Women's march just went full retard mode twitter.com
Women's march just went full retard mode
Can't say I'm surprised.
The hijab is literaly a physical form of female subjugation. How the fuck can these retarded liberals think that because a minority wears it, it is a sign of freedom. We need a fucking global holocaust on anyone with an Autism Level under 60.
pick your battles mijo
A hijab isn't a sign of freedom, but it shows solidarity with Muslim women who will be fucked up the ass by a Trump presidency.
This is harmless.
How will that happen?
Why should be oppose such a thing?
If special interest groups wanted to defend their right in anyway it's their life, we oppose idpol when it become the major political issue for the politician leaders.
Those are a bunch of Muslim women trying to make their lives easier, by themselves. Why should I oppose such a thing?
That's not what they believe. Haven't you read all about the 'religion of peace' shit? Mohammed was a warlord slavemaster. I find it hard to believe that the middle east is purely stuck in a medeval mindset (chopping the heads of unbelievers and things like that). There has to be a connection between the warmongering religion and what is going on there. I dislike christianity as well, but atleast there isn't a 'way of the sword' to get to heaven written about by Jesus.
If the leader of the country dehumanizing you in daily basis, there's more chance to get rejected and attacked by the society.
Tell me when in Quran say kill people to go to heaven.
Also read the Quran and the old testament and tell the old testament isn't 10x more violent.
Go back to Holla Forums. If all you care for is socialism they have Not Socialism there.
wake me up
wake me up inside
(can't wake up)
wtf I love sharia law now
Literally Wahabbi proky
Liberals please go. Have you ever been to the Middle East? Talked with Arab women? They actually view Islam as a non-issue (I don't) and see most of their struggle with how they're being oppressed economically and by the state. There's a reason neoliberals bomb the shit out of them at every opportunity, I'm actually surprised the Kurds are still existing.
how will that happen?
The violance in the 1st testament portrays god as genocidal maniac. In the second testament, Jesus talks about god as if he is kind and good. Most christians follow the values of the second testament and thinking of the 1st testament much more like metafors.
A lot of muslims in the west support isis. There was a study in Sweden (reported on by leftist media) that interviewed thousands of muslim children in school. 4/5ths supported isis and wanted sharia in Sweden. You can't say that is because of other reasons than the Quoran.
I stated something that a liberal would kill me for
Can you be more retarded?
anyway the democracynow stream is reliable if you want to watch
It's a step up from hamburger themed hijabs at least.
This is why women are supposed to stay out of politics
I think I kind of agree. Haven't Euro and US industrial interests historically pushed in favor of these religious fanatics to suppress leftism in the middle east and secure private flow of resources and money?
Men are smart, they post on Holla Forums
Your opinion is so controversial someone rode on the support of it into the oval office.
Then when I read Surah 8 I was like "Ooh boy."
8:15-17 is very interesting because it deresponsabilizes the murders by saying God did them instead.
That's where I would draw the line in religious violence straight out of written literature: the belief that the creator and master of the universe is concerned with petty squabbles of contingent, finite beings, and that there is a person among you who speaks for him and knows with certainty you are a mere instrument of the former's violence.
That you are the weapon, but not the culprit, of this cosmically-ordained massacre against people who just happened to disagree with your religious views.
Surely nobody is going to ever interpret such a verse in order to justify the killing of anyone, right? Right?
But the Qur'an acknowledges God's revelation and origin in the case of the Hebrew scriptures, for example the Torah (Tawrat) and Psalms (Zabur) in 5:44, 4:163. The violence in those is God's too.
Not to mention when the Qur'an goes out of its way to retell a violent story straight out of the Hebrew Bible, like that of Lot (Lut) where God kills the people of Sodom in 26:160–173 and in several other places, over and over again.
There are many sharia compliant banks, they mostly work through direct investments,
Men also created 99% of everything that exists, the only reason women's rights exist is because men are nice enough to play along
In other words, they only loan you money, when you have a well reasoned and soundproof business plan.
No more short term credit loans for your materialistic minded bullshit. The entire consuming basis of the West would suffer a major blow which might spark a crisis.
It doesn't fix the inherent problem of this soulless drivel cancer of the mind that enforces materialism. Not only that, you'd be ruled by sand niggers with a backwards ideology of the year 400s.
Thanks, but i'll pass.
