Ain't this the truth!. Post examples

Ain't this the truth!. Post examples.

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Actuallyit's propaganda, half truth and some truth coming from every side.

john oliver-tier

More like right vs further right. Regardless, politics is always propaganda vs propaganda.


my gott


kys OP

Its always been law and slavery versus lawlessness and freedom. True freedom is anarchy.


It's basically never been that. It's virtually always oppressive system A vs oppressive system B.

Ain't this the truth! Post examples.

And what about the barbaric hordes? The "evil" criminals, bandits, etc. etc? Historians are paid to say that the fall of Rome was a bad thing, but it really wasn't. The bad thing was that the Visigoths and Ostrogoths immediately set up their own kingdoms, rather than letting the land stay lawless and ripe.

Just an experiment, I wanted to measure the loss of trust in the media across the political spectrum. No one seems to like journalists anymore.


Even a thread on Holla Forums:

False, it is propaganda vs propaganda.

Trump is boosted by Russian propaganda, and people who are so stupid they believe ehim



does leftypol honestly believe the media are telling the truth?

OP here in greece the mainstream media have been broadcasting completely made up stories, especially against refugees
stuff like "refugees wrote allah akbar on church etc"
turn out fascists vandalised a church in order to blame refugees

no its class struggle

there was a great Nazi Porky I saw here a while back, hope someone has it

quads confirm

I've always liked the way communist and activist groups internally call their own published material 'propaganda'. Politics ain't about facts; it's about struggle.


This one?