How to save straya?

Hey guys ausfag here. I'm sure if you've ever browsed 4pol you may be aware that aussies are notorious shitposters and there is a board-wide respect for the shitposting quality that an aussie will bring to threads. I am here to provide an explanation for this and explain why in my opinion this is by far the biggest hurdles to overcome towards class-consciousness and organisation.

On the internet the Australian psyche manifests as shitposts but in real life auscunts manifest their behaviour with extreme levels of disingenuousness. I believe that the average Australian has been afflicted with post-modernism qualities that has bled into the way we relate in normal society. Australians will call this behaviour 'banter', 'bantz', 'cheekiness' or 'being a larrikin'. In my opinion this culture of anti-sincerity is a major issue. The young people in Australia are completely sarcastic, cynical and incapable of expressing real emotions or feelings. This is a big issue for me to personally overcome as a young man growing up with a father who literally was unable to talk without being cheeky or engaging in banter. In reality I believe that the majority of Australians use irony and sarcasm as a way to mask a society wide pain and suffering that touches all of us. People in aus try desperately to appear cool and nonchalant but it is simply a mask that we all wear. It is common that when you get to know a fellow Aussie on a deeper level you will almost certainly find that they are a sufferer of depression or anxiety. This is something I have encountered so frequently in so many walks of life that I believe that nearly all of Australia is sick.

The cause of this suffering is due to some antagonisms unique to Australia. Our recent memory is plagued with extreme colonialism, the indigenous australians were purged in a genocidal manner as recently as 60 years ago. This is all in our collective consciousness which I believe weighs heavily on the average person. The after-effects of colonialism are still in plain sight with our indigenous population having been completely destroyed and facing enormous inequality in life expectancy and wealth. On top of this there is a blind worship of western media and TV shows which since the 90s have been defined by post-modernism, you can see this in action because many aussies will literally talk as though they are a character in a 'hilarious' American sitcom. Finally there are the normal antagonisms of class struggle wreaking havoc on the aussie psyche. We as a society mask our sadness with larrikin behaviour and heavy drinking (nearly all australians drink like fucking fish).

This post-modernist approach to life itself means that aussies are extremely languid and uncaring. They are unable to express sincere emotions or any genuine thought. Sincerity is something rare here in Australia, when we let our guard down our emotions come out as drinking violence. It is near impossible to become class conscious or active in the left without some form of sincerity. A genuine acceptance that neoliberalism is a catastrophe requires passion, it requires sacrifice and it requires you to leave behind 'le epic irony' to form something greater than yourself.

So Holla Forums how can I start to crush irony and set the Australian people free? Any other countries have the same problem?

Other urls found in this thread:

Interesting view. From what I know, materially the Australian proles are in a pretty good condition compared to the rest of the world, right?
High minimum wage, not so much poverty etc.
At least I've never heard horror stories on deprivation, ghettoes etc. that I see all the time about America (and increasingly Europe).

So, do you think that this is another factor towards alienation? Being bought off with concessions and not having as much of a struggle as e.g. Southern Europe to make ends meet?

For example, the black and gritty humour of the balkans can come attached with solidarity, due to its self-deprecating nature establishing some sort of connection.

I think a lot of what you're describing is happening to a lot of young people who are active on the internet. People are so afraid of being 'cringey' that they double down on irony and detachment because it's easier than sincerity.

Anyway I don't know how to fix Australia but I do notice that a lot of Australians on 4chan are weirdly hardened Nazis. Like, a very high proportion compared to other nationalities

I fought in the great shitposting war

australia is a nanny state

we need to smash the state and return the firearms to the people

Yeah the current material condition of the aussie prole is pretty good which as you said means that there is little incentive to start class warfare. Unfortunately we may rank high on the HDI but some of that data is incorrectly reported. For example we do have low unemployment but literally any form of job is counted in the census, it is becoming more and more common for blokes I know to only work 10 hour a week jobs. From what I hear this is a common tactic in the western world to make it seem like unemployment is declining. Poverty itself is also under-reported. Our indigenous population for example suffer from such extreme poverty it would put the third world to shame, meanwhile the average auscunt lives better than most.

