People got together and demanded they quit. They won't.
People got together and demanded they quit. They won't.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm the petitioner and guy who compiled the signatures, and I've been banned.
Reddit confirmed MKULTRA?
Duh. Has been for ages.
Try to keep discussion in
but if they quit then what? they aren't going to elect us as mods
the mods you want to be removed aren't stepping down. Keep close track of the ones that won't be removed, or harder, try to track the inactive accounts that were just added as mods.
These are the ones that are causing most of the strife, or potentially goading on the other non-fbi mods to act like retards
How huge? Do you actually have a majority behind you? Given the tendency of socialists to be idpol-corrupted squabblers, I'm pessimistic.
If they elect their own mods that aren't actively detrimental to the cause of socialism that's a win enough. We don't need /r/socialism to become leftypol we just need it to stop being /r/socialism
Just trash it and wake up some more normies possibly in the process. There's no saving it.
Nobody can know because nobody actually knows how large the community really IS. The vast majority of redditors never post anything. So the mods are going "your petition only has .1% of our 80000 subscribers" when their supporters almost certainly amount to somewhere in the range of .1% themselves.
Fuck /r/socialism. It's a honeypot run by Trots.
how many would be leftists are starting to dabble in socialism, googling "reddit socialism" and finding this shithole, promptly getting banned and swearing off the matter forever every day? Obviously we can't really know but it's definitely too many.
My point being, it might be impossible to keep saving but we have to try because as is it's actively fucking us over.
Even just keeping the controversy alive might get them looking for other subreddits rather than taking /r/socialism as representative.
I think the word you're looking for is COINTELPRO. Let's not get any sectarian rabble into this.
What do you expect from rape apologist trots?
It's less sectarian and more the specific organization of trots they're members of is extremely rapey, and the logic they've used to defend their own actions is actively the same logic that the organization in question uses to defend its rapist leadership.
Trotsky was a stooge for American and British powers, so same difference really.
I was just banned for pointing out the simple fact that Holla Forums has done more to combat Holla Forums's cultural hegemony than /r/socialism has. Lol.
i noticed it's the same few users/mods constantly defending the mods in these threads
That's what I mean. It can only serve purpose while it's being burned down. No point trying to install good mods lmao
Please provide proof.
He was a Freemason funded by the Rothschilds and he got what he deserved.
I saw your post. If any of you have accounts, we need your help now. Because without a surge of activity we will lose what is a winnable fight.
Okay but just burning it down for the sake of burning it down means the bans will be entirely in the right. An active effort to save it, despite the impossibility of saving it, is required to make how fucked it is entirely clear.
Trotsky was a coward that preferred to chase chicks than going against Stalin when he had to.
Your tankieness is not required.
You said leftypol.
Next time say /interesting/ and you may pass the censorship.
My new account is not 3 days old yet.
The other one is banned.
Does "Holla Forums" trigger an automatic ban? Are there other words that do the same?
Yeah it's gotta be agit prop at the same time.
What the fuck did you expect?
They are so addicted to their power, they broke up their "24h strike" within 30 minutes.
They are not going to step back. It's like demanding from maggots to voluntarily leave the bacon of a dead animal.
This never happened before!
We tried to tell you about hierarchies bro.
All posts from accounts that are less than 3 days old are automatically deleted.
Fuck reddit.
Can't win with them, can't win without them.
Cause there is no sectarianism and infighting in anarchist cycles and NO HIERARCHIES are formed in practice! NO SIR!
Dream on anarkids. Reality is, sometimes you are worse than us.
someone dumped a bunch of screenshots from the /r/soc discord but then it got purged
Not that I know.
Except for idiot and other "Slurs", ofcourse.
We should use all the attention from this and start an exodus to another subreddit where more Holla Forums friendly people are in charge.
Most of the users there clearly want an alternative to /r/socialism, but they're redditors wary of imageboards.
I didn't mean in the right from OUR perspective, but from a third party perspective of course a subreddit should ban those actively trying to burn down said subreddit.
I like how the mods respond to the petition by saying 'it's only a small proportion of the userbase'. As if there isn't an obvious selection bias in that people who don't like the way the subreddit is run are likely to vote with their feet.
I saw someone in the thread saying there are 500-1000 active posters. So even 100 signatures is pretty good.
I agree. A persistent dissenting presence on the subreddit will be enough to convince a few noobs that socialists aren't all bad.
