Can I still be a Revolutionary?
Bourgeois Tendencies Confession Thread
I drive a beamer
I own appartments
I vape
You are allowed to have hobbies and vices. You're not allowed to be landlords or corporate tools.
Remember to rate, comment and subscribe.
I think the closest thing is I smoked a cigar recently, but that's pretty communist too.
don't judge cars are just cool
I look down on unemployed people. especially guys.
my grandfather is petit-bourg and I'll likely inherit a sizable share of his business in a few years
I'm honestly very conflicted about this bc personally I'm lower-middle class and super in school debt and would love to pay off my loans and buy a home but in doing so I would literally be exploiting his company's workers in order to do that
I literally own the MoP and pay labourers a wage
What are you even doing on this board?
>Tfw wanna buy fancy boots
He came here to laught at you I guess
The cognitive dissonance is probably going to kill me
It's funny because I was just about to say I don't work at all and yet I still advocate for the plight of the working class more than anyone I know.
I also play video games and was aiming for a philosophy degree before I realized committing too hard would mean loans and working in groups
You'll change your views the instant your bank accounts starts ramping up the digits, famrade.
I do not like capitalism
Technically, there is no ethical consumption you can partake in that would change things on your lonesome, but if you had be lifestylist, than use your position to steal juicy corporate secrets and give them to Wikileaks. Or just donate to revolutionary causes while remaining class conscious and limiting bourgeois ideology compromising you. Good luck.
I'm not expecting to get the job. It's a summer position and I have no long term interest in working Big Law or Corporate.
It's just public interest doesn't pay for internships. So I'm divided between not working for a wage (unpaid internships are bourgeois) and working for a wage in a bourgeois firm for the summer.
Lol at this thread and all you people with cog diss
God if that happens please guillotine me when the revolution comes
Welp, time for revolutionary
But low key, I like clothes and if I didn't have payments to make on shit, would complete my desktop build with a new psu and graphix card.
But I'm commie because I'm not white and white people need to stop stepping on my dreams.
I go and post on capitalist chinese cartoon imageboards instead of labouring hard towards revolution.
So what.
This is pretty bad tbh.
So what.
So what.
The only requirement is to actually fight for the revolution. Former porkies are even welcome if they volunteer but they can expect to get the shit hazed out of them.
Who cares
This is way over the line, but if you surrender you won't be killed.
You'll be looked down on by all sensible people for as long as you are remembered.
Nothing wrong with this.
They shouldn't be banned, but their sale should be regulated. They are valuable even just as historical artifacts so we can show future generations the shittiness of capitalist products.
That's both classist and sexist. You need to be educated.
It's not like you can choose not to be his grandson, but you can vote to make the company more commie, vote for acceleration, or at least spend your dividendies on leftist projects. Don't shy away from using capitalist tools to fight capitalism.
You can surrender and we won't kill you, but if you didn't treat your workers well don't expect to get treated well.
Not really anything wrong with that. Art comes in many forms, including clothing. In communism there will be many more artisans making fancy boots, because they like it.
Know thy enemy.
You can't really help that.
You can always cash out and do something else with your life. Or you can do what I suggested for the other guy and use your position to help leftist causes.
Better than the alternative.
Degree in philosophy is stupid, just read it for yourself and read related lit. You don't need some booj academic telling you what to think.
Checks out
guys what if to be less bourgeois you give me your money
This. Use capitalist tools against capitalism.
You can just surrender to the revolution and you'll be spared. The booj aren't the enemy. The system is. The only booj who need to be killed are the ones that put their lives between the revolution and its goals.
You already are, but again you can surrender come revolution.
You got lucky, don't feel bad about that.
Don't feel bad about not being able to PULL UP DEM BOOTSTRAPS in a broken system.
Anyone who doesn't is lucky.
Totally fine. Luxury commodities work even in late stage capitalism because they help people take their mind off the shitty situation. Don't feel bad about liking nice things. We'll have lots of nice things if we ever achieve communism.
Wew, that's pretty racist. All colors of booj will step on your dreams.
Everyone needs a hobby.
Fuck you dude, I'm trying to provide encouragement to people who are expressing anxiety.