Australia is an extremely xenophobic country. We have had many politicians push racist narratives and more often than not any form of decline is immediately blamed on 'da immigrants' even though we accept a truly tiny amount. Our previous prime-minister had a huge hard-on for straight up murdering 'boat-people' and our off-shore refugee detention centres like Manus Island are considered by humanitarian groups to be modern day detention camps. Those people who break away from their ironic trappings to become passionate about politics usually end up becoming ultra-nationalists.

I don't care.

What's the general attitude towards aborigines like?

Agreed. It's fucking unbelievable to me that the aussies can't have any guns yet our police force can. Fucking traffic coppers and bicycle coppers who wear short-shorts are strapped but the average person can't have a handgun 'for our own safety'.

This. IMHO the effects that the internet has on a young person and the ideas, problems, viewpoints, concepts etc. that they come into contact with have a huge effect on them; an effect that transcends any national or cultural barrier. If you ask me, I don't think kids as young as five or even seven years old should be using the internet. Seeing all of these heavy concepts, dilemmas, and ideas, like how wealth inequality will continue to grow over the next few decades, really fucks your worldview and development up. There's a reason why suicide rates among adolescents are going up here in the States.

illegals maybe, but we have fuckloads of legal immigrants, have you been to any city in this country? china owns us.


It's because autralia is still a prison and the pigs are the prison guards.

Yeah my bad I meant to say 'refugees'. I'm not in support of uncontrolled immigration by any means but I think it's used as a smokescreen to distract from the real antagonisms.

fuck the fucking greens party. most authoritarian party in the fucking parliament.

one nation is pretty fucking bad too, but the greens are fucking dickheads.

tfw no major left-wing party

China, yes. But I've also been seeing a bunch of African immigrants here and there.

We have a similar thing in Ireland, except instead of banter it's called craic. Also our history of strong Catholicism has created a deeply conservative and restrained mentality among Irish people in some aspects and also a kind of "martyr mentality" where people feel condemned to carry their burdens silently and internalise them rather than talk or doing anything about them.

This leads to a very apathetic political climate and a lot of suicide (especially and increasingly among young people).

While I find your views on the aborigines and colonialism rather silly.
I do tend to agree with you that much of the Australian working class personality is very much a mask worn to shield the depressing post-industrial reality experienced by most Australian workers, especially so for young people.

The lack of sincerity however is something that most of the west is experiencing.
Mostly due to the cancer that is post-modernism/relativism.

You don't.
The Australian working class is far to traumatized to support a movement that requires even a hit of idealism.

It is much easier to just watch the shit that is on TV and kill time on garbage like Facebook then it is to dream of a better world (and as such reflect on just how bad things are).

With a sky high cost of living to balance that out.
In terms of buying power - to hours worked (once you factor in cost of living expenses), the Australian workers are some of the most fucked over in the western world.

The metrics for determining poverty are changed almost annually (and have been since Neo-liberalism became the law of the land).
As such any figures coming out of Australia are mostly meaningless.

Homelessness is at an all-time high.
Real buying power is falling rapidly.
Real Unemployment is high.
The government is purposefully taking the value of the dollar.
Former working class areas are now crime-ridden, dilapidated Islamic ghettos.
And it is not rather common for people to live with their parents well into their 30s.

The Neo-liberals in power are shit scared of admitting that quality of live for the average worker are falling (and have been for some time), so they change the metric things are measured against.

Things are fucking bad for the average Australian worker and they are only going to get worse.

we're importing sudanese and somalians like mad and they just go on to form large crime gangs. the more violent australia gets the closer we get to the population demading the right to be armed though.

Come home leftypol man, a better Australia awaits!~

One nation aint gonna make aus any better

make auspolitics fun again

Make aus fun again ;__;

As an ausfag this is too close to home


reeee i want my guns backkk


go back to your containment continent, austismo

I dunno you could probably make a decent case for "look how quickly everywhere else has lost their actual good governance the moment they get distracted, we need to stay vigilant and fucking enshrine this shit."

