Why are they some of the best posters here?
Seriously asking. They're some of the few posters here who seem to have rejected liberalism in all of it's forms.
Tankies, leftcoms and yugoflags
Nationalism is one of the main cornerstone of liberalism
What does that have to do with my original post.
You are clearly a liberal
Reddit pls go.
Lmao he got triggered!
When did I kention social liberalism
It's obvious what you are son.
Like when I BTFO'd you a few days ago in another thread and your only response was to hurl insults like an idiot?
You are both retarded. Nazis and Anarkiddies.
I'm a real tankie from the heart and I tell you: I don't care about IDpol as long as it makes sense.
The problem with IDpol is that is often used to brainwash people into submission with the porkies
Even Fidel Castro apoligized for the incidents with homosexuals in Cuba.
Eh, cheers to you as well I guess, ironic NazBol.
Women share a position as exploited workers, the colonial housewife as producer and the metropolitan trophy-wife as consumer-breeder occupy positions in the circuit of production and consumption that are sharply differentiated by the political and ideological lines along which their exploitation is determined. In the Western hegemonic ideology the respectable mother and consumer qualifies as the "good" woman, while the lower-class or colonial mother, often single parent household, is constructed as the "bad" woman. As a breeder of non-Western children, the colonial mother threatens racial dominance and as a consumer she constitutes only an expendable drain on the capitalist economy she services. The value of the woman is appropriated no longer just for the household, but now also for the rise of urban yuppies. They are effectively recruited as hidden labour, providing the nesting grounds for the sexualised production of new needs and a large market for new gadgets as scientific home managemnet becomes the ideology of domestication and function, rather than life. Here Western civilization is at peak liberalism, a pure evil.
Holla Forums please go
Nice one anarkiddie
Er I meant Canada lole
Western civilization needs to be demolished user.
Holla Forums we already know the anfem flag meme
Stop using it and you'll blend in better
How is this not liberal faggotry again?
This is what Western markets do to your brain guys.
You are living in the biggest spook. Be afraid! 😨
Really, tell me more, what is this biggest spook I am living in?
Your ego, probably, that which you hold to be subordinate to your desires.
Not Eurasian enough!
Does not compute
Pure ideology.
Except according to you that is LITERALLY wat eurasian liberals want
There is no want. It already is. Eurasian race Stronk 💪.
You cannot deny the qt superiority of Eurasia! JUST LOOK
He looks like my best friend from high school
Is he single?