Soros, 'Globalism,' and Grassroots Revolt: How the Right Uses Conspiracy Theories to Appear Revoluti

Don't usually share articles here but I thought this was pretty good, basically sums up how right-wingers create an alternate reality to appear anti-establishment, while doing everything to uphold the status-quo


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What is this Seattle 1999?

bump of interest


Funny how the allegedly nationalist white-supremacist American establishment lined up to a man to denounce Trump's immigration policy during the election. Almost as if liberal stances on immigration policy acts to freeze rising wages because there are more workers competing for fewer jobs.

There is no conspiracy with Soros, he's very much what people say he is.

When did Holla Forums ever say that everything should be as it is now?

Hey there Holla Forums

Hey first poster you linked here, I'm actually not Holla Forums just tired of people thinking uncritically about immigration and going along with whatever the politically correct Left has to say about it.

Didn't Obama go crazy with deportations? I agree with the sentiment for Europe, but I thought it was just being played up because the """left""" would never deport millions of people, because it's mean, liberals aren't mean etc.

Immigration is not and has never been an issue, the problem is that unions are not unionizing them

Yeah that's correct but he was a liberal so it didn't happen, liberals wouldn't do that etc. The thing that I think really peeved the love about Trump's immigration policy the most is he was talking about limiting legal immigration of STEMlords from places like India.

As for Mexico some Liberals can agree that they shouldnt break the law to get here but we have to enough of them to do the work "white folks won't do" for the absurdly low price so it's about regaining our amnesty policy or creating more legal avenues. Obama cracked down on the illegal aspect of it hard but I wouldn't be surprised if the end goal was creating more legal immigration.

It's possible, there's racism at all levels of global society, but it doesn't explain anything. Just look at burger unions they can't unionize their own people much less people with a different language and culture then their own.

Capitalists like illegal precarious workers for a reason, they are excellent strike breakers, their cheap and they have little legal standing to fight back.

He very much ignored the law on immigration.

Holla Forums is Holla Forums's jew

*the liberals about Trump

No, that would be the irish.

Even Cesar Chavez hated illegals because surprise, surprise it's hard as shit to unionize workers that are one phone call to ICE away from being deported

how so?

Hmm, so maybe we need to abolish the state so that porky can't threaten migrants with deportation

Wat, i never implied unions are racist, but rather that they have lost their edge

They become a tool for opportunists

t. Holla Forums

Oh ok I apologize I read too much into that. Usually when people take that line that's the thing that's said next.

The article sums up the conclusions I've come to independently. It's spot on.

The fascists back in Interwar Europe did exactly the same thing. Fascism always uses bombastic rhetoric to capture the sympathies of workers, despite it being thoroughly middle-class at its core.

They also associate all of society's problems with a single group. For all their rhetoric, Holla Forums and other fascists have no problem with how capitalism operates, they just want to remove the non-white and Jewish elements to mislead the workers.

It's fascinating just how little fascism has changed since its foundation. The narratives of conspiracy and paranoia are exactly the damn same. Capitalism itself is never questioned, only elements of how it is run.

It's endlessly frustrating having to deal with people who fall for fascist lies. If only they could read articles like this. JT Murphy said much the same as this article back in the 1930s. Fascists are paper-tigers.

From the top image
Under this definition, what is the difference between fascism and the currently existing American hegemony on a global scale?

Nice Dubs,

there is no difference user we live in/under a corporate fascist invisible empire


go home lib




>"And if we don't because the inevitable post-revolutionary state is a corrupt, oppressive shithole it doesn't matter because if it was true socialism it wouldn't have been a shithole in the first place! Checkmate, critics"

The worst part being that we're already nearing the "revolutionary" phase of the current secular cycle according to Turchin, and its likely there are idiots on Holla Forums RIGHT NOW that might get to act out their bitterness towards society as part of well-meaning, but ultimately destructive, revolutionary violence

flag related

Hopefully they get to act out some of that bitterness on you.

Kek, this so much
When will statists learn?

Bookflags pls go. Your autism is not encouraging.

But they won't. They won't even get to enact that violence out on those that truly deserve it (who will inevitably have the money to escape whatever revolutionary violence occurs shortly before it happens).