The thing is, if you own the MoP and help people, then you're easening the material conditions. You should gouge profit as much as possible and put the profits towards agitation, as the results will feed into each other.
But there's the issue of intersectionality and white imperialism.
Like Carmichael said, racism isn't a matter of attitude, it's a matter of power. Communism will remove the structures of power in our society that keep my people from achieving true greatness.
You made me feel a little better, ancomanon
I agree with this user. Race is a spook and racism only works bc of spooky liberal capitalism. The revolution will effectively cut off life support to the systems that keep spooks and oppression alive.
I made an investment that looks like it's going to be paying out nearly seven figures. I intend to invest and live off the interest.
I'll let you guys know what it feels like to be rich.
When I get there. ;_;
Quick, go to r/soc and become a moderator.
Race is a spook but i really wish more anons could articulate why that is. Being able to articulate, in depth explanations for your rejection of huge cultural concepts like religion and race is a prerequisite for forming a community around your way of living (Egoist/Nihilist or whatever it may be).
You best not become a liberal. I'll find you and get you if you do.
In the revolution, I hope most of you guys realize you will be getting the death penalty. At least if I was in charge.
I reject the idea that having a hobby that happens to cost more under capitalism makes you "bourgeois", but I'll play along with the general idea of the thread.
My family is petty bourg as fuck and I take their money when they give it to me.
No worries there, mate.
I'm closer to Holla Forums than Holla Forums, so I have a negative general opinion of interest in most cases to begin with. But, at the risk of sounding like I'm making excuses, I'm also physically disabled and poorfag as fuck. This windfall could rewrite my life path altogether in a way that no economic system on your side or mine could ever hold a candle to. I currently can't afford luxuries like basic medical care. So I'm gonna ride this tiger and see where it takes me.
You do realize that "big law" is just a meme and that you will be making 60k/year (with 200k in debt) until you die in your office at the age of 60 right?
;_; I hope you get better fam
There's an argument for that but on the other hand it may be possible to use that access to help in other ways. For instance, pioritizing innovation could speed up automation and put people out of work faster.
I don't disagree with this so much as I disagree with the sentiment that it's white people stepping on your dreams vs. porky or better yet the system as a whole. I want everyone to get to pursue their dreams. Proles (of any color) who would stop you (because of your color or not) at best need to get re-educated.
If you get there. Nothing is certain, especially in this economy. Be careful and have a plan if investments go belly-up. There's another crisis coming before long. If you get rich make sure to use your power for good or at least surrender to the revolution.
Don't be mean my dude. Not even tripcunt is that insufferable.
Explaining why something is a spook is not the best tactic. People tend to get more entrenched and defensive with that approach. Better to show them you can live without the spooks.
People aren't the problem. It's the system. You would exploit if you were a booj for to be a booj is to exploit. It would be in your interest to do so.
i spend hundreds a month on weed and hundreds more on takeout. my loathing of stupid working class people is patrician tier. i've always wanted the middle class to experience a total hollowing out as punishment for the Uncle Tom behavior of the working classes after World War 2 and the toleration of the Red Scare. I hate most communists i meet irl, usually ugly AND neurotic faggots. I don't think i could function without the amenities of technological living despite being an-prim (mostly). To all anons on here crying about inheriting capital, thank your stars you aren't a black guy under 25
Skin color is an adaptation of how close to the equator you live. For white people to assume that it's an indicator of le survival in the modern world "IQ, fitness, etc" is entirely arbitrary and is mostly a product of numerous environmental factors before birth and during childhood development. Besides that, they also ignore the need for genetic diversity for sudden and extreme changes that we could undergo worldwide in the future.
Cultures should be allowed to naturally intertwine with progress, obviously though when they wear it like a war medal it's annoying and why quite frankly I'd give them the full Native treatment if I were to find a Becky wearing a headdress to a music festival or some other bullshit.
I unironically enjoy idol anime.
Are you my drug dealer?
So if Kropotkin and Engels were alive post-revolution you would kill them?
Sometimes I think that it would be cool to enslave people and crown myself Emperor.
Don't stick around, jobs moving eastward.
