Are catgirls "problematic" according to communists?
Are catgirls "problematic" according to communists?
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Only by the FBI.
They are according to reddit.
Are redditors excellent according to everyone? Even tumblr and twitter?
I think all social networks are in agreement with image boards, besides facebook since that's become a nursing home, that each majority population of them probably hates reddit.
man lefties sure are intellectuals.
Catgirls are not excellent according to feminists.
Catgirls are not excellent according to your stereotypical tumblrite
Catgirls are not excellent according to SRS.
Yet a majority of /r/socialism mods think they are obviously, uncontroversially contributing to social oppression.
I'm actually lost for words to describe /r/socialism mods right now. They're really incredible folks.
And actually, they keep doing it. You can very much call idiots in the self-professed circlejack that is SRS prime. In /r/socialism this is banned.
It's just the /r/socialism mods, which there are like 30. They've been corrupted with power and now are going full conspira-stalin up in there. Most of every leftist community universally slammed their face into a wall when they got word of this. So no. Catgirls are fine amongst basically all of us except the ideological purists like the /r/soc mods. Fuck those guys.
Imagine not wanting to bang this
no wonder the left is so fucked right now.
Not true. Catgirl user is a feminist. I am fully supportive of the catgirl bloc
You would be surprised about anything within the solar system of anime combined furry related when it comes to tumblr……
All forms of sex are rape you fucking brocialist.
That's hatred of women you capitalist swine.
The filter alters "problematic" to excellent.
In case you're wondering, I'm using alt+0173 to bypass the filter.
you're supposed to say "this is gross and NOT okay" and something about toxic masculinity
I knew it
why even bother?
At one point in my life I had a tumblr for a little under a year.
However, it doesn't take intimate knowledge of it to realize that
you know
Those Otherkin people and what they like
Irony tumblr lived for a short span of time in latest 2012-2013-early 2014 but it migrated over to Twitter.
So its not like I was there for social activist reasons, but I am aware of its inner workings and populations by osmosis, yes
So you identity as a trans-body cell then?
Aren't you a special snowflake.
Catgrills are excellent to liberals who think of themselves as communist but are anything but communists.
Sure, sure, I believe you…
i don't like this word filter TBPH
Catgrills are fine with liberals. I would know, I am one (sort of)
you're clearly from Holla Forums and were sent here by porky to undermine our perfect communist utopia.
I mean, there are propertarians who like to say they are liberals, but those guys also like to say they are libertarians and yeah.
surely it's more ethical to objectify a 2D girl rather than a 3D one
what did he mean by this?
There was a time when it wasn't as bad as it was now. It used to be basically what twitter is now in terms of demographics. The people you're talking about drove everyone out onto twitter.
Regardless, I left for similar reasons.
Most of all the idea of calling out, which is basically ostracizing someone and ostracizing support of someone, for breaking the nonsense party line, and people who used to be chill chased the rabit down the hole into insanity out of fear of losing friendships that were close they made there, reinforcing the almost cult like attitudes there
If anything from someone who witnessed it go from nuts but hey heres someone neat, and heres some nice photography, music etc
To the people who had nothing, not much different from people here, admitting to being mentally ill by self diagnosis, defending this, going further and further down the unhealthy tunnel until
Almost all of them have ruined their future lives.
Its a story of alienation just as often floated around here. I pity them deeply, not just because I broke friendships over leaving somehow, Tumblr around late 2013 made a sudden quick shift to the nutter parts absorbing all others through means of abuse and witch hunting.
I went to image boards doing stupid shit to leaving, to getting unwisely convinced by a friend to make a tumblr for this specific crowd that wasn't shit, and twitter, and its mostly just been twitter.
That said, being on the internet for so long and watch community to community self destruct has been one of the most eye opening circumstance I've been through, as it was never this extreme or at least this public about abusing someone and shunning them and mocking them when they put all their private details up on there.
Out of fear of losing friends, but more, out of fear of becoming a victim of targeted harassment and doxxing, people on tumblr conform.
If you want to know what more I know through osmosis right before I left, feel free to ask.
But I am nowhere near defending its current population. It was a one off thing I did when I was bored that quickly I just realized
nah fuck that fuck this I'm out before I get parented by a bunch of quasigendered squirelkin fucks who pretend to be communists
But I feel for the people I knew still trapped in that cult.
I mean… both are appealing to me. am i woman hater nao? Fuck I'm conflicted.
just redditors and the FBI
What about threads like
well you post on leftypol, so definitely
Improves man and degrades the cat.