This is something I hear a lot from European immigrants and tourists especially (continentals, not poms) but also even Americans and Candians.

And that is that 2 of the major stereotypes about Aussies - that we are laid back and relaxed and all about mateship - are almost entirely untrue on the ground and are largely tourism marketing.

The most common complaint that I hear from foreigners is that Australians are very closed off emotionally and that forming friendships with locals is extremely difficult compared to elsewhere in the world. Some put this down to xenophobia or whatever, but I think this more just paranoia on the part of immigrants etc. that they aren't being accepted and are excluded from those friendships because of their race or whatever. Fact is, very few Aussies have those kinds of relationships with each other either and the only way any kind of even shallow bonding occurs is over grog and sport.

We are very atomised - friendships between Aussies are usually superficial (v.s. "mateship", which is largely a media and political-class fabrication) and people are very competitive. Australians are very neurotic about work and getting ahead (in contrast to stereotypes about laziness and being laid back) and very submissive to authority (in contrast to stereotypes about the defiant, rugged individual).

No joke - as of last week, every single one of my close friends is medicated for depression and anxiety disorders. Some of this is expected, two of my good friends are transwomen and trannies are nearly always mental for various reasons, but others are just standard people with decent family lives, jobs and hobbies and all that but are still sick. I am the only person in our circle that is not currently on prescription meds for mental illness (and I have been in the past - SSRIs made everything worse, so I just started smoking grass and occasionally dropping acid instead)

One Nation's politics are watered-down shit even by nativist right-wing standards.

But I had the chance to meet Pauline recently when she was here in WA and she's actually very warm and genuine in person. Can see why people like her.

Also Australian
I agree with you fully until the indigenous bit. While yes, you are completely correct, I don't think this is what weighs on the majority of people's minds. Most Australians don't really think about it in my experience.
I think for many, the bantz and larakin bullshit is basically an attempt to cling onto any "culture" we have. I'm guilty of this, but I'm one of those people who do things ironically until it stops being ironic unfortunately. Australians cling to British and American culture and are constantly looking for approval of their own culture - if any Americans are here who have been to Australia, I bet you have had a lot of Australians here ask you a shit load about what you think of the place or alternatively they are hyper critical of your country.
I also think that older generations are very romantic about Australia because the government and the media have tried so hard to cement a "culture" which is really a collection of stereotypes - many of which are downright racist and sexist to be quite honest. I don't mean that as a reddit tier deduction - even our Labor movement for example was highly focused on white men. Traditionally women have been more likely to vote conservative than progressive - something very different to most western countries.
As for the younger generations, Keating's economic policies in the 80s and 90s - and of course Howard et al cementing it - have "increased growth", i.e they have made corporations richer. While many things look better, the reality is that the cost of living has exploded and is unrealistic. No one can afford a house and even those with decent salaries struggle to pay rent in central areas (where all the jobs are).
So you see conflicts of old Australia with the reality of new Australia, where the dream of a home, a steady job and a family have fallen apart.
Most progressive young Australians support the Greens or "left Labor" (i.e social liberal policies within the Labor party) which usually consists of throwing money at material problems with no attempt at addressing the root of the problems - which the conservatives then get rid of because they say they are too expensive - but otherwise they focus on things like gay marriage or women's issues - which are definitely things worth discussing - but ultimately function as a distraction from the disaster we are facing.
I mean, shit, stopping domestic violence is a great thing, but meanwhile Aboriginal suicide, deaths in custody, alcohol and drug abuse, crime rates, etc are all exploding because of the destruction of their communities and inability to find work. Fuck all is done in comparison.
And like I said, the cost of housing has had non-stop growth for nearly 20 years, while the deregulation of the labour market has led to increased under-employment, higher debts, less secure jobs and very serious financial insecurity for the majority of Australians - this is a damn good thing to point to when discussing Australians being "sick".
Wealth continues to concentrate in the hands of the few while the shrinking pie is fought over by different groups - the media loves to argue that refugees, aboriginals, young people, the disabled, etc are stealing from the nations shrinking coffers, and yet the nations GDP has been growing since the early 90s. No one ever questions this, they just become increasingly hostile to disadvantaged groups - hence why you see so many morons from Australia on Holla Forums.
So while all this happens, the government runs the narrative that the country is going bankrupt from the policies of the Labor party, which while inefficient at least has some well meaning policies (I mean, the mining tax and the supposedly "Keynesian" response to the GFC are miles better than any other supposedly left wing government in the world).
Basically, this country is falling apart and no one wants to address the problems, they make up distractions and try to pretend that if you're doing it hard it's your own fault.
Sorry for the poorly written rant, but this shit is infuriating.