The same symbol can mean different things in different contexts. Take bondage gear for instance:
On a real slave it's a symbol of oppression, but in a public protest against morality laws it could be a symbol of sexual freedom.
Anyway, this protest is just feminists doing what feminists do best: being retarded.
When a men create stuff, he doesn't declare he is giving it to all other men you moron.
And women created 100% of all men. What's your point?
If special interest groups wanted to defend their right in anyway it's their life, we oppose idpol when it become the major political issue for the politician leaders.
Those are a bunch of white nationalists trying to make their lives easier, by themselves. Why should I oppose such a thing?
Tankie once again doesn't even know his own history
Huh wow
Whatever you think of Trump, you can't deny that it's good that for once we have an anti-muslim President. We finally have someone who realizes the evil in that cancerous religion.
Just wait till Abdul shoots up another fag club, finally we'll get a President who will say fuck Islam. How can anyone think this a bad thing?
Let the mudslides mourn, thier religion of peace bullshit is fucking over, no one is falling for it anymore.
Stopped reading there
This tbh
Bondage gear does not mean different things in different contexts lmao
You'd be surprised how much you and Islam have in common lad.
They are already fucked up by Islamic patriarchy.
Trump may actually do them a favour.
Go all the way or go home.
Most of them just do what their fathers and husbands tell them.
They do it with sass, genuinely convinced what they say and that their patriarchic system is the best, but also because they don't know it better.
A lot of liberal platforms are funded by Wahabis.
$10 says that these organizations are somehow connected to SA or some other sunni capitalist shithole.
So you disagree with "fuck Islam"?
I don't see what's wrong with this. I hope Holla Forums goes so anti idpol that they end up becoming Holla Forums, there should be a balance.
Lmao. You aren't even a leftist
Did know Hitler would disagree with you?
Holla Forums already engages in more idpol discussion than any liberal I know
Idgaf about Hitler I'm not some faggot that worships people of the past that happened to share my ideology. Unlike you guys
fuck off shill, and take your normalfag media catchphrases with you
Go back to watching your cuck porn, boy.
This post-concert of a womens march is comedy gold periscope.tv
This is liberalism shitting the bed live on tv. Historical community psychosis.
found the jew
It's 2x symbols of subjugation. The American flag, symbol of those who bomb and destabilise middle eastern countries. the hijab is not politically neutral, but associated with reactionary states and institutions (the gulf states have pumped billions into the promotion of conservative muslim mores in western muslim communities). It should not be used to represent all people subject to profiling and state persecution, some of whom are not even muslims or wear the hijab.
Yeah, this is totally grassgroots organizing. Good vaginas!
Prefer Christcucks to shooting up gay clubs than those "dirty mudslimes"?
I see your priorities.
Remember to buy your Pink HatsTM for the womens march guys.
I'm really burned out on the fucking Muslims and Muslim-related topics at this point tbh
A piece of cloth over my head = subjugation, are you fucking high? It's a choice a women can make, a women can cover up or uncover, her body her choice. She does not need a man to tell her what's subjugating clothing
Progressives and the left has this fairy tail version of Islam that simply does not exist really in the real world.
"Moderate Islam" sort of can exist, but it exists in a way where people simply don't give a fuck about Islam as a religion and are just sort of "culturally" Islamic. The same as with like 80% of Western Christians now don't give a fuck about the bible.
"Islam is a religion of peace"
This is pretty funny, because yes, Islam is a religion of peace. One of the major goals of Islam is the idea of "Global Peace" through the subjugation and crushing and ethnic cleansing of anybody who is not Islamic or "not of the book" so yes, Islam is a religion of peace, once they kill everyone else and achieve totalitarian world domination.
Mohammad as well is just a cunt in general and his direct word is kill a lot of fucking people. Kill ex Muslims, Kill Kafir, Kill this, Kill that.
Islam is a religion of war and it was founded on violent imperialism by a very competent warlord.
BTW, got none of this shit from Holla Forums actually got it myself from going to a religious school and learning "Islam is a religion of peace shit" and having to do an assignment and going on PRO-ISLAMIC sites when doing and assignment talking about the goals of Islam.
Here is an islamic expert saying the Religion of Peace thing is a load of shit as well.
found the Holla Forumsyp
With all this said, there is literally zero reason to go around shitting on Muslims, 95% are good people who largely just want to get on with life. Most Muslims I know are weeb nerds who don't give a shit about the religion really.
