, buckos
Catgirls drama worked well for us, we just need another drama just to gain more users.
that is brilliant man,I need to ave that shit
We have literally nothing to do with the WW2 era Red Army. Stop LARPing.
Because redditors can be converted.
Only thing your board will ever get is uneducated white trash, or underage high school kids that post on r/the donald.
Only example of horseshoe theory that's worth a damn
Do they believe in private property?
Then they are Liberals.
Do we? No. OP in the image needs to pick up some books
What do they expect when they constantly give us free advertizing?
not really
it's ok
I love how much [emailย protected]/* */ mixing triggers Holla Forumsyps
Me right now youtube.com
Shit, our Cultural Marxist scheme have been exposed, what do we do now ?
Im pretty certain 99% of leftypols user growth is just people raiding them gloating over the fact that they lost the election.
But in fairness leftypol has relaxed quite a lot in terms of rules and bannings since November which is really good.
forgot pic
Yeah, how about no, faggot. If "appointing" people actually changed one's circumstances it would be made illegal.
>Implying Bernie Sanders didn't do exactly what he needed to do.
Give all his funding to Hillary?
I mean I don't understand how they don't realize its all downhill from here for them. Wanting public presence was one of many great mistakes, because their ideology naturally repulses the public in large.
So how can you explain the relaxation in moderation here since November 10th?
Im not complaining.
Im currently banned from Holla Forums. They seem to be going the opposite way.
Yeah maybe its just the fact that pol has made this site more popular in general.
That doesn't matter. It's 4/pol/ and you're associated. It will always have its committed user base, but so did the mistake that was 2008's raids.
All in all, by the time it was decided to go more public, you damned yourself to alienation by the public at large at a growing pace. Whether or not you like it, the public sees it as guilt by association. And it really is.
Both Hillary and Trump supporters faced major disparaging here.
If you were b& about the election it's probably because you weren't keeping it in the containment general thread we had here, shitposting.
I mean, heck. Even Bernie is made fun of here. There's a compound joke that runs like 'Bernie why did you kill Rosa?' because it's believed he is more socdem than democratic socialist.
Because Holla Forums is not fascists but on the opposite side of the identity politics spectrum. Endorsing Trump and calling yourself fascist is like endorsing Hillary and calling yourself socialist. They're reactionary in that they endorse identity politics and they're reactionary in that they oppose whatever social justice is trying to be achieved in the name of identity politics.
I have talked about this several times and look, here they are saying it. This is how Trump did it, you get your enemy to shill for you by complaining about you. We need to stir up controversy, notice how the numbers spiked right around the reddit debacle and then just after the punch because we were filled with butthurt aut rightists complaining that we were violent and begrudging liberals began to admit that the punch was good.
it gives me an idea tbh
Your explanation to why it doesnt matter didnt convince me that it doesnt matter.
There are many people on pol who didnt like Trump because his daughter is a Jew.
But Id still call it a pro trump board just like id call leftypol a pro hillary one. This was pretty much CTR HQ for a few months.
You are retarded.
there is literally not one Hillary poster that I can think of
I humbly apologize for observing things and drawing conclusions from those observations.
No one here liked Hillary. Stop lying. There was regular Trumpcuck posting here actually. You're delusional.
There's observing things and there's shit people lie about on Holla Forums and go unchallenged because it's a cuddle corner. Holla Forums is CTR HQ is about as insightful as the old Holla Forums inflates their numbers with VPNs line, or Holla Forums invites redditors, or Holla Forums spams itself to raise post count. It's bullshit and everyone that says it either knows it's bullshit or is regurgitating what they've heard off bullshitters to make themselves feel better.
Next you will be saying no one here supports the EU.
I should probably archive an anti EU thread just so you cant claim they dont exist after the EU collapses.
Lying piece of shit. There was controversial support for Bernie but that's it. You're pathetic how you need to lie, and even worse how you expect the people you're lying about to believe it.
Eu was about half and half. Literally nobody supported hillary
Yes. The best thing that Sanders did was to demonstrate to a historically illiterate generation why you should never trust a SocDem.
CTR Basically had a permanent camp here.
It is funny when you think about it. Holla Forums has been trying to cast us as liberals for so long that they have no idea how to actually attack our ideas.
Stop repeating Holla Forums memes. No one here liked Shillary and there was no reason for any of us to.
That's right. If you pretend something hard enough it becomes real.
Seriously, Holla Forums is a cautionary tale of what happens to a person's grasp on reality when he embraces idealism.