Most people, if you got them in private and maybe after a few drinks, would describe them like animals. Younger progressive types will go full SJW, but less educated and older people will say things like
Basically most people hate them for no reason.

In my experience, most people hate them because of consistently negative personal encounters rather than any of the more abstract stuff. The rest of the shit is stuff they pick up to justify it after the fact,

It's a bit different from where I am. We don't believe in treating abos like shit, but most of us don't really give two shits. Considering that there are abo communities improving, I can't really say much tbh.

Embrace post-irony to salvage your sense of humor and neo-sinceity to recover your soul my son. Transcend the bounds of ironic shitposting and being a faggot

It depends. I'm from Victoria and we don't have mamy aborigines. Some are aight, some are just super poor and bitter. Those ones are basically no different to the bogans I dealt with growing up.
My mum used to be racist towards them. She lived in Alice and Darwin for a little bit in the 80s - when they still had no coloured signs up - and said they scared the shit out of her. Even saw a guy kill a woman. But thos all relates back to poverty and alcoholism.

Fuck Australians prevent the further recovery of their population into the modern internet. Shut it off. No more immigrants.

It does relate to poverty and all that, like most social problems. But it's not always that easy to get people to recognise that.

But to be perfectly honest, I grew up in very poor areas and have spent most of my life living next to the local Noongars, going to school with them, having short-lived friendships and all the rest. While I do my best to step outside my own experience when it comes to politics, I find it hard to really fault people for holding racist attitudes if they had a similar early life where avoiding the abos was a matter of self-preservation.

Why should White Australians have any desire to have arabs,blacks,persians,muslims,etc in their country?

I never hear any people in the Middle East talking about diversity or multiculturalism.
Even if we were refugees, they could care less about whitey, and don't want whitey living in their countries.

Diversity in Australian pre 2000's was White/Asian/Indian/Aboriginal/Maori.
You'd never encounter a somalian, lebanese or whatever and didn't think about such occurances.

Nationalism of both the civic & ethnic is inevitable.
We are not the USA, the sins of the past should not dictate our immigration policy.
Which by the way, Aboriginals suffer even more with diversity than we do seeing as how being in a lower income area, they have to put up with the refugees.

How is this possible when Australia has so much space for housing?

I completely agree.

Everyone is moving to big cities. We only have 25 or so million people. Majority of people live in Sydney or Melbourne, if not that then Brisbane/gold coast, Adelaide or Perth. Theres not much in the way of high paying jobs elsewhere, unless you do contract work in the mines.
Cities are incredibly expensive. Sydney and Melbourne are two of the most expensive cities in the world - and thats not hyperbole, look it up.
Here you go, an article from just two hours ago.
Although I disagree with the analysis.
Another fun one

Eurofag here, I've travelled to Australia for two months and I can't really say I've encountered any of that and I did talk to workers, bogans and socialist activists. You may hold different standards but as someone who experiences the disenfranchisement of workers, the dismantling of social security and private property and general ghettoization here in Europe every day, I feel confident to say that Australian workers have it insanely good. Shitty jobs like construction with mining with nightshifts get paid incredibly well through upholding the idea that when someone does a shitty job, they are entitled to extra money. Meanwhile in Europe, as a construction worker, you are either an Eastern European without a labor contract or get paid so badly that you can be happy if you can afford a one bedroom apartment and make ends meet by the end of the month.