Enjoy this goldmine, mods are attempting to remove all mention of these.
Really fun one, open support for authoritarian policies and the suppression of dissent
Exhibit N - Another fun one. Doesn't even know the ideology their asking to be banned, but asking for it to be banned anyway
i got banned from r/soc for "doxxing" aka i googled LazDude2012's username and saw all of his accounts that he registered under the same name like a moron kek
"The users can't moderate themselves"
u/varangianredguard hosted a poll which had more anti-mod votes than pro-mod votes and dont-care votes combined. Now an r/FC mod is holding a counter-petition.
I fail to see what photoshopping Steven Universe characters next to the Soviet flag recolored with the transgender pride colors is doing to help the cause.
I messaged u/varangianredguard, who isn't even a mod, about this a while ago, and now I am banned.
It's pretty obvious that VRG is an alt.
Their response btw
KEK and right when I respond back I am suddenly unbanned
The FBI sure is paranoid about losing control of their little honeypot.
I don't get it.
Is feminism equal to socialism now?
Or is r/socialism r/feminism?
I don't get it. I don't!
In reddit, it is.
They've outed themselves as hardcore brocialists despite essentially starting the brocialist hate meme themselves.
But what if it's a feminist ancap… oh right.. Golden…
They're rejecting democracy on the grounds of literal affirmative action for idpol:
What kind of "beating" can an imageboard take? Shit, man, you should go outside more often.
Accepts all comrades
Who would ban catgirls?
If Venezuela was a subreddit, it would be /r/socialism (but without feminism)˙
Reminds me of the times when tumblr tried to 'raid' 4ch/b.
shopper reolts do nothing to increase quality of life!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the degenerates
betting they get PTSD from even coming here
Some of the posters on /r/FULLCOMMUNISM said catgirls made them uncomfortable. They'd die of a heart attack if they came here.
They're playing with fire, and they're about to get burnt.
I swear, they are just projecting their own repressed sexuality. Like the closeted gay priests that think homosexuality is a lifestyle choice because they themselves are gay and 'chose' to not pursue it.
And Holla Forumsacks who cronically obsess over cuckoldry
these people are fucking joke
I bet they also ban people based on nicknames.
I view them more as a public autism meltdown. A joke is at least funny. This is just pathetic.
Bruhs, do you think we'll ever be able to top it for sheer omnipresent trjggering ability in the minds of SJWs?
yeah, it's fucking tragic and revolting
the way they revel in something as petty as banning somebody on a fucking reddit board?
they must have absolutely no other means of exercising power or control in their pathetic lives
that mod needs some self-reflection
They are trots. Reactionary simply means engaging in wrongthink.
It never stops.
are they really though? we have some trots here and they aren't as batshit as these kids.
They literally can't say "dumb" because it's "ableist?"
This is what you get when you get uneducated liberals to run a "socialist" online community. Either put in someone with both actual charisma and actual political science acumen as a moderator or quit pretending you represent socialism when you just want to live out authoritian fantasies over shit that barely matters like "cat girls" and saying the word "dumb."
Yea, a lot of them are part of a Trot org called CWI and helped cover up a rape scandal within said organization. You can't make this shit up.
The Trots we have here are largely just people socialists who like Trotsky's theory the most.
The specific Trots we're dealing with are the product of specific Anglo-American Trotskyist socialist parties.
Cat girls seem to do the trick.
Yes, or rather, many many many reddit subs, of which the socialists are just one victim. I actually watched this happen over the course of fall-2014. A bunch of people suddenly showed up and started talking about feminism without any real care about socialism. The demands got very steadily more insane, 'paying extreme wages to the people that make feminist slogan t-shirts isn't bad', 'you can't call Ayn Rand a cunt that's Patriarchy', 'we should take up arms in defense of Anita Sarkeesian'.
I left at that point, but I saw it starting the day another sub was founded to the day I was banned for posting evidence of SRS harassment on twitter. One of the newcomers makes it to the mod team, and modding decisions get steadily worse as s/he ingratiates herself and becomes a party insider who the other mods will always side with even when its a decision they would never have made themselves. Then established mods from the SRS sphere start moving in at their suggestion, and bans start dropping for off sub activity in opposition to the inner party. (Usually you never even find out about the latter until it hits you, but in this case they fucked up by nailing somebody with her own soapbox).
