Civil War 2 soon?

Civil War 2 soon?

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Trump has no organized millitant opposition so no. Maybe in a few years…


Holla Forums international brigades when?

Liberals don't have the stomach for any such thing.

CalExit 2019


Today dissapointed me tbh
Expect more habbenings.

Can we get more Comrade Jeb memes?

We should bring the three pointed star back. Its a pretty great symbol.


No offense but I don't think I'd hang out with most of you in real life

Holla Forums btfo

Most people here appear to be Market "Socialists", tankies and anarkids. I wouldn't want to be found dead associating with any of these clowns.
nice quads

these quads are painful user

Lol this

Considering the vast majority of Trump's opposition votes away gun ownership rights on the daily I doubt they are capable of resisting anything.

That's what virtue signaling gets you.

Except I hate the /r/socialism types even more.


How do we get an armed left going?

Peace be upon the Islamic Brigade

Buy a gun.

I'm just one person though. We need a mass movement.

Support gun ownership, de-pussify the voter base, empower the people.
You know, stuff that the left has being trying to prevent for like 30 years now.

Shit like pic related is the problem.

Buy a gun, ask other leftists why they haven't gun. Suddenly, is guns.

I used to be so sure it'd be impossible, and I'm still fairly convinced we're just going to see people complain a lot about Trump but nothing radical ever happening. But part of me can't help but look at how low the turnout was for Trump and how low his approval was outside of his personal cult, and compare that to his solidly reactionary agenda/cabinet picks and think something has to happen there. He wasn't elected on some landslide of popularity, he was quietly farted out by an electorate that hated both candidates so much they stayed home, but he's definitely ruling like America already loves him and will allow him slack for when he stabs the working class in the back and basically implement indentured servitude. I don't think we're going to see anything major in 2017, but by 2020 if it looks like the Dems are going to run Booker or Clinton again, who knows.

Then you'll be hung separately.

If you understand that you need to have organized Left first, why do you ask about guns?

Get the fuck out of here with your cancerous, idealist bullshit.

Liberals (not, as you say, "the left") think guns are scary and evil because they live in cities where they are not a necessity. They don't have any personal experience with guns, which means that their only exposure is in media where they're used to kill people.


This is the year.

Furthermore: I think he's confident enough he can ignore polls after they failed to predict his win that he's going to ignore any kind of polls during his administration that say he's getting more hated. For better or for worse I don't think he's going to soften up his reactionary agenda if he faces widespread protest.

I don't know when civil conflict will come to the United States, but I think we call agree it's coming. Maybe it'll be a Berlin Wall situation where it takes the world by surprise, or maybe it'll follow a period of rapid decline. However it comes, it's coming. It is simply not possible to go on this way forever.

On the one hand, my intuition tells me that there won't be a crisis any time soon. On the other hand, fucking Lenin himself did not expect a revolution in Russia.

That's better for us. Nakedly brutal capitalism should engender resistance.

It's habbening

This year might actually be the best opportunity the left has had in a long time

Self defense is always a necessity, the problem isn't the location, it's the mindset of the people in the locations.

We've reached levels of chess that shouldn't be possible.

100 years to the day…

Regardless, its scenario was ripe for it. The far left completely dominating politics, and the population at large demanding worker power and international brotherhood. Can you imagine living in such a society?

Other than Rojava, I don't see how.

turnout was the same as last election, this same shit happens basically every time only difference is how it's being presented in the media

Yeah, basically that's how I feel right now. I'm not even sure if something happens it will be something good; for all I know, maybe once Trump's personality cult deflates after he repeals the 40 hour work week and the Dems respond by rallying around Corey Booker, everyone will be so apathetic to politics that David Duke becomes president. But I think if America's stay home registered voters were all secretly brownshirts waiting for a Fuhrer, they probably would have just hopped onto the Trump bandwagon.

True. Better 4 years of Trump not even trying to hide how shitty capitalism is than 16 years of Obama and Clinton doing all the same shit but having just enough charisma and some select socially progressive positions to make it tolerable to most people.

wew lad

Not in the minds of liberals who live in safe, sheltered neighborhoods with a neighborhood watch and a police station five minutes away, because the po-po can do it for you.

Obviously they would still be safer if they had guns, but the point is that they will be 99.99% fine without them, and that they round it up to 100% in their minds. Then duye to an all too-human lack of imagination, they project the material conditions they are accustomed to onto literally everyone else. Even people who live 45 minutes from the nearest police station, and even people who live in areas so unsafe that the police dare not venture there.

That is the problem; a difference in material conditions between people who happen to vote Blue and people who happen to vote Red. If the US had a less-retarded political system and had more than two options, I'm sure there would be a rural liberal party or which liked guns.

This idealist "lul they're all pussies" garbage is the ideological equivalent of closing your eyes and jacking yourself off while letting your anger flow through you. It has no place on Holla Forums or any other socialist board.

What are you? A smug leftcom? I wouldn't say that is any better.

Agreed! Instead of looking to the USSR, people should look to successful leftcom revolutions; here I'll start by naming some:

the only groups in america with the capability of uprising are rural conservatives and maybe the urban poor, two groups that are totally class-cucked beyond redemption

this post gave me infantilism

well no fucking shit sherlock


Look at Russia and Germany after WWI.

A civil war usually follows after a massive military engagement is fought and the price is too high to pay.

Bush had 9/11, but if Trump engages in any foreign wars, you can bet he will pay for it dearly. Maybe a revolution would not be impossible in such a case. In which 50% of the American public views him as an unhinged dictator.

As it stands, I doubt Trump is this dumb, and I doubt he will even start shit with China. Currently USA is the most class-cucked, anti-revoutionary country on earth. It will take a few decades until the decline is felt painfully by the working class and we reach "Rome is burning" levels of collapse.


People really underestimate how cataclysmic WW1 was. Every revolutionary thinks they're seeing capitalism's last days, but if you were an European during WW1 you would have good reason to be mistaken. Most of Europe had had armed peace for a while and had been content with using those newfangled industrial armaments on African villagers. Then all of a sudden, they had to fight against similarly industrialized enemies, and it didn't go so hot. So now you had Porky and aristos sending workers and peasants to die by the millions, in the vain hope that they could win the muh privilege of exploiting millions more in a distant colony. And all this, mind you, taking place in home territory. A massive war at home is completely different from a massive war outside.

My point is, things had to get really, really bad before the masses were moved to revolt. We're nowhere near such a situation.

I basically agree, but you also have to consider that I don't think anyone in Europe, in the early days of WWI, was seriously thinking "Yup, this Austria/Serbia border dispute is gonna lead to the biggest war the world has ever seen, millions of people are going to die for this". Like I couldn't see Trump just announcing "Fuck it folks, the nukes are already on the way to Beijing, just start counting the hours until the nuclear holocaust begins" but a steady stream of events that leads to some kind of US/China naval skirmish over Taiwan or the South China Sea escalating rapidly to an actual naval war, that I could see.

Where do you live?

Uhm, didn't Bismarck predict pretty much this?

True, I meant that more as in "nobody in Europe involved with declaring/fighting/etc the war was seriously thinking…".

This is the illusion that must be broken.
I agree with what most of you said except one thing, I never said they were ALL pussies, there are just too many pussies.

what the fuck is that supposed to mean asshole?