I was never the biggest antifa person. But after the Richard Spencer hit, and experiences marching in black blocs this weekend, I'm all in.

Other urls found in this thread:

you sound like a LARPing faggot

Thanks for punching Dick Dispenser for us, but I'm not really a smashie. Not really my thing.

Not really an ANTI FA supporter. Richard Spencer getting bashed is good, but they're still idpol heavy.

I'm just surprised they bashed an actual fascist this time. Usually antifa just fights other gangs.

you're right – political power flows from the barrel of your reddit posts. communism is an ideology based in struggle; i'll never understand why it attracts so many do nothing posers like you.

go jack off into your sweatpants again, white.

Comrade, you're a fucking idiot. Read this and self-crit.

I'm curious.
Who funds Antifa?

Nobody funds antifa, it's just a tactic you fucking moron

Every time. Friendly reminder that appeals to hypocrisy are not valid arguments.

antifa isn't a revolutionary formation, it's a set of antifascist politics and tactics. it's in the name for fuck's sake. I've never met a black bloc participant who wasn't also active in a party or cadre. this board needs to get the fuck out more. no investigation, no right to speak

and frankly, if you're not actively opposing the spread of fascism, you're enabling it.

Haha this, pretty obvious to even normies you all ain't even getting laid

Sorry, but I'm saving myself for my waifu.

Im pretty sure the guy who punched him was revealed as a scat fetishist or something

No that was a reddit lie courtesy of r/T_D. The dude they were trying to pin it on has been dead for a while.

Antifa protests haven't done anything though. We need insurrectionists.

In France, they've done this so often it's almost an event. You guys aren't getting anywhere.
This guy was right
Read "The Coming Insurrection".

Merge this pic with the Holla Forums fakepic to point out the stupidity and lies that Holla Forums spread.. plz

Antifa actually exposing the people to Anarchism and Socialism wile punching fascist in the fucking face.

It just couldn't get any better.

Honestly I've seen some COINTELPRO tier whining about this. Muh PR, muh normies, muh right to free speech. When in reality I haven't seen anyone post here about how antifa initially turned them off from leftism, and it's always "I thought being a smashie was cool, now I'm a commie".

They serve as a decent recruitment ground for people who would actually read theory, whether they start off as people looking for excuses to beat people up or not.

That's a good point. it's one thing to hear someone pontificate about the necessity of fighting fascism. it's another thing to see people actually put their bodies on the line in the streets.

the determination and resilience of antifa really speaks volumes about the severity of the far-right situation, and i'm sure adds a lot of weight to the issue for a lot of people.

everyone knows marxists have the best sex


wow, rude.

I would destroy her on the right.

Then why does everyone act so autistic when it comes to women's issues here. Seems like sexual frustration to me

Because you have the majority of the internet to moan about your lady troubles and this is the last bastion of class struggle.

Because no one feel the need to pander to you, and feminism is primarily a tool of liberalism these days.


Nigga, you probably are a liberal.



Define liberal.
Pro tip, it's doesn't mean people that disagree with my snowflake ideology

Niggas who think that operating within the framework of capitalism is somehow revolutionary, liberal.

It has legitimate propaganda value, you're just insecure because you're afraid to do anything yourself.

Like anyone who dismisses legitimate tactics for no valuable reason.

So Trump is liberal then too.

Class struggle > idpol
right-wing mra idpol < suicide


You sure it's not, minorities that trigger me because I don't understand theory and don't just dismiss them as more lumpenproles.

No, Trump is a feminist, Holla Forumsyp. Nice try :^)

Triggered LARPers

Isn't he?


Which women's issues are we autistic over?

Unless you're one of those little shits who thinks the first world is the only world you should remember class domination tends to express itself in as many forms as it pleases. Feels good being gay enough the lack of sex I have doesn't effect my opinion towards female genital mutilation and makes me consider it no big deal.