Look in the comments. Almost everybody is saying it's sarcastic, and if it's real, the majority are in disagreement. Just because a thread exists doesn't mean it's representative of the whole community.
Basically no one agrees with the mods over this.
They care about this expressed disagreement very much, and will surely overturn their past decisions according to their userbase's desires.
It's ok fellow feminist
Some day we will kill all the men so true communism can thrive.
fans of steven universe will be first against the wall
Go home Holla Forums
I'd probably fuck both of these characters.
Fuck you I like it
Wow way to stop halfway you rich-white-feminist scum. We have to kill all men and white women for communism. Probably a few other categories too. Really to be safe we should just kill everyone.
I believe men (like myself I know I'm awful) do psychological prototyping with catgirls along with sexual appeal. They're not only attracted to their appearance, but also subconsciously attracted to how they believe a catgirl would behave, which is usually a cute companion that will always be by your side, which is what any person wants in a relationship, right?
Why is it that when dykes finally get anything common in media, its basically an over complicated pride parade colored care bears
where did the edgy lesbian go
The next generation of dykes are going to be so fucking lame.
I have to kill you to ease the head ache you're exacerbating
nice try
have some self respect brother man, jesus
Nice try Holla Forumsfag
Go on…
Anyone against catgirls is no comrade of mine
Yeah I just came from reddit. Not used to the culture here, but hopefully I'll get the hang of this shit soon. Really wanted to get away from that cesspool and this place seemed pretty fuckin neato.
Would I be correct to assume that you've never had a cat as a pet?
The second one was actually me.
catgirl. There's a different.
I rest my case
I have less reason to go to reddit than you
I'm not a virginal socially awkward nerd who puts women on some alien pedestal. Afterall, I would be banned for being in such an ableist major.
You could go to reddit tho. There is nothing barring your entry into the pearly rape cover up gates
what's your major btw?
Catgirls are half cat. That means they are only going to be bipolar half the time.
The one best suited to my ongoing depression
Emergency Psychiatry
Neato, good luck. It sounds tough
Liking catgirls is pretty much a prerequisite for being a Communist though, right? I mean how could we possibly interact with 3DPD?
so, quarterpolar? A teaspoon of tsun tsun and a heaping tablespoon of dere dere.
Catgirls are literally only excellent to people who don't masturbate to little girl cartoons. Obviously we are experts at this. Literally.
color me surprised
Twisted the knife I assume
You have to go back to Holla Forums
Kek!! Incel detected!! The Holla Forumsyp is an incel!!
I'm not the user she said that to. Doesn't mean I can't call her out
Only incels get triggered by it, so whose to blame for it, the jews, the cultural marxists, the niggers?
none of them? yeah i'm a virgin, doesn't mean i'm some nazi
Hello, please help.
I come from one of the more fanatical sides of reddit about this whole situation (r/FullCommunism)
And I'm getting really sick and tired of their bullshit.
They have been all on the "Banime" and "Catgirls as a consept are banned" train
and its really starting to piss me off.
The discord is completely locked down about any and all discussion about the topic and will result in an immediate ban.
This entire situation has disillusioned me to the point of almost no return.
The only reason I hear that they ban the "consept of catgirls" is that, and I quote from one of the moderators.
This has got to be the furthest reach of the god damn century and I honestly don't think I can think of a crazier reason.
FC can be full of spicy memes and shit but god damn the mod team, the ban-guard, and the rest of them can rot in hell.
Well shit what am I supposed to shitpost about now?
you could just not insult people for being virgins
Welcome. Our pdf library and theory board is
>>>/freedu/ if you want to know. Though many of us need to utilize it more often.
The mods don't listen to you because, quite frankly, they never had a reason to. It's their forum. So what can you do? Stop being a part of garbage communities you hate. Find a better one, or if you can't find one, create one. Invite some quality contributors over, if they share your thoughts.
If a tiny group of ban-happy community moderators can have this kind of an effect on you, it's time to take a step back.
It's amazing to me how mad people get over some dumb internet communities. They've had fucking petitions. It's not necessary to be a part of a community you loathe, you know?
Forgot to quote.
we did it leddit!
Nah, it gets worse comrade. Pic related suggests that catgirls are on the same level as pedo shit.
I didn't really hate them at first, obviously it was a gradual realization that this community is bad.
There is so little leadership on the online left, the places people end up usually completely detract people and they leave forever.