Your healthcare system Medicare actually makes sense and decreases the costs for the average citizens and providing the necessary medical services, while in Europe the public healthcare is partly privatized, inflated or horribly designed. I fucking pay 100€ every month as a student and once I get a full time job, government will take away arround 50% of my income including taxes, healthcare and some other stupid fees like car tax and public TV fee.

In my opinion there is a reason why your government can take y'alls guns and shit, it's because the average Australian feels extremely sheltered. I'm not educated enough to have an outlook but I'd assume China buying off your land might be a problem in the future, but to build class consciousness now is close to impossible. Feel free to correct me but that's just what I experienced as a person who would consider himself well traveled throughout the world.

*dismantling of public property of course, kek

Pretty much nails it on the head. It's going to take a fucking monumental shift for there to be socialist change.

Even the far right isn't really popular here.

Not him, but yes you are correct for the most part.
As I've already said in this thread though, the cost of housing - both buying and renting is insane.

Construction is one of the few industries still heavily unionised here (and one of even fewer with a powerful union that is not right-wing). So if you're established in that industry you can do OK, though the government recently revived it's union bashing construction commission so we'll see how that goes.

Beyond that, it really depends where you go. Rural areas are fucked and even larger regional centres are starting to crack largely because of lack of employment. Inner cities (and affluent inner suburbs) are doing alright for now and our social programs and institutions are being dismantled at a slower rate than the US (which never really had them) and Europe (which has EU austerity programs forced on it) so in that way we are doing better than much of the Western world. But like with everything, we are just about 10 years behind.

But the Australian character is very submissive and we have no real history of defying power. The country has been a vassal state for its whole existence as a nation, first as an dominion of the British empire and now as a US satellite. This shapes the character of the people, so I think the only way any socialist movement, or indeed any transformative political movement of any kind could gain traction here is if a major power goes first and we are effectively forced to go along.

Actually, Australia went through a lot of radicalisation in the 30s. Both socialism and facism were growing.
Then the war killed off most of that generation and the post war era was an economic golden age

Where the fuck did you go to?
Did you go to blacktown and doonside?
My boyfriend lives there and poverty there is rampant.

I never thought that I'd find other Australians having thought like these. I've also thought above eventually moving to another anglo nation or something, but I've questioned it a lot. Is that cowardly, or would you find something bad there that would make the effort pointless? It feels like Australia is cursed in a fatal, deep seated way that other countries with a substantial identity are not..

While this is strictly true (as it was true in many places at that time), I wouldn't say it was "a lot". Even during the Depression period, radical politics left and right were small and peripheral and drove no major shifts in policy as they did in North America or Europe. Economic recovery here was driven largely by manufacturing in the private sector.

No major welfare state programs were put into place until the war and post-war period, ie. there was no New Deal here.

Fact is, radical politics simply doesn't have much of a history here compared to elsewhere, certainly not as a mass movement. Which makes it even harder to get people interested because there is no real heritage or tradition to show people, just suspicion for anything too far beyond the narrow confines of parliamentary politics.

Britain is the only Anglo country with a 'substantial identity' (if I understand that correctly) and it suffers from much the same problems. Classcuckoldry and emotional stiffness are in the Anglo character.

You're probably right and I hate it.

Donald Horne called it a provincial country and that's still true today. One great and powerful friend (Britain, who betrayed us) exchanged for another (US, who will betray us).

I think OP might be on to something. Australians tend to present an outward persona of nonchalant-ism and insincerity but tbh most of them do think about the world and generally think it's all pretty fucked, the down side is they think nothing can be done about it.

Just look at this article

Australia also has a ton of workers radicalism in the past, but thanks to the total destruction of union militancy with the Prices and Incomes Accord the workers movement has been in a historically weak and inactive position.