One of my friends is graduating this year as a CS and she's having a lot of difficulty finding employment.
t. computer engineering major
Not doing it for money, doing it to get into labor law where I can actually give a shit about what I do.
Software dev is boring as fuck when it's not my personal projects.
I'll take my chances and rely on my own research instead of an anfem anime-poster on leftypol
Reminder they key here is to own the MoP
You dont need a degree for that
Noice. I almost made some good moves before but only five figure ones and they were all fucked up by the inept and untrustworthy fucks around me. I've since figured out how to make money myself rather than relying on get rich quick schemes and will be cutting the vast majority of people out my life this year if it succeeds (it's still pretty much a get rich quick scheme, but it's not a completely lazy shitbag scheme this time). Hope it pays off for you too.
I don't disagree either, but token heads of state exist only to gather votes from lower class minorities. As much as they are class/race traitors, their power only extends as far as their white masters let them.
I've seen my share of Tribal politics on the reservations, I know how this song and dance goes.
You cannot protect or help working people with the law. That's pretty much the opposite of what it was made to do.
The only thing that should be preserved through the revolution is cute girl/idol anime.
>The history of the world, whose shaping properly belongs altogether to the Caucasian race, seems till now to have run through two Caucasian ages, in the first of which we had to work out and work off our innate negroidity; this was followed in the second by Mongoloidity (Chineseness), which must likewise be terribly made an end of.
Stirner was right. The destiny of the world belongs to the white race.
Stirner was a cuck
That was the height of science in 1844.
I don't think people should feel bad for exploiting the opportunities they were given by nature of their birth. It would be selfish to your future children and grandchildren to lower your class level (assuming capitalism is still around). As long as you stay active and support leftists and fight with the workers if and when the revolution comes you are fine by me.
Kinda gross but not horrible or anything.
I hope you know polisci is meme-tier understanding of politics.
That's fortunate for you.
So is that. You probably have a better future in software than in law.
Not that bad. What kind of coffee do you like best?
You'd kind of be an idiot not to.
Fuck. I hope you can get better, but consider getting medical care from a country that doesn't make you pay out the ass.
Whatever helps you cope.
It's hard not to feel this way in all honesty.
I feel you. I have lots of relatives who benefited directly from that and absolutely hate anyone worse off than them. Personally I think that's a lot worse than ignorance in poor people because I know that my relatives have all the access they could want to learn better.
That's fair, but unfortunately it just so happens that the people most likely to realize any system is shit are the ones who get shit on and they tend to be weird as a result and/or cause.
You grew up with the crutches. Any compassionate anprim revolution would presumably ease a transition for people like that.
Hey man, I'm not saying you don't have it worse but everyone has their own shit. It's a travesty what kind of state race relations are right now. Best thing we can do is hear from each other and stand in solidarity.
Thanks fam. You too.
Pay attention to what Iraq is doing with the Dinar. A decade of speculation and scam is coming to a head. Administration turnover in the West, the incumbent liberation of Mosul (national stability is key for motivating the IMF), and a major banker meeting in Switzerland yesterday are intersecting at the right time. Their centralized bank has pulled their official blotter for the Dinar/USD exchange rate. You can buy 100,000 Dinar for 100 USD. If they revalue, which it's looking likely, the exchange rate will go from 3 Dinar per US cent to a predicted 3.2 Dinar per USD. A couple hundred bucks may convert to a couple hundred thousands. People have been predicting and snake-oiling this for years, but things are actually moving now.
Or it could be nothing. But centralized national banks don't suspend announcement of exchange rates following major banking meetings every day.
I dislike Jews and I fear that the promotion of promiscuity and drug-use really is part of a latter-day Brave New World-style attempt at making the masses completely apathetic regarding their lot in life.
Stoners don't start revolutions
I feel like this.
To quote the sniffling slovenian, to undermine the system you fight against, take it more seriously than the people who fight for it. But know that we will hang the capitalists with the rope they sell us.
Like the petite-bourgeois dealership owner who told us in CCD classes at age 16 that buying cheaper from walmart than the local store owner was stealing from thy neighbor, yet he was quick to dismiss communism and socialism as evil tools of satan.
Oh it most certainly is. I think it started in the 60s when the global bourgeoisie appropriated "free love" from the working class.