In what universe is a prototype fascist a liberal

Yeah, and it's why womens issues are stupid af. I don't care about your vagina


Hatered of women would be superstructure. Get off the internet for a while, SJWs have obviously given you PTSD

you need to get laid

Yeah but at least that doesn't effect my political opinion and make me believe we should just, allow people to commit ritual abuse of women for no reason other than refusing to care about women's rights to be edgy.

Come on fam, don't play dumb, like any of them, just look at this thread for starters, there's people dismissing women's issues out of hand for beginners

How about crack a fucking book and learning the superstructure is dependent on the base.
I don't care about your first world vagina problems.

Yup, take it to the relevant subreddit, Johnson.

famalam I know quite well what you're talking about, so much so in fact, I know it's pretty damn irrelevant to the current issue of "my genitals are being mutilated at this exact moment in time oh no"
You're arguing
because putting a stop to it, is doing it wrong?
Can somebody who has read as little as you be so dogmatic is that even reasonable yet?

Superstructure none the less shapes the base. So idpol is apart of class struggle. What has attacking the base done, the USSR is long gone

I'd pound the far left one.

Listen newfag.
>>>Holla Forums

Except women's issues is never about genital mutilation, and if it was it wouldn't be treated with disdain here.

I'm against female genital mutilation. I'm also against you BTW IM A GRIL YOU'RE SEXUALLY FRUSTRATED PAY ATTENTION TO ME posting.

Well apparently if you recognize the whole chain of causality it undoes genital mutilation.

Considering the only oldfag anarchist here is a child rapist you can shut the fuck up with that one.

Chronic virginity does things to the mind

You can take that false dichotomy, and shove it

What has shaping the base done?
Are you suddenly going to shape the base into "not capitalism", because that's never fucking happened and never will.

Except it is you blatantly lying piece of ignorant sad trash. That is a specific form of female genital mutilation that happens in the world.
You're going to pull that "first world is the only world" shit again and show your nationalistic tendencies, aren't you?

You can fuck right off I've been here longer than him. I've been here when Alunya was first posted in her old uniform. Yeah, the other outfit fampai.
Anti idpol has never meant anti woman. It's mean anti idpol by both men and women and white and black to overcome petty disagreements and use dat mutual aid to focus on larger class issues.

Anyone bitter enough to, when presented with the problem of "women's vaginas being sewn shut", to throw a little tantrum and demand all the attention and that nobody go and help unmutilate the vagina because it's not directly about you, is totally advocating not caring.

It means*

Obviously Holla Forums is against genital mutilation, but since people invested in women's issues both here and off site never actually give a fuck about it until it comes to time to defend women's issues (read: first world feminism) they can have all the scorn in the world rightfully poured upon them for using it as a political football, only to be dragged out of the long grass when it suits their lack of representation here.


I'm just going to speak myself but I've never gotten the impression it's first world women's issues that bother leftypol its women's issues period

You're the one throwing a tantrum about your vagina pet project.
If you want to liberate vaginas instead of killing capitalism, fly out to Africa and do it faggot. No one is stopping you.

You're the only one insisting we must abandon women's liberation to combat capitalism.
While for a lot of talk of action you have the best and most militant the left has, is highly feminist.

Sorry you're probably not the only one.

The only serious response you'll get if you raise FGM here is 'Yes, that should be stopped' and you know it.

Which women's issues are we autistic about?

Brilliant rebuttal, you've won me over to your point of view with no reservations.

I've never seen anything outside of first world women's issues posted here, I'd imagine Holla Forums is by a huge majority against things like genital mutilation but it's probably the thing we're the most powerless in regards to changing.


I don't care about feminism the same way I don't care about Asserism.
They're both in the same vain. Your pet project has nothing to do with stopping capitalism. You're never going to end "female issues" until capitalism is out of the way. There is no "women's liberation" as long as capitalism is here, you fool.

Any of them if they look like they might get too much attention. It scares Holla Forums into thinking it'll bring a complete disregard for anti-capitalist action, and I was quite terrified awhile ago too, of course I learned eventually that's nonsense because they compliment each other perfectly when class struggle is placed as a priority and radical feminism is given a supporting role to ensure stability and a general alright quality of life in our own new society.

