Tfw you explore the galaxy with your comrades and improve yourself because of full automation and a post-scarcity...
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why did they leave kirk under a pile of rocks on a planet no one fucking knows about
Because Rick Berman is a cancer that killed Star Trek.
Best series.
Cardassian Union >>>> Federation
Take it to the /ourguy/ thread
Romulan star Empire >>>>>>> anything else.
and we won't get there unless we have a short-term revolution, or we take out a human species insurance policy by creating either self-sustaining bunkers or mars colonies
TNG and DS9 are the only good ones, and the only commie ones too, ironic given that the DS9 writers were the bunch most dismissive of the utopian future of Trek.
There isn't "full automation' in Trek, its human beings doing everything. Unless you count Data
Better aesthetics maybe. Especially the piccolo dick color scheme.
What is it about Ricks
We need to build those nuclear pulse propulsion ships that were planned in the 60s
The Borg >>>>>>>>>>>>> anything else.
TNG Borg were awesome. Then Voyager ruined them
The Original Series doesn't have any socialism or communism, in fact it never really details how Earth and humans are better off except for some vague "unification" and anti racist stuff. They still use money, they still have vast private ownership of enterprises and production, it looks like JFKs vision of the future.
TNG changed that into a socialist/communist vision of the future, but I doubt that was what Roddenberry intended. It expressed it in sometimes cringey preachy ways but it never bended, money was completely gone as was private profit, and it was a society about improving yourself and everyone else, as First Contact said.
DS9 maintained that, against the wishes of some of the writers, who instead tried to add nuance to it by saying social struggle and fighting helped lead to this brighter future, which is ironically more Marxist than the utopian futurism of Roddenberry.
Voyager and Enterprise were devoid of all intelligence and braindead crap
Sounds creepy.
Sounds spooky.
As usual you're all for sexual liberation as long as it remains strictly within the confines of what your gut emotional feelings tell you is normal and socially acceptable.
In that case, can we just have a nuclear holocaust and wipe out the human species already
You can have your own nuclear holocaust by swallowing some uranium. Just make sure your corpse gets buried in a sealed coffin in a subduction zone.
I just lost faith in humanity
Capitan, what do you really think is going on in the holodecks?
Recreations of Shakespeare and stereotypical recreations of Ireland, right?
Uh, sure Capitan, we'll, uh, go with that.
muh bunkers
I'm now imagining the amount of semen that has to be cleaned from the holodeck floors after a whole crew goes through their "rec time." Truly janitorial work on Starfleet ships is the worst job, even below standard redshirts.
Wasn't Wesley being spanked in that episode?
every episode wasn't about the holodecks, no way you're telling me that some horny 16 year old wasn't fulfilling his war crimes and/or loli fantasies when the command crew wasn't using it.
That episode was about Barkly doing basically what you secribe
I don't think you understand the concept of /fully/ automated space communism
ep number?
the red/gold shirts were definitely on the lowest rung.
like: "I have no useful skills what so ever can I still voyage to ends of the galaxy?"
"Sure, you willing to learn how to point a phaser and be the first through the teleoporter?"
Truly the future is looking brighter than I had anticipated.
sure but I'd argue that they have more automated ways of cleaning up the jiz/pussyjuice
ah, of course.
"Carefree Fappin" sounds like a John Denver or Tom Petty song
Star Trek, making the future look really grim once you think about it for five minutes
The most left wing Trek episode, even has Trotskyists taking over France
I've watched all of the original series, I'm about to watch movie V
Seen bits of the TNG/DS9/VOY era, pretty keen for TNG and DS9, and I'm curious about ENT.
Still blows my mind that people think the federation are either liberal or fascist.
Wow, well V will ruin any good will you have with the franchise, lol. Most of the films are lame though, especially the new ones.
TNG and DS9 are the best series, IMO the only great ones. Enterprise is the Star Wars prequel equivalent of the franchise, it's pretty bad outside of a few episodes.
Trek's future (at least for humans) is actually liberals trying to do a communist utopian future. And people think it's fascist usually because they either think A. Starfleet is the government given most of the series centers on it (DS9 even did a two parter showing the Federation government to squash the idea it was some military dictatorship, lol) and B they don't know what fascism is. Take this vid: youtube.com
so you've read this too
Actually I hadn't. I was more thinking of the Culture novels.
