9/11 was a legit act of anti imperialist struggle.

This is the world trade centre we are talking about. I'm sorry for the janitors, but mostly these were prime pork for frazzling.

I'm not saying Osama was based. I'm just saying, that big a middle finger to porky is based.

Other urls found in this thread:

but weren't most of the rich people not there yet? I thought most of the people in the building were maintenance staff that morning?

Communists, socialists, and pretty much anyone interested in any ideology that isn't islamic would most likely be killed under Al Qaeda.

I think most of the people who died on 9/11 did not deserve it, but America as a nation did deserve it, if that makes sense.

If 9/11 had been carried out by an ML revolutionary party or an anarchist-nihilist affinity group would you have supported it?


Osama did it out of pure 100% unaltered ideology and not from same sense of injustice.

Read Robert Fisk

With this said, dark 9/11 humor always makes me laugh


This is pretty catchy for what I assume is a pep talk to kill me

Are you people dumb? 9/11 was an inside job.

What happened with WT7? What happened in the pentagon? What happened with the other plane crash that was never actually confirmed?

If you answer my question I will gladly stop being a "COSPIRACY THEORIST" and I will gladly stop thinking that OSAMA WAS A CIA AGENT.

Collapsed due to fire and debris. Wow what a conspiracy. Next I bet you'll be claiming 'we made the decision to pull it' is evidence of a conspiracy

More reinforced/stable building, not that mysterious

In the historical context of the Gulf of Tonkin and such I'm inclined to believe it. With the actual circumstances I'm not so sure

Osama is neo feudal though.

I'd argue he did more to help porky by giving them this spectacular pre text to do what ever the fuck porky wanted in the Middle East.

That's like blaming Lenin for Cold War though. You can't Blame Hercules for pissing off the Hydra

not a fan of direct action
but to be honest, watching americans sperg out was pretty satisfying

I don't think that's what user's arguing. I think he's saying he gave the western bourgeoisie a nearly infallible pretext for invasion of a country for economic benefit, and it could fabricate a rationale based on defense or retribution with confidence the public would eat it up.

Of course, the bourgeoisie didn't have to invade Iraq, but it did. It got its excuse to do so because of the 9/11 attacks, and seized it.

The context of "Islamic terrorism" is extremely extensive. The people who died didn't deserve it, but with any worthwhile study of the post-WWI Middle East and US/UK involvement, it's not difficult to understand where this came from. I can go through the broader strokes of it, if you'd like.

ISIS nasheeds are fucking sick tbh

You are not answering my question about the pentagon? Why did they say that is was a plane when it was, in fact, a missile?
What about flight 93?

Wake up.

ok pal, name another case of a bulding collapsing that way because of fire and debris

Are you πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€sureπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€?

But isn't the plane large enough and impacting at enough of a force to take out enough support beams for the building to eventually collapse?

That missile shit, and planted demolition charge theory is retarded. Why not just put the explosives on the plane?

But most of all why do you believe in American construction so much that you think it can survive a direct hit from a 767?

Building 7

Buildings collapse literally every day due to fire, are you dumb? Yes the Twin Towers are certainly the largest example but then that's what makes them notable. Furthermore they were built to a design that would not be considered safe today. As for WTC 7, it's not even an especially large building, I don't see why you doubt that it could be destroyed by a fire that raged for hours and had a huge amount of material and propellants to burn. Eventually the fire department decided it wasn't worth trying to save the building so they focussed on containing the fire in other areas. Again this is a common thing in building fires, when the building is essentially unsalvagable and would have to be demolished anyway, the fire will simply be contained and stopped from spreading.

First responders say they saw plane debris and the reinforced structure of the Pentagon is why the plane didn't just blow right through the building. One wing was sheared off by the ground and the other snapped off when hitting the concrete. I don't get your objection here.

What about it? The people on board caused the plane to crash since the collisions in NYC were known of at that time.

Not the same poster but I really don't believe the official story of 9/11 either. There are many, many problems with the official story, so many that even its defenders will often argue that the American government had intelligence that it might happen and did nothing to stop it.


Then you should have no trouble providing examples.

Yep, sounds about right

So, not a socialist in any way shape or form then

black humor best humor


compositing can't melt steam beans

maximum spook lad
Also, notice how the people responsible for fucking with Osama were not killed or even targeted really.
my gott

not that guy but i would

why are anarckiddies retarded? its not nationalistic or anti nation, it is purely that the american government and people who have through action or inaction supported this governement deserve it

very superficial reading. it supposes that the hijackers were independent actors and not intelligence assets. operation gladio b was responsible for 9/11 and the resulting imperialist interventions.

nah, it was a theocratic right-wing attack on liberalism

I thought MRN didn't go on leftypol?

Nice arguments. You forgot about the examples of buldings collpasing from fire and debris

This. The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more, no less.

Why couldn't it be both.
Just kidding NSA, of course it was because they hated our freedoms,

Looks they did it just for you:

A high-rise building in Tehran engulfed by a fire collapsed on Thursday as scores of firefighters battled the blaze. It wasn't immediately clear if anyone was trapped inside at the time of the collapse.
Authorities told the state-run IRNA news agency just after the collapse that at least 38 people had been injured at the Plasco building, an iconic structure in central Tehran just north of the capital's sprawling bazaar. They did not break down how people had been injured by the fire or the collapse.
Firefighters battled the blaze for several hours before the collapse as police kept out shopkeepers and others wanting to rush back in to collect their valuables.
The building came down in a matter of seconds, shown live on state television, which had begun an interview with a journalist at the scene. A side of the building came down first, tumbling perilously close to a firefighter perched on a ladder and spraying water on the blaze.

No, they were just Muslim idiots

what if we got together and did some false flag shit? Like trashed a bunch of mosques and blamed right wing groups?