You some kinda nationalist?

You're wrong.
The example I pointed to

is not economically leftist and merely a feminist group with guns or some other such nonsense?
The racial supremacy of the asserists has nothing to do with the prevention of abuse by feminists in conjunction with anti-capitalist action in the formation a new society. And when forming this new society I have to ask would you ask we ignore not only female focused feminism but also the feminist issues that only effect men? Those must also be ignored, yes?
As it's all sex related injustice you demand we outright ignore, not just the stuff that's bad for women right, the stuff that's bad for men too, yes? You're not a hypocrite right?

antifa are white niggers

Actually cite a few issues, please. Your shoehorning

Makes me think your issue is attention seeking.

I posted earlier I'm a gay man specifically to avoid this strawman :^)

You some kinda retard? How nice of you to roll out the YPG women's reg in order to pursue your first world feminist political agenda, but unfortunately it doesn't amount to an argument.

Now, without having a smashie fit, explain what women's issues you actually want discussed here, and how we've hindered you from doing so.

Fine. An attention seeking gay male.
You haven't cited any issues about which we are autistic yet, I don't count your crass leveraging of FGM.

The YPG is actually eliminating capitalism.

Your example is moot.

Asserist and many feminist both hyperfocus on their pet projects to the detriment of all involved. My whole point to begin with was, if you're willing to start a revolution within the framework capitalism gives you, you aren't worth my time. There's a number of Marxist feminist I respect, because they understand this. You apparently think there's some sort of women's liberation under capitalism, which is straight up retarded fam. I would say you're a poe from Holla Forums, if you weren't so reddit tier.

My "first world feminist political agenda"
You mean full communism right now? That's my overall goal. I would just prefer our socialist society, whether it end up state socialist, communist, or whatever else, also treats sexual minorities and women fairly.
Are specific examples of sex-themed injustices necessary when someone pointing out women's issues at all is what started this conversation, and brought me into it when someone's reply to simply the words "women's issues" was "reeeeeeee give me attention"? The concept itself creates conflict.

The concept of the possibility of there being issues that we have the ability to solve triggers people hardcore. If you won't let me go with female genital mutilation then I'd have to say rape coverups?
I know quite a bit of rape victims and coverups do happen in rural towns, at least. Of course men getting raped and that being covered up is also a feminist issue. Many petty capitalists in my area hire young women, often high school age, and do so mostly so they can stare and touch them. Which isn't the end of the world, sure, but certainly we can all admit petty capitalists shouldn't be hiring high school girls as basically twi'lek dancers, right?

No, my example is proven and you admitted it.
The feminist YPG. Making probably the most progress out of anybody in the left at this present moment in time.

I don't think this is really an issue, I can't think of any ideology here which allows for this.

Well look at how it's turned out, it's pretty much concern trolling with no actual concern.

So what women's issues within the YPG would you like to talk about? Everyone here already knows it's none and you're more buttblasted over everyone here having disdain for first world feminism.

No I'm not comparing hiring an underage girl so you can give her backrubs all day and make her wear an uncomfortable uniform is the same thing as rape coverups. Two different issues before one of you gets snarky about it.

Did you even fucking read what I wrote you dumb faggot?
The YPG's goal was to eliminate capitalism. Feminism in and of itself is fucking useless. Which proves my point that eliminating capitalism comes first. How thick are you?

I'd just like us to not completely denounce feminism with a rabid hostility when the most effective group of leftists right now could call anyone on this board a larper and get away with it, are feminist.

*and are

Yeah, but not for the left.

Everyone here likes the YPG and the women's battalions though, I think you're really missing out on the subtext of what a lot of people type.

If someone from Africa came on and asked for help stopping FGM, they'd get help. The majority of feminists that post here though are from the first world and to me it really looks like you're trying to use this as a wedge issue, which is the major hostility people have against feminism when espoused by people in the first world here, rather than feminism itself.