You mean push his party to the left and then wonder why none of the general public agree with them anymore?
But that didn't happen at all. People rejected the Democrats for the center-right policies of Obama and the corrupt Hillary Clinton.
Bernie Sanders is currently the most popular politician in America.
you mean with hard left policies ofโฆ what exactly? Not changing a thing and pushing forward in fucking over the workers?
He helped capital recuperate "democratic socialist" by labeling his Nordic model bullshit demsoc. Now socialists have another hurdle to jump over when talking to liberals.
She lost because she ceded the entire center ground (which is where most peoples viewpoints lie) to Trump in order to appease the people who supported Bermie.
Trump as far as I know is the first centrist republican politician to ever exist.
All the traditional republicans hate things like the TPP and how trump is pro gay and pro tranny.
We have been dealing with that same shit for forty years.
True and now we have a brand new generation of people who've been duped thanks to the Sandman. Thanks Bernie!
I still remember when getting to 400 UIDs and beating /furry/ was a motive of celebration.
At this rate we will reach Holla Forums tier levels by the end of the year, and probably be able to legit contest Holla Forums's dominance on other boards.
Also, what a complete lie. Hillary's whole campaign strategy was 'for every democrat we lose, we're going to pick up two republicans.' It's why she was dick-riding Reagan in the debates like Trump. She never made any attempt to satisfy Bernie's followers, and if she did it was a rather weak one.
No im not saying that.
She stopped being a centrist because Bernie was doing a really good job of being a leftist up to and during the debates.
Like any career politician Hillary knew if she couldnt beat Bernie she had to copy his policies and pretend they were her own all along.
Like abandoning the TPP which she was a big part of creating and had been very complimentary towards in the past. Or his Bank and wall street regulation. Or adopting Bernies policy on the minimum wage of a million dollars per hour so everyone becomes a playboy millionaire overnight.
Here is your favorite CNN saying things to the contrary
Also, you're a funny retard for saying this newspage is my favourite when you're literally the one adopting their position as your own.
I judge each story on its own merits.
If CNN did a story saying the sky is blue I wouldnt assume differently just to be obtuse.
Nor would I assume they're right just because they agree with me. Confirmation bias much.
literally every day on 4chan and Holla Forums I see people bitching about Holla Forums
makes me laugh
if anything it's probably drawing more leftists here, I certainly wouldn't have known about this board if it weren't for right-wingers crying
thanks for the free advertising, rightists!
The CNN thing was a joke. Because obviously CNN is the Clinton news network.
I think this article sums up what I was saying about Clinton trying to copy Bernie and getting dragged way off to the left.
LOL I just noticed that article is on Bernie Sanders website.
Even he agrees with me.
But he doesn't. He's not at all saying she has gone left. Because you adopt rhetoric, doesn't actually make you not a centrist. In fact, that's a key to being one. f Bernie Sanders jumped into the presidential primary game to move Hillary Clinton to the left on economic justice, he failed. Back when Clinton was still worrying about Sanders securing the Democratic nomination, she spent weeks accusing him of running a single-issue campaign on economic inequality. Her charge was essentially true. And on all but one key tenet of Sandersโ economic platform, Clinton hasnโt budged.
In politics your rhetoric is what defines you to the voters. And I was talking about what she said in order to get votes. Not what she would really do once she got in office.
To me, you saying she doesnt really believe those things is irrelevant. Because I dont think she believes anything she has said for decades.
And let's not forget all the liberals that thought lying to Sanders backers until the election, and then 'gleefully and comprehensively trash'ing them after a would-be victory in November was a good idea.
So what about the Clinton rhetoric that said we can't lose our military edge? What about the appeals to the opening of hemispheric and bond free trade? What about all the cold war tier propaganda against Putin? Barring all the neoliberal supportโฆwhat about her appeals to the neoconservatives, and why did they back her so much instead of Trump?
I don't believe in race.
I'm not for unchecked immigration until world wide socialism exists.
don't believe in race
Guilty. I'm completely cock crazy. I'd probably suck off a good 75 percent of men if given the chance.
I'm not a feminist and I don't support the ideology.
Fucking this. As if economic inequality is a "single issue."
economics is a single issue
That is whats so crazy about the balance she tried to strike.
It was a compromise between the Berniebro activism part of the party, her Wallstreet paymasters, her Saudi paymasters and a need to appease the republican hawks who control the senate WHEN (not IF) she got elected.
When I say Bernie dragged her to the left, bits of her policy were still trailing behind her all the way to the far right. Which made her seem even more ridiculous.