No, just no. This is not the future I want.
My eyes! REEEEE!
starting to sound like a /r/socialism mod there
I used to think that too, until I actually watched all of Enterprise and gave it a real chance. I'm a huge fan now, there is some of the best sci-fi writing in the entire franchise in that series. The station that self-repairs itself? That NEET neckbeard alien who wants to keep Hoshi? That one race with three genders that Tripp befriends? Fucking awesome episodes.
How long did this take you? damn.
Anime is largely shit. Even my nerdy ass recognizes that.
Some of the best writing? What? Now you're just trolling
Btw it isn't just the writing that's bad. The "acting", the (lack of) direction, the serial nature that was an excuse to prevent serious character development and storytelling (I'm aware the series does shitcan the serial approach in its last two seasons), which was okay for TNG because TNG had otherwise good writing and storytelling, but just helps make Enterprise even worse (Voyager too). The horrific theme song and American centric opening. Seven of Nine's lifeless clone.
Nah, I just hate deres.
Tsundere because they are fucking useless. For some reason they only can beat up the main character, who is made of fucking iron, expect when the tsundere hits him. It lost it's novelty, weebs are laughing at this, because that brings them closer to Japan.
And don't let me start on Yanderes. How comes being a lovesick psychopath gives you superpowers all of a sudden?
I wonder if Discovery will be thoughtful and intelligent or just be JJ Abrams on television.
It's going to be Alias in SPACE
In that case, Enterprise will be a masterpiece in comparison.
Lol, meant episodic nature* When Enterprise got serial, it got a bit better, but its still shitty. Im surprised you didn't bring up the fourth season, when fans often claim is "the good season"
Roddenberry was himself a Maoist and still had a fair bit of influence on the actual worldbuilding aspects of TNG; he was probably fine with it.
Also I wouldn't say the future envisioned in TNG is utopian so to speak, but may simply appear so from our perspective when one combines post-scarcity with the social organization of a socialist society. The Federation was not without its problems and contradictions, but had at the very least reached a point where the very notion of capitalist society seemed entirely out of the question, much in the same way one espousing the return of feudalism today would be laughed out of any serious platform of discourse. My only problem I suppose is the lack of detail given as to how they actually achieved this end-goal, especially given the chronologically short time between OS and TNG.
This is a bit waifu-pandering (of which I heartily fall for), but otherwise has some interesting ideas.
Roddenberry was a Maoist? What's the source on this? I'd say it's bullshit given what I know of the man but according to who?
Also ironically while some of the "socialist" stuff in Trek (esp. TNG) was the result of Roddenberry, other non-socialist and just plain stupid stuff was as well, like no character conflict and struggle whatsoever and the bland futurism as opposed to say class struggle or anything of the sort.
And yeah Trek isn't literally a utopia, it's just a near-utopia in some respects. Then again, a universe full of cyborgs wanting to rip your flesh open and make you a zombie, scary looking aliens that can blow up planets with five ships and the fact Earth had to go through a nuclear war to get to an improved state actually shows how scary Trek's universe is.
Also all the socialist/post capitalist stuff of TNG was retconned as happening before TOS by Roddenberry. By the films, they already didn't have money (Star Trek 1 and the aborted series Star Trek Phase Two were emphatically going to state there is no money or capitalism at all in the future, not sure why that was removed) and Star Trek IV in fact mentions it. Enterprise also states this which is a hundred years before TOS
Because they went for realism here. Characters who disturb the group, especially in the higher ranks, are sorted out, because you are in a vessel in an uncharted area.
In that setting conflict has to come from outside.
His last wife Magel Barrett has stated Roddenberry supported the Chinese model for communism. Mind you that may not explicitly come with all the other implications of Maosim, so I might have been reaching by saying he subscribed to the specific ideology.
I don't see how that's realistic. In fact it's pretty unrealistic to expect humans to no longer grieve or have any personal issues in the future, which is what Roddenberry actually demanded. It's a big reason the first two seasons of TNG are so awful (outside two episodes)
DS9 fully dislodged with that concept altogether and was the better series for it, and more "realistic"
What's your source of this? Again, sounds like bullshit but if you have a source, I'd love to read this
Sounds pretty fun.