And they're doing more than any of us.

Every anarchist I know in real life was initially effected by riot porn. They saw not a pretentious figure with a book and an upturned nose, but people attacking symbols of capitalism which while they didn't recognize capitalism as being the issue yet, they saw bank smashing as a good thing and learned more about the people doing the smashing and their ideas because of it. This includes me.

I recognize that, your concerns are based in reality and true (except that I'm trying to use it as a wedge issue), as is that position. But that position doesn't make someone go "reeeee give me attention" when someone so much as mentions women's rights.
Generally I'm happy when the threads stick with even a "after class struggle" even when they don't refer to "after class struggle as a priority but within the same timeframe" to "like a year after we get automated space communism", at least it's not rabid rejection of the concept that there might be things we're doing wrong about sex in our society. It's that rabid rejection that should be met with equal hostility to placing sex issues above class issues. We can not totally abandon one or the other but class struggle must take top priority.

Are you trying to make a point, or are you just rambling now?

You used FGM as a weapon.

You aren't going to find many people here in favour of rape coverups either.
I find it hard to believe that you aren't trolling.

You're either a newfag or a poe.
Eitherway, kys.

If the feminist kurds are eliminating capitalism while being feminist, isn't it a bit fucking retarded of you to say "this is why feminism is useless"?

So now you're just ignoring the part where people threw an autistic ragefit simply because the concept of women's issues was brought up at all? And do you refuse to accept that we need both, with class struggle as a top priority as well?

Here is my example of the nonsense that started this conversation and brought me into it.

(feminism is only lady problems?)

(feminism is only liberalism)

(if you support women's issues you are a liberal)

(feminism is inherently within the framework of capitalism)

This last one is where the female genital mutilation comes into play initially, keep in mind. I made a comparison between the idea of "special treatment" and "not getting your vagina sewn shut".

I never said that. Learn to read you sad pleb.

I said feminism is useless in and of itself.
Learn to read you radiating cock gargler.

Seriously this has to be not even trying tier bait and you've gone and amongst COINTELPRO, redditors and Holla Forums raiders you've still managed to make the not an argument of the week:
You have lost your damn mind.

And a group of people who are feminists being the only people making any progress at all is piss poor proof of that you inebriated asswipe.

The autistic fits were thrown due to the manner in which they were raised.
People here are also obviously going to presume you're talking about first world manspreading or whatever.
I think you know all this, and I think you're posting to cause drama. You know, trolling.

By fighting in a proxy war for a Capitalist nation?

It's piss poor proof because they made eliminating capitalism their central goal.
Feminism was secondary.
You didn't even read what I said about marxist feminism, did you faggot?

(all this shit taken out of context)

I've been here from at least the 500 user point. I never said these ridiculous claims. I've said multiple times now I brought up female genital mutilation as a direct argument specifically against that "special treatment" guy.

I think I've tried explaining multiple times that we can not limit the conversation to the first world arbitrarily. I have addressed this and insisting to only take into account first world liberal feminism when discussing whether feminism is to be used at all is at this point becoming disingenuous.

There's only so many leftist ideas I can defend at one time, please.

That's exactly what I'm saying we should do too.
Class struggle as the primary goal with sex and cultural issues taking a supporting role. This makes me le Holla Forumsreddittumblrtrollfalseflagger though.

All in context actually.

No, you're reddit tier because you sperg out when someone says Feminism is useless in and of itself.

Which can't be proven with a feminist organization doing well.

They're not primarily a feminist organization. It's a literal side-project.
It's useless on its own.

This is why no one takes you seriously.

And for every one of those useless Anarkiddies ten actual proletarians turned away from left positions.

[citation needed]

It doesn't have to be a primarily feminist organization. That would be bad you see. When I say I want it in a supporting role to class struggle I mean exactly that. Of course it's useless on its own but the point is it's not on its own and it shouldn't be because then liberals can take control of it.

