When Boss calls you "hard worker"
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I'll give you something hard you can work ;)
Stupid fucker doesn't even realized that I have automated basically 90% of my work functions and am usually just reading theory at my desk.
My pet does a similar face when I praise her.
Never forget!
There is no reason to be more productive than necessary!
I always think its ironic that contrary to the image leftists are usually hard workers whereas right-wingers are usually lazy/sloppy as f.
Problem is even if your a good worker if the boss finds out your a commie your gone even if you don't agitate on the clock.
tell me more pls
I've been agitating on the clock for the last two years. Still not gone, not sure if management knows or are just retarded.
Or they're just waiting for the van to arrive.
Seems reasonable. I wouldn't employ the guy waiting to slit my throat either if I was Porky.
Even if he works for 10% less than the other guy?
porky is the true slave tbh
really makes you think…
Explain without giving yourself away.
I cry evertim.
This has got me thinking, would socialists into sadomasochism be into calling the dom(me) "boss" and the sub being called "good worker"? Not a sub myself, but the idea of seeing a well dressed woman bullying a sub and extracting his surplus value is pretty hot tbh.
Furthermore, would a spatacus thing, where the sub becomes the dom, be socialist or just kinda hot for this sort of fantasy?
Damnit comrade i have a boner now.
I'm sorry. But I'm kinda drunk and the idea of being bullied by a businessmilf then gagging her while I fuck her ass in retribution turns me the fuck on.
Me too.
Porky's not your boss for most people.
Get a load of this pleb.
labour aristocrats with bourgeois aspirations are our class enemies tbh
Organizing the division of labor is a socially valuable skill in its own right.
Wait are there actually people who shit on division of labor? Sorry thomas jefferson we're not gonna all become yeomen farmers that wasn't really an option when you wanted it in the first place and it's definitely not an option now.
Yes we are, anyone who says otherwise is free to enjoy their stay in the village gaol.
Distributism might be an acceptable step on the road to [b]full primitivism[/b].
Not gonna lie i would LOVE if we could all become yeomen farmers. not gonna happen though.
Just make sure to look busy if your boss happens to stop by.
Just work your ass off in school and go get a med degree. It's worth it for the lack of putting up with the bullshit of capital and only responsibility and serving the people to the best of your ability are at mind.
So at the end of the day, you could say, yeah, this fucking sucks and its gross I hate this world
But at least the pressure is deserved/required and at the end of the day the bottom line becomes the health of human beings not abstractions like products.
Ivory tower thing to say, and taking this thread a bit too seriously, but with enough discipline and limiting your choices in life its certainly possible to become motivated enough to zoom through community college enough to make it back to university becoming a possibility.
At least in the States.
I honestly can't see being in any other career than medical because I couldn't see a job that's satisfying where responsibility forced isn't towards people who could use help to overcome unfair disadvantages.
I used used to get 75 k a year shitposting 90 percent of the time then quickly knocking out my work the other 10 percent of the time
currently make 65k a year doing this. I work at home doing software dev, and it's pretty great
It's nice that you have convenient arrangements that allow you to comfortably bow out of society. But most of us aren't that fortunate.
I feel like lefties tend to be hard workers because they -have- to work hard. Some of them are more fortunate than others, but they've all striven in earnest to earn a decent accommodation in this world, which played a key role in shaping both their politics and their personalities.
Right-wingers on the other hand, at least where I live, always seem to be that much more well-off.
we really need to crowdfund tsuruko cosplaying like alunya
make communist apps pls
What do you have in mind?
Mehbeh an Alunya-themed alarm clock?
What did he mean by this?
That's dumb, if we're going to do something, we shouldn't just do it for some backwater leftist imageboard's mascot that nobody is going to care about. I think that if we were to make an app, it should be something that is actually productive in that it either teaches people about communism, or there are so many ads that the leftypol site gets enough revenue to fund more videos and shit.
Imagine if you made a shitty app filled with a ton of ads, and you generated ad revenue off of each of the ads. All you would have to do is tell everyone on leftypol to download the app and click on ads and shit.
This will get you in trouble and wouldn't be accepted by the Google Play Store or Apple Store anyway
Make an app that helps people unionize or form co-ops.
yes Yes YES
If I was a genius I would've gone into biology and into genetics research, but since I'm a normal person I'm fine with engineering.
I live with my parents, my boss is my mom lol!
Talk with your coworkers about your mutual exploitation and common interest in seizing the means of production.
follow your advice
Early death is not an option to me
Well, you first need to stop enjoying work
Do you think that gunning down minorities is ludic to cops?
To some, I assume yes
There's been an active effort by white supremacists to join the police so… some of them yeah to be perfectly honest
To some sure
My Boss(es) are petty-bourg.
They are three brothers who own a café, and have hired 5 waiters including me.
Is it okay that I sympathize and care for them? In the grand scheme of things, while they are technically bourg, they're not mega-porky.
They are an independent establishment and also a family business that hired 5 plus you workers. It's one revolution away from being a mutual agreement so I say it's fine.
Make an app that lets you seize the means of production
tbh I'm fine with p-bs for the most part
I mean obviously they are exploiting labor and all that but they're not the bulk of the problem and most of them haven't completely sold their souls
In general, in the event of revolution, I'm in favor of forgiving most sins committed in the capitalist world (mega-porkies deserve no forgiveness, though)