Where are Jews like me supposed to do to combat IDPol?

Where are Jews like me supposed to do to combat IDPol?

Lefty IDPol groups see us as white Zionist oppressors who deserved getting shot for having a deli next to a building drawing offensive cartoons and Righty IDPol groups see us as Lizard Bank people using blacks, gays, and refugees to create a genocide of whites.

It is a lose lose situation. We get hated by everyone.

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I think netanyahu is a pretty cool guy eh kills terrorists and doesn't afraid of anything

Speak out against it including and especially the Jewish idpol of the bourg Jewish establishment or infiltrate and crash it from the inside

First of all, Judaism is a religion.
Second, Israel is oppressing Palestine and is tool for the US.

Apart from that, we don't really care about your religion or state you were born in.
Overthrowing Capitalism is more important.

and, after all, we all know it's the Irish and not the Jews

Despise Netanyahu and the settlements. Like that Israel is only place gays don't have to worry about being murdered. Don't like Israel's politics and yearn for a return to the Israeli Left's inclusive socialist Kibbutzim.

AIPAC is bad. Oppressing Palestinians is bad.

Have I passed the "good Jew" test

Have you ever just tried to stop being jewish?

Speak out about how the jewish idpol of zionism actively makes the lot of jews worse. When Israel declares that being against israel means being against all jews, then goes a murders a bunch of babies, that's gonna convince some people that they're in the right to be against jews.

Do you tell American Muslims they need to speak out against the Saudis and entrenched Arab money?

Why are Jews held to different standard?

Because God made them the master race. They have to be held to a higher standard.

If you were to tell Muslims to fight against the Muslim Boug Establishment, you would be called an Islamaphobe.

Again. Why the double standard for Jews? There are over 1 billion Muslims and only 12 million Jews.

We hate zionists, not jews.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being Jewish. No left-winger will dislike you for being Jewish. If they dislike you on account of merely being Jewish they're an idiot. My current girlfriend is Jewish and she's a communist.

This. If you have zionist sympathies please fuck off.

Why do all Jews need to be tested for Zionist sympathies?

They ought to. Saudi royals need to get Jacobin'd.

I don't know any Jew who believes this.

When did anybody say anything about a test?

There's no test.

Same reason why all white comrades must avoid anti-black/white supremacist racist bullshit. It's false consciousness.

If an american muslim was actively asking how to fight idpol i probably would.

No one said that.

You're already on the outs regardless of the type of idpol. So fight idpol; you have no choice.

One third of the world's Jews were slaughtered. They are white to some people and non-white to others. Why should Jewish Leftists have to be subject to additional scrutiny for their heritage?

Why do jews get so defensive about zionism? I mean these are the same comrades who will shit on all sorts of other western spooks but when it comes to their fictional homeland suddenly they are all about restraint.

i know, communists historically cared to attack every religion but judaism, hmmm


I was referring to soviets destroying churches and mosques, but not synagogues. hmmm

They aren't.

I'd tell the same thing to Muslims.
I don't know why you think otherwise.

"Bolsheviks, including Jewish Bolsheviks, were hostile to Judaism. From December 1918 to August 1919, the teaching of Hebrew was banned, religious instruction in Judaism was forbidden, the Kehillot (an umbrella organization of Jewish communists) was suppressed and the leaders of those organizations were rounded up and imprisoned.

In the next decade, anti-Semitism began to appear in Communist Party propaganda, with references by the Vozd against "Talmudists." During this period trials against Jews that would "put the trials of Dreyfus and Beilis in the shade."

Even in the early years of Hitler, when Nazism was supposedly the mortal enemy of Bolshevism, the Bolsheviks agreed with the Nazis that Jews were exploiters of the working class in Germany. As Walter Laqueur writes in his 1959 book, The Soviet Union and the Middle East:

"With the stimulus to Zionism given by the rise of Hitler, the Soviet and Comintern organs intensified their attacks on Zionism. Hitler's anti-Semitism was regarded skeptically; commenting on the April, 1933, boycott in Germany, it was said ‘In a few days you will find that all the big Jewish stores still exist, that Jewish bankers, capitalists and stock jobbers are still carrying on their businesses, and that no Jewish industrialist has suffered any damage.'"

