How the fuck are these people even alive, dont they know how negotiations work? Are are britfags so self entitled they believe the world should bend over for them

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He tried to warn you about the eternal Anglo dog but you didn't listen…

…? Yeah? They truly believe the EU can't do without them and will come crawling back any minute now. Of course, this is a wrench into their plans to challenge the hegemony of the US but they were always playing the long game.

The EU's plan to challenge US hegemony or Britain's?

The EU.

Exactly, it is almost scary how self entitled they are and believe the world should bend over for them.
EU should start with an EU army soon and have a big intelligence division.
I would so move to Germany if they didnt speak German, even if they speak English it just feels weird to live in a place where everyone speaks another language.

German isn't hard. Not sure why you're such a big fan of the EU though.

Corbyn and friends absolutely roast her for having no plan for the negotiations like every PMQs. The tory government seems hell-bent on leaving everything up to the power of magic.
At the same time neoliberal institutions like the EU should not be defended

Nigga whaat

Would be way too overt. The idea is to collect enough capital to drop the dollar en masse. Ironically, the pound would have been a good choice.

The issue is UK has been the front of EU when it came to intelligence agencies, army etc.

People would think of UK, not Germany or some other country.

Since UK will be leaving EU really needs to improve its public image somehow, and with the Putin threat and online misinformation an army and EU intelligence division would be the best solution, both practically and image wise

Can't wait lads.

It's something they're working toward. Personally think it's a ways off. They will first deepen cooperation between their militaries independent of NATO and expand intelligence cooperation. France and Germany alone lack the economic, political, and military power to compete with the United States and China in the global imperial struggle so they will use a more unified EU to do that. This is assuming the EU doesn't collapse in the near future.

oh wow, two imperialist blocs are disintegrating so the others can get more power in their absence
I'm thrilled
I'd rather have an imperialist EU than Russia or China tbqh

Exactly, but many people online have been brainwashed by Russian propaganda to be anti west even though they owe their standards of living to west.

It is so idiotic, like those anti globalist morons who enjoy the fruits of globalization every day yet whine.

People have taken their luxuries for granted

Nigger, if you know english then you can pick up german easy. even us fat americans can learn in a few years of our shit tier educational system.

I hope you get IEDed.

oh. it's you.
I'm looking forward to your tears when that shitpile finally collapses.


You couldn't make this shit up.

cry me a river

Sorry, but you cannot have true socialism in a country when the fascistic dictatorships like the EU exist, Germany has shown time and time again that they wish to rule over everyone without consequences. You are not a true socialist if you support the EU.

Funny ;^)

how do you explain these feels



EUflagfag isn't a socialist though.




I'm talking in a broad sense, not completely directed at him, the EU is more rightwing than any other form of government in existence, even more so than Trump's administration. I'm tired of leftwingers praising the EU all the time while blindly ignoring the fact that it's a dictatorship run out of Germany.


t. Ivanoslav Ivanovitch

get real

abbos are 1% of aus population

americans are 100% of theirs

Don't be silly, you know I'm right about this, Germany has been a threat to western society for over 100 years, they constantly try to take over and constantly fail.

t. Klaus Schweinsteiger


what is this, a conspiracy theory? take the tinfoil hat off.

'The single currency is a project in the service of a large world powers and consolidation of the power of the big multinational corporations, in
war with the American and Asian economies, by a new international division of labor market and the sharing of world markets.
The single currency is a political project that will lead to shocks and pressure for the construction of a federal Europe, the freezing of
wages, the liquidation of rights, the dismantling of social security responsibility and the growing lack of responsibility for social state."

Said the former portuguese communist party leader in 1997.

He was right :)

Sorry some of us enjoy the western lifestyle and dont want to be poorfags living in shitholes like in Russia

The one where the IC report and congress agrees with.

Oh wait, you are a special online snowflake and totes know more about it and should be trusted, especially with all your anti west memes ;^)


Russian here, why don't you come visit us and check out for yourself if you still hold by that opinion. Because I can tell you it's bullshit.
So do I. Has fuck all to do with your dysfunctional europroject or any other form of globalization.

You guys are worse than the people who voted to leave.

Pretty sure you all do bend over for us, because you're all inferior. The October Revolution would have been nothing without us. Many others too. In fact most communist revolutions would have been nothing without porky to be perfectly honest.

Just kneel before your betters, study us and we will all get on fine. Your entire life has been leading to this point of realisation.

Yeah certainly, especially after you think globalization isnt the source of many of the things the west enjoys while many Russians are poorfags under the rich Tyrant putin ;^)

I am sure he gains nothing from destabilizing the US and EU by brainwashing random idiots online to be anti west.

Russia produces shit, most of the entertainment and luxuries today exist because of the west and globalization

also I like these refrigirators

I have a soviet lighter, it's a good lighter

Seriously only positive thing Russia has is that Putin is manly, nothing else


it's called Cold War, dumbass

two can do that

Russia is an Asiatic shithole.

