Why are leftists (socialists/anarchists) so cringey and useless now? What happened?

Why are leftists (socialists/anarchists) so cringey and useless now? What happened?

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The Left became passive and Liberals thought it was a cool new trend for progressive values.

Intersectionality and influence from maoist/tankie bullshit happened.

Cointelpro neutered the left and porky commidified it.

who the hell is that guy on the second picture? literally 80% of pictures making fun of socialist is just this one person!

Some maoist tranny.

Welcome back checkers it's been a while

So how do leftists try to change this?

Get back to unhinging porky's grasp on the world rather than arguing that he has a grasp on the world and sometimes breaking windows.

Ahuviya, some lolcow. You won't be able to find the comprehensive guide to their antics because someone is running an op on them as we speak.

The ones you refer to are those who are confined to academia, using all their time evaluating very speciffic social phenomena, that by it's very nature, make them unable to manifest as anything like a populist mass-movement.

Bookchinist anti-academia is the way to go tbh.

I'd recommend checking out this podcast with the co-director of the Institute for Social Ecology Blair Taylor, where they discuss the oddities of neo-Anarchism and its compatibility with neo-liberalism. It's a good listen.


Fucking newfags

Are you implying the right hasn't matched

I'm not implying that but it seems that all fringe political ideologies have just become memes it's wierd.

Lifestylists BTFO

I'm liking the amount of Bookchin being discussed on this board recently

That's because no one takes anything serious anymore and would rather make jokes then discuss anything or take action. Any movement made to break out of it is faced with ridicule.

How many layers of meta are you on right now?

Too many to count

Taking imageboards seriously is the greatest sign of newfaggotry.

Likewise. I'm really hoping that more leftists actually read Bookchin, and get around to understanding the problems with the new left, identity politics, and what we can do to fix these issues.

Shut the fuck up and get off our board.

what actions have YOU taken then?

This is my board, user.

This is my post

Same thing what happened to Liberals. They've underwent a process I call "faggotation". In short, bunch of idiots came over and started calling themselves socialists while knowing nothing about socialism just to sound KOOL.

Go home, Holla Forums, you're drunk.

nazbols fuck off

After the failure of the Sparticist Revolt many Communist intellectuals, most importantly the Frankfurt School, looked towards culture to explain why the masses didn't rise up. As the USSR became increasingly discredited after '56 this focus on culture over economics accelerated and post '68 it had become the dominant tendency in the Western Left. Consequently by now the Left is closely associated in the public minds with the sort of ridiculous cultural politics that is most appealing to cringy, over-educated losers.

seems like they killed communism .