Sounds about right



i also enjoy using meaningless words to cover my lack of an arguement


revolutionary violence owns tho



Read Bookchin tbh

Very little

Capitalism is at the heart of pretty much all of the world's problems, yes

Futurism was just another mask for the same old crap. The manifesto calls for war, sexism etc.


The NazBol in this thread along with the one who is calling Nazis SJWs are why I enjoy having them around so much.

leftism has a bad smell about it. it smells old and musty, like old mans underpants.

How will Holla Forums ever recover? Marx = BTFO

No. Former law student here (went into the shipping industry instead). Obama suspended ICE deportations.

More broadly western countries have incredibly permissive laws on things like deportation. In places like Japan and China if you commit even a minor offense, then bam, you're ejected from the country in a matter of days - regardless of your visa - and you're not allowed to return. Ever.

You guys need to put the immigration and naturalization policies of western europe, north america and oceania in context - relative to the rest of the world. The west is an almost unbelievably permissive place by comparison to just about every other country on earth with regards to immigration for settlement. It's not just some Holla Forums meme. There's elite level consensus among center leftists, center rightists and the business elite that mass immigration is good.

Incorrect. I was in a neo-lib economics thread on Holla Forums a week ago and it was of a far higher caliber of discussion than you usually get here. Most of the people in it clearly recognize that capitalism is the driving force behind mass immigration and its dislocative effects. I mean, the most commonly cited economic reasons for mass immigration are, quite simply, that it promotes "growth". What do they mean by that? Growth of markets and growth of debt-fueled consumption.

It is literally capitalism. Mass immigration is a stimulus package for western countries that allows elites to keep the sham going on because they can point to the growth in consumption and corresponding growth in net economic activity (GDP).

I've just looked up the deportation numbers and it looks like Obama has deported more people than any other president at 2.5 million, and this ICE suspension claim doesn't seem to be true, I can't find the numbers though.
Check under "Who is being deported" to get to where I'm looking for the ICE claim, CTRL+F "million" etc.
When you say no do you mean that isn't deportation crazy or what?

This explanation gets posted here pretty much every single day.

Obama suspended deportations for criteria like people who came over as children.

More broadly the point you should be dealing with is that no serious country outside of North America, Western Europe and Oceania would just up and give de facto citizenship to 15 million people who entered illegally. It wouldn't even be mooted.

Like I said, with regards to social, cultural and racial matters a lot of leftists view things through a eurocentric lens, which is why they think America is "strict" (in reality it's comparatively permissive, perhaps not as much as Sweden, but still very permissive in the global scheme of things).

Likewise for things like drug laws and so on. America's drug laws are only "strict" if you compare them to those of Western Europe or Australia or something.

There are good people here, but my feeling is that in the long run Holla Forums will just get slowly but surely infested with idpol. It happens to pretty much every single left-leaning community. It's impossible to resist unless you erect real and meaningful barriers to entry from subversives.

The irony should not be lost on you hopefully.

I was one of the first to say this on a business forum a year or so ago when the refugee crisis was first kicking off and there was some Holla Forums and libertarian types there who used to give little nudges to each other that they lurked, and I wouldn't be surprised if this has seeped in.
It doesn't just stop there. Everyone was raging over the goody goody liberals letting in refugees because it makes them feel good, but this is merely deflection on the liberals part and the conservatives obviously hate it and have no fears over looking tough. But what neither side will tell you is that capitalism has created a workforce that is not growing in line with the economy, and worse than that, it's not even growing enough to sustain the economy at the current rate. Germany has tried everything to get their population to grow, even to the point of paying people to have children and giving some of the best free childcare in the world (iirc I think it goes as low as three years old). Women are more interested in careers than families, and so are the men. This is a serious population crisis that could cause the entire EU to collapse and if it wasn't rectified due to the amount of time it has persisted already it would be rearing its head within the decade. How do you fix this? A sensible conversation about the sustainability of capitalism, of course.

Just messing, it's fucking millions of refugees.

Correct, the two of you are just parsing the sentence using different quantifiers.

