Hijab as political resistance


Is the hijab a garment of organic Third World resistance towards the political and cultural hegemony of western imperialism? I think it is. First, it destroys the idea Islam is inherently patriarchal, as the hijab is used to guard the internal beauty of women from corrupting influences which prioritize the body before the mind. Second, we know the hijab is threatening to western dominance and capitalism, as the French policy of de-veiling Algerian women during the time of colonialism shows. Third, the hijab allows for Muslim women to express their sexuality on their terms. In other words, it guards the mind as much as it guards the body from corrupting influences (such as consumer culture and other forms of capitalist brainwashing).

It has huge potential to serve revolutionary aims. Thoughts?

go home Holla Forums

No it's not as long as there are goverments which force women to dress like that in public. When that stops, I don't care if they choose to wear it or not.

What about governments like France which force women to take their clothes off? France is much more imperialist than any of the countries with mandatory hijab.

I don't think this has anything to do with socialism.

However, I do think a Hijab is a symbol of female empowerment, as long as it is worn by the woman voluntarily. Liberal indoctrination has made the public think that "if you don't present and commodify your body you are reactionary" to a level that almost reaches Holocaust/Holodomor tier in terms of established consent - the fact that a beautiful woman might want to cover her hair to avoid sexual gazes seems to be unbearable to liberal IdPol.

Only in the first world. If you don't wear a hijab in Muslim countries it is as good as literally asking to be raped.

Correct me if I'm wrong but France only banned Burqa which pretty much covers you entirely. I don't think that's unreasonable considering how such type of clothing can conceal a person's identitiy entirely in the public, it's like allowing people with Guy Fawkes masks everywhere, it's ridiculous. How would they even get a job wearing that thing?

no, 50 years ago in egypt and persia, no one wore the hijab, it was imposed by western backed salafi clerics.

when you advocate wearing the hijab you advocate for women to embrace having less rights than their grandmothers. you spit in the face of everyone who wants or ever wanted to go outside with a rag covering their head.

tldr hijabs aren't good

If anything

I hate it for doing its job because arab women are usually thiccccc in just that right way, and I need to at least have a vantage point where I can admire from a distance

it is discriminatory against sinning haram dykes

Anything beyond a hijab is too far. I will never be put in the position of defending a niqab or a burqa.

Muslim women are too cucked in general.

You see leftypol? This is why asian anfem is cool. She's just one of the lads :3
Uncomplexed and unpretetious that everybody can talk with about everything without being judged.

It's good, I like it, dumb degenerate Western whores are being tricked into covering themselves up under the guise of anti imperialism, I love.

I hope somebody can trick them into stop wearing yoga pants and waiting for marriage before sex next.

Women long to be told what to do and dominated.

Nah man, you got it all wrong.

The hijab exists because of the idea that women are a) purely aesthetic creatures, and b) something to be owned and controlled by men, and therefore "hidden away" from the eyes of other men.

Like all aesthetic adornment (clothing, jewelry, make-up, etc.) the primary reason people adopt them is social pressure. Social pressure can never be truly escaped; we all dress the way we do because of social pressure, whether we feel pressured or not. We don't wear codpieces, tunics and tights - but we would have done when it was socially normal.

Given that this is the case, you have to look not at whether an individual in that instance chooses to do a thing or not, but at why that thing is socially normal. If the reasons why are oppressive - as they are for the hijab - then that thing is an oppressive article of clothing.

That does not mean that every person that wears one is oppressed, nor that many individuals who wear one do not feel that they made a choice to do so. I do not advocate banning hijabs, or any other kind of "de-veiling" (unless absolutely necessary for security). But to pretend that the article in of itself can be anything but a symbol of oppression, is completely backwards.

Yeah, ubermensch like you will totally be bossing women around.

Women covering their hair was a common thing in european countries until the XX century. Still is in eastern european countries.

hello no gf nazi

i like this picutre

It's still an issue of colonialism.

Yes, the French are being colonized by Algerians and Somalians.

