Under communism, will women look more like anime? If not, how do we get women to look more like anime.
Under communism, will women look more like anime? If not, how do we get women to look more like anime
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2D needs to stay 2D desu. Real women have cooties.
we need effective worker-owned anime propaganda companies.
Under my ideal version of socialism, cosplay will become mandatory for both sexes.
Expect to see Cirno going grocery shopping, among other things.
Anyone who fails to abide will be sentenced to one million years >>>/gulag/.
Delete this.
Communism is not about your rights to sex appeal by giving everyone plastic surgery.
If there is one possible group of people that need plastic surgery more it is probably the Holla Forums population.
Fully automated 3d waifu communism is my right because I make it mine.
How old is she?
Should I feel bad for wanting to berry my dick in her arse
I'm pretty sure there is entire chapter about it in second vol of Kapital, bourgeois scum.
Which K-ON should lead the vanguard, and why is it Azu?
do you ever say anything pleasant?
Marx was an expert on plastic surgery.
This is what white parenting does to you
how would we deal with fun and bad genetics under communism
Some people here are nice. I do not mind them.
Jokes on you, my parents aren't white.
She's 18
We'll probably need to find a way to genetically engineer people to cry big anime tears like pic related, I guess.
If everyone begins looking like Anzu, that's anime enough for me.
I wonder if Anzu is a leftist.
Politics probably never crosses her mind. But she's probably center-left at the least, due to Turkey being the most tolerant and secular Muslim country.
I'm ok with this
Not to be toooo Holla Forums
Why are whites, more than any other race
so fucking thirsty for the east
Thirsty for the animes.
Speak for yerselves; chocolate is easily the best flavor IMO.
Are animes really asian?
Their characteristics are always kind of ambigous to me
Oriental fetishism (aesthetics wise) and Japanese imperialism (oh I luv Asian women aka but not those dirty South East ones with big noses)
In some regards, Asian women are beautiful. Not sure why.
In others, I just like women. Its easy to score white girls (being white), but there's flavor in women of different cultures. Dated a Puerto Rican for a couple years. Got old but was nice to mix it up. So part of it is the exoticness of Asians, something different.
Kill yourself.
why ;_;
You'll win more hearts with memes than rhetoric, comrade.
That's because most of the Internet long ago were whites and were the only ones interested in searching for things across the web. They came across Japan which was booming with anime culture and got sucked in. Now with more non-whites coming on the Internet this is no longer the case, hence why blackaboos is a thing. Also black guys fucking love kung fu movies when china was pumping them out like crazy.
I've got massive jungle fever tbh
Same tbh.
Though I do enjoy other whites and other Asians to a degree for the clearer spank marks and just how red they can get
Every time I think I've finally settled on you being an irredeemable slag, you post something like this.
under communism the only women will be trans grrls
How will we reproduce?
when women are born we will take their eggs and freeze them, then kill them
IVF still requires a womb.
then we will make artificial wombs
or go full bnw
This was a good thread. don't know why it got anchored
This thread was basically a shitpost, that's probably why.