Finding other normal leftists

Anyone else sick of going to places like rallies, book clubs and meetups and discovering that every other self-proclaimed "leftist" is some kind of permanently unemployed, off-his-face-on-drugs loser?

I'm just tired of it. I'm tired of these fucking weirdos and their constant drug addictions, peculiar "polyamorous relationships", their complete lack of personal hygiene etc. Even worse is when we actually discuss anything, the discussion always descends into some meaningless and byzantine discussion about whether or not someone or something is "racist", "sexist", "transphobic" etc.

Where the fuck do you go to actually meet up with like-minded non-idpol leftists who aren't complete fuckups?

Even Holla Forums can pull this off to a degree. Why can't we?

Almost had me. Go home Holla Forums.

Yes fellow comrades, arent you tired of other lefties being dreaded hippies? when can we meet up and discuss true ideology? right into my microphone if you will.

literally why the internet and image boards exist bro

give me your email address. Come and join me

So discuss stuff here you nog

im looking for a cute fashy gf tho so I get that

>>>Holla Forums8821912


I know plenty of normies and they're fucking horrible.

You sound like someone who'd wear a "you laugh because I'm different I smile because you're all the same t shirt" tbh

whats wrong with being an unemployed drug addict loser?

Man, that insult cuts real deep.

Rich coming from a group that gets caught by project veritas all the fucking time it seems

dont know what that is, googled it, stuff about exposing government corruption
yes mate, i have been spending taxpayer money on my posters of John Adams and the Monopoly man (my TRUE heroes, not marx or lenin at all!!!)
Give it a rest

I'm a poor loser. That's why I'm a socialist. Why would a normal middle class person want to be a socialist?

What group?

Not about your money, it's about your moral conduct.

I was raised by single mother, I'm a degenerate bastard from birth

I'd be willing to bet a lot of us are middle class normies.

Kill you are self

Maybe if you suck.

Isn't Matthew Heimbach a Duginist now?

There's only one who matters, and it's me.

No idea.

You can't just have the philosophical side of things you know, it'd be real helpful if you got into the economic side of things as well.