A bunch of consequences follow from economic inequality. It's by no means a single issue.
Its two opposing issues.
Supply and Demand.
Soโฆshe's still a centrist.
I wish they had enough self-awareness to see the humor in that.
You should understand what words mean before you use them.
I drew you a graph. That seemed easier than typing.
No. I am white. My family is white. Most of my friends are white.
Economic immigration is a symptom of capitalism. I want it to end, for the sake of my fellow countrymen as much as for the sake of the people who are attempting to immigrate, and for their countrymen back home.
I don't give a fuck about Jews one way or another. I don't have any prejudice against them, but there are certain Jewish people I've known who I hated, because they were assholes. I take it on an individual, case-by-case basis.
I like watching lesbian porn. Other than that, I don't care. If two people want to gay it up, I'm not going to stop them.
I support equality between the sexes. Whether that counts as "feminism" anymore, I have no idea, because feminism is an autistic shitstorm right now.
We've been in the top ten for way longer than that
Mistaking the map for the territory again I see.
So why not join forces with pol on this one issue and get something done for a change?
Thank you for finally debunking this image, that was a close call. I was sat here wondering "How will we ever recover?".
a new mod team was brought in in that timeframe
lol because they want to paint swastikas and beat up immigrants maybe that's why
Well, I actually am fine with a wall on the Mexican border, for example, and with deportations. But that's just putting a band-aid on cancer; there's nothing wrong with doing it, and it does actually help a little, but the underlying cause (capitalism) is what needs to really be addressed, or it'll just keep coming back.
Fuck off.
Deporting people is not going to end capitalism.
What? Why? Are there really that many crossposters? They disgust me.
Absolutely idealist.
Really? That explains it.
By the way its much nicer here when you can be a bit controversial.
Maybe a good compromise would be to close the border. So you arent deporting people but you dont get even more people arriving driving down working class wages.
It's more to do with the theory that imageboards are inherently contrarian and will oppose the status quo just for the sake of upsetting people.
Oh. That makes more sense.
Still not even then. A capitalist will find every excuse he can to cut your wage, whether it be automation or importing illegals by the boatload. He is not going to stop merely because one source of labour has been cut off from him. No. He is going to get smarter, manipulate his own property, his currency, whatever he can do to turn a profit and deny others their fair share.
literally every remotely leftist thread is swamped by cries of "LEFTYPOL REEEE"
We are 4chan's boogeyman too.
Those threads on Holla Forums were worth it.
That seems terribly defeatist.
Its more effective to disarm your opponent then go in for the kill.
You should learn about the history of economics, famalam. Most goods were not traded in markets until the 19th century.
But it does not disarm him. Part of the reason for strict border enforcement is that they can threaten those illegals with deportation if they ever decide to get out of line, or ask for a higher wage. Even should your population become only citizens, with no more added by immigration, expecting a boost in wages or for them to stop stagnating is wishful thinking at best. At best, you create a greater barrier for entry (no pun intended) in which labour stops moving at all, has no real power, while capital is still moved around with great success, prices increase and someone is making a profit off them.
To be clear, high barriers of entry are what monopolistic brands use to secure their position as the only service in town, making prices all the easier to be manipulated.
You know something that could do it? Loudly campaigning for a law sending Porkys employing illegals to jail. With incencitive for illegals to snitch on the boss.
Of course Porky will go full autistic screeching, and the law is guarantee 0% chance of passing, but it's a good way to rile up the native proles against the bourgs and making them see who's their biggest antagonsit.
This is where you might really hate meโฆbut there is no meaningful (read: lasting) validity behind what is native and what is not. You and I were both born in different places, just from the fact of having different mothers, and yet we share culture, this language, et c. Of course, here one would have to make a distinction between 'nation' as it's defined by the soverignty of it's people, who has ultimate authority within the polity, and 'nation' as it's defined by ancestral territory, birthplace.
You're just not sophisticated enough to make tactical withdraws with regards to race. Terrible Leninist.
Feels based af to trigger the right and "left" to tears just by existing.
I agree with the notion but I cant see the incentive thing working. Most illegals arent going to get themselves and more importantly all their co workers deported by ratting out their boss.
Where I live they have really harsh fines for employing illegals. Which has been a good deterrent. If you arrest the boss of a small business and put him in jail that usually means the end of the business and then everyone needs to find a new job.
Lenin was not the first to say the working class has no nation.
Have we taken their mantle as the Final Boss of the Internet?