I didn't ask you to. I'm saying it's quite silly to attempt to prove feminism is useless by saying "the feminist kurds are eliminating capitalism"

What age were you diagnosed with autism?

please don't eat my poop im so scared of you scatifa!

We're going to struggle putting any more shit in you.

Yeah man, your average workers loves nothing more than chaos and violence in the streets.
Bonus points if you burn his personal property.

Isn't it quite stupid to try to do that though? I think it is. Using successful feminists as proof feminism is useless isn't that smart of a move.

I'm going to have to get you to explain that one without resorting to any liberal pacifism.

Don't put your personal property in the business districts. Or don't riot is residential districts.

The YPG are not a feminist group first and foremost, this point has been pointed out to you multiple times by multiple users.

Then why have you been sperging this whole thread?

Holy shit, kid. Your reading comprehension is non-existent. Did or did I not say feminism is "useless in and of itself"?

Because someone else initially sperged out about women's issues being considered at all. Full stop. No "sure but only after class struggle" just full stop "reeeee"ing at feminism, and then I must have accidentally triggered some less literate comrades by accident. Mostly accident.

Not first and foremost but they're still a feminist group and you can't get around that.
Let me just copy and paste my previous post for you.

Is this not the consensus here?

Seriously this entire conversation was started by someone going "reeee give me special attention" or whatever. You've blown this all out of proportions you daft sod.

And did I not agree with you? Because I agree there, it's useful in conjunction with socialism and does very good in a supporting role to anti-capitalism. It's nothing on its own because it gets co-opted by corporate and liberal interests at worst, and distracts at best. Still plays a wonderful supporting role and should be included in any socialist society.

Yes I've blown it out of proportion. Meanwhile I'm cointelpro.

You mean me saying I don't care about your delicate first world vagina when it comes to destroying capitalism?
I still don't, faggot.

And I still have a dick.

Is LARPer really a criticism coming from people who just roleplay online here?

Apparently Vay Hek is antifa.

I see no problem with this.

Wow what a feddist comment.

We've always been COINTELPRO here.

You took that completely out of context

The full context is there to be easily investigated just by clicking on the posts.
I misread "primarily" though actually.


How about we give old Dickard a call?


I know. I did.
Found out you're full of shit

do it!

Tell him "we're coming buck"

Be sure to record it.

Maybe offer him a gift basket to comfort him after getting BTFO by a smashie.

I sadly don't live in the US, so any burger willing to do this will earn eternal honor.

You got me there. I can't deny obtusely missing the "primarily" in that sentence.

What do you guys think about Marxist Feminism?

bullshit like any other form of feminism

Seriously can anyone please explain why americans allways think antifa is some unified organisation? This level of stupid anti antifa retardation seems to be a solely american thing.

Answered your own question tbhfam


I'm surprised he doesn't just carry a gun.

He's probably an anti gun statist anyway.

am I the only person who perceives this attitude?


the guy didn't even punch him, he elbowed him

Why Antifa hates trashcans so much?
Are they too much bourgeoisie?



This one has already been posted, but they're all pretty good.
I may turn the white pride one into a bin at some point, but I'm a lazy fuck so it will likely be when it's starting to get old.

I'd do it, if I could find way to keep him from finding out it's me.

Can't you generate numbers for skype with google phones or some shit? Seen people do it for some scams online.

YAY let's beat up some irrelevant faggot because hillary didn't won the election.

Sure this will bring a revolution.

Most people have some disadvantage in life and the disadvantage tends to surface or is created within capitalism.

I could bitch and cry all I wanted to about muh non white race not getting da best jurbs or muh learning disabilities don't get enough attention.

If I solved all these things with myself I would still and the large majority of the world would still have economic issues.

Ask the Indian girl who works 12 hours a day if she wants a 4 hour work shift that pays far better then her current pay or for her boss to be a female along with no tampon tax.

I wonder who is behind this post.

A moralfag nihilist, we have it all here!