"Free love" has been a hallmark of the bourgeois since at least the turn of the century. I think morality tends to disappear once a person accumulates enough wealth to have literally any wish they want fulfilled (and accelerates in any children that inherit said fortune)
And yes I'm aware morality is a spook lololz
what's the issue with that?
You might be right but at the moment too many proles are locked away for selling weed to afford a living for themselves and their family. Plus the majority of people who smoke pot aren't stoners. I would think the by far and away majority of leftists smoke pot.
You're fine. Escapism is fine, especially when the world is (sometimes literally) on fire.
People have sick fantasies all the time. Lots of people fantasizes about strangling babies and shit.
I applaud the effort and intent but the law (at least under capitalism) will always be shaped by people with money to hire better lawyers.
Fair enough. For what it's worth, I've always been disgusted by how race gets used as a PR stunt that way. The ruling class just loves a minority group they can push around and turn other workers against. As far as I know though it's no more than a coincidence of history that white people were in the position to make up the majority of global capitalists. I think it's more important to stand in solidarity with people of any origin, but I share at least part of your anger.
I generally agree with this. I'm kind of torn over whether it's better to go for acceleration through maximum exploitation of your own workers or to focus more on disruption and sabotage.
It's fine to dislike people who are Jews based on them as individuals. It's fine to dislike particular cultures or religions. If it's a race thing that's shitty but at least you don't hate them.
This is not unfounded. As you say:
As Zizek says, you're allowed not to enjoy.
wow so gommie
I smoke drugs via a homemade pipe made from copper piping for water pipes
half the people on this board would get purged
I hate you.
Correct, and it's not like I want to kill whitey, but most especially the white liberals would shudder at the thought that it takes more than attitude to dismantle race based discrimination when they discover that it's a power struggle. So many are quick to turn against us when we ask that they step down and give us a place to put our voices while they need to sit quietly in the back.
So until the system removes classes and classes exerting power on each other especially based on race, I must be adversarial.
Quads of truth.
see what I mean
you'd be purged
dirty fucking kulak you'd be under Stalin
you'd be murdered and jellied and eaten by Ukranian peasants with a bowl of dirt and some tree bark
Nope. Not worth the risk legally and I work in transit which is federally regulated and I get drug tested randomly.
I don't think it's sick at all. Everyone wants power. Evidently in a land without laws, gaining power might bring about laws, but that's a risk we will have to take.
Well that's the right decision for you to make. I was just pointing out something I, admittedly anecdotally, have noticed.
Fuck off with these shitty identity politics. Yes, you can be a revolutionary even if you have a large amount of capital. Yes, you can be counter revolutionary even if you worked in a factory your whole life.
Lower classes can't afford to lose jobs in this economy. I know because before school I was throwing bags for airlines and they were strict as fuck about that. But everyone at my software dev internship I know smokes up though only because our employer doesn't care either way.
What comes around goes around.
You shouldn't actively hamstring yourself - no one is going to give you a medal for NOT buying luxury goods or owning the MoP. If life throws an opportunity your way it's generally in everyone interest for you to take it, since your awareness of the system at least means you can try and help improve things - choosing to close down the family business isn't going to magically take down the world banks, it's just going to make life harder for you and several others.
Keep in mind though, if you've spent your life hording goods while those around you suffered or exploited workers at every opportunity then don't expect people to just forget your actions when the revolution comes and you suddenly decide your "fighting for the people".
Not as much as I hate myself.
sometimes I think an Anarchists ideal land is literally Sumer and Akkad pre-city state period
a land without laws where the strong use might to rule over the weak
oh wait, shit is expensive as fuck and i have an assload of student loans from my engineering degree, nvm
Too fucking true. There's too many people out there that'd sell you out for a few scraps from the master's dinner table.
Most of the working class that I know smoke pot for escapism purposes.
what the fuck is a MoP?
Ok, I must say I bullshitted the salary, try "slightly over median."
But still, I don't feel "rich" even though many people around me act like I am when they find out my salary.
This is the shittiest part or "reward" about graduating.
Now, for all the work you put in, you get fucked from both sides – the poor hate you because you have slightly more money than them, and the rich, well, they've always hated you! It's *great* to be just breaking middle class lmao
Generally restaurants and other absolute minimum as far as I know, true. Can't work back of house without a little happiness once in a while, but for any entry level jobs above that, especially owned by right leaning business owners test fairly randomly.
But like you, anecdotal evidence.
You're not one of those "its cool to be poor" types are you?
You are a bourg op. You also sound spooked as fuck. No watch is gonna make your dick bigger
I like to drink Coke.
Way to be a classcuck OP. Enjoy spending half of your sizeable income on rent and the other half on your loan payments.
Wow this was pretty sincere my heart warmed reading this I feel the same fam
So glad to see people admitting they're actually petty-bourgeoisie larping about hardships they will never experience while living in capitalistic decadence
proves what a shithole Holla Forums is
Found the redditor
Don't get bent out of shape over this kind of thing. Money gets shuffled around so much that it's sometimes hard to believe anyone still believes those abstract numbers represent something real.
You can't be blamed for shit beyond your control. I doubt there's much you can do with a 1/20th share anyway.
That's commendable. I hope you make glorious red propaganda. Remember that the younger people are the more receptive they are to new ideas.
That's closer to being scammed into believing you're a porky than actually being porky.
I have a similar story. I was already disillusioned but taking some econ and business courses as electives made me realize how spooked and retarded so much of it is.
I hope you slip the occasional lefty dirty talk in there.
That's never accomplished anything for the working class.
Yes, liberals are afraid of conflict in general. Especially when it comes to identity-based conflict, outside of the "right" groups shouting angrily. Depending on the liberal, they wouldn't call you the right group, which even they should be able to see.
Yeah I get this. A savior complex is often a major feature of white liberals. It's the natural consequence of cultivating white guilt in people of a certain socioeconomic status.
Right on. Although, every time I see people talking about race like this I get worried that they'll play into the liberal mindset by giving them a sword to fall on and make a show about. Liberalism has made it so it's difficult for whites to be of any actual help, while also rabidly promoting the idea that white people need to help.
It's not about opposing laws, but about opposing hierarchy my dude. Laws and procedure are fine if the people agree on them.
You're right factually but the point of these threads is to understand the community better. You can't very well stand in solidarity with someone you don't know at all.
I don't hate you.
If that's what being revolutionary means, that's fine. So long as my people and the rest of my struggling family is allowed equal opportunity to make their own happiness and a living I have nothing else to live for.
However, I don't see that future under capitalism. So bring it down.
A lot of fellow working class people infuriate me and make me dismayed at their ignorance
You can always tell a quality post by the Big Yellow Four, you don't even have to read it. I normally don't.
ye because whoever points out you're a larping bourg is a redditor.
the only difference between you and a redditor is that you're larping about being a socialist, while the redditor is a closet liberal. you're both however petty bourg that live in capitalistic decadence and an enemy of the working people since you exploit their labor
proving my point even further. at least use flag related
>I don't hate you.
Lol wat
The biggest enemy of the proletariat is themselves
Hello reddit.
yo i've seen people unironically refer to themselves as straightfags there's nothing negative about the fag suffix.
/lgbt/ are gayfags, which I think is the funniest.
Brits used to be britfags, for some reason we're now britbongs. Missed whatever made that happen.
i thought /lgbt/ were legbutts
and that's ok if your contribution to the socialist cause is as huge as marx's and engels'. it's ridiculous you're comparing the petty bourg itt to the founders of marxism
like i said, your rhetoric shows you're an enemy of the revolution
wont even go into your special snowflake meme ideology
there's no reason to be upset mate, it's ok to be a bourg. just don't pretend to be a socialist unless you're actually contributing somehow to the socialist cause instead of larping on an anime website while living in your capitalistic bourg decadence
even making that distinction is idiotic in a board that's supposed to pro-proletariat
Maybe, I don't go there. Before they had a board they were called and called themselves gayfags.
Fucking hell he's even laying his posts out like a redditor now.
That's just the ones who fantasize about the zombie apocalypse and think that in a world gone to shit they'd magically be some kind of badass.