Why don't we just make our board better than their subreddit?
We have. Probably have more activity at this point too.
This does not free us from the responsibility to agitate against a moderation team that's turned a shitload of people away from socialism.
We're on a Nazi site overrun by pedophiles which cannot be found through Google. There is no way in hell we'll ever build an accessible community here.
There are a lot of people online who just won't use 4chan/Holla Forums, so I think it's important we make sure some of the entry point socialist forums online don't become complete shit.
Our Trots are edgy fags who aren't old and jaded enough to become neocons but who aren't socially liberal enough to fit in with the other Trots when selling newspapers at the edge of an anti-Trump demo because the organizers don't want them to be there.
And nothing of value was lost…..
There wasn't even a post, I was just banned for being myself.
If we get too much bigger they'll have to start calling Holla Forums a commie site :^)
And honestly having web corps dislike us is how you know we're genuine leftists.
tbh I think Holla Forums should just merge with Bunkerchan and the rest of the USSC.
Serious question: if I built an imageboard (with some help) that pulls threads/comments from leftypol/bunker chan/ussc so that they're all available in one place as a transitory period would this be desirable?
We could also discuss how to programmatically elect/assign moderators and such as well.
would appreciate more input if anyone else has similar ideas
Leftypol definitely has changed then because these were pretty friendly responses. I am honestly proud of what you guys have built.
You guys have my support then. :)
It will be an uphill battle but if you guys try hard I think you can do it.
Isn't Bunkerchan pretty dead?
This, please.
Also, make all mod action transparent. Make a special spot for pointing out bad mods.
Do we have a way of archiving posts? Or would that take too many servers?
Is it safe to say reddit is compromised, at this point?
I mean, nobody can be THIS dense?
doesn't sound bad at all, for once Holla Forums does something
I was thinking we could have an optional username/password system if you want to be able to track your old posts. Everyone will still be Anonymous (forced ideally, in a similar way that 420chan does this to aid confusion).
Then we could have moderator elections where only those who have opted into post tracking may enter and expose their post history for review by the board members.
I'm just tossing out ideas
As someone who's been on 4chan for years and is a leftist, I only came here very recently because of the reasons you've listed. I saw Holla Forums as 4chan: with even more gamergate, Nazism and pedos. I wasn't interested. But I checked out leftypol on a whim and it's pretty cool here for all its faults (but Holla Forums on the whole is shit and leftypol is the only board I use).
If Holla Forums was a board on 4chan our job would be so much easier and we'd have so many more users.
They don't give us our own board because they still say they consider 4/pol/ to be just politically incorrect, with no other political leanings.
I don't get it. Isn't this exactly how socialism is supposed to work anyway?
Dat post number
I disagree, we wont really be able to help those comrades who are suffering in the third world if we aren't doing work like this. To build a real socialist movement the liberals have to be thrown out. If we give into the "just do something" mantras then we should really just join a charity and spend our time that way.
Reminder to always replace the r in reddit with a c in the URL to see the real discussion.
That'd be ok. But really, you'd only want posts that are genuinely bad to come forward. If people are disallowed to become a mod because he/she is a trotskyist or a stalinist or an anarcho-nihilist or an anfem or even a nazbol or a socdem, we could run into some problems.
Ideally, we want a mod team that spans a wide variety of ideologies, and only ban things that genuinely damage board quality, things that can only be described as shitposting.
Also, how do you make sure people don't brigade mod elections?
A sort of participation radar? People who participate longer get more voting power?
And is the post tracking saved on the side of the user or the side of the server?
Perhaps a system where you only have solve one captcha and fill in a password for your account, with no username? (for the sake of simplicity)
reddit pls go
It's pretty sad that the only times I've used ceddit were for /s/socialism.
In the other subreddits I browse, all the Holla Forums-tier comments are just downvoted to death and you can still read them for laughs. There is no need for censorship.
oh fuck off, you're reddit spacing yourself between the greentext and calling me reddit.
I want as little censorship as possible. I want open discussion of any form. If people only argue for the sake of getting more people to argue, or even worse, stay in their own ideological dogmatic comfort zone and disregard criticism as wrong because of fallacious reasons and continue to spout the same crap over and over again, they have to be banned.
Also, where the fuck are you finding intersectionality in here? I'm just saying, if an opportunistic group of people keep narrowing down the list of allowed ideologies that are allowed to mod or post, we risk ending up with a single one. If that ideology happens to profit from silencing everyone else, we risk that to happen.
We want to argue, we want to keep arguing. We need to protect free speech.
Trying to undermine the speech of someone else for the wrong reason results in conditions that make your own speech easier to undermine for the same reasons.
I remember one old drawing that shows a socialist/anarchist/communist/lefty person sawing a plank (like a diving board) on which a nazi was sitting, while he said "no platform, no hate speech" or something in that trend.
I heard it was posted to r/socialism and got upvoted pretty well…
…Until they realized the lefty guy was sitting on the same side of the platform as the nazi.
I think it'd fit well in this situation.
Sounds like varangian red guard has been BROWSING LEFTYPOL
Someone needs to bring up that "we can't democratically elect mods because we'd get too man straight white men, instead we're going to bring on a bunch of non-commie feminists" is bullshit because they could absolutely hold elections with a quota.
Mod elections should be on single transferable vote.
Why are you so eager to ban people who are hard to convince when you supposedly like free speech so much? For example, Orthodox Marxist-chan who keeps spamming those two videos and hating on coops. Should he be banned for constantly repeating the same argument? Seems rude.
That is also discrimination, but anyway.
If these arguments are never countered, sure.
But if someone goes on a checkers-like spree of the same non-arguments and false info and disregards any real discussion of things, while staying dogmatically in the same ideology no matter what, I'd think that person is equivalent to a spammer, and not constructive to board quality.
go back
Yeah it's not great but "in theory" it should satisfy both sides and everyone will be happy. Then when they refuse the compromise it becomes more clear that it's not actually to ensure diversity but to protect their own power to try to force their own vision of socialism onto people.
You don't need a quota for EVERY theory.
Who decides which theories need a quota? Why have a quota? It reeks of workplace liberalism.
Why don't these people just make another subreddit where they can have catgirls
you fucking mimicry bitch
go back to whatever safespace you crawled out of
all this talk about representaion of different ideologies and quorum gives me the creeps
I have no problems with retarded arguments, I'll just ignore them
mods don't need to represent any ideology
they need to be there where raids happen
all else is irrelevant
You mean this?
And, why are catgirls to be containt?
Are they not ok? Is there something wrong with them?
For reconciliation so the fighting can stop.
Proposals for what the quota would presumably be made until one was found that both sides found roughly agreeable.
But what about muh special Posadism- Monstergirlism???
Quotas are stupid.
They are. But the "ideal" situation is that everyone is happy with the most immediately visible socialist subreddit on reddit so if we need them to bring one faction into line we should do it even as we roll our eyes at it.
I don't think people here really care that they can't post stuff on r/socialism. If these psychos want a safe space, they can have one. The real issue is that that subreddit is where many curious people go to investigate socialism. If they see SJW totalitarianism they'll likely think 'well, I guess socialists really are crazy like everyone says. What a shame.' And then abandon socialism altogether.
By some strange miracle, they've actually managed to SURPASS my expectations for shittiness.
This is the real problem. We need /r/Socialism not to be complete trash so that confused centrists who wander in aren't instantly scared off.
Basically leftist anime images as most of the other leftist subreddits say anime objectifies women and what not
Why does resistance to totalitarian moderators always have to revolve around anime? What kind of a retarded world is this?
don't you know that "objectifies women" is liberal for "degenerate"?
if you try to please everyone, you will end up pleasing no one
also, fuck off back to r/socialism with your representation quota shit
i don't actually want representation quotas. i mentioned it only as a "compromise" to be presented with the full intent of them rejecting it out of hand to show what they ACTUALLY want is a total grip on power.
if it's not clear to them by now, they're willfully ignorant or supportive of it
Am not saying Spectacle, but SPECTACLE!
also, everything is pointing to the need for radicalization and detournement of anime. The sooner you accept this fact and start doing it, the better
What happened to 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his need'
but modding /r/socialism is how you get the masses organized
There are people supportive of their CLAIMED motive to maintain a total grip on power (representation) which is who the compromise is actually aimed at. You go "hey what about elections with quotas" the only somewhat terrible idpolers go "i guess that should satisfy everyone" and then when the rapist trots reject it out of hand they go "hey what the fuck is up with this?"
>They just wanna express themselves without restrains say bigoted crap!
Now that's what I call Nomenklatura.
You've obviously never gotten a threatening PM before, absolutely terrifying
Guiz moderating an internet forum is leading the revolution.
here's what you actually wanted
no evidence presented, just a ban
Anyone who wants more people here, wants to associate more with reddit, wants to "convert more American democrats", and simultaneously, convert American (notice, only American political parties), by means of nothing short of jokes and mental masturbation of accelerationism.
Is perhaps not intentionally, but probably cointelpro.
This goes also for "raiding", or targeting specific individuals or members of websites, that draws the ire of the "other side", which draws the ire of us.
So, if you see any of this shit you should probably, not nod your head in agreement.
But actually demand our user base come up with solutions, solutions that don't involve conversion by jokes and not requiring us to be someone's personal army.
How I imagine these people
To be fair, I'm pretty sure it takes a lot of energy to moderate a relatively big community like this one.
But still, they don't seem to understand that they should step back a little bit and chill out while letting the vote system do most of the moderation.
Whoever invented reddit is going to hell
Alone just for its UI
How they really are.
Pls no bully Schwartz. He trolled the establishment hard.
Nah, they're trots, which is arguably worse.
seriously, I'm a tankie, and I want to linch those fucks
i would be up with modding r/socialist just so new comers to socialism wont be put off by these sperg mods and their liberal rape hiding crap
* lynch
Do it, based volunteer.
thank you based stranger
You have a gun with one bullet and your strapped to a chair, only allowed to shoot one before you're given lethal injection, so cannot move your limbs in seconds.
Who do you chose to shoot
Tumblr Communists who support borderline black nationalism, or the reddit """""socialists""""" defending reddit's mods and will continue defending reddit until they die
You have one bullet and one chance, your arm is strapped to such a way you cannot shoot yourself. It would be pointless anyway, you would die in this scenario in a matter of split seconds and this is your only chance to get rid of one
I'd vote for you just to see the pissbabies throw a tantrum.
reddit socialists. if you search the communism tag on tumblr you're gonna find SOME not idiots. /r/socialism is one of the most visible socialists places on the internet
It's hard.
Not everyone can do it.
These guys definitely can't do it.
are we talking malcolm x style nationalists or BLM style ones
Ricochet the bullet off of the ceiling so it rips open my prison jumpsuit and reveals my dick. Watch as they both commit suicide from the 99 PTSDs that the RAPE from the EVIL WHITE CIS MALE did to them.
Two can play that game
May as well get BO into this too
Reddit socialists. The tumblr ones are pretty irrelevant.
That's not an answer and the restraints are metal, and the ballistics of that are infeasible.
I'm talking two seconds
Choose your fate
The problem behind this shitfest is more related to the concept of safe-space.
Generally, when you want to integrate or interact with a community, online or IRL, you either get along fine with the people, or you don't and just leave. You might be able to annoy them a little bit before you leave, but it can't last very long.
However the mods in the most popular leftist subreddits decided that those places had to be safe-spaces that doesn't allow the expression of anything that goes slightly against their conception of socialism.
This concept is a recipe to generate powertripping mods who abuse their authority.
shoot myself to end it sooner and hope the reddit socialist kills themself from the PTSD of seeing my head explode
Oh shit, I thought we were just shitposting. Is it actually happening?
Has to be tumblr then, I encounter more of those fuckers IRL and they're awful.
i dont read very good am also am drinking
reddit socialist
So thats it then.
Left Reddit has usurped Tumbr for place nobody needs
I remember back in 2015 when we were doing this. This needs to come back.
Indeed. Though fuck reddit in general, they're a bunch of gay-cunts.
we seriously need to examine the revolutionary potential of anime.
If Holla Forums weaponized memes, we can weaponize anime.
We can make this happen, comrades.
Best one I had on hand, and I was too lazy to dig up Alunya.
The point stands, however: We're gonna need a common and relatable facet of culture if we're gonna compete with Holla Forumsacks.
They aren't trots, only about four of them are. Most of them Stalinist.
how about that socdems are literal shit smeared liberals?
furthermore i think bob black should be hung.
Oh no I've been found out
yiss pliss
tbh, reddit spacing is more when someone places a break between sentences that would be perfectly legible as a full paragraph. That anfem tripfagette does it all the time.