You say they have a problem with how capitalism operates because they have a problem with one particular aspect of its current dominant form.
He's saying they have no problem with capitalism in principle, only with a particular aspect of its current dominant form. He's right.

I'm pretty sure our language and posting habits form a barrier unsurmountable by modern left-wing idpolers, you stupid nigger faggot you.

What scares me the most is what the fuck is going to happen when structural unemployment gets even worse among low skilled immigrant groups as automation takes away things like taxis and logistical transportation.

So even as a long term policy, mass immigration never made sense. We're going to be entering an era where, in 50 years time, if you can't do STEM work you're basically going to be fucked. And we're letting in some of the most unskilled, stupid people in the world by the tens of millions alongside that.

It's why I don't buy into the notion of the modern west as resource imperialists. Our leaders are just too stupid to pull something like that off. They're thick as shit. They really do believe in liberal internationalism even if it hamstrings the national interest now (see Obama purposefully alienating Duterte).

Well, I'm eurocentric to a fault because it's all I have a deep understanding of, being European. I'm not really in any real position to make a nuanced post about America, since I haven't been there since I was a kid. I don't actually think the US is strict in regards to much, you have laxer drug laws than the UK, you're overly sensitive on cultural issues compared to here, but your crime and punishment is fucking insane in my view, whereas ours are seen as too lax but simultaneously the prisons are nowhere near Euro standards.

The crux of the matter is whether America suffers anything like the same population crisis I talk about Germany having in - Germany is at near economic collapse levels though so I'm not sure it's that bad, but if the warning signs are there it may make sense, from a solely capitalist economic standpoint.

Haha, yeah this is the great flaw in Germany's plan - these are not smart people you're importing. I think the idea is you get the Germans to do all the smart work, but I think the EU already has other Europeans doing all the grunt work as it is (not that I can prove this, at least not right now and with conviction) so they're basically going for status quo, without the population crisis, but a different kind of the same problem. I think it's partly to do with spending too much time staring at a population problem on a graph.

What Merkel has done is realised that she's staring at one of the biggest problems humanity will ever face and has kicked the can down the road, but the can is still there, and now the can's down there with a couple of million of refugees. Whether this is liberal ineptitude or a sinister ploy to create a neo-feudal police state using draconian measures brought in with help from the unruly refugees is anyone's guess, given politicians do shit like Dunblane and Beslan I would honestly not be surprised.

Yup, even if they were as productive as natives it would be kicking the problem down the road, since one of the excuses is "oh, we need them to increase the support ratio of workers to retirees", but immigrant fertility declines inter-generationally, so you're basically creating another demographic bubble you have to tackle later down the road.

This is in contrast to societies like Japan, where they will face fiscal problems in dealing with the current low ratio of workers to retirees, but once that bubble is cleared the ratio will readjust.

It's mind-bogglingly stupid, even if you're not a socialist.

Thing is, even here we are relatively deep into the discussion, with 99% of people not going further than "It's the right thing to do!" and "But my culture, you cultural marxist!"
I've heard toy capitalism thrown around as an endgame solution which doesn't require major revolt, but this is porky setting himself up some PR to carry on being porky when it all goes to shit, continuing to kick the can down the road so his spooky legacy can ultimately be trashed by some spoilt little shit starting it all over again. Just have a normal house, free transport, healthcare and three meals a day you cunts, fuck your skiing holiday in Switzerland.

More smug pish from a liberal who blames evil right wingers for voting in their interest. The use of these guys around globalism, and the dismissal of concerns over culture visa-vi mass migration is exaclty why the Trumps will keep winning.

I hate you people. I hate you so damned hard. You're right about some shit but so quick to dismiss anyone who questions your ideology. It is little wonder you are irrelevant.


People don't know what's good for them.

So how could somebody decide what is good for me if he doesnt know what is good for him

I tell you both.

That never happened btw, you can look up the femen page on facebook and you will find nothing.


The eternal statist strikes again!

Anyone find it odd the article didn't mention Soros funding Bolshevik dissenters or something?

So they have a problem with immigration and not capitalism?

You can separate the two of them. Sure immigration is driven by capitalism, but there are other factors too.