I say its bullshit (beyond not finding any source of it so far) because I've been a Trek fan all my life, and I've noticed most Trek fans actually hate the post capitalism of Trek and think its retarded, and often attack Gene Roddenberry for introducing it, I imagine someone by now would have brought up him being a Maoist and mocking it.
Because they are military.
I've been in the marine (navy?). It's a very important aspect to not stir shit there for small reasons, especially when you are on the high sea. If you can't keep your cool, you'll get reassigned.
And considering how the main characters in ST tend to be the highest ranked among the crew, them having a conflict is super bad.
One Piece for example also doesn't have character conflicts. A rivalry at worst and it is treated as a funny quirk, but that's it.
I was going off info from the prior Star Trek threads that we had weeks ago. If I find a source otherwise, I'll post it.
You've been in the Marines or Navy? I've never met an ex-service person who got them confused lol.
Also isn't Starfleet NASA? Not a military? Regardless, do people in the military have no personal conflict or emotions or grievances? I wasn't aware of this
For the record, Google does have results of people claiming this but I cannot find any source for it so far. Given that his vision is that of a liberal secular humanist one, I find it doubtful he was a Maoist or admired Mao's China, esp after the 1970s
Don't they edit genes in Star Trek. Or was Khan just a one off?
Starfleet fights wars.
I had to google it and saw it's some stupid anime bullshit. I wouldn't compare that to a tv show trying to be serious drama
Genetic engineering is actually illegal in the Trek future.
And NASA would be fighting wars right now if there were wars in space, but they do state Starfleet is not a military organization in the franchise, esp in TNG
That's because I am not an English speaking person.
The part of the military that has ship and stuff are called Marine in my country.
If they do, they get reassigned
What country is this? I'm unaware of anywhere where Marines are a combined force with the Navy though?
I don't think you understand what I'm saying. I don't mean starting fights with people, which even Roddenberry actually wrote into TNG, I mean having personal emotions. For example Roddenberry declared that no one is sad when anyone dies, not even a parent in the 24th century, which when he died, was immediatedly removed. I meant that.
Dude check it out. You may actually like it.
Read the manga, it's better than the anime.
Why would I like it?
Also the best Trek series, DS9, has the characters being in conflict all the time. In that respect, it's light years ahead of anything else, even TNG
And you mean how nobody mourned the Redshirts, expect for Kirk, who made some constipated grimaces until McCoy came along to say "He's ded Jim"
Yeah it kinda pissed me off.
Weak shit
It has a lot of serious drama and deep conflicts.
And I am not talking about the Neo Genesis Evangelion pseudo deepness, where if you don't understand it, it's "because you don't get it" shit.
It's not your run on the mill moe shit anime.
Give it a try, read the East Blue arc. If you don't like it by then, you can drop it.
No, in fact TOS had character conflict and drama all the time. I mean the crew even downright insults each other to their faces. I mean how in TNG a story of a boy trying to recreate his dead mother was forcibly edited into a stupid story about an alien ghost by Roddenberry, for example. All the emotionless, stiled dialogue of early TNG is too. I mean this is one of the most mocked things about Roddenberry's vision for a reason.
his dead mother on the holodeck* The episode I'm referring to is: memory-alpha.wikia.com
It's very sad how DS9 never got a movie.
People would've been more aware of it.
Germany has an armed forces?
Yeah but given the quality of the TNG films (Only FC is any good), maybe it's for the best.
We even had conscription
I misunderstood something.
You are right, this is ridiculous.
How was the dynamic again?
even numbers sucked
odd numbers were okayish.
Oh! I see. Okay. I was in the National Guard but left because surprisingly was boring. My experience with the military is in fact very limited. But Germany is so tiny nowadays I imagined it just used America's military for defense
Yeah but then Nemesis came, the only Trek film IIRC that tanked in the box office, and was a really bad rip off of Wrath of Khan (even more amusing as TNG had actually successfully made its own Wrath of Khan with First Contact). Now the Abrams Trek films are more successful than any of the others, but are stripped of most of what made Star Trek well, Star Trek.
Yeah in that episode listed, when the son learns his mother was killed, he just stoically accepts it and then a non-corporeal (Roddenberry was obsessed with this, because he believed in new age bullshit about people evolving into energy beings. Except for Q, they were all retarded) alien takes the form of his mother and the crew have to make him accept death. Originally it was going to be no alien and the son would recreate his mom on the holodeck and the crew would have to make him accept death, and he'd be crying throughout. That was Roddenberry's "vision", that shit like that doesnt happen!