I've done it before people even called it reddit spacing and just called it annoying lmfao
Fair enough, but it is annoying, as it takes up page space and confuses readers because each break usually denotes a change of subject.
shallow sense of humour tbh
It's not a "winnable fight". The mods have absolutely no reason to quit. Why would they? You can't make them. Just make a new subreddit if want to discuss socialism on reddit, that's the way the system there works. Honestly, internet leftism is vomit-inducing and worth fucking nothing anyway.
I think the real intent is to trigger a mass exodus. The problem is they have yet to advertise a good alternative.
It is honestly a habit. Sometimes I want to emphasis a point, or a specific sentence, I seperate it from the paragraph. This was useful in a time where you couldn't italicize or bold, what have you. I just got used to it and now I'm here. I'm self aware to a fault of not wanting to make big walls of text, and it seems like they might be typing them in. Its a number of things, but I'll try to curb the habit.
You're not "destroying" anything, you're wasting your time by whining to people who have no reason to listen to you. Honestly, what did you expect? That the subreddit would somehow implode if you shitpost on Holla Forums enough?
You could have spent this time organizing something actually useful, yet here you are.
Nice, now we're one post closer to the destruction of /r/socialism. Great going.
Trick question, both are merely masks worn by the exact same goons.
We need to attack Something Awful on its very core
Like funding [email protected]/* */ economic update, for example?
Something that is useful, can affect the whole world and doesn't pander to the US exclusivity?
Why do they just assume that we're sexually objectifying women and not actually sexually objectifying cats?
Must I remind you that said Nazis from a site overrun by pedophiles which cannot be found through Google are widely credited with influencing the latest US presidential election?
We've made the first step. We've become their bogeyman. They'll just keep promoting us from now on. What will a person purged from reddit do when he hears he's from Holla Forums? He'll come check.
No they aren't. You need to spend less time on the internet, you delusional tard.
Reality doesn't matter, only the popular perception of it.
It's not a popular perception though, it's only popular on Holla Forums.
Cause that's PETA.
It's also popular liberal propaganda, in order not to admit Hillary lost.
What is this fine gentleman trying to convey through his post? In other words, what does he mean by this?
He's a post-ironic tankie who freely admits his ideology will result in dystopia but also thinks anarchists will fuck up even worse.
Catalonia had literal death squads running around killing people. They probably killed more people per capita than Stalin.
That at least (Leninist, not tankie, thank you very much) we are honest about our ideology, thus by seeing the problems you can try and fix them, while anarkids create the noble lie of "no hierarchies" and fall in their own trap, letting hierarchies being formed.
wew it sure is a good thing that you can imagine there being a revolution without a revolution sometime in the distant future
it's impressive that out of all of the idiot dunderfuckery of this post, the leninist not tankie newspaper salesman hairsplitting still sticks out as the stupidest part by miles
There haven't been many communist revolutions that didn't result in dead clergy though.
well i suppose with the "raping nuns" legend tankies and fascists can at least agree on one thing that no serious historian can find evidence for
like anarchists and fascists can at least agree on Holodomor
and on many other things
but most historians do agree that there was a famine in ukraine user
Women get raped in war, there used to be young hot nuns. Do you really think its that out there to have happened?
they also agree that famine was intentional
no, i generally don't believe that something happened until i see evidence for it user
Yeah no.
oh great
christfag crying about innocent clergy
that's what we miss
Any revolution is legitimately a horrible and violent thing which will see the death of many innocents. It's not a romantic battle against evil where only the bad guys die, it's ugly and chaotic and horrid. This is simply a fact. Not recognizing this makes you a LARPer, recognizing it and being unwilling to risk it makes you a SocDem.
I think you're slightly missing the point. He's saying that revolution will be dirty, mistakes will be made, and otherwise "good" guys will do mistakenly kill innocents. None the less, if revolution does not occur, society stagnates and rots. He's saying that one must accept the tolls of transition to truly be a communist.
take your meds
lol holy shit how dumb do you have to be
oh shit, sorry… I mean "d*mb" lul
sure makes sense to me
Holy fuck what are these people doing
They are trying to distance themselves from Holla Forums. Like all purges it is not about ideas but power and influence. We pose a threat to them.
Honestly I think they're just using us as boogeymen.
If sensible modding seems like a good idea and is supported by the community itself, it shouldn't matter if we also happen to support that or not.
It's like Stalin seeing trots everywhere
Quite literally what happened with MH17