
Yes nationality is a spook, but there are clear biological differences between different people. People who deny this have no idea how biology works. All characteristics are expressed in your DNA and anyone can see certain simularities between certain ethnicities. If you deny the existance of races, you deny science and biology

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Nice spooks, go back to Holla Forums

go back to Holla Forums

We already have a thread about this. Check the catalog first asshole

Shut up

Not everything is a spook. Spooks are social constructs, right? Race is a part of your DNA. If all social constructs like nations, money or morality were removed, the DNA would not be.

This is as fucking general as saying this cow is brown this cow is white, this goat is brown, this goat is white.

There is no peer reviewed, credible, official, backed magic consensus, where whites and asians are at the top of the food chain everyone else just sucks, or to further classify Homo Sapiens Sapiens since we are already classified as a subspecies where previous species came before and had enough physiological difference to be considered too far removed from the general Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

Genetics can mean a lot but just saying so is

quite literally just saying so.

And it doesn't mean anything.

Care to be specific? Want to talk about how migrating populations and demographics for a time migrated between mainland Asia and Java when ocean levels were far lower? Or how about people who lived in the now defunct Bearing Strait?

Or are you suggesting for the billionth time of leftypol blacks are stupid and whites are smart because my well respected not called dubious everywhere bell curve relating to genetics, somehow


Lol jesus christ. So many assumptions. First I have to clarify that I think, from the evidance I've seen, there is no clear difference in inteligence between races. What Holla Forums's retarded Autism Level tests fail to take into account is social and economic status. That is the reason for inteligence differences. What I'm talking about, like biologists are saying, is for example the most prevelant case of race. The gene to make you able to drink milk your entire life. Another is the gene that favours longer legs for people of African decent.

they said women were retarded, and ended up discovring radiation and dark matter
they say niggers were retarded and look at Jimmy Hendrix or Obama

I don't trust racism

That is perhaps the most banal fucking conversation imaginable and isn't even talking about the interesting portions of genetics

Thank you for telling us some people have genes not degenerate enough to suck animal tit milk, your posts are a gift to the board's content as a whole

An example of clear differences in biology. Simular small genetic differences make other animals a separate race. For an example, a lot of different pigeon races only have a genetic difference to change the color of their feathers

The value judgement given to DNA by you is a spook, no matter how hard you try to pass your race idealism as objective

The Holla Forumsyp fears the samurai

Oh look, this thread again






Roberts, Dorothy (2011). Fatal Invention. London, New York: The New Press. "The genetic differences that exist among populations are characterized by gradual changes across geographic regions, not sharp, categorical distinctions. Groups of people across the globe have varying frequencies of polymorphic genes, which are genes with any of several differing nucleotide sequences. There is no such thing as a set of genes that belongs exclusively to one group and not to another. The clinal, gradually changing nature of geographic genetic difference is complicated further by the migration and mixing that human groups have engaged in since prehistory. Human beings do not fit the zoological definition of race. A mountain of evidence assembled by historians, anthropologists, and biologists proves that race is not and cannot be a natural division of human beings."

Harrison, Guy (2010). Race and Reality. Amherst: Prometheus Books. "Race is a poor empirical description of the patterns of difference that we encounter within our species. The billions of humans alive today simply do not fit into neat and tidy biological boxes called races. Science has proven this conclusively. The concept of race (…) is not scientific and goes against what is known about our ever-changing and complex biological diversity."

Keita, S O Y; Kittles, Royal, Bonney, Furbert-Harris, Dunston, Rotimi; Royal, C D M; Bonney, G E; Furbert-Harris, P; Dunston, G M; Rotimi, C N (2004). "Conceptualizing human variation". Nature Genetics. 36 (11s): S17–S20. doi:10.1038/ng1455. PMID 15507998. "Modern human biological variation is not structured into phylogenetic subspecies ('races'), nor are the taxa of the standard anthropological 'racial' classifications breeding populations. The 'racial taxa' do not meet the phylogenetic criteria. 'Race' denotes socially constructed units as a function of the incorrect usage of the term."

