my fucking sides ahahahahahahhaha
She never knew what fucking hit her
Are you still convinced anuddah shoah isn't real?
Mainstream journalism considers the propagation of the white race to be the ultimate evil.
Wake up you fools lest the niggers eat you alive in your old age.
Why are Holla Forums cucks such faggots, I tought it was going to be something interesting like lets all go to a sperm bank and donate lots of white sperm
Lets meme this into reality instead
Explain to me in one sentence alone
Why the Earth needs the people who made Capitalism
both you and the nazi are dumb as fuck
It was a shitpost, calm down Cletus
this is not left politics
It's kind of telling how all these articles about "exposing" Holla Forums only wind up amplifying its reach. People who would never go to 4chan hear about it on these stupid clickbait websites, and more of a few of them wind up approving of the message.
If Wonkette actually wanted to stop Holla Forums they'd either ignore it or seriously engage with and critique its ideology, instead of mining it for things to write outrage bait about.
Idpolers feed off each other to make big business richer. it's a vicious circle.
Left politics is now obsessing over what Holla Forums is doing because they were convinced Holla Forums has some strange power that got Trump elected. They will believe anything other than people being fed up with their shit.
All it is telling people is these white nationalists nerds have an autistic preggo fetish, which further reinforces the goal that meets our own interest; one that happens to be true
That only autistic people post on Holla Forums.
Tbh keep these dumbshit liberal arguments coming so women reject Holla Forumsyps more so they end up somehow more virginal and more of pariahs in the eyes of the public.
They aren't talking about leftypol anyways fuck em
This. So much.
This was pretty funny. I just have one request: White bros, stop trying to bring 'minorities' into your beef with White women. I can only speak on me and my 'colored' friends but we've impregnated zero of your White ladies. Sjheeit. Why aren't you taking this up with their white fathers? Isn't this their fault primarily?
Why don't you guys make like an Aryan sperm bank or something?
You guys sperg out over this one yet?
Backlash against wealthy Tennessee white girl whose father cut her off over secret black lover
Allie Dowdle started fundraising for college tuition after her father forbade her from dating an African American.
How do you find the energy to do this day after day? Have you noticed any effect on the 'pure-blood' birthrate yet?
well said.
My god we had to actively try to kill them in the 40s, but now it looks like they're doing our job for us
Underrated post
They already cucked themselves, anyway
The people who made capitalism will be gassed.
wtf I have cancer now
Yeah, I remember when Hillary won the election and everybody got to see how cool and mature leftists were.
God fucking damn my fucking sides I'm dying over here. Quick, M&M, get me a doctor!
smh tbh famalam
This is the most autistic shit I ever seen.
Lurk moar.
Good luck with that.
Why are alt-sjw's so cringey?
They're laughing at you. They're all laughing at you, just like they always have, Holla Forums, and you're not pwning anyone.
Normies recognize Holla Forums for the lolcows they are.
Holla Forums and the lamest sections of Tumblr obsess over Holla Forums because they have no real praxis and Holla Forums has no real praxis. It is a perfect match for a perpetual internet slapfight.
Why are you posting this here?
These idpolers are literally controlled opposition from porky to smooth the transition into fascism for the next coming crash. You can close the thread now.
man what is it with people and insisting online communities of any sort are hiveminds
They're normies. Fuck'em.
Post them antinatalist memes
Pretty much, these people are never going to breed.
The White trash southern white nationalists don't go on 4chan so they are a different story.
Capitalism occurred in a country of serfs breeding into a famine, it was semi-miraculous what happened in Britain, it wasn't invented it was a phenomon that only occurred because the people on that island had certain characteristics that made it possible, in the aristocracy, and poor classes.
The obvious exploitation that is a byproduct was better than a famine, that doesn't mean it is the best form we can take. But shitting on the people who can make that phenomenon work is so retarded as they are the people who can make the next phase work, it's not happening in a tribe of people who don't have a calendar and struggle with the concept of linear time.
plenty of them on Holla Forums and /k/
they find links on whatever other shit site/forum they came from