I really wanna talk to those loonies who thought the first black president was literally the anti-christ who has coming...

I really wanna talk to those loonies who thought the first black president was literally the anti-christ who has coming to take their guns, and ask them how it worked out for them

There in power now so it worked pretty well

The Alex Jones types have no functional memory, they live in future indefinite.


Jones is really interesting to me, on his show hes an absolute M A D M A N but i am yet to see anyone have an actually sit down interview about politics with him, or really take him to task in a debate? much like may nazis, scared of educated confrontation who wont just shout racist but actually prove theyre wrong?

i've noticed this with the conspiracy truther movements of which i am still a part of and a very lonely part of at that. All of the revelations we learned early on in the oughts and late 90's were stripped down to the bare essentials, jewish shit was added on top and then "globalism=communism" was cemented. alex was actually a big part of this process. it was common for conspiratards to talk about Fascist right wing deep state and Royalist leanings in capitalist societies etc etc etc.then it turned into Zionists-Neo-libs and gommunism and now its just jews

There are goblins in the government, they got slop and vomit on them. Do not be deceived.

Why am I not surprised?

Well, he did try to take guns so they got that right.

Jones himself cries about Nazis so I don't know what you're on about. When you look at mainstream media, is it really any better than Jones? It's just that the MSM is more subtle and better at lying.

In a sense, they were correct about communism being "globalism" because of the whole nature of global revolution and the destruction of all nations because that's the literal goal. The Jew thing was probably Marx's fault himself with his own "Jewish Question".

It's not up for debate. Do you ever see debates about the existence of allah between muslims and non-muslims here, or anywhere else?

The same is true for the Jonesian ideology, it's not something that is debatable in it's principles.

For Alex Jones, it's anyone but the Jews, for if he mentioned Jews, the whole media and much of his viewership and associates would descend upon him which would end his business. Jones is a milloinaire, David Duke is running a loss.

fair point

ngl it DID start as a shitpost but hopefully we move this on to the consipiracy movement, and as for taking guns, im a brit so i dont see why they have such an attachment for killing tools.

i mean that its interesting how circa 2008: skull and bones, nazis entered our gov through papercip, dulles brothers and lbj killed jfk, corporate+state power=fascism, hitler was evil and funded by industrialists and bankers, a coterie of jews, anglos, dutch, germans and italians created capitalism and central banking, masons are anglo-royalist (not jews), WASP alphabet mafia runs drug trade, 9/11 was right wing deep state etc were all normal beliefs for the alt sphere of thought

fast forward to now: Israel killed JFK, Hitler was a good guy, cultural marxism not corporate fascism is the enemy, the state is good, police are good, imperialism is good, don't talk about Skull and Bones Nazi connection or Opium Trade connection, Masons are Jews, Fed and Capitalism are all jews and it goes on

A thousand times this.
They effectively blocked and sabotaged his legislation and ground the government to a standstill in order to prove that government doesn't work. Then they took over.

It's worked swimmingly.

2010: "We're not nazis. YOU'RE the nazis!"

2016: "Okay yeah we're nazis."

O'bomber had a supermajority for two fucking years. Kys

I unironically believe about half the shit in my example of past alt news sphere beliefs. lol

Its just fascinating how the meme cycles work and how easily the corporate fascist media through alt media or mainstream is able to completely dismantle any threat or rival to the dominant hierarchy. Crazy fucking effective, they totally cannibalized halfchan and reddit. Destroyed Occupy and the whole alt left vein of thought. Derailed Bernie, and were able to weaponize autism for the purposes of electing a classical Nixon/Reagan/Jackson corporate fascist scuzz bag

I've heard of meme magic. Is this meme math?

You're probably thinking cloture, which requires 60 votes, which is, brace yourself, higher than 57.

And it was only 56 while Franken was being delayed.

Even if you ignore the dissent within the Democratic party, they only had a brief window of a few months where they had a hope of scraping together 60 votes, and that's how they passed Obamacare.

meh the only reason I ever personally defend Obama is because like 90% of the people who trash talk him are just bootlickers waiting for someone with his exact policies and lighter skin + R next to their name

He's really just not unique enough policy wise to hate specifically tbh, just the most generic milquetoast neolib

Fuck off liberal. Ignoring how much power Obama had to begin with, he never once used his bully pulpit to draw attention to issues he wanted action on. He could have done what Trump acts like he'll do and call out specific members of Congress and threaten to help replace them if they didn't comply. Obama did literally nothing to fight the obstruction. The Republicans brought their B-game and Obama brought no game whatsoever.

Obama imo just didn't figure out how to use the executive branch until very late. Honestly he was an inexperienced politician– in the last year he's actually knuckled down and started using the power of his office to get his way, but meh.

Oh also he never supported single payer, as in he did not want it.

Your argument appears to have shifted from 'There was no meaningful obstruction' to 'Obama should have appealed to populist tactics to defeat their obstructionism.'

As such, I no longer meaningfully disagree.

I agree.


Despite her flaws, I was interested in seeing what an experienced insider like Hillary could have accomplished, and whether it would be sufficient to overcome the revulsion the Republicans had for her.

lol, that's a good wordfilter

My argument didn't shift. That's my only other post in this discussion. Even so, those aren't two different arguments. The obstruction was only meaningful in the sense that it gave Obama an excuse not to actually push for any policies.

Not every fuckup is a conspiracy, my dude.

I didn't imply it was a conspiracy, just that it made it easier for Obama not to pass policies that would hurt the people running the show behind the scenes.

This isn't Holla Forums, OP.

Never underestimate the creativity of the damaged mind. They'll work it into their narrative. To them, it was narrowly averted by frogposting, online petitions against SJWs, and Alegs Jons telling everybody the TRUTH!!!!1

Meanwhile, there's this. His signature looks like demonic runes.

Yeah, CNN, MSNBC, time warner, the whole jewish owned conglomerate that donates millions to SJW's is actually the hidden hand behind the alt-right.

How many layers of ideology are you on?