We have 82 Million people.
We are the biggest population in Europe.
But you are also right in that Americans are freely occupying us and use our infrastructure freely as if they own this place.
The existence of NATO and United nations mandates give us a good excuse to participate in foreign wars, since after 70 years we realised, that no one wants to play with us, if we don't start.
Yeah but I meant a small power, it's not a world power and has no ability to have a real army I imagine.
And yeah, but Western Europe, including Germany also freeloads off the US military. It's a two way street
Something I noticed about Abrams.
He seems to prefer to work with young people who just completed their puberty. Kirk being captain at that young age is simply unrealistic.
Same with Star Wars. Most of the New-Empire leaders are actually to frickin young to remember how the old Empire was.
Which episode was it?
Well I guess it's "da future" is the explanation, but then why have a fucking academy and ranks then! It's ridiculous, esp since TOS established there were two captains of the Enterprise before Kirk!
Also Trek 09 is actually a remake of Nemesis, but it was successful when IMO its kinda dumber than Nemesis.
Ron Moore's (if you dont know who that is, its probably Treks best writer) first episode and Roddenberry forced him to make it stupid. Picard is allowed to show emotion but the little boy isnt
Together with France and the UK, we actually manage to outdo Russia, in terms of budget.
The only real threat for us is Russia.
And that wouldn't even be the case, if we didn't egg them to the situation we have now.
I know from my time, that we invested in Crimea years before the conflict started. And regardless what TV may tell you, it's not a "stupid rock" Putin foolishly threw away his entire reputation for. It's actually pretty valuable. And now we wasted a lot of money on it.
lol consistency.
Didn't like it either. It's sad how these are today's movie standards. They are not made to be good, they are made to be flashy, because that's what get the moviegoers going.
A lot of people I know who didn't even know about Star Trek watched it. Where is the logic in that?
Your time? How old are you, I imagine you're a fossil to remember conscription.
And yeah it's easy to have a big budget if you combine with other countries lol. But I agree, that Germany and Western Europe do antagonize Russia a lot, its why I'm against letting them freeload off our military, because it's just a recipe for disaster, and the European tears would be awesome to watch
Well there's capitalist logic in it, they make money. Here's an article about Trek and its relation to capitalism: badartworld.net
This process came to a head with the new movie series. Marketed as “not your father’s Star Trek”, creative direction was handed to Armageddon screenwriter JJ Abrams who openly dismissed the television series because “it always felt too philosophical for me.” Profitability came at the expense of turning it into a bunch of trivial action movies. Chris Pine, who plays the new Captain Kirk, explained this in strictly capitalist terms: “You can’t make Star Trek cerebral in 2016. It just wouldn’t work in today’s marketplace.” With that, the tug-of-war was over, and the bad guys won.
basically "stop focusing on tech, we want aliens n shiet"
Will check out the episode.
Roddenberry's main complaint was it had the child crying and showing emotion actually, and he forced the stupid alien plot into it.
It was 90% fan service and was "good" for that reason alone, really. I really liked it mostly because I was a Trek fan from childhood and enjoyed the familiar faces and references to fan continuity bugbears like the the Klingons head ridges.
I don't think a newcomer would have been impressed, but they already knew they were cancelled after that season so took the opportunity to get some great fan autism on the air for a few months.
Becoming an actual prequel was cool and the stories and writing did improve but there were still myriad flaws that couldn't be fixed, like the sterile acting. I like that they introduced some of the ideas planned for the first season but shitcanned by the networks, like xenophobic human terrorists.
Since you're a life long trekkie like me, what's the best series?
Link me to where I can read it
I'm 27
Conscription ended one year after I was press ganged.
The US was the main antagonist there. And now everyone in Europe crapped in their pants, because Putin apparently couped the USA.
The guys in Berlin are basically running around like headless chickens, because no one knows what will happen to them and if they are of any use to Trump (especially since a lot of them backed Hillary already and didn't even had contact with the Trump camp until his victory was announced)
Interesting times indeed.
Ah okay, reminds me of South Korea where I was stationed when in the army. I'm 27 too.
Not really, the US and Western Europe and Russia are all antagonists, but in this sense Western Europe is flipping out, becoming paranoid and wants daddy US to reign in Russia, but I'm against that. Of course the US army is Europe's army so some bad shit is probably going to go down. Which is why I'm for pulling out of Europe.