Legal scholar Dorothy Roberts argues, "Edwards did not refute Lewontin's claim: that there is more genetic variation within populations than between them, especially when it comes to races. (…) Lewontin did not ignore biology to support his social ideology (…). To the contrary, he argued that there is no biological support for the ideological project of race." "The genetic differences that exist among populations are characterized by gradual changes across geographic regions, not sharp, categorical distinctions. Groups of people across the globe have varying frequencies of polymorphic genes, which are genes with any of several differing nucleotide sequences. There is no such thing as a set of genes that belongs exclusively to one group and not to another. The clinal, gradually changing nature of geographic genetic difference is complicated further by the migration and mixing that human groups have engaged in since prehistoric times. Race [however defined] collapses infinite diversity into a few discrete categories that in reality cannot be demarcated genetically."

Similarly, biological anthropologist Jonathan Marks agrees with Edwards that correlations between geographical areas and genetics obviously exist in human populations, but goes on to note that "What is unclear is what this has to do with 'race' as that term has been used through much in the twentieth century—the mere fact that we can find groups to be different and can reliably allot people to them is trivial. Again, the point of the theory of race was to discover large clusters of people that are principally homogeneous within and heterogeneous between, contrasting groups. Lewontin's analysis shows that such groups do not exist in the human species, and Edwards' critique does not contradict that interpretation."

The view that, while geographic clustering of biological traits does exist, this does not lend biological validity to racial groups, was proposed by several evolutionary anthropologists and geneticists prior to the publication of Edwards critique of Lewontin.


Yes, that is very true. Races and genus and species could also all be concidered spooks because they have no clear line of separation. There was never a "missing link" between them since evolution is continous. Anyways, I'm just saying that if you follow what scientists, not philosofers are saying right now. Race is real. Nazi retarded supperor aryan race conspiracies, are not.

Thank you, we never knew this, that some people aren't adapted to the brilliant strategy of drinking animal breast milk.

We all are in better hands than Africa for being less degenerate. We are advanced enough to own milk farms where every free citizen of America has the right to drink milk from an animal's tits, regardless of income.

Milk is so important in fact, we need to have a constant amount of bred animals in the millions getting milked all the time, that we can drink.

Just because we really are not that degenerate at all

Obama was pretty retarded, but I'd replace him with Thomas Sankara.

Fuck your structuralism, sciencifical value judgements are a spook

Nobody is saying "race" isn't real. Genetic variance exists but what of it.

Whites are suceptible to a numerous amounts of genetic faults other races do not have.

Genetics is not a popularity contest. You cannot make any assumptions based on something as material as the human genome without a good amount of evidence.

Likewise your comment on evolution is idiotic. I hope you meant race and genes and not race and Genus

Fuck what the teacher say

Fuck the teacher!

t. teacher

This has nothing to do with being a degenerate. I'm not saying that drinking milk makes you a supperior übermench (although some science says it enhances brain function, which I'm not sure I believe as I've read contradicting statements). What I'm saying is there are clear biological differences between peoples. These differences are not large, and mostly if not fully cosmetic, like larget noses or ears.


Wow, who knew?

You can divide people in an infinite number of ways. Race is a shit way of doing so. Far too vague.

No I ment race and genus as in race and genus throughout the animal kingdom. Not human genuses.

Not a lot of people here, apparently.

Here we have it again, the spookposter's favourite pastime, the slippery slope

Your spooks will always lose in the battle against the egoism

Fuck off and take your spooks with you

The fuck are you even saying. Do you know how taxonomy works? I'm saying this as someone who considers Biology a soft science

I'm saying all Europeans are genetically predisposed to run to the nearest bovine and suck their tits and build living factories over it.

If we had less Europeans, the better the human race would be, because all Europeans are genetically furry

I literally wrote the opposite of that. I said that I've read it and that I don't think I believe it.

the darkies know SHUT IT DOWN

Nationality is if anything less of a spook because it partially reflects material differences.