When will this end? Marx and Engels repeatedly advocated against interpreting diamat the way your autistic strawman does. Good lucking reaching socialism without an adequate understanding of the material forces which govern production. He specifically said not to think of Communism as an absolute idea, as an "end to history". It's the eliminating of the contradictions of Capitalism, but that doesn't mean it's free from all contradiction. There is no end of history.
Your critique is a wordsalad interspersed with an all too common strawman, nothing more or less.
Thoses distinctions are indeed arbitrary but totally real in a lot of people's mind tothe point it is entrenched in law (illegals would not be a thing otherwise).
The question is, why not using cynically use spooks for our advantage?
More Holla Forums regulars voted for Trump than did Hillary, bruh
This should be obvious to you if you have even a basic idea what socialism is, which of course Holla Forums never does
A lot of us liked what mass sentiments he was expressing, but not how he did so.
This is from about that time: bunkermag.org
Hillary ran the most right-wing Democratic campaign since Johnson
Deportations cost tax dollars. Walls and wall maintenance cost tax dollars, either your own or other nations'. Sufficiently large departments to enforce immigration laws cost tax dollars. That's a large, ongoing expense to take on to solve a problem that can't exist in the first place without a workplace dictatorship.
The solution is to end class rule. It's not "defeatist" to reject as permanent solutions those policies which the ruling class can obviously work around to continue exploiting labor. You know, or just defeat in congress, or refuse to enforce, or whatever, because porky runs the government, whoever is nominally "in charge."
There's a lot of meaningful disagreement around the tactics of revolution. Does the sheer intensity with which the liberal ideology paints anyone opposed to or even skeptical of mass immigration as a morally deficient boor suggest that this is some major victory to be won at great cost? Is it sufficient to just do precisely what the bourgeoisie doesn't want you to? I'm not convinced. pro- and anti-immigration fights have always been diversionary, just like muh privilege theory and intersectionality.
I'm using Marx's interpretation. When the creators of said philosophy repeatedly argue against another interpretation, it's safe to say said interpretation is unfaithful regardless of who advocates it.
Meemaw ain't no scab.
Just an FYI to new people. This "LARPing" meme is one of the easiest ways to spot someone from Holla Forums.
That picture, minus the yellow box, could serve as a reasonable summary of all feminist theory.
But to clarify, that doesn't mean anyone who uses it is automatically Holla Forums, of course. They may be just new. But Holla Forums has been pushing this meme & it's their favorite one to use here.
I am serious. Pretending that you're somehow equal to a Russian soldier from 70 years ago because you have a similar ideology is absolutely retarded. It's literally "I'm a cowboy because I wear a cowboy hat" tier. Imagining yourself to be some kind of glorious new Red Army soldier who will destroy the fascists because an unrelated group happened to do so 60 years ago is legitimately LARPing.
>>>Holla Forums
Come on a bit of shitposting is fun
It's worse than that, actually. They say that socialism is something (Jews, deeply triggering and problematic, whatever). Then when we rightly point out that socialism means producers controlling production, they insist that we are wrong or lying. The only way they can do this is by ascribing motive, or, more often, ascribing secret motive, which obliterates any criterion that we could use for arriving at the truth, barring the use of an MRI machine to see if a socialist is deliberately trying to lie. Even if we did that, Holla Forums would invent some reason for why the MRI results were wrong. They are not in the business of searching for truth; they are only and solely interested in defining, identifying, and obliterating an enemy. It's tribalism writ large (and autistic).
I specifically followed it up with saying the exact opposite.
Never said that. People should just be aware that when it's used so lazily as to obfuscate or not have to make a point, it's a good way to pick them out.
Also, take that stick out of your ass.
The Russians beat the Nazis. That poster was bantering.
People should be exceptionally wary of bad arguments whether or not they're coming from Holla Forums, user. Intention doesn't really matter all that much. Well-intentioned but illiterate kids who fancy themselves theoreticians are just as potentially damaging, and "LARPing" is used to describe this type of poster at least as often as this type of poster uses the term to describe others.
Sure, but intention does matter. We're being raided since we became 3rd, which is why I mention it. Holla Forums is the main board for bad or lazy arguments. Many aren't here to contribute or converse; rather to shitpost & derail.
It was banter, user. I specified it's not always the case that it's Holla Forums, but that they're known for it.
HAH! I like it. There's your problem with horseshoe "theory", you just adjust the middle point to the ideology you agree with and place the opposing ones at either end.
i actually like both boards 2bh
Look at all of that free advertising.
