We're coming bucko!
Other urls found in this thread:
This is only the beginning.
We all talked about this as it became clear trump was gonna be president. We're gonna get swathes of new people interested in radical leftism.
It's our job to make it easy and appealing to get on board. Reddit has made it clear they're not interested and thus we're picking up even more users
The first 600 users was merely our socialism in one country phase. Now we must use what we have learnt so far and use this to keep our board secure and launch red jihad on the internet.
fucked up this post twice
Should we start dropping leftypol links in other leftist subs? I'm considering doing that in the r/sanders4pres, since their prime material to be radicalized
Nah, we can't risk bringing in so many people so fast that the board becomes diluted. The way it's set up at the moment is that we're causing useful LARPers to get immensely butthurt with our presence which drives over people who are sick of them.
Useful = useless*
do we need this thread everyday?
I wish Holla Forums would stop making them
At this rate it looks like we may well have to. Hope this answers your question.
We've also got May and brexit over in bongland which while not as huge is pissing people off.
May has the highest approval rating of any politician in the UK at the moment, this tells us three things:
A) Our politicians are largely shit
B) People believe what they're told
C) People are complete masochists
Feels good
No, you'll just get banned by the Stalinist mods. It's actually a good idea to expand our influence despite what all these sekrit club retards believe, but Reddit is a total COINTELPRO operation.
She's not yet out of her honeymoon period as PM which she had extended unnaturally by delaying triggering article 50 till march.
She didn't come in through an election so no one feels like they 'voted' for her or against her.
People are desperate for brexit to go well and aren't going to criticise her until its apparent that things are going to shit.
I'm largely confused how this could even happen. I guess she's done so little that the public know about they don't have anything bad to say about her.
She's done what I hoped she would do and not called a GE, and now I would say it's far too late to do so. She'll fuck up brexit/not do it at all, enraging the British public and leaving them with either her or a hated successor and no option but to vote Corbyn. Check mate buckos.
She won't even tell Queenie her Brexit plan so I think it's safe to say she still doesn't have one. If I don't look at it, maybe it will go away.jpg
Nah, her twelve points have totally restored the faith of the nation.
It is just Holla Forumstards shitposting because now everyone is laughing at them for voting for a literal crybaby so they need to do something to avoid being laughed at
Twelve points? Did I miss something? Am I getting my red white and blue british bacon breakfast brexit?
lol sure
he is referring to "UK is special, you should rush to meet all our demands because we are very important, and you dont win if you dont meet our demands without us giving nothing back"
Nobody is posting anything racist you big baby. All there is are the odd autists at night spamming Race Realism (Not Racism)™ who get banned when the mods come online.
There have been at least 2-3 threads with some Holla Forums pretending to be left
From her 'muh global britbong' speech
I voted remain just to protect the worker rights the EU affords the UK, since the Tories are little shits and would go to town on everyone without anyone telling them not to, but I was pretty happy to hear the population voted for leave. When I heard that I knew full well it was going to be a ruse cruise in which not a single person got what they wanted and the country would still be full of brown people at the end no matter what happened, further enraging the die hards.
Ohhh… oh.
Go away Holla Forums
My countrymen are spiteful retards, they'd sign their rights away in a heartbeat if the government was allowed to give them the option.
You do not advertise Holla Forums by just dropping a link and get every stupid fuck to click, look, be triggered and fuck the place up.
What you do is spread the most significant talking points - identity politics and class struggle. Drop hints, memes, etc. and lure those into looking this place up by genuine interest.
First you have to do some preperation work, if you just shout "hey look at us" you'll only attract the wrong crowd.
NOOOO Worst ideea
actually yes, do it, but like said you won't be able to actually drop the links, just use some of our memes (porky, zizek, etc.) and sooner or later they'll find about us
now that I think about it I don't know if they'd delete a webm link for example so it may not be such a bad idea, try if you don't care much about your reddit account, linking a thread would probably be a suicide
also let me tell you that I do what I preach and it works, I made at least two people make contact with this board (probably more) with memes, shared from declasscucking memes for commie proles in facebook
we've been #3 for like a month now
Seems like we went from 900 to 1000 overnight. Tons of newfags. We're getting serious attention from Socialist Alternative shills, too.