Help drive them out support white liberation today.

why white liberation instead of universal liberation.
remember what bakunin said "i am not free, unless all is also free"

Because he doesn't want freedom. He just wants to replace the "jew masters" with "white ones".

The greatest irony in all of this is, "Islamic values" aren't a threat to capitalism, far from it actually. We can look to the history of the Muslim World and see how forms of proto-capitalism emerged during the caliphate multiple times, not to mention the sweatshop misery of Muslim countries like UAE, Saudi, Bahrain, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Sahel states, etc. (In other words, "Islam" has been completely unable to defeat capitalism in those regions.)

Westerners like the idealized image of Islam because they see it as an antidote to the evils of western culture. In actuality, traditional Islam does nothing to solve these issues but reinforces many of them.

We want freedom from low Autism Level subhumans destroying our white societies and dragging us down to their level of putting bones in their noses and acting like monkies.

So do we. Our particular immigrant menace is from a region called Holla Forums

I wouldn't be here if you guys weren't organizing raids against 4/pol/ constantly and desperately trying to win us over with your class reductionist universalist internationalist non sense.


I think you're baiting but I have no doubt that there are liberals out there who believe this dangerous nonsense.

Yes you're right. Banning the burqa is symbolic thing. The amount of women wearing burqas in France is probably less than 100. Latvia also banned the burqa despite having only three burqa wearers in the whole country.

Banning the burqa is a rejection of radical Islam, which is what the burqa signifies. The burqa is not even popular in the Middle East. It's a mainly backward Afghan thing and you also have it Al Nusra/ISIS areas in Syria.

Also this thing of comparing France banning the burqa to Saudi Arabia banning not covering up is retarded. In one country you get stoned to death and in the other chances are you wont even be punished.

Then i agree with you. I wish i could expell everything american from here. Starting with McDonalds and Starbucks and ending with shitty pop music making everyone retarded.
There's nothing more subhuman than USA.


Can we please wordfilter "class reductionist" to "materialist" or something.

Yes, if they were burning them.

Can we meme this into reality?

They didn't cover their hair so they wouldn't trigger men into raping them. They wore head scarfs because having long hair while doing manual labor on a farm is no good.


Doesn't this prove the hijab is a proletarian garment?

In much of the Islamic world (especially the poorer parts) a woman who is not wearing a hijab is basically "free game." is right. The hijab is a fairly reactionary piece of clothing. Men who force women to wear them should be punished severely.

I'm for the idea that the hijab can be empowering in its own way and banning certain clothings (as in france) is a clear intrusion on the autonomy of the individual. However, I am skeptical of how voluntarily women choose to wear the burqa/hijab/hiqab/what-have-you. In many cases it is a clear sign of a woman dominated by their husband, often accompanied by other abuses of autonomy such as the inability to leave their household without permission, inability to choose to work voluntarily and general lack of autonomy.
There definitely are women who wear such items voluntarily and indeed in an empowering way. Anecdotally, I know of women who some days feel like expressing themselves one way by wearing a hijab, and other days expressing themselves in a different way with different clothing.


How does that work you div? If culture creates gender not sex, as I've read on here, then they cannot be voluntarily wearing it.

While there are certainly lots of pretty Arab woman out there, what you consider as "thick" is mostly a result of going to the gym and lifting, doing squats in particular.

In Muslim countries, and most asian countries, doing sports is inappropriate for women let alone something so masculine like lifting.

Nah. The Arab Peninsula, yeah. Salafism is Sunni. Iran is Shia majority with a Shia government, and has been so for several decades.

Culture doesn't change your sex. If you are born with a penis there is 99% chance you'd find those born with a vagina attractive.
Stop taking Stirnerposters and pirates seriously. Most of them haven't even understood Stirner and it's just their way of saying "fuck you mom and dad".

For once anfem isn't a total faggot.

Sometimes things can mean different things in different contexts! If I weren't on my phone I'd be posting the comic of the woman in bikini and woman in full burqa walking past each other and each thinking "What a vile male-dominated culture!"

Banning the burqa is the dog whistle racist politics of showing that you're "tough on muslims". It has nothing to do with whatever social impact the burqa might have.