This would explain why my berniecrat friend called me a "right wing menace" and ghosted me
He says, posting on the board that won't ban you for saying that
I can't imagine what it's like to be so wrong
kek, yes Trump's clearly a neocon, even though he's attacked and ridiculed former neocons and their internationalist agendas
Though it's funny that you're so against Neoconservatism when it's pretty much founded on Trotskyism faggotry. I thought you commie faggots loved Trotsky.
If we considered you to be threat at any point, your board would already be dead kiddo. Seriously just take a look at what we think of you guys on our board. We keep you around because it's funny to mock you and poke sticks at you.
Wew lad
Daily reminder that this is what your average "Pinochet Libertarian" looks like.
It's not. At all. What similarities do you think they have? Trotskyism barely meant anything after Stalin consolidated his power, anyway.
Cute, I didn't know Holla Forums was all Codemonkey and Jim. They must have a lot of proxies.
why are all posters on Holla Forums pseudo-intellectuals and internet tough guys ?
you might have a hard time sleeping after watching this one I'm sure
some of the salt from that even can still be seen on the .pl/leftypol/ board(USER'S JEWISH WIFE WAS UNCOVERED BY OTHER FASCISTS)
They try to make up for who they are in real life, but do it poorly
Making up for personal failings.
But you're a self-triggerer.
I'm learning so much from you.
Yes, that is our main board, after all. It's a good thing you didn't do any damage to that one, or we'd be finished for sure.
no you didn't
ah, yes. that board that everyone usesโฆ
ayy lmao so clever and witty. well done m8
So what I'm hearing is that you want us to make a routine out of it? Sure, I'll look into that just for you matey.
I don't see what's so confusing or difficult to comprehend here. This board was fucking nuked, and it was impossible to post here, and some of the salt from that event leaked into your bunker board, from those who were trying to escape.
Good to know, Holla Forums ambassador. Please don't hesitate to show us your true power. I'm in awe.
You guys keep telling yourselves that :^)
kek, never change Holla Forums
Is creatively rewriting history part of your ๐๐๐chaos magic๐๐๐ bs now, or are you actually this deluded?
i mean this is currently an active thread on Holla Forums right now. it's just sad
This is your brain on idealism.
Wait.. What? Do you think Sanders supporters were centrists? Have you ever heard the man speak or know what his platform was about?
lmao, I like this one, too.
You ain't seen nothing yet
This better be satire, goddamnit.
Too good to be true. If not satire then mein gott, it is pathetic.
No one has achievements in the modern world user. They have activities they do to give them a sense of achievement, but they're not doing anything worthwhile. Most of what people do nowadays is just surrogate activities.
Stupidity is deadly.
From what I understand, most of the "Trotskyist" who became neocons were not dedicated Trotskyist. They flirted with it for a few months or so, and then claimed to have identified as one in the past to seem peculiar.
Nice internet tough guy talk, but in all honesty you should kill yourself.
See? I was right about the pinochet memes. Makes me feel better knowing that Holla Forums is as much of a safe-space as Holla Forums is :^)
but also
can't be both pinko
(Can't post images from tor)
You've got it backwards, you work and achieve to give your race something to be proud of.
Women are just naturally more liberal.
(Can't post images from tor)
I'm being smug because the only response I get from "discussion" here is ad hominem attacks. And believe it or not, I thought we were on an anonymous imageboard, not reddit. What name am I supposed to defend here? kek
Kek, of course not, what do you take me for, a Stalinist?
(Can't post images from tor)
What are people supposed to reply to you with? Shitposting will be met with shitposting. What do we have to gain for letting your inane rhetoric be posted on the forum? You're complaining about your childish remarks being met with more childish remarks. Then you justify it by asserting even if you didn't act like a moron, we would treat you like one.
Do you mean the Bui attack? How was that Holla Forums?
meant to respond to
That's my point, I was shitposting, and somehow this faggot
Is trying to frame the shitposting exchanges as a discussion that I'm trying to win.
Something like open discourse? Believe it or not, if you were paying attention, I was making points in my shitposting, like pointing out the connection between Trotskyism and Neoconservatism.
And all I really did otherwise was state the general opinion that many on Holla Forums have about this place. Tbh, if they wanted you guys out, they could manage it. They just don't care.
(after I got banned of course) actually has some points that I'm hoping for a response to.
I can't figure out if I got banned for the pinochet memes or stating the fact that this place was a fucking mess a couple weeks back that no discussion could be had on, so much so that some here left for .pl/leftypol/ as a bunker. Either way your mods are faggots.