Also Crimea isn't worth dying for.
Two links in case there is incompleteness in one or the other, but it's unlikely.
Also notice that at a certain point the cover for each chapter starts telling a side story about characters who are not the focus.
I always figured anime was only good for big boobs and asses
Nuland and McCain visited the protester camps often.
German wanted Klitschko in charge of the government. He even got training from the conservative Adenauer foundation.
But Nuland pretty much lolled and that and Yatsenyuk got the job. The States were heavily involved in this and in the end got what they wanted. Or so it seemed.
It's not for us to decide, sadly. If the old farts say die, you better die for *insert reasons here*. A lot of money went into that rock. And it was certainly not just tax payer money, some private money as well or they wouldn't be raging that hard.
Communism can't come fast enough.
Oh you mean Euromaidan? Well that was a response to the kleptocrats in Ukraine. But if you mean "interference" both the US and Western Europe and Russia did so, blaming the US for this is kinda silly.
According to who?
Unless Russia invades us, I doubt anyone would go off and fight in Crimea
DS9, hands down. I love TNG but it's honestly not even really a contest. Believable character arcs, interesting setting, and some of the best antagonists in sci-fi TV.
It even holds up visually (compared to, say, my other favourite Babylon 5), since they stuck with miniatures until they were sure CG could convincingly replace it.
Long. Approximately 1500 hours?
I was commuting with the train at that time, so it's not like I had something better to do (work, pfff)
I have to note, that I got every achievement on Normal until Advanced got introduced, which raised the bar up to Hard, which basically meant I had to redo Achievements from the scratch.
Yeah I agree. TNG has some good visuals too though (Best of Both Worlds, for example). I think TNG isbetter sci-fi but DS9 is better drama. What do you think?
I'm not saying the US is entirely at fault here.
I'm just saying that the US won, by placing their dudes in key positions, Yuros got shit low key stuff like Mayor of Kiev. Everyone was equally aggressive. Although Russia had a belated reaction, since they were busy with Olympics/Paralympics in Sochi.
Mostly agree. DS9 needed to be a drama because of its setting, and it ended up being more about the characters and politics than it straight science fiction.
TNG needed to be there to build the world that DS9 then inhabited. I really do like both and if you'd asked me when I was a kid, I would've said TNG because I enjoyed the episodic format and exploration and found characters inspiring.
As I got older, I grew to appreciate the "darker" tone and political and religious themes more.
I dont think the US "won" anything, Ukraine is a total mess and half of it is basically ruled by Russia, lol.
What are the best Trek episodes in your opinion then? For me it's Yesterday's Enterprise, Best of Both Worlds, Tapestry, All Good Things, In The Pale Moonlight, Duet, The Visitor and The Siege of AR-588
and dozens of others from all the series, but those are my four favorite each from tng and ds9
Oh and Chain of Command and I, Borg and Q Who, ack too many good ones…
That's hard, but your picks are pretty good
For TNG I think my faves are Best of Both Worlds, Yesterday's Enterprise, Measure of a Man, The Drumhead, maybe Pen Pals.
For DS9, In The Pale Moonlight, Duet, Honor Among Thieves, The Magnificent Ferengi and pretty much any episode that Garak features heavily in as well the whole final arc where Damar turns coat and ends up martyred.
But really, yeah, there are so many great episodes I find it hard to really choose. It'd easier to say which ones I really hated
Darmok, can't believe I forgot that one!
Measure of a Man is another one. Actually a lot of the Data centric episodes like The Offspring, Birthright, Data's Day and Phantasm's are all good. Pen Pals though I felt was one of those weak Prime Directive episodes. Who Watches the Watchers is far better.
Also, Cause And Effect, Parallels, The Pegasus, Lower Decks, The Inner Light, Face of The Enemy I should mention. Actually IMDB surprisingly has a good list: imdb.com
As for DS9, its pretty hard given its serial nature but Trials and Tribble-ations I forgot but is probably its best, and Inquisition, Way Of The Warrior, the six part in season six and the final 9 part episodes are also all really good.
What are ones you really hate?
One guy speculated they beamed it into space, joked about them jamming the sensors on a Romulan warbird Spaceballs-style. I think it's recycled with other human waste for raw material for the replicators
Sounds like the name of somebody's boat.