You get express ticket to egoistic milkshake gulag.

I maybe wrote it a bit clumsilly. What I ment is that biological classification of animals could probably be concidered a spook. But you can't say that animal classification isn't a spook and human classification is.



We know differences exist. One look at another person, even a twin, tells you that

That doesn't justify oppression and barbarity

There's much more science to it than saying this butterfly is blue but has yellow spots but this butterfly is yellow with orange stripes, yet have more or less the same physiological features and organs, genes.

Taxonomy is useful in classifying how evolution works down the line.

It is however, not useful when used by new age reactionaries who don't have a fuck of a clue that taxonomy even exists in the first place.

I think their emulation of it without knowing its existence is criticism of it enough, not necessarily that.

Besides which, it is our only tool to really classify life that came before us, as sketchy and always changing and soft as that is, we do with what there is.

I don't want to live in a world where we stop calling T Rex, T Rex, anyways.

True. But my point was that since there is no clear points in time where one animal becomes another, it is pretty spooky to classify them. The evolution of animals has always been a spectrum. When would a T. Rex even stop being a T. Rex or become a T. Rex? The changes are so insignificantly small after each change that you could never have a "what came first, the hen or the egg meme".

What’s at stake in this debate, OP? As essentially every anthropologist, biologist and so forth have shown, race is a piss-poor category to classify humans, but even so—humans have differences. Gotcha. As you’ve admitted, race has no practical value to differentiate (e.g., between intelligence levels or whatever), except maybe who can drink cow milk or who is more prone to certain illnesses.

So why does race matter in a political board? Unless you’re trying underhandedly to sneak in some racialist bullshit about, well ak-shu-ally, blacks are inferior?

Doesn't matter at all in politics. I just find it infuriating when people deny science.

Also, no. Most biologists agree that race exists in some kind of form, even if they woulden't call it race because of controversy. Most of them refer to it either as changes in culture or language, but at the same time talk about it like it wore ethnicities.

The material conditions are also moving around through space identically too. Plus, those people are dead now. As far as CURRENT people go nationality PARTIALLY reflects material conditions. Nationalism is like 9/10s spook.
Said similar genetics to some and different to others are completely divorced from the made up categories racialists have invented.

yh agree with you. Missunderstood you before.

Positivists should be hanged

This doesn't happen. People involved in genes can say where traits came from, how they came to be, and can narrow down to the migration and periods of time they went through to get to their local time area.

Nobody denies race, everybody agrees race is an out dated politically loaded term from another time in science.

The biological classification animals is in part ARBITRARY (because ultimately all classification is arbitrary) but is still based on reality. It's really not a spook if you're using spook correctly.

Americans have no business talking about race and its implications. Fucking mutts. Subhuman "white" Americans not allowed in Europe. France for the French, Germany for Germans, America for subhuman mutts

Holla Forums's obsession with racialism and "science" to "disprove" socialist/leftist ideologies and uphold their reactionary nonsense is becoming unbearable

every thread and discussion with them dissolves into them spamming pseudoscience

This is correct. Your imaginary hierarchies are still nonsense, as are the numerous stereotypical traits you ascribe to genetics with no evidence.

No, they don't.





Actually, a lot of the genes can be explained. I read an article on the evolution on the ethnicities of europe pre-Roman Empire's genocide of the celts. The Indo-Europeans were most likely the ones spreading the blue eye gene, as that is also prevolent in other Indo-European countries, like Afganistan or western India.
They had also found evidance that the Germanic ethnicity is a mix of the celts, indo-europeans and a lot of the pre-homo sapien europeans like the neanderthals.

If you would have read more than the top first post you would know that I think race heirarchies are retarded. I'm not a fucking nazi.

I see no problems with a multiethnic society. Although I have problems with a multicultular one. Some imigrants bring with them an actual rape culture. A lot of imigrants (and no, I don't mean that only black imigrants bring hurtful cultures, there are plenty of hurtful european cultures as well as a lot of great african and middle eastern cultures) don't.