So, while the Christian democracies were deploring Kristallnacht and despicable acts of the Nazis toward the Jews, the Bolsheviks (supposedly controlled by the Jews) pretended that the Nazis and Jews were actually in league – it is hard to imagine clearer evidence that those Jews who had died with the Bolsheviks (and so repudiated Judaism) were pawns of the Bolsheviks, not the controllers of Bolshevism."


72% Russian (53% of population)

6% Ukrainian (21% of population)

5.2% Jewish (1.8% of population)

4.6% Polish, Latvian, other Baltic (0.7% of population)

3.4% Transcaucasian (2.5% of population)

2.5% Central Asian (7% of population)

2% RSFSR minorities (4.3% of population)

3% others (6.4% of population)

Source: T.H Rigby, "Communist Party Membership in the USSR, 1917-1967"

Out of the 15 members of the Council of People's Commissars on 7 November 1917, the only Jew was Trotsky. Except for the Ukrainian Lunacharsky and the Pole Teodorvitch, everyone else was Russian

In the Civil War, 22,000 ex-Tsarist officers served with the Red Army in 1918 and a total 48,000 in the entire Civil War. This element was crucial in preserving the Bolshevik Revolution. Needless to say, there was not a Jewish element amongst ex-Tsarist officers. Neither was there a Jewish element amongst the primary commanders of the Red Army. The aforementioned Latvian Riflemen leader Joachim Vatsetis became commander-in-chief of the entire Red Army from September 1918 to July 1919. He was replaced by Sergei Kamenev who was of course a Russian. Other important leaders of the Red Army were Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko, Mikhail Tukhachevsky, Mikhail Frunze (Romanian), Klement Voroshilov, Vasili Bliukher, and Semyon Budyonni (Cossack).

Thus, it has been proven that there was a limited Jewish presence amongst the Bolsheviks whether in the state, party, or military.

Cameron, Kenneth Neill. Stalin, Man of Contradiction. Toronto: NC Press, c1987, p. 75

Holla Forums BTFO.

You're a fucking idiot. Next thing you're going to say that Stalin had everything right on his stance against the Jews and his completely retarded seesawing on his stance on Israel, and how the creation of a Jewish Atonomous Oblast in some small, completely isolated corner of the Russian empire was a stellar idea. I wouldn't at all be surprised if you have a latent boner for Stalin and think he was the best of all the Soviet leaders.

Try bringing up various types of leftist ideas to your Elder of Zion.

I'm not Westerner, I'm a sandnigga but hear my thoughts, brother:

Jews in US are over-represented in the porky class as it's obvious, it's just a fact, a fact can't be anti-Semitic. You can dive into the reasons why they which because in Europe they were allowed to lend people money with interest and they made a fortune. Those who were living in Andalusia and moved to Morocco (Europeans originally) or those who lived in the rest of the Muslim world weren't as rich. And still until today in Israel after generations poor as fuck.

I would actually like the Western left to look into socio-economic issues in every IDpol issue other than silencing people with "that's racist", "you can't say that"…

Most Western Jews aren't Zionists, but most porky Jews are sadly. Speaking against it not out of obligation, it's just to maintain Jews reputation that porky Jews causing, also it would give to the left the idea that you are part of the collective.

Wanna add Christian weren't allowed to lend people with interest in EU in the past.

I'm so sleepy so excuse handful of errors there.

Why, destroy western civilization, of course!

I lauged far harder than I should have at this

Not by anyone on here. Muslims must fight their bourgeoisie same as the rest of the proles. Religion makes no difference. It's very clear who benefits from "don't encourage a group of people to overthrow their porkies or you're a morally defective boor" being a dominant idea.
This exposes the intellectual bankruptcy of SJW identity politics, to be quite honest. There's an inconsistent internal logic because the theory is wrong. But you seem to be implying this is a weakness of anti-zionist positions in general.