They totally ripped the opening visuals off of some anime whose name eludes me, was hard-ish sci-fi about removing space junk from orbit. Like shot-for-shot.
I always assumed it was willingness to take things further, like somebody hulking out and doing permanent damage to their muscular system lifting a car off a loved one, or punching its windshield in on PCP. An ineffectual yandere would be pretty cute come to think of it.
I wish they'd made a fifth season. We would've gotten to see the Kzin.
This, especially in circumstances people have never dealt with before.
Word of God is that Starfleet is considered the military, but with a mission scope expanded beyond defense into science and setting up colonial infrastructure.
No one in the history of anime has ever suggested that. Would watch.
The only one who did was Barcley and he was chastized for it. One of his was in fact spanking Wesley. lol. DS9 though did have characters doing weird shit in the holodeck like BDSM. Still, nothing stupid like above.
Seriously? Link me, because that's really funny. Originally I know the intro was going to feature Soviet space exploration as well, given the Soviets did practically everything notable in manned space flight so far except for landing men on the moon (and even then, they did everything else first on the moon). But it was removed because I guess America, fuck yeah
PICARD : Starfleet is not a military organization. Our purpose is exploration.
SCOTT: The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.
Im sure it contradicts this elsewhere but this is where I'm getting it from. Even Abrams Trek felt the need to maintain this. Also to my surprise, the writers of Abrams Trek claim the Federation is socialist and all corporate advertising in the films represents nationalized industries. Lol?
Yeah well the guy behind it (Jimmy Diggs) had been pitching their return since TNG, and he was finally going to get his wish and then Enterprise is cancelled, lol
I liked Pen Pals more for the interplay between Picard, Riker and Data. It's not the strongest Prime Directive episode from a writing perspective, but it has some of the best performances IMO.
I really hated The Child (most early Troi episodes, actually. She was a much more enjoyable character later on). Sub Rosa was terrible too. Angel One. Rascals is cringey. There's a few others.
DS9, probably Second Sight and The Muse. They're the only ones I usually skip.
Remembered the name: Planetes. Opening is less close than I remember it being to the Enterprise opening, but you can still see a lot of stuff lifted from it. It focuses more on rocketry than human exploration, but still includes more non-merkin contributions to exploration and space than Enterprise did. Also the music isn't butt rock. I could be misremembering or they could've remixed it, idk.
yeah this seems more like coincidence than ripping off. Also, Enterprise's intro is actually improved by adding in cheesy 80s sitcom music:
I dunno, it's really weakened I think by the annoying fugly alien kid and the stupid Prime Directive, which I hate.
The rest of those are awful, but how do you feel on Voyager and Enterprise?
guess again
The make up is bad yeah, but it's my favourite of the Prime Directive episodes mostly because it's interesting to see how innocent Data is and the way Picard reacts to getting dragged into it and everything that happens digging the hole deeper. It just always stuck with me.
I'm ambivalent on Voyager (I'm actually watching through it at the moment, on the final season). Janeway is actually probably my favourite captain. I like how out of her depth she is for most of it and how they wrote her as a "female captain". She has authority and gravitas while not giving up basic femininity. I find so many other female characters in command roles are written really badly, trying too hard to be a tough stronk woman where Janeway was much more believable and her command style was closer to the best female leaders I've met IRL. Seven of Nine is also a great character and vehicle for the exploration of humanity that Trek usually has a character for, even though she is obviously eye candy as well. Tuvok is the best vulcan in any Trek series IMO and Harry Kim is a fun subversion of the Kirk womaniser trope.
But that said, plenty of the writing is just plain bad and it's hit/miss ratio is much more heavy on the misses than previous series. And it (building on First Contact) really castrates the Borg as an interesting and scary antagonist which is hard to forgive.
I'm probably in the minority on Enterprise since I liked it pretty much from start to finish. T'Pols whining grates sometimes and there's other nitpicks. But over all, I have mostly fond memories of it. Probably helps that I was in my teens when it aired and I had a huge crush on Trip.
I think the Borg were pretty cool in First Contact, but on Voyager they were boring.
Janeway and Archer are my least favorite captains, in fact Janeway comes off as a villain oftentimes and I dislike the actress.
I think Pen Pals is really weakened by the solution being always available yet they debated the problem, lol.