You're just begging the question. "Your race" is composed of people. People who you say should come to value your achievements, as part of "the race's achievements," above others'. So this reduces to what I said earlier. Which is it?
And looky look, it's the ol' "wow, in this mode of production, with its singular unifying logic as the commodification of labor, labor turns out to be a commodity! commies BTFO!"
This is an important point to address, actually, so I'll give it some time.
Neoconservatism is "Trotskyist" in much the same way Marcuse and friends were Marxists - which is to say, not at all - though they both trace their respective "intellectual lineages" to these groups.
Nobody I've known who has read any amount of both Trotsky and Fukuyama has ever argued for some nontrivial similarity between the two theories. Yes, "depose Saddam" is superficially similar to world revolution. But come the fuck on. Even the title, "The End of History" makes it starkly clear how fundamentally neocons diverge from things like permanent revolution.
And it should go without saying they have opposite stances on capitalism and workplace democracy. So, you know, that's a big one.
Bringing up the Frankfurt School as a comparison is probably liable to backfire, though, since I'm talking to Holla Forums here, and they never seem to get any of the memos about these guys.
Then why are you complaining about being banned for shistposting? Or are you meta-shitposting
wtf is this
top kek
Holla Forumsyps everyone
I'm sure there are supermods peaking at people's IP all over the boards. I've seen Holla Forums sperg about it twice on Holla Forums. As far as I know nothing has been done about. This coming from people parnoid about the jews.
It appears to be someone trolling Holla Forums & they took it seriously. Even made someone waste their time to create a meme out of it. 7/10.
I have no fucking idea. This is sloppy, even by Holla Forums standards. I get a really schizophrenic vibe from this, honestly not sure what point it's trying to make.
Maybe this is the sum total of everything they know about leftism?
It's all over the place.
This was exactly my first reaction, lmao. They don't even know enough about communism or socialism to detect satire regarding it.
It genuinely makes me feel a bit sorry for whomever made it. Come to our board, guy that made this collage. You can learn about politics without being meme'd at 24/7.
name 2 things that Holla Forums accomplished
1. Seized the memes of production.
2. Made Richard Wolff uncomfortable
Holla Forums has taught me a lot, personally. I'm much better off for having found this board. This board has enlightened many people & given us a place to post freely, without rampant censorship. Unlike Holla Forums & reddit, who regularly censor any dissenting or differing opinion.
We also use it as a place to network. I've seen threads about local lefty forums & encouraging people to go. We share pertinent news, from all around the world. This board helped me so much during the election, on keeping me informed as to what was going on, from many different sources.
Is that what you mean by accomplished? Or do you have some other metric to measure this by?
3. said making of richard wolff uncomfortable leade r/socialism to melt down hilariously
We areโฆ An interesting group of people.
Couldn't find the catgirl comic of RDW saying it. Anyone else have?
Thanks, comrade. ^ ^
Of course it can.
1.Made Stirner a meme.
2.Some unprecedented shitty NazBol OC.
We didn't manage to elect a president though, we'll probably need 10 times the users to do that.
You better be joking. Americans being fucked over is what gave Trump the Presidency. Once the DNC screwed Bernie & the leaks happened, it was over for the dems. Nothing to do with Holla Forums, lmao.
Your image also shows how Bernie would have won. No one here supported Hillary, of course. Bernie got all of the young demo & would've gotten the older, "loyal" dem voters who vote blue, either way.
Stirner was a /lit/ meme before it was a Holla Forums meme
Feels good man
I kek'd hard.
Do you have a picture analogous to the first two but for Kafka?
The average post on leftypol is pretty shit, lately at least. But the really good posts more than make up for it imo. Posters link and talk about some real interesting things some times, and it's anal retentive attention to bait means that if they're wrong, somewhere there is a sperg that will let them know.
We need time to grow. Holla Forums had nine years to do so.
We're even better at fucking autism than Holla Forums
Think about that for a minute
This is so true & usually funny when it happens.
Tbh, when I was new to the board I had brought my chan-tism I gained from other shitposting boards with me. Some regular whipped me into shape pretty quick. It's a good thing & it lets people know it's a bit more of a serious actually political board than Holla Forums or Holla Forums. It's also the reason many of us came here from 4ch. More adults post here.
Also funny is when this is reversed, and somebody thinks certain flags or tripfags are easy pickings and very quickly finds out they were mistaken.
1) Caused SJWs to become so paranoid and jealous that they made fools of themselves in front of all of reddit, with some media attention
2) Spread autism far and wide