Yeah, Australia has weathered the most recent crisis pretty well thanks to the commodities and resources boom. While high commodities prices are no longer a reality the Australian state has prepared the economy very well for this, pumping trillions into the mining sector and building tons of infrastructure to support, as well as funding very advanced RnD for the sector. This has allowed Australian mining companies to flood an already over saturated market with cheap as fuck iron ore and push out their primary competitors in places like Brazil and Africa. Australia now produces over half of all the worlds iron. This massive state investment has also allowed mining companies to diversify their investments and expand into other sectors, notably the agricultural industry since Australian food stuffs are now highly desired in China, Japan, and South Korea.

We've also had a historically robust welfare state thanks to high rates of unionisation and one of the earliest labour parties in the world. In the 1960s and 1970s Australia was the most unionised country on earth and the unions were in a position of great social and political power, unfortunately this was all channeled into the Labor Party and it was destroyed by the Party in the 1980s.

For more info:

That's not true at all, the 1930s was a big break out for the Communist Party and saw a mass radicalisation in form of the socialisation councils - community councils of tens of thousands that met to discuss the socialisation of the economy, which is pretty fucking significant. The problem with the SCs is that they were a movement within the Labor Party with sort to destroy it (thanks to Jack Lang, the cunt) and the CPA refused to participate because they were "social fascist" in nature which prevent the communists taking over them and actually potentially doing something useful.

Pretty sure the Lebs came over in the '70s and '80s because of the war

Unions had power in the 60s and 70s?
Considering Labor was in opposition for 23 years, this is a questionable statement.

they're really sad looking
It's much harder to find a successful boong than an alcoholic street stroller. Even in urban places, many were not educated well at all, and recent cultural values that emphasize resistance to 'white fella government' don't let many of the future generations recieve quality teaching. Keep in mind that muh feels lefties have been throwing money at it since the 80s, after aboriginals became official people.

Comparing a biologically male skull to a female skull? Are you trying to say men are primitive?

don't give anfem any ideas

The party in power in parliament isn't always a reflection of the power of a class or particular institutions. The unions were immensely powerful. The Builders Labourers' Federation for instance controlled all construction in Sydney, they literally decided what would be built and where. This is part of the reason why the ALP was out of power for so long, Porky was desperate to keep the Liberals in power in an attempt to contain the militancy of the Unions.

Find this faggot and bring him here. We need quality content.
He started back when Newgrounds was still fresh.

Hate to be a cunt but bump
Australian discussion os a nice change from all the American and even European stuff.

There's a great graph of when Howard pushed the "Children Overboard" narrative and the comparative rate of legal immigration and how it rose in the following years.

As it stands currently, both Aus and NZ have one of the highest legal immigration rates worldwide per capita.

Who do you guys tend to vote for?

user stop

Just let newgrounds fucking die

I've only voted in two federal elections.
Both times red lower, green upper.
First time I was a liberal
Second time I felt genuinely frustrated by my options.
Its hard when you know voting for an actual leftist party does fuck all in this country and the liberals are in power.

I tend to go greens I guess. There's a lot of things I don't like about them as a party but there are some genuinely based dudes in there.

Another aus question: what's the best socialist group to join? I'd rather not join Socialist Alternative since they're a CWI group and I don't trust rapist trots.

The Cock Party.

Can you elaborate on this? Why is Socialist Alternative seen as such a joke?

Well I think for me what bummed me out about them was r/socialism being mostly modded by CWI members. Plus the multiple rape scandals. And also because they seem to be idpol obsessed Trotskyists. I dunno it just seems like CWI is totally fucked, anyone feel free to correct me about the Aussie affiliates.

You should be avoiding Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance on the basis that they are both knee deep in identity politics, and that they routinely embarrass themselves in public. Both of them, around our last election, also hid information about socialism, workers self management and such from their websites, replacing it with "WHAT ABOUT DA WOMYN!!!" to try to grab up the student vote.

According to a buddy of mine, the Alternatives also have a habit of showing up en-masse to protests and trying to hijack them for whatever they are mad about. Not sure how factual that is, but it's something I wouldn't put past them.

I also personally have a strong dislike to Socialist Alternative for just assuming that the average Australian worker is going to know who Rosa Luxembourg and Marx are, and what they stand for, and not just think "hoyl fuck soviet union no" when they see the mentions of Stalin.

let's have working class unity by going and screaming at the working class for a while

Can we all at least agree that SAlt are useless cunts and need to be purged from the broader left? Every time I say something remotely radical people assume I'm trying to just initiate people into their stupid cult.