Seven of Nine and The Doctor are the only Voyager characters I like I admit.
Enterprise is the worst one IMO, its first two seasons are completely unwatchable and its next two are just meh.
Crush on Trip? Youre either a woman or gay, either way Im surprised youre here and watching Star Trek
Pen Pals was good. Favorite Prime Directive episode of mine is probably Who Watches the Watchers.
Yeah, that one was pretty bad. They adapted it from a Star Trek Phase II script. According to memory alpha it was re-used as a TBG episode because of the writers' strike. So not just a bad episode but a scab too.
Yeah, that one was pretty awful. Good fodder for the Lovecraft crossover this guy made though I know, I know, deviantart, but it's not complete shit even if it is complete autism
Pretty bad, had a feel to it like it was originally meant for the original Galactica or the 70s Buck Rogers. Fanservice Riker was pretty funny though, and the crew giving him shit over it felt more 'real' in terms of their interactions than in later seasons.
Moriarty episodes, except the last one. Most Q episodes. The clip show episode during the writer's strike. Wesley episodes Lore episodes were all a mixed bag, feels like they never had one that had all of pacing, acting, action and the Borg not getting massive villain decay by somebody killing one by pulling a wire out of it. Worth it though for stuff like The Drumhead or Best of Both Worlds.
I think Pen Pals was really awful personally, it's one of those terrible first/second season episodes. Only Measure Of A Man and Q Who are good from those early days.
Yeah it was also heavily re-written and got the original writers angry at how it turned out. Devil's Due in the fourth season was also a reused Phase 2 script.
Came from a Phase 2 idea actually lol.
Only two of them: Elementary, Dear Data and Ship In The Bottle, and only Ship is good. There was supposed to be a third one but Michael Piller didn't like the idea of sequels (he also killed sequels to The Inner Light and Tapestry, which was a shitty thing to do).
Yeah I find this ironic given how beloved Q is (at least on TNG). Only three of his episodes I like: Q Who, Tapestry and All Good Things. But those three are so good I instantly think good things about Q and forget Encounter At Farpoint or True Q or shit like that.
There's only three, and only one I think is bad "Datalore" which was originally supposed to feature a female android love interest for Data but Brent Spiner insisted it be turned into an evil twin. Descent I think is good, the first part is way stronger and don't think that scene is bad, any worse than just shooting Borg and killing them. They're not meant to be unstoppable, in fact meant to be disposable drones.
Nah, TOS is pretty good too. Yeah TNG and DS9 are better, but they benefit from higher production values, advances in special effects and better writers, give TOS some slack. Voyager and Enterprise however are pretty soulless husks that existed only to milk the Star Trek brand. The new movies suck and I'm suspecting Discover will too but we'll see
And yeah Star Trek is pretty much a space socialist vision of the future, they even quote Karl Marx positively in the franchise. Its socialism however has been a thorn to people who worked on and liked the franchise, there was even an attempt to do a pro capitalist trek called "Star Trek Federation", Bryan Singer was behind it. In it, by the year 3000, the Federation has become decadent and mediocre because it's not capitalist, and the Ferengi are the major galactic power because they are capitalists. It was literally going to present money as a solution to the Federations problems. Lol I'm sure Roddenberry would have been turning in his grave.
Time kidnapped
Shared Senses
Digital Uplink
Game Focus
Cosmic Radiation
Human Focus
Good Tier: TNG, OST
Shit Tier: Enterprise, Voyager
kek I'm gay. Loads of fags like Star Trek my dude, with Wil Riker being a perennial favourite.
i present to you the only correct answers to this cyoa
in order of overall quality descending:
AI Uplift, dat processing power and memory storage
Feeling, see what I'm good at
Shared Senses, no chance of Death By Pushing Wrong Button that way
Full Design, I like making maps n shit
Deredere, I could use a hug tbh
Digital Uplink, I need multitasking
Game Focus, more maps n shit to make
Ship Grown, homecooked meals a best
Human Focus, we seem like the biggest fish so it would be prudent
Ship Companion, seems kinda cruel to deny her the ability to experience more stuff
They shouldn't be surprised at females either, I have an old fanzine from like 1978 with an article about the then-emergent phenomenon of their Kirk/Spock slashfics.
Wasn't that the original slashfic?
As far as I know, yes. Or at least the oldest reference to slash I've come across.