Nowhere near Russian levels, and those retarded homophobes arent taken seriously by most of the world anyome in 1st world countries unlike Russia which is the norm that is supported by the government

bit far


fucking racist

untermensch commie subordinate, communism is inherently racist, it is a subset of the scientistic techocratic order, its opera have been about nothing but the subversion of races and the mereological relations of their hierarchies. you will learn one day.

I beseech you, study the Anglo way, then you will eventually understand.

* operae

ho hum


I didn't change my flag, it's always been this.


Britain deserves the humiliation it is going through.

No tears shed for the downfall of perfidious Albion.

we always win lad

the EU is a fat manlet jew. Looks about right.

Karma is a bitch

You will get what you deserve for what you did against Napoleon.

Anglos smugly

We already received the largest empire in history after beating out that manlet.

Prussians saved them at Waterloo



fucking end yourself mate


I can`t wait to see what happens to Switzerland thanks to them attempting to cut their bi-ladderal agreements with EU. I hope that they will starve too.

Eurocorps will be reformed to EU army by 2017, assuming that French won`t change their position again. Even Poland is for it at this point, Hungary seems to be the last bastion of opposition for EU army at this point.


socdems never change

i would honestly rather go back to being a third world country than live in an integrated EU. if there's going to a first world revolution anytime soon it's coming out of the EU put money on it lads


I wouldnt, because unlike you i dont have a shit life with nothing to lose

you do, yoi just don't know yet

Two burgers on the right, a handgun on the left.

Can't let a home invasion get in the way of the primary function of an American.

Sorry not an emotional baby to give a shit about nationalistic autism and other shit.

Quality of life is all that matters

the quality of your nation influences the quality of your life

Which would be shit without the EU


You can't credit the EU on the well being of any state because it was and will be perfectly capable of being that without it. In fact it got worse with the EU.

Yeah lol i am sure without Eu regulations Greece wouldnt be shit

That is what you dont get, you have been brainwashed to hate the Eu since it is used as a scapegoat for all the problems of a nation and you believe all the advantages of the Eu are fake or dont exist.

wew, projecting

The EU is about to die dude just accept it, it wont hurt as much then

People have been predicting fall of EU for past 4 decades. Just come to terms with the reality, our pan-European federation is here to stay.

You literally celebrate people who lie to you and tell you big impossible things that they ll back away from and you ll still suck their dick after they reveal they had no plans and abandon ship.

Sorry but you really are the most brainless people out there, but i guess that is what happens when you let emotions rule you :\

oh I am laughing, I really am

Well your "leaders" are known liars, hell even blatant liars while Guy is passionate about the EU and talks with plans and goals unlike your magical talk about how things will totes get better if you vote for them like a good drone ;^)

Reminder that this insufferable faggot is a braindead autistic furry that went crying to Holla Forums because we hated him too.

This is the European "Union" in a nutshell. People won't forget :)

Somehow this does not surprise me at all.
Italians,Greeks,Hungarians,Romanians and Spanish are net loss for the Union. You take more than you produce you should be happy that we even allow you stay in this union.

Britbong leaders have an empire. They're making big cash by whitewashing dictatorships and the sale of child pornography. Of course they're entitled little fucks.

The land, however - is outsourced. Most britbongs are too stupid to have noticed.

That is why the EU needs to take direct control of such government if they fail to improve and keep being a loss.


The funniest part is that we would still want independence even if it harmed us just to be away from you broken weirdos
But we'll also be better off without shovelling cash into a useless bloated socialist furnace anyway, massively better off
The saltlick from Eurofaggots is so delicious, you can't even imagine

I agree, but we can`t let failures like troika to happen again neither. Power in the union should be taken away form council of Europe and dedicated completely to the parliament of Europe.

That girl is ultra cute.

Too bad she's a liberal and a misandrist.

You are fucking hilarious m8. I haven't this seen this level of self-deception and basic bitch analysis since Holla Forums.

I think she just wants free trade with them and be able to fish in our own waters etc

Not exactly bringing back the British Empire m8.

fuck whitey xD

I voted Leave and don't regret it.

Fuck the EU

Pretty much this, I hope they will be raped by Blaire White.

Most people believe that image 100%.

Why should there be free trade without tariffs if EU holds tariffs towards every other non-member state that holds no bi-ladderal agreements with us?

It aint over yet.

So when will britain initiate exit procedures?

Never apparently since they still are waiting to invoke article 50.

So, 10 years from now, brits will still say stuff like:

This is a likely outcome

Only thing that has changed since Brexit is that UK has removed its legitimacy and ability to negotiate and partake in new EU regulations and agreements by aggravating EU.

Britain has been a porky infiltrator in watering down the EU regulations since it joined, now it will still act as a porky trojan but will have to do so behind closed doors and other underhanded means as the US currently does in the EU.

It really makes you think that they allowed countries like Britain where pro capitalist entities only need less than 40% of the population's support to have an equal say in how the EU is run, it's like as though they depend on the histrionics of subversive and blatantly corrupt outsiders to validate their lack of meaningful benevolent action.

kill urself faggot