Comrade Roo has spoken
Holla Forums a source of degenerate pornography
Comrade Roo has spoken
Holla Forums a source of degenerate pornography
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Yeah I'm sure leftists subreddits have done a lot. Holla Forums has done a lot more.
I was about to make this thread . . .
Jason is a fucking idiot. I'm not kidding. If he truly is promoting Third (Turd) Worldism on the basis that Third World people are more "moral" and have "better values" than stupid degenerate westerners, he should realize most eastern cultures put far more emphasis on upright personal behavior (including language) than westerners.
Complaining that "first worldists" have "nothing better to do" than criticize language or upsetting imagery is just plain hypocritical.
Third worldism really is just nazism for non-white people.
TWism is literally racial mysticism. Sultan-Galiyev argued for turd worldism on the basis only Muslims and indigenous peoples (blacks, Native Americans, Asians) were capable of being "true" socialists due to their metaphysical essence.
here's a (you) in compensation friend
This was pretty boring, he didn't say much that was unexpected.
Tope keke
inb4 Holla Forums has 10,000+ users by the end of this week
it is, and no I'm NOT phil greaves
There is literally nothing wrong with taking guns from Israel. Most Israelis are Arab Jews anyway.
i don't even know what he's talking about.
this is quality art.
How is this bad?
t. molly klein
I dunno what he is talking about.
Holla Forums's porn it's pretty classy and patrician.
Did he actually namedrop Holla Forums?
I'm not giving an eceleb views
Meruru confirmed for shit taste
He namedropped us like 10 times in the video.
Yes, yes he did.
Stop it.
Sounds like endorsement
Pornography is generally bad. Still Jason is an idiot for using nazi buzzwords like "degenerate."
I thought the real problem with /r/socialism was idpol?
Besides, the question that should ever be brought is if catgirls are a gateway to furries or not.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a SWERF.
You can't regulate something literally anyone can do. Also, no porn means more rape. See: India.
Do you have these separately?
How does straight porn not objectify and exploit women? Seriously please try your hardest to justify your position.
Not this shit again.
I wonder what Jason thinks of all those Muslims pissed off about people drawing Muhammad.
sex workers are peti booj and enemies of the workers. FACT
He is so wrong on every level except that catgirls don't matter. So wrong we should gulag him.
It can't when their both consenting and doing in their bedroom with a camera phone. No porky in sight.Unless you count the thicc dick the guy has.
Pornography would probably not even exist under socialism. Same with sex work. Both are the result of extreme alienation, which would of course be abolished along with capitalism.
It's under capitalism, not general. Fight me.
Why does he look like such a fucking hobo now?
REEEEEEEEEEEEE, this is not a good thing! I bet you are that TERF with bad theory too~
Jason really needs to read/watch Alexander Gordon Jahans.
I really wouldn't want communism without hentai, I can never go back to 3dpd
We already had this entire debate before and it was retarded back then also.
Somebody spam out url on his comment section
Somebody else go to and flood the homepage with links to us
Porn is fucking acting. Does a film about a shitty female degrade all other females? Nope. Does porn objectify males? (Somehow feminist don't care about it) Just as much as it does with women.
The problem with porn is that men and women are cliché in it. It "teaches" people shitty, useless "knowledge" about sex.
Does he still make 40 minute vids about nothing?
Does he still have bitch tits?
take a guess which one is the "authoritarian", kek
2D porn is OK. As long as real people are not being used it is not socially harmful.
fuck off you frigid bitch
three words
east german porn
Alright I guess you're not that bad I suppose.
Catgirls are a gateway to monstergirls which are a gateway to femdom wich is a gateway to ending patriarchy which is a gateway to communism.
is this what reddit raid looks like?
Is this what a stale meme looks like? Besides, Holla Forums is the one with several threads yearning for Reddit camaraderie. I've always maintained that it's been as shit a place as an insult.
it's just another Holla Forumsack shitposting memes, they already admitted on 4chan Holla Forums and used it as a guide for new shitposters to use the anfem flag and be subtle by not going full SJW dye haired. this one poster fits perfectly into their scheme.
Thanks, I should have realized it sooner. Clue: this shitposting of them reflects their understanding of the topic.
Revisionist swine GTFO
xaxaxaxaxaxaxa cyka, if this was the case we'd be doomed by now.
Feminism is the result of extreme alienation.
kek this unironically
Wow I am not sharing a board with you counter-revolutionary degenerates.
We need a new Pol Pot to remove all of this porn and wall anyone who posts it.
we aren't doomed?
The second pic set a biological process of mine into motion.
bet he faps to hentai
too militant for a passing-by
Considering how most libruls are still all over the stages of the Kübler-Ross model, they are pretty busy with themselves and their feelings to notice what is going on outside of their safe spaces.
Sure they can have control all social networks, but it turned out to be a bubble distant from reality.