You can be fairly well-off while being a prole. There is literally nothing wrong with this at all.
Desperation will do that to anyone.
Means of Production
If all I have to give is my heart, then I am happy to have that much to give.
One class-conscious person, regardless of who or what they are, can do more than millions of people who just accept the system. Look at what Engels contributed.
I think just about everyone is sympathetic. Proles can be really dumb, but that's by design.
Stop that shit. Litmus tests other than "are they going to help the revolution?" is just going to make it harder to fight capitalism.
I feel like I'm a bigger dummy since I was pretty much always an anarchist and came around to socialism in my adolescence but never looked into the matter until my 20s. My politics didn't change much, but I realized that "socialist" was the word for my position. In my defense, I knew a tankie edgemeister in high school and as far as I knew that was the beginning and end of leftist though.
Also gayfags or bifags. As a bifag people need to stop being such faggots about the word faggot. For fuck's sake I know liberals who refer to it as "the F word." Shit is confusing.
Reddit is a garbage website but there are plenty of decent people who use it. I feel like a tool for pointing out the reddit spacing thing now that it's overused the way *tips fedora* is. Also, legbutt is the board nickname, like Holla Forumsirgins, fa/tv/irgins, fa/tg/uys, etc.
I'm scared of homeless people
I may be wrong here but I think technically, only lawyers who are partners in firms that employ wage earners would qualify as petite bourgeoisie.
Arguments for what? You're the one with hurt feelings because I used the word "poorfag". That's why you should fuck off to reddit, you big crybaby.
Why? If Engels, Marx, and Kropotkin were able to be leftists despite being born into comfortable situations and spared the brutality of capitalism, why are the posters itt thread similarly not able?
You're conflating the class with the individuals who make up the class, insinuating that to be a "real leftist" you have to be a proletarian. This is only slightly less stupid than the third worldist position that only the bottom of global capitalism can be truly revolutionary. Not all proles will join the revolution, in fact it's fair to say they will make up the forces against the revolution. Similarly not all non-proles, whether lumpen or petit bourg or even bourgs themselves will be enemies of the revolution, whether out of idealism or self-interest. Especially considering how fluid class outside the bourgeois is, with a lumpen being able to go petit bourg with the purchase of a lawn mower and a truck.
I'll stop doing it when they stop being insufferable whiners whenever they crop up.
Homeless people are people with the burden of no home. They run the gamut, although they have a lot more to deal with than most. Don't hate on hobos.
I think OP's idea is more that his job would be fucking people over.
Most people would. It's why capitalism is able to function at all. If people didn't feel that way it would collapse immediately.
Now kiss.
You're in the right. Turning away potential allies is how to ensure a movement fails.
Point taken. Hazing newfags is part of the process.
I live with (and off) my parents
Said parents are pretty well-to-do - I got a (used) BMW for my 20th birthday
Parents have also been paying for my college completely
I have never held a job
Not all of the proletariat is poor. It's not about money it's about relationship to the means of production.
Heck, there's a decent argument for movie stars, successful musicians, professional athletes, etc being exploited proletariat despite being fucking rich.
Amerifat detected
You and every other American woman. My parents actually married each other because they loved each other, they were both poor.
They always told me to marry based on personality because money comes and goes. The older I get the more right I realize they were.
I can't find a woman that thinks the same though, every date feels like a job interview, they're constantly probing for how much money I make and future earning potential.
Oh well time to fly to Thailand and marry me a qt
i dream about exploiting you all every day
Some times I drink soda
Who is this fluid druid?
Can't say i expected any less from Holla Forums
Didn't read the thread, can someone confirm for me if Holla Forums are a bunch of bourgeois spergs tia
Yes, but it's ok because there's no ethical consumption under capitalism. So you might as well go the whole hog til the revolution hits.
It doesn't fucking matter cause Revolution isn't happening in the first world.
I think I'm going to start reddit spacing just to piss you off.
I'm as dedicated and faithful to my Marxist ideals just as much as any other prole in this thread, though try as I might to stay as non-materialist as possible, my nerdy and/or otherwise strange hobbies drive me to pour money into them in order to fuel them.