I have genuine friends there, I do enjoy being their most of the time
Its just changing now
What the fuck, its a drawing whats the problem, I don't understand.
This is just anime hate.
I've had a tumblr since the platform started, a few years before SJWs were even a thing there. Hardly ever use it now, though.
Anime was a monstrous mistake.
except it isn`t and is socialist, anti-thesis of japan
he's definitely some FBI dude who got bored and decided to troll
misusing "you're" is top of the shitposter's handbook
I don't get this catgirl thing. Not one bit. But at least it's raising class consciousness.
Negatively, as everyone who saw the SRD thread is bound to think Socialists are all delusional morons.
But what FBI handbook has banning catgirls as a method of disruption? That is real goddamn avant garde psyops right there.
Catgirls are literally the most probIematic issue facing modern leftism as we know it.
Is it reactionary to find zero cultural or artistic value in anime? Because I think it's dogshit.
Catgirls are irrelevant to socialism and I'm starting to think this is just a cointelpro psyop because of how stupid this is fighting over such an insignificant thing.
not my comrade
Sorry but all this drama is doing nothing but proving that anime is counter-revolutionary.
Patlabor exploring Militarism and authoritarianism:
Jin Roh, a movie about a liberal falt-history japan in the 1960 with fascist paramilitaries and communist guerillas:
Howl's Moving Castle, a fantasy early modern setting with a war and political backdrop with amazing visuals and lovable characters:
Does nothing for me, sorry. It's all corny as fuck.
Well, they're cartoons, after all.
Thanks for these.
Fuck off. Holla Forums
well it's certainly possible that at least some of the mods aren't FBI, and one of them came up with the idea, and the agents just rolled with it
I went to their front page a few times and saw our OC, so guess what is one of their sources
Maybe catgirl drawfag is also FBI and this was all just a deep cover set-up to fabricate nonsensical drama.
Literally all the good commie memes floating around are either old as shit or from Holla Forums. We are the meme factory of the left.
Isn't Stirner from /lit/?
I don't know if the meme started there, but the vast majority of Striner OC is from Holla Forums at this point.
what dimension of chess do you need to be on to anticipate socialist mods having a meltdown over catgirls?
Welcome my man. You /oneofus/ now. Gooble gobble.
You really think the FBI can be so creative, as to make ideologies into catgirls and be good at it?
Socialists and anarchists hate cute girls. Nothing pisses them off more than a well behaving and beautiful anime girls. They want pussy riot and ugly slags with tattoos and piercings because that's rad and rebellious.
Why not cute girls with tats and piercings?
Why not a delicious cake with a pile of shit on top?
I don't know. Corruption manga gets my dick pretty hard.
I have watched at least a single episode of every new airing anime in the past 3 years.
90% of the shows are either low quality "invisible hand" tier shows which only pander to current fads to sell merchandise in form of dakis and figurines. Which means blatant fanservice without any purpose. Edgy shows with classcucked or fascist undertones. Moeblob shows that have no substance, which only exists to lul virgin neckbeards to sleep. If anyone denies this, they probably haven't watched enough shit anime. The last 10% is great and is the reason I still bother watching it. Gurren Lagann is a great example, because of its setting and characters. Its message is against defeatism. Anime isn't more counter-revolutionary than porn. And the real counter-revolutionary force is anti-communist propaganda and SocDems which give socialism a bad name.
Makes sense. Corrupting anything beautiful is essentially the spirit of socialism.
Really that's the way it is for most media. They aim for the lowest common denominator and do what they can to make as much money as possible.
Beauty is subjective.
Also, tell me more on how "uncorrupted" modern murican nazi chicks are… Oh right! You'll next say "nazis are socialists, only murican 50s were good, lets have WW3, destroy europa again and have an new 50s" right?
Yeah, well… Most movies nowadays are this way to.
You know… the system that produces entartainment promotes itself though it.
Yeah, beauty is a social construct etc that's what you folks believe. I'm not a yank so I don't know about murican nazi chicks but the nazis were pretty cute. They had songs about cute girl Erika and the leftists hate them for it and say how it's evil propaganda to have cute songs. Another example how the left simply hates cute things like anime and Erika.
A flower in the mountains is now a cute girl!
Also, the soviets had Katya that was waiting for he bf to come back from the front. Not a "flower in the mountains that you want to protect".
Watch Shimoneta and Planetes. They are leftist anime.
Or, keep living in your world and thinking the propaganda you ate is right!
Almost all the classic anime were created by leftists. Many of them involved in the student activism of the 60s and 70s in Japan.