But Islam is a fucking toxic ideology, the way the left defends it is pretty mind boggling.
They're brown and are victims of Western imperialism. It isn't that surprising.
that's why it shouldn't be used to represent all muslims, specially while women can actually go to jail for going without a hijab in some countries. This sort of imagery reduces muslim women to the hijab. And the fact it's an American flag it's all the worse, as it fits in neatly with the liberal ideal of multicultural empire.
Which Islam?
Liberals seem to think Christ and Muhammad had the exact same ideas about everything as your average NPR listener, despite the fact they lived in heavily patriarchal and authoritarian middle eastern societies. The one true god is a liberal, but the faithful have strayed off his one true path and its our duty to educate them.
Let me follow up on this a bit.
Why I think there can be no version of "moderate" Islam like there is "moderate" christianity is they are actually quite different religions, founded by quite different people at their core.
Christianity at it's core and Jesus is actually quite a Socialist, "hippy" sort of religion. Jesus never went around saying kill these people, kill these other people, he went around with a message of peace and compassion for everyone and was executed essentially for it. Jesus also did the important thing and basically said ignore the old testament, ignore the old Jewish laws. Another point is that when Jesus dies, he dies "for your sins", he takes your sins into your own and actually basically "kills" religion sort of as a concept. Christianity is basically a religion of "Yolo" and this is why I find actual hardcore christians to be the worst christians, because they tend to follow the old testament and they tend to be right wing conservative fucks, when they worship a radical progressive who was killed for his Socialistic beliefs.
Islam was founded by a warlord who spends a lot of time going around saying kill everyone, engage in global domination and ethnic cleansing is A-OK. Mohammads direct words say engage in a lot of violence.
That is the difference. You can be a good Christian and basically be the best progressive Socialist ever. You can not be a good Muslim and not advocate global Islam and not advocate the killing of kifir. These are the DIRECT WORDS of Mohammad.
A "reformist" moderate version of Islam is basically turning your back on the core word of the religion. So why even bother being Muslim at all?
It's no surprise Islam collapsed into civil war and ethnic cleansing of each other among factions arguing over the meaning of a single word.
Probably the same dumb cunts who say trans women need to fuck off from the women's movement, but they'll sit there without ever having read a page of the Qur'an and tie "hijabs" around their little white heads. Fuck them. Seriously.
Wanna wear the hijab and "know what it's like" and "show solidarity"? Convert to Islam.
No one is obligated to become a Muslim. That's basic creed since in the Qur'an God says that if the idea was to make everyone the same, that would have been done, but it wasn't so get the fuck along.
The prerogative of Muslims is to establish a space where they can practice their religion, and ideally, their laws as well. Not to conquer the world. "But the caliphate!" Yes, I know, but that's a state being a state, not a religion being a religion. I have never had a teacher (been studying Islam for 10 years) who has ever even hinted at the idea of a violent, global takeover. They exist, but they are fringe looney tunes.
What Americans and Europeans fear is really just a group of religious people wanting to create a space on earth where they can practice their religion in its ideal. I think it's a naive desire, but at the same time, we're talking about a colonized people who essentially are fighting for their identity back. They don't want to be good little faggy Europeans or gun toting Americans because that's not who they are.
There will always be Muslims who assimilate, and a lot of modern scholars spend all their time re-assuring Muslims "Yes, it's fine, buy a house. Yes, it's fine. Own a business. Yes, it's fine. Chill out. Be American" but you can't blame a colonized, conquered people who have been antagonized by the West since pretty much the start of their religion/culture to not want to re-assert themselves in their own lands.
You can say this is just a failing of religion causing people to have a kind of tribal mentality, and maybe you are right, but even so, I'm not going to just ignore the fact that the same people who want Muslims to "assimilate" and abandon their religion are essentially the same people who colonized them. It's an unequal relationship and whitey being whitey once again.
Feminists want the return of strong male rule so they have something to bitch against again. They want to be forced to wear a hijab just so they can fight against having to wear a hijab.
Holla Forums Take control!
Take control of your ideology!
This identity politics march, is the instrument of your liberation!
Yeah its a pretty dull topic at this point unless its about the psychology of Jihadism or actual MENA geopolitics.