Are they kill ?
Pkk and YPG
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Syria is still a shitstorm and Turkey is slowly turning to shit.
Like them or not, they're gonna stick around for a while
Literally the strongest they've ever been actually
How so ?
All I can find is erdogan shill news
Not kill yet but being excluded from the Astana talks is no bueno.
What? Is that true?
I thought the US insisted.
Turkey is insisting on the PYD being absent from talks but they want ENKS to represent Rojava (despite being a tiny party with no power in Rojava).
Anyway the Astana talks are not terribly important. These talks always fail. PYD, Russia and The regime are in the process of discussing Rojava's future right now. That's not really covered in the media and it's done in more secrecy, but it's far more important
Completely agreed. If Russia, PYD and the Regime come to an agreement, there's pretty much nothing Turkey can do.
Russia has a vested interest in getting the Turkish Stream built. They are going to try to appease Turkey as much as possible. I wouldn't be so confident in Russian support for Rojava tbh.
The early reports coming out of the negotiations make out that Russia has been positive about Rojava's autonomy and told the regime to take it more seriously
Geopolitics is a motherfucker but it seems fairly positive at least
Looked it up.
But that would fuck with azerbajanian-israeli energy dominance in the area.
That would piss off the US big-league.
That might be cause enough for Turkey and the US to get at each other's throats
Trump wont drop SDF yet, and YPG is getting stronger every day. PKK seems a bit weakend though, but recruiting will go up when Turkey turns into complete shitshow.
Only real tragedy is that the cantons wont get connected. But I am sure they will be able to make a deal with the SAA for open roads after the SAA North Allepo offensive is finished.
Turkey has already started to realign toward Russia. Weird because it was unthinkable just a couple years ago.
There's never much beyond just that (national liberation) in the first place, so I'm hard pressed to call it lively. Which is only secondary to the fact that it will not even succeed in this most basic ambition because the international strongarm of capital really doesn't need yet another secession of the pie to handle with. It's always a good place to throw your life away, though.
There is a lot to criticise about Rojava, but stupid contrarians making shit up after having read some mainstream media shouldnt receive this much attention.
You commushits are NEVER going to learn are you?
No it's not.
A cursory look at their praxis in Syria or their thoery reveals that.
Apart from the multi-ethnic quotas, multicultural militias and that half of the SDF fighting force isn't even Kurdish.
The document features sources directly from and on the ground news, both of which are not mainstream or even media.
Like how it's just natlib with revolutionary rhetoric? Why of course.
It seems not, I'm afraid. One good thing though, is that at least the more recent natlib excursions don't call themselves communist anymore and have moved on to actual memetic terms for themselves.
Nationalism from below will always be better than socialism from the couch.
They're Zionist agents.
This conversation triggers me
i feel like the only reason leftcoms continue this line is because theyre buttmad at bookchin
really though bookchin anally anguished like every single other leftist sect there is
So does every other NatLib social experiment gone wrong gone sexual. It's the only thing sustaining it (outside of NATO money, of course).
This is hilariously false, but even then, see: "they do not know it, but they are doing it [national liberation]" t. garl margs.
Dauvé's first ever pieces were a critique of the anthropology and sociology departments of his Lyon university, actually.
As the few more coherent and successful examples of revolution have ultimately always ended up showing, yes.
I'm so happy people are using auto-derision memes I've made myself against myself.
The whole perogative of post-leftcom Marxists (AKA "the ultra left") is to uphold Marx's legacy and critique literally everything, and primarily the left. NatLib social experiment #63: biji biji edition is in the spotlight because it's contemporary, just like natlib social experiment #62: Indian summer edition is.
Akshually, Bookchin, while critiqued a lot, is seen as a step up on the anarchist left in the eyes of the ultra left because he rejects the activism/"direct action" tendency within anarchism in favor of what is much less a plan of idealist spontaneity and a childish rejection of disciplined organization.
Simpsons ultras did it first, est. 1917.
Really though, to elaborate on the ultra-left channeling Marx to comprehensively critique and shit on everything, nota bene the left, see this Marx quote:
It is all the more clear what we have to accomplish at present: I am referring to ruthless criticism of all that exists, ruthless both in the sense of not being afraid of the results it arrives at and in the sense of being just as little afraid of conflict with the powers that be. (From Marx's letters to Arnold Ruge)
If they were, Erdoğan wouldn't shut up about it.
You got a problem kiddo?
Come at me
Says the faggot who is easier triggerd than tumblr