For example, I'm a nerd of many facets, i.e. superhero fan, Star Wars fan, Star Trek fan, Transformers fan, brony, Invader Zim fan, kaiju fan, etc. etc, so if there's a comic book, toy, collectible, graphic novel, movie, etc. on the market for any of these, I'm totally emptying my wallet for it.
I'm also an ABDL (Adult Baby Diaper Lover), so I put money into this fetish as well, buying myself adult diapers, sanitary wipes, baby powder, and the like. Some ABDL things I have are gifts from my girlfriend, i.e. my pacifier and onesies, but I mostly buy these things for myself. Of course, I don't put nearly as much money into this fetish as a lot of other ABDLs do. For one, in terms of diapers, I just stick to the Walgreens "Fitted Briefs" (fancy insecure adult-market word for tape-on diapers), because specially made ABDL diapers for online order, i.e. Snuggies, ABU, Bambinos, Aww So Cute, etc. are all seriously fucking expensive. For two, many ABDLs have invested crazy amounts of money into building their own entire nurseries, whereas I'm generally content with wearing a diaper and snuggling up with a plushie or two. So I guess in retrospect, I'm a lot more frugal with my fetish spending than others are, so it's at least a lot less materialistic, in that sense… ?
Oh, and I also forgot to mention I'm a cinephile, so I buy quite a few DVDs for my library, as well as some other film-related things.
My parents used to be petty-bourg, we even moved to a rich city. At the same time we moved, the Great Recession hit and now most of our savings are gone. I can't afford fancy boots, but the attitude still persist.
I hope this is bait.
I work for the bourgeois government.
How do you have a "bourgeois tendency"?
Like, I don't have the fucking money to have that.
I think a lot of people on Holla Forums fall into this tbh, it's why I haven't bothered posting in it.
So you're a leftcom?
What is with this meme? Just because Capitalism will go on regardless doesn't mean you should contribute to it by being a materialistic whore who wastes money on overpriced consumerist shit created by sweatshop workers. One less consumer is still one less consumer and one less consumer's money in the hands of the exploiters. Even as something as simple as buying from people who don't use sweatshop labor or buying from local businesses instead of the megacorp nearby causes an difference, however slight.
I'm honestly confused by your assertion. How is being ABDL automatically synonymous with leftism?
Lurk more.
Is that seriously a written work of Lenin's? I've literally never heard of any such essay until this very moment.
Nationalism is good
I find it hilarious how much of a savage Lenin could be, for one of the most influential people in history. Is there a collection of his best put-downs anywhere?
I really fucking like guns. I plan on buying more than just one.
The best I can surmise is someone made a dank Sonic meme to make fun of lifestylist liberal hipsters and it instead convinced some autists they were good to go on doing basically anything they felt like because of some kind of ghost that affects right wing people but not them.
I like guns too. Why is this not more prevalent? I can at least justify it as preparing for the revolution.
Kek, I was the first to make this claim so I'll explain myself.
If revolution can only occur when material conditions are met, and charity or even an attempt to produce ethical goods under capitalism doesn't alter the original cause for a decline in conditions and only temporarily alleviates them, then the best way to help revolution under capitalism beyond attempting to overthrow it is to aggravate those conditions until breaking point.
Wait, have I become a neo-con trot?
Hmm, should we do good things or bad things?
If we do good things, that'll only delay the magical event that will fix everything with no further effort, so we'd better do bad things only.
Whew glad we cleared that up.
Ironic thing is, Lenin was a savage purely for savagery's sake, not for the lulz whatsoever. A lot of irl reports and interviews went on record describing him as humorless and a bit aggressive in his approach.
Can't argue with results though, eh?
not really
Somewhat understandable, nearly every hobo type homeless person is either mentally ill and/or a drug addict.
I've only attended private institutions of higher learning. I went to public school up to graduating from high school though.
Guns are totally not booj if you ask me, never too early to prepare for the revolution
none of those things are nerdy at all. you're a nerd if you write code or decipher ancient texts for fun not if you like Star Wars a lot. If you study complex mathematical objects for fun or take soil samples and run tests on pond water for fun. you're a nerd if you understand why the enterprise is a feasible space craft and can explain scientifically why it is
naw, u jus post bate