Tfw you realise revolutionary socialism is the only thing giving your life purpose
i seriously consider bunker socialism to be the only path to communism now.
we should create entirely self-sustaining bunkers run along socialist lines and wait out the inevitable nuclear war that will arise from capitalism, emerging to reclaim the surface from the ancap tribes centuries later.
hoxhaism-posadism is objectively the sole means of achieving socialism.
the proletariat is not a revolutionary class
your life has no purpose
Who is?
he was wrong
the revolution will come from middle class college students of course!
Take off that flag you scum.
the conditions he predicted have not yet emerged
What are they?
Yeah I'm an edgy faggot
an international proletariat whose impoverishment compels them to engage in violent revolution against the bourgeoisie. at present, capitalism has been able to smooth over class conflict by exploiting colonies in the third world and conceding benefits to the proletariat of the first world, but as bourgeois administrations reverse social democratic policies and the conditions of first world proletarians thus come to resemble more and more the conditions in the third world, a truly global proletariat will emerge, form ties of solidarity and overthrow the now dwarfed bourgeois minority. it is written.
there is nothing wrong with this.
Revenge is the most wonderful emotion of them all, comrade, don't be ashamed of it.
not if we figure out how to traverse the multi-verse
I want to believe
Humanity deserves their fate for doing nothing to stop it from happening. At least that's what I tell myself to keep from going insane.