Under libertarianism you are free to start a commune, you are just afraid to because you can't compete in a free market.
Under libertarianism you are free to start a commune, you are just afraid to because you can't compete in a free market
Read a fucking book.
Stop projecting wage cuck
This post broke my NAP
Name one (or two) and I'll get around to it.
There's plenty of them in Israel they are called "Kibutz". I think they typically sell produce though.
Das Kapital.
A Thousand Plateaus.
Capitalism has no need for a free market, it actually kills it.
it's just not feasible to run communes under capitalism
And read Nick Land afterwards.
because communes can't compete and are a weak system
In all seriousness you should just Google 'Marx's critique of capitalism' and read what turns up.
there's nothing wrong with this
Would I then also be free to stop paying taxes?
You won't pay any taxes.
Dude, I'm not going to be apart of your egoism. Go spook somebody else with your feelings.
Badmouse actually did a fairly good video on why cooperatives can't really work that well in a capitalist system
Private property of the land is a direct enemy of freedom and as such must be eradicated from the surface of this planet.
ew, go be a loser somewhere else
All I got from this was cooperatives can't compete.
That's all you need to know really.
Building socialism inside libertarian system may be possible if they really are THAT free and willing to negotiate deals and etc
The problem with minarchism and anarcho-capitalism is that actual capitalism makes them impossible to achieve, therefore libertarians are left with no other choice but to defend a crony over another, for example PInochet over Allende or Trump over Hillary, you end up being useful idiots for big corporations even when it's not your intention
there is literally nothing wrong with big corporations, they are not the ones trying to take my civil liberties. that's the idiot voters.
Fuck off classcuck.
Don't tread on us*
Can't compete because of the system in which they find themselves in
Competition in capitalism is just basically which porky can get more surplus from the workers than the other.
workers are free to move between porkies making the porkies compete to offer the better offer to the workers
The Free Market, PBUH
or start your own business if you don't like it. you just want everything done for you.
All competition is in capitalism is different porks using us as cannon fodder against one another.
Until one porky buys monopolizes the market and now you have to work for him or starve
monopolies are only created from government monopolies being privatized.
Want to live in a Libertarian society? go to center-Africa.
You won't cuz you are afraid to compete with other humans there.
Except your basically just looking for the least worst wages in a system where unemployment exists by design to lower said wages. All this for CEOs that just exist to suck up wealth from working people.
Or Co-op, at the very least.
Fun fact, the government exists to protect private property.
Stick to pointing out contradictions. The 'move there' meme is lame no matter who it's used on.
lol @ that defeatist attitude
I neither support government or private owned business so i'm not sure what your trying to get at here.
Yet I remember when Blockbusters was a thing and they would buy up every single small video rental store around. That's private business buying out private business
Who said impossible?
Le small loan meme.
You don't really like Libertarianism if so, you are just want to be edgy and special.
kys my man
Try starting a busines when you make less than minimum wage.
Besides why would you want to set up a system that exploited you in the first place?
Nothing was stopping people from making slave-free farms when slavery was legal. Does that mean that it was more free?
so people shouldn't be able to sell their businesses?
Not really. I just want something that works better, and isn't prone to inefficiency or exploitation.
A free market might only only work if it's controlled by the workers, and even then, it's a maybe.
lol no wonder you pinkos can't handle the free market. literally no balls to do anything yourself.
You are a socialist now?
unemployment exists because some people are too weak to compete in the free market.
You're the one who implied that monopolies couldn't form without the state
The point is you can't just move to a business if you don't like it there. When all of said businesses have been brought up. And that's not even taking into the account the cost of moving and so on, when your on a minimum wage that's simply not possible.
It's bet to get rid of the system itself rather than curting around it.
Says the aut-cap who inherited his wealth. Try working for peanuts and then risking it all trying to start a business that will statistically fail in less than 2 years.
The free market is fun as fuck in practice, having spent some time in the more lawless areas of Africa myself.
You do not, however, live in a free market. You live in a land of corporate tyrants.
lol that defeatism
I guess that means the ultra billionaires worked a billion times harder.
It's not really libertarianism if you aren't spending 80% of your time writing apologia for existing "free market" giants.
Looks like impulse control to me.
lol that non-argument
how do you even build a factory under communism?
just go in there, ask to see the manager and shake his hand.
Tax the productive members of society :^)
i dont even have a job lol i just post pro libertarianism cause i like guns
i guess im more a libertarian leninist
From the revenue of other factories.
Kek what. I'm a socialist. These are poor areas that haven't gone through the capitalist stage fully, and yes, it is a good world to live in and the one lolberts and ancaps dream of. It's not one you can return to once you're finished with it though.
I was making fun of vulgar lolberts.
So you were just pretending to be retarded?
Guns are the right of all working class people, even NEETs. You don't need to be a lolbert to know that. Become a full anarchist, and work towards maximum self sufficiency, so you don't have to rely on the market for your survival. Also, realize that downloading movies basically points out that the price system and the market are crumbling on the net due to lack of scarcity.
You don't. Their built in capitalism first, and eventually automated due to the contradictions that exist within the system, and then you'll have to see whether or not the mass of people just die off, or they enjoy machines for their intended purpose, ease of life.
You realize that monopoly was such a widespread problem in the early 20th century that legislation had to be passed making them illegal right?
there's a reason burgers still have a right to bear arms and commies didn't.
Did you read it or what?
prove it
Were you sleeping during American history, in particular during the whole portion about trusts?
I'm not american.
Get a fucking job
Technically I can, and workers co-ops would BTFO private companies.
Woah, u got me good.
Yeah, but I will try to expand my free territory and that means you will be killed, because I ain't gonna ask for it nicely.
Compete? I would just steal and intercept the goods of my enemies.
Why should we settle for our own little shitty commune in your society. Nationalist-Libertarians get purged, fuck off.
We don't want small communes on the fringes of society, only national or global economies can reach post scarcity. "we don't just want the breadcrums, we want the entire fucking backery".