Big Roo only faps to misshannahminx
He used to be way more laid back about this kind of thing back in the day. He seems to have taken in a lot of TERF/SWERF views.
you mean he's not a liberal?
Reminder that sexual enjoyment is bourgeois perversion and that any true socialist should engage in sex only for reproductive purposes.
how about we grow people in artificial wombs?
Thank you for educating the proletariat, comrade.
Yeah, nah. Roo M'kay kay fuck off. I don't want the banning of my harmless hobbies convoyed in the with unfucking of the dogshit economic system.
there's literally nothing wrong with the word, it's just flagrantly misused. Degenerate just means someone who doesn't contribute to society, or partakes in its decay.
Jason Unruhe is an oversized 16-year old who never snapped out of his emo phase. He obviously admires school shooters and probably has a history of violence himself.
Why am I not surprised?
exemples of how that works?
Have you guys ever read any left theory
You gonna tell us what, or is it not your job to educate us?
I'm a STRONG independent socialist state who don't need no social imperialism and it is NOT my job to educate you
Unruhe is stupid. I mean, REALLY stupid. He can barely back up his turd worldist views yet proclaims himself to be at the front of the "latest stage of Marxist evolution." He is literally human trash.
Cant think of a better endorsement in the current year, thank you Roo.
The problem is he doesnt know what turd worldism is. I find it funny that he fetishizes third world cultures while maoist china completely destroyed chinese culture.
Seriously though is he a maoist or a third worldist? His understanding of Maoism seems to be a lot better than most and he almost never references third worldist writings.
we should put this in the banner
reminder that you're all going to die horribly in the near future
I pray for it to come sooner every single day.
So if he is a third worldist why hasn't gone to the third world to help spread communism?
Does anyone have pictures of Jason Unruhe smiling?
pity the children
But Jason, the rift between identitarian and class essential leftism is a pretty major issue right now.
lol do u think socialists turd worldists actually are serious about there ideology? kek. If they want too help third world people they should become doctors and go there and spread their "gospel".
Refugee crisis?
Oh no, what monsters.
He actually does bring up a good point. Online communities are awful for organizing revolutionary activities. If you want to help the revolution you have to go outside and talk to other people.
That being said he is totally fucking wrong about this catgirl drama. He tries to pin it on both communities (leftypol and r/socialism) even though it was entirely r/socialism's fault.
Yeah the refugees from Africa go there.
This is that wonderful, naturally socialist third world culture that turd worldists love so much.
I didn't say it was bad what they did(some of it was good IMO). But you can't claim to glorify third world peoples and cultures while being someone who also supports its distruction.
Leftcoms have best theory.
The light that burns twice as bright lasts half as long.
the hour is far too late for a spontaneous revolution
we must act quickly
I do enjoy AnCap Cat being this meme.
All according to plan.
TBH California being gone might be a good thing.
Truly spoken like someone with a mindset that is stuck in the last century and every time Holla Forums is trying to found another 'socialist student union' or 'commune' it shows a very similar atavist mindset.
The Internet is our only hope.
Just look at what Holla Forums and r/T_D achieved by using weaponized autism and going through all the emails by the thousand.
You guys think that we wouldn't have been the ones doing that at their place if the emails dropped during the primaries and helping Bernie this way?
This retard just spent six minutes bitching about people who bitch about useless shit. How does anyone get this self-unaware?
We must seize the memes.
I'm surprised Jason doesn't reference anyone like Fanon, Che, or even Edward Said.
the infrastructural basis for socialism will have been destroyed if a climate or nuclear catastrophe occurs. plentiful energy resources allowed industrial capitalism to emerge. now that they have been depleted, a global catastrophe will cause us to fall irrecoverably into barbarism. technological civilization is a brief moment of opportunity, and one that we must seize or lose forever. future generations will rightly curse our memory if we do not act. even liberal ecologists know this.
He's referenced Che before but I don't think he even knows who Said and Fanon are.
this would make so much sense. If he lived in the 3rd world, he could actually live on his pitiful youtube money, and he would be in a unique position to cover stories. he could get some truely groundbreaking unique coverage.
To be fair he doesn't seem to like /r/socialism either.
This guy should draw some XXX T B H
I used to be a Facebook friend of Unruhe (I don't know him personally) and he was always using the latest meme unironically in his Facebook updates. Some fans of his have said he used to be a Holla Forumstard I don't know if that's true, but I'd be willing to bet he was a frequent channer circa 2008-2009
/r/ing "everybody is dumb but me" pics.
He had a very messy debate with the /r/socialism mods last month. It was terrible on both ends. Unruhe can't debate for shit but the /r/socialism mods were too smug.
not my comrade
catgirls are one of the main issues of 21st century socialism, you class essentialist fuckface
What, fucking nothing? That's not a very good example.
what a surprise
clearly we need to pull a Khmer Rouge here.
We can start by walling the catgirl fags, anime posters, and furries.
based Unruhe is right again
Triggered uggo detected
Daily reminder Unruhe wanted to bang this: