Slick entryist or ==slickest entryist==? You decide.
he was always partnered with tyt
at least his audience recognizes Cenk for the porky he is
Ahaha, 'the young Turks give it to you straight', this guy was going the right direction but what a sellout faggot.
'We hired Shaun King', no thanks.
Are you retarded? His channel was literally TYT Comedy.
The dislike bar is probably due to the vomit inducing spiel he gave, why fucking bother lying like that, shit was unseemly.
It's like I've been saying the entire time. It's just another liberal. I never understood this boards fascination with him.
Wasn't Doré already part of TYT?
Literally has been with TYT for years you idiots
Ya I thought that was the whole joke because this guy is too radical for Jenk and the others etc. at some point the affection became unironic.
He was always with them which is why I fucking warned about him constantly. You need to learn to figure out who the real revolutionaries are and who the milquetoast liberals are.
He's been on TYT what am I missing?
They bought his channel and content.
But Jimmy was always part of TYT
what's your point?
This isn't new info, bub.
He was already a part of the TYT network dude
We've always known he was a liberal, it was more sort of rooting him on that he was going to switch over and become blatantly socialist.
TYT is trash and so is Dore, he's just slightly less trash than the rest of them
maybe he'll be woke in 5 years
Its probably in his contract to shill TYT.
Calm your fucking tits.
over time his opinions have become more and more blatantly radical. at the moment he interviews and agrees with socialist guests and openly states that he hopes 'other countries will invade america to show us some democracy'. he also talks enormous shit on liberals and democrats and seems to be in favor of a UBI. if i had to guess I would say he's a very angry social democrat on the edge of becoming a full blown socialist.
Is Cenk porky or just super-spooked?
When he was on Cenk's show before Cenk seemed to really not like him. What changed?
He owns TYT.
So guess, you dumb fuck!
not like we're exactly drowning in options for spokespeople here
woops ment to replay to
fair enough, i just meant is he being sincere in his retarded beliefs or is there some deliberate and sinister co-opting of leftist narratives at play?
I always just thought he was just kind of a super-liberal idiot
I listen/watch The Young Turks almost daily. Jimmy Dore is the most far-left member of the Young Turks. He's like the far-left wing of the Democrat Party. He gets so worked up to the point that he scares his fellow liberals. But the more moderate liberals like Cenk and Ana still see him as one of their own. He's a social democrat who gets so pissed off that he's almost on the bring of becoming a socialist. But he's still a Democrat.
Cenk and Ana on the other hand are more mainstream. But they are still to the left of the establishment. They have been very critical of Hillary Clinton and supported Bernie Sanders. And they were supportive of Jill Stein. But they ultimately voted for Hillary because they wanted to stop Trump.
I kind of identify with Jimmy Dore because I see myself getting more pissed off with late-stage captialism and getting more radical by the day. But there's a sense of powerlessness on my part. Because I know that revolution is impossible here in the west. The fall of the USSR took the wind out of our sails. Workers have absolutely no class consciousness. And the people who are suffering the most are basically just checking out of society. They are not vocal. They are not fighting for their rights.
Personally I prefer RT America to TYT. They are further to the left of TYT. Jimmy Dore is one of the good guys though. Him, Tom Hartmann, Max Keiser and Lee Camp. Chris Hedges. Richard Wolff. They're all old-school social democrats
Gotta get those Putin hottakes amirite socdem fabian user?