What does Holla Forums think of the idea of President Trump defunding Planned Parenthood?
What does Holla Forums think of the idea of President Trump defunding Planned Parenthood?
You're probably not going to benefit under anything in America
Good idea.
Sexual consent is a spook.
My uncle is my dad
Abortion is wrong. We need more members of the proletariat.
It's okay.
A fetus in your belly is not your body, kek
It will only hurt his voter base in the end. Population pressures and unemployment drive further immigration. (He also banned foreign aid for organizations that provide abortion)
One of the best things that could happen this century is if the world population were decimated
yes lets all die. that will show em who's boss!
So you don't mind if me and my boys gangbang with spiked bats then do you?
Oh, silly me, why am I asking. Consent is spooky and it gets my dick hard
But we will
Can't wait. Can't wait to see autistic liberal REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Negro birth rates are going to skyrocket and turn most mid sized cities into Somalia and the already overburdened social security system is going to collapse in on itself because Shaniqua considers work to be below her.
Christcucks are useful idiot Numero uno.
The US can't run out of money you dipshit.
Pro-natalist tripe
I think only edgy anti-natalist would care.
Tho imo, women who get more than 1 abortion shouldn't even have children. They would probably be bad mothers.
Naturally I would mind, since as member of revolutionary party and its activities any type of harm directed at me would be counter-revolutionary.
The African-American birthrate is only a tad higher than of White Americans and has been steadily decreasing since years as part of nation-wide trend of falling fertility rates.
Now go look up which race is aborting the most.
It's somewhat a social democrat org, I oppose that.
Abortion should be mandatory.
non American here.
What is Planned Parenthood?
non-American here, it's some org that give a lot of medical services one of them is abortion.
Christcucks are like muh jesus told me not to do abortion and to support Israel, stop PP now.
Not killing a fellow human because you couldn't keep it in your pants has nothing to do with consent.
Is Stirner literally the only guy you fucking read? Do you seriously belief that screaming spooks at stuff is intellectual?
when the fuck did leftypol get overrun with moralfag retards?
Isn't the left justified only by morality? how else you justify socialism?
A great political move. It will give all those fundies a sense of victory,,, and maybe appease those people who want to "cut the fat" in the budget. Planned Parent costs such little money it probably doesn't matter.
this is concerning. planned parenthood and abortion are objective goods. who are these idiots?
both sides broadly claim the moral high-ground
and both sides claim pragmatic self-interest
some of the rationalization they give for pro-choice are often really contrived but it's better to have them than not. for the most part the centrist line is correct on this– it's a very difficult choice made under duress in all cases (even the idea that it's always about a woman's choice is dubious– teenage girls that want to carry to term rarely get to make their own choices in this matter, for example)
since most women using it are poor minorities and white sluts, i don't see how this is a good thing by Holla Forums's standards.
can a Holla Forumsype help out here?
KYS. PP does a lot of things other than abortion, cancer scans… keeping mentioning abortion whenever we talk about PP is a neocon thing. So get the fuck out from here neocon.
Also gov doesn't fund the abortion.
Why do you assume I don't know these things? I was literally referring to the people in this thread saying that abortion is bad.
Trump said something similar. But just printing more money to pay debts is what created the Hyperinflation of the Wiemar Republic.
It will deprive poor women of vital healthcare services in the name of satisfying the religious right's absurd dogmas. I see no reason to believe that this is a good thing. It seems counterintuitive to me to root for policies that needlessly increase the suffering of our most vulnerable. Then again, I'm not an accelerationist.
Not same… it was foreign dept.