Useless implies some form of benign idiocy. SAlt are the malignant tumor on our politics.

Holy shit can someone explain what is up with trots? What is their fucking problem??

Can confirm. Entryism is a big part of their movement. Gay rights, environmental shit, women's issues… everything is just an excuse for them to try and gain power to turn it into a fucking soapbox. It's pathetic and completely undermines the ability of the left to organise.

The joke is that they're all ASIO agents, except none of them know all the others are also agent provocateurs, so they continually try to out retard each other. It's the only rational explanation about why they're so fucked up and disruptive.

I think the Socialist Party (as far as it exists, down in Vic?) is the least idpol of the traditional far left groups.

Not all Trots are absolute, irredeemable faggots. Socialist Equality has always been pretty based, having held true to their beliefs and not succumbed to identity politics. Though, I personally avoid them, because it's only a matter of time before they explode into a thousand splinters.

Man someone should really make a comedy film about a bunch of undercover agents infiltrating the same communist group and trying to out retard each other. At the end of the film it turns out there are no actual communists in the group and all the undercovers have gone insane from the hijinks.

I suppose Burn After Reading could fall under this general plot.

I should watch that film again it's been a long time. Also I'm still not sure which group to join. Seems like Socialist Equality is my best bet? I'm in Brisbane by the way.

Been mostly a Greens voter since I could vote.
Even thought about joining the party just before Christine Milne stepped down as leader.

Last federal election, I voted very begrudingly though as I can't stand that smug prick Richard Di Natale and don't like the way the party is going anymore. In the last few years they've really gone from semi-serious social democrats with conservationist flavour to liberal mouthpiece for porky renewable energy industry with US-style muh privilege politics.

State election for WA is coming up in March, not sure who I'll be going with. Would really like a left wing alternative to the Greens on the ballot, even it's just a symbolic vote before my preferences go to them and Labor anyway.

Socialist Equality is probably your best bet. Their members have never done wrong by me, and I've always enjoyed speaking politics with them. More than I can say for the rest, tbh.

WA here, what are my options for the election?

correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the Australian SAlt are affiliated with CWI?

They are still extremely annoying and every demo I've been too where they've shown up literally everybody else hates them.

ayyy, where are you cobber? Perth or regional?

Just had a look at the electoral office website, looks like your options are basically Socialist Alliance or the Greens.

If you can vote for Pirates, Sex Party, Animal Justice, or any of those, do so. Put the Liberal Democrats (the right-libertarian party) ahead of all the other "right" parties, put Greens ahead of Labor and the Libs/Nats. Put One Nation dead last.

The reason I'm suggesting this is that down-ticket in last year's federal election, QLD ended up with a second One Nation senator, it was a bee's dick between him, a Family First fuck, and the (fairly left-leaning, I think he's vegan) libertarian candidate. It's survival voting, it won't change anything, but the idea should be to lessen how much Labor/Liberals/One Nation get.

Perth (relatively new to the area)
No thanks, from what I gather the Greens replaced a perfectly good federal candidate with some ethnic woman for no reason other than tokenism
I'm not going to encourage any party that would dump me in a flash for someone of a more desirable ethnicity and sex

also wow…coming from NSW, options here are pretty spartan huh?

Hahaha, you should have seen the SA ballot last year. Shit tons of Christian and right wing parties that nobody wants to vote for.

What's your guys opinion on Katter's Australia?

Got it, will be voting ON, shooters and fishers, then everything else in a random jumble with Greens on the bottom

Yeah it's pretty slim pickings. I think last state election I went Animal Justice -> SAll -> Greens -> Labor -> (right wingers), but I'm never really satisfied with the choices presented. Upside, if you can call it that, is that parliamentary politics is largely irrelevant and we'll get Tweedledee or Tweedledum regardless.

Some of his policies are good, others are hilariously shit. Not a big fan of a lot of his followers, too. Also:

Awesome party. Pro-union. Workers rights. Better conditions for farmers who sorely need them. Better than most parties tbh

Remove Bogan from premises

Too soon m8

Emu war is no fuckin joke cunt


what are you a poofter?

Thanks for putting me onto the Sex Party. Their proposal for trans rights looks very appealing.

When it involves Straya, nothing is too soon. Emus didn't start the fire, but Emus will end it!
Emu Nationalism on the rise!

Pic: Emu youth looking for Bogan scum

revolutionary emus when pseudo-fash appropriate the eureka flag

Trot platform are basically insane, they split from the sparts because they politically believe that North Korea is socialist in nature.

The Australian Far Right has no working class base, it's all the rural petite-bourgeoisie or middle class shits from harbour side suburbs

SAlt is a 4th International observer, with no other formal international affiliation but informal ties to groups all over the place. It comes from the IST tradition.

The Alliance doesn't really exist as an organisation anymore, they're all too old and are dying out

We don't orient toward average workers, we orient towards people that are likely to become marxists and join a leninist organisation. Industrial oriented growth strategies in a period of historically low industrial militancy like this is completely retarded nonsense and a sure way into organisational death

It isn't entryism if we're the ones organising it

the eureka flag has always been nationalist

lol @ u actually believing this

Yeah, nah. Not in the lower house at least. I could give less of a fuck about state or local elections. I vote for all the non-batshit fringe parties in the Senate and that's about all I can be bothered with.

I avoid them because they're still batshit Trots even if they aren't IDPOL as fuck.

nah cunt, it's been a symbol of worker solidarity and employed by the labor movement for much longer than fashies, who only started trying to use it from the late 70s.

dunno how our local white supremacists even came around to it, considering the Eureka rebellion included jamaicans, black americans and jews.

just stop posting

yeah I fucking wonder why

close but no cigar m80

turn it 45 degrees

lol, they fucking hated their guts, they saw them as fucking chinks come to steal their gold.

It's still not the same flag my man. You guys can have that one if you like though.

This is true. It was likely a (if not THE) major factor in the Eureka Rebellion.

Did you cunts not even go to high school?

They may well have hated the chinese and there was unrest elsewhere over that later on, but there were no anti-chinese demands made in the context of the eureka rebellion at all. It was literally over what they considered to be unfair taxation on labor (without representation) via the miner's license.

One of the 11 "ringleaders" arrested and tried for treason, Raffaello Carboni is even quoted as saying regarding the flag

Holla Forumsyps can stop posting any time now

The same guy who also denied being disloyal to the queen.

One of the recommendations made from the Commission of Enquiry (started prior to the stockade) was that chinese immigration be restricted.

Those soulless eyes are the eyes of someone, who extinguished the life of a thousand bogans

Is frankie literally /our guy/??

My experience at university was that they were childish LARPers who alienated other students by being brash and obnoxious. Not to mention attacking Jewish students because of Israel.
If they want to be a 21st century communist group they need to stop using such cringy methods.
Also to quote one of their posters

Pirate Party

This. SAlt are a bunch of faggots tbh

CWI in Australia are the Socialist Party. Its Melbourne based.

Happy invasion day cunts

Quit being such a cunt and grow a set.

'Bringing civilization to savage, primitive tribes-men -day' is a much more accurate name.

As an ausfag I feel you, OP

This is pretty fucking true. I hate dealing with these cunts. I've heard people call them a cult more times than I can count too.

They have a state seat in Vic, did some good stuff with it too:

Probs because they are pretty much one? They try to cut new members off from people who have "wrongthink" to force them to socialise only with other people from the party. I know more than one person who has gotten out and needed therapy over the entire experience. One of them I know mentioned they felt pressured to put out to newer male comrades to keep them around levels of cultiness, it's really fucked up.

Holy fucking shit. For real?

I swear they are a fucking cancer in the Australian left.

Teaching - Public schools - is pretty heavily unionised - well atleast definitely in SA. I was talking to one of my teachers and he said they have 90% union rate