Richard Spencer is a neonazi and a supporter of """"non-violent"""" genocide. He should be punched whenever he leaves his basement.

chimps gonna chimp

This guy is a nobody who is only gaining attention because leftists are give it to him.

These protests are paid up and won't be even happening if hillary or another neo-liberal/con was elected.

It's a useless fucking joke.

Richard Spencer is a nobody who is only popular because of leftists. Okay then.

This is actually true for the most part– when the alt-right was legitimized during the campaign by Hillary Clinton, liberal reporters lifted Spencer out of obscurity.

It must be Holla Forums!

Antifa exists to keep fascists from organizing and disrupting actual leftists. They are doing their job. Now you need to do yours.

Ver. 2, now talking shit.

He had some shitty small blog that even Holla Forumstards didn't knew of, now he is given the limelight by stupid journalists propping him up with attention.


You're making me nervous.

I'm not in the USA, I'm in the UK. All I have to do is sit around and let the right shoot themselves in the face before the next election.

Liberals always prop up right wing idiots because they get more clicks doing so.

That's the first thing i was wondering.

Who would see an image of some guy on a protest and just happen to recognize similarities with a guy eating shit and cuckolding in porn videos?

Holla Forums confirmed for autistically "analyzing" scat and cuckold porn. Nobody is surprised.


I think this pic may become iconic.

Hello there fellow leftists


nice sucker punch you fucking manlets

you get btfo by one guy who's taller than you and can't even hold your flag in your skinny little hands

Throwback to the "little white cuck ball" pic

Someone had a lot of pictures of white girls with black dicks on hand to make that

Smashie manlet makes your tough guy leader look like a mug, so all you have to counter is some chubby biker that probably thinks you're a pathetic virgin rugby tackling some whiny girl.

i love that normies everywhere have been able to enjoy richard spencer getting bashed

i think the aut-right legitimately overestimated their appeal

So what you're saying is you have to sucker punch gay people because you're under the height limit for most rollercoasters


The modern right, everyone!

proofs pls

don't be so hard on them, all their heroes have been getting BTFO in real life lately and trump is massively unpopular as an incoming prez

all they have is shitposting dumb memes

lmao Holla Forumsyps think that shoving a girl and shouting at someone without even throwing a punch makes them look tough fucking pussies

i think most normies are pretty comfortable with statuquo and want to keep things the way they are.

I'm glad to know that if I ever come across you in a street I'll be able to pick you up with one hand little fella


From a purely anthropological standpoint arguing against FGM is entirely ethnocentric

this one actually made my day very difficult.
i kept laughing by myself while at work thinking about it.
my coworkers thought i was crazy.

an Alt-rightfag punched by a shit eating cuck

this has to be the most hilarious shit i'v seen in years !
i swear i'v been laughing all day long about this, i don't think it will ever stop being funny.

Holla Forums stop. It's not even funny at this point. Your meme powers are dead.

dude violent protest lmao

Hail Dugin and his concubines in the alt-right!


Why hate Richard? He believes in the public ownership of health care. He seems pretty based to me.

Where did he ever say he ever supports either of those things?

he also has written about genociding non-whites. is he based, fellow leftist?



Did Spencer write that though?

Don't you realize that class struggle is IDPOL? Class is also an identity. Fucking retards. You can't get rid of identity

it's his website he founded, published articles for

if he *didn't* write it, he had to endorse it to publish it

Not really. You don't know how the site was run. You know Richard Spencer is considered to soft by Holla Forums right? I imagine he would have deleted it as soon as he saw it. TRS is way edgier then Spencer and they deleted an article that was about ethnic cleansing.

I just looked at the wiki for that website. It says his co-founder wrote that particular article.

Who cares when he took it down? The fact that it even went up in the first place should tell you everything. "Oh no it got backlash and so they pussied out" is not an excuse.