Holy shit, the persecution complex is real.
There's no presumption of guilt here. Real leftists understand that Judaism and Zionism are not synonymous. You are not assumed to be a zionist until proven otherwise, At the same time, zionism is indeed false consciousness and it's worth challenging the idea wherever it comes up, whether among its jewish or white supporters. When people try to convince you to oppose it, they're not always blaming you for your heritage. And when SJWs do, remember that this is something they do to everybody, even and especially whites.

Completely fucking wrong, this is a Holla Forums myth



So in actual fact, as a percentage, more synagogues were closed than the previous Orthodox state church.

Campaign against Judaism and Zionism.


I have a question for all leftists that says "JERUSALEM SHOULD BE PALESTINE".

When Jerusalem finally becomes palestine: how are you going to explain those women and gays that they no longer have rights?


I'm no BDStard but at least their formalized oppression would be better than Israel literally invading foreign territory

just let it go pal. It happened like 70 years ago. Every Single fucking country has stole territory from other country years ago.

I don't see you protesting Argentina for stealing territory from Paraguay. I don't see you complaining about Murifats stealing mexican territory. I don't see you complaing about China stealing territory from whatever.

Shit happens. You can't milk the cow of "hurr durr they invaded some mudshits" forever

Bullshit. Anti-zionist Jews are celebrities.

Join us.


Gays in Palestine would not have the right to be "out" or have gay sex, but in every other regard they'd still have the same rights as straight men in Palestine. Similarly, Arab citizens of Israel have only those "rights" of Jews in Israel, and not those which capitalist rule does not provide for.
You're fundamentally missing the point if you insist on working within a paradigm of how to get the most rights handed down to the most people by an entrenched, parasitic ruling class. The Arab-Israeli conflict is one that completely lacks a solution within the current mode of production. That's the whole point. The people who think everything will magically be alright if you guys stop the occupation are all liberals. But it's always important to call out and condemn human rights abuses like those in Gaza and the West Bank as symptoms of the underlying contradictions of capitalism

you came to the wrong place for seeking greater israel approval.

that Greek nazi is ridiculous, see him all the time on 4/pol/

"greater Israel"

NO, just the tiny fucking Israel that there is now. THAT tiny shit is what I'm deffending, not "greater Israel"

please tell me why I am so wrong and I will change my mind

Go somewhere else with this weak-ass bait.

A much more appropriate comparison would be to the British Raj, or French Africa or any other colony.
And yes people did protest about this. And yes, the imperialists were kicked out, after occupying these countries for longer than Israel has Palestine today.

But Israel had the chance for a democratic two-state solution decades ago

It refused and annexed swathes of territory illegally

Guys. The only reason people care about a tiny country of just 8.000.000 people is because they are jews. It has nothing to do with "colonialism".


*steal =still

Uruguay is rightful Brazilian clay.

People care because millions of europeans and americans went to an underdeveloped part of the world, stole the land and spent the next 70 years slaughtering the local population.

You must have missed the anti-apartheid struggle and anti-colonialist movements of the 20th century

I almost thought you were going to mention the Falklands, which people totally freaked over. Guess you chose not to because you knew it would torpedo your whole argument.
Free Tibet was a huge deal among liberals.

I really wish you could grow some self-awareness, step outside yourself, and realize just how delusional you sound.

Again, I don't think anyone here thinks the region's problems would be magically solved if Israel ceded territory. But you're making it your project to enthusiastically defend Zionism, blithely ignore its contradictions, and repudiate any Marxist analysis of the situation.

Because through occult intersectional magic they're suddently white now or something therefore guilty of everything and deserving of being run into the sea, unlike the noble and wonderful Arabs who totally never did anything wrong. All of the Jewish land and wealth that was taken by Arabs when Israel was established, outclassing the amount of land Jews took from Arabs, is obviously just an evil zionist plot, and leftists should support oppressed people everywhere especially if they can claim it's the Jew's fault.

People forget how many Jews were displaced around the Arab world after Israel was established. Or maybe they just never cared.

you guys really need to stop making it so obvious

The YPG has unofficial relations with Israel

That's not a bad thing, considering the Arab nations have massacred the Kurds repeatedly.