Here's the full video where antifaggots get rekt by a single guy

one of them gets fucking KO'd like a little bitch and cries on the ground while his faggot friend cries to the police to help him

Polyp confirmed triggered

I do think you shouldn't go antifa if you can't fuck up someone in a fight. Or failing that bring a weapon. Honestly beating nazis achieves little if you can't score a kill.

Maybe you should go cry to the police to save you

I don't think mommy and daddy let you own any weapons because they don't want their precious little angel to get into any trouble :^)

Also you're not even fighting nazis but regular people who are kicking your faggot asses every time

Lol dumb dweeb cant even post a link properly are you also a virgin?

no one cares

They aren't us. Untrigger yourself from the feel matrix.

Here you go buddy. Watch more faggot leftists get their shit beaten down by good ol fashion regular folk like us

Yer nobody cares about faggot antifa

You guys should come out more in the day so regular folk can kick your teeth in more and more.

You were so proud about a sucker punch a while ago now you're telling me to lay off when you see that there's more footage of antifaggots getting #rekt than there are nazis?

regular folk dont go on fucking nazi marches.

Good! I am a post-leftist

Regular folk also don't like faggot twinks larping as Soviets

Also in the footage it was just a group of people on their way to work and antifa were blocking them. Regular folk are not on your side we hate your guts and if I ever see you block my path I'll stick a knife through your throat

Crawling in my skin.

Your wounds will not heal

*teleports behind you*
heheh not this time kid

Me? I was never proud of this.
Re-read my post.

You see leftypol this is why we should not bother withe the dumb proles

The proletariat is stupid, there is no reason to liberate them

They dserve everything they get

More like why we shouldnt let the reactionary scoundrels claim the 'working class' card.

You mean like higher standards of living in comparison to Communist/post-Communist states?

Look at this dumb prole, the dumbass belives life in Imperialiet Russia before the revolutionmwas any better hahaha

You should stop reading mangos and open a history book, dumb prole

You're right there's nothing that could fix Russia but please do not subject Russia onto world.

Rest of world is fine

Nice damage control, Now let me ask you, dumb prole, was life in imperialist Russia better or worse than in the USSR? Why would you evade the question?

There was no Gulag or forced starvations, everyone had nice house to live in, life on farm was nice, no wars to die in for communist jews. Wonderful royal family with rich heritage. Problem is Jewish commies were unleashed by Germans and like parasite dug into innocent Russians.

Then USSR came and imposed imperialism on everyone that didn't worship jewish commienism


What did I told you leftypol, proles are this dumb


Ahh that explains it, how does it feel to know americans have to go to cuba for healthcare

Why don't the proles like me reeeeeee

if you did my uncle who works at Nintendo wouldn't like that. He's also a blackbelt.

yes, you regular folk with your encyclopedic knowledge of scat and cuck porn. :^)

don't you mean 'display-quality katana'? Or is this MikeeUSA again?

nothin personnel

Gulags were the same shit they'd been doing for centuries with a different name

Stalin did not invent famine

take your meds.

The real one

B-but muh volk!

this screenshot has been going around the internet but it's misleading out of context. The point he was making was "this is what blacks are saying about whites in South Africa" or something like that.

i would respect antifa if they did go after the bougeois and the banks instead of some nobodies and pretty much helping them get the media attention they whants.
fucking anarkiddies are useless

smashies won't bring the inevitable international proletarian revolution, but by spook it's fun and makes fashies piss themselves

As if you did anything to de banks, cuckboi

That's because the American Black Bloc is shit. Europoors do it better.

America is full of political larpers. Even the Holla Forumsyps butthurt at Richard Spencer (who they will never shut the fuck up reminding you that he is not their guy) resort to referencing Europe for how tough they are.

It's almost like you think antifa and socialism are mutually exclusive, like it's some stand alone ideology and not the mask for when these people beat up nazis.
Sad ignorant tankies.

Antifa is not an actual organization you clueless retard

this is what makes it impossible for some COINTELPRO action to infiltrate it and fuck it over

anyone can be antifa

is this bait?

great victories comrades, the struggle continues!!

QQ Gaylord
