LGBT and Homelessness

Why are so many sexual minorities homeless?

Material circumstances

I know some people might be triggered by this, but because of homophobia.

If they're often kicked out of their parent's place for being gay and therefore have to live on the streets.

Because capitalism.

this basically

Why are the mentally ill so over represented among the homeless? This answers your question.

Basically this.

If they haven't kill themselves due to feeling alone and that living is pointless, they will be found out or came out and the repercussion for it is being kicked out. This is why they come out when they're older and can leave the home, even if their parents rage they don't have to face being homeless.

Are trans most of those homeless?

Capitalism and Discrimination like the one seen in


They're also more likely to be mentally ill (probably because of large amounts of stress, feeling isolated, and bullying) which makes work more mentally exhausting. Secondly, trans people also seem to face discrimination from employers who are uncomfortable with working with them or fear rifts within the workplace. Trans people may also spend thousands of dollars on transitioning, which makes them more vulnerable to financial hardships because a significant portion of their income has gone to transitioning, not to savings.

This wouldn't even be the case if not for capitalism, though.

Oh, I forgot to add LGBT people are also more likely to be addicts (self-medication for mental illness and environmental stress, most likely) which also siphons away their money and hurts their ability to work.

Basically yes.
Calling it homophobia is wrong tho. Homophobia is an involuntary reaction, and a homophobe may still be for equality. This should be called anti-gay bigotry.

If society was organized in such a way that being homeless would not be possible, homophobia would be rendered powerless.

Rather than fruitlessly trying to change conservative views of sexuality, we should try to change what empowers their backwardness to be destructive.

That would be capitalism.


hey anfem, which psychological theory/practice do you specialize in?

Freud and his successors? Jung? Lacan?

what do you think about people saying mental illness don't real? and your take meds?

Emergency Psychiatry. The depressing one where you work with people the most alienated, the most ready to die, and the most unable to take care of themselves.

That's not what I'm saying. Of course these parents should be considered responsible for the horrible thing they did to their own child. But in the end, gays and lesbians would benefit much more from universal social safety than they would from principled confrontations with their parents.

Unpopular opinion but what you call "sexual minorities" is actually mental illness.

Why not both. Abusive people won't vanish.

Even if that was true…and? What value quantifies whether or not one should be fucking homeless? What does mental illness have to do with this?

Why are you a fucking trot?



The mentally ill don't function the way our society wants them to. That's why they fall through.

Why are you a namefag?

Why can't you just stop. Why can't you just stop shitting on what little Trotsky even did

Why can't you stop

God I hate Anything past the B in LGBT+
Fucking mental illness


why would they be triggered by that? homophobia is a fact of life, everyone on the left knows that

What the holy mother of fuck is leftypol's problem with trans people? For a board about combating IDPOL and cointel you guys sure fall for that shit.

I obviously disagree with the backward nonsense… but the fact that LGBT folk might "actually" be mentally ill doesn't change anything, does it? Do they somehow "deserve" what happens to them more because they're supposedly "mentally ill"?

I'm not advocating anything. I'm merely answering your question why there are disproportionate more homeless fags.
Why can't you contribute anything to the discussion?

that's hot.

A significant part of the audience browsing Holla Forums are edgy teens, former Holla Forumstards or the like. That's why they are so many retards around the block, especially when it comes to discussing "idpol".

I'm answering your cognitive dissonance

But the point of arguing with a trot is…fairly useless.

Stop projecting and fuck off, splitter.



Do trots have self awareness or are they all automatons built to be ice picked

Do you have any evidence supporting the claim that gays, lesbians or transsexuals are "actually" mentally ill?

Implying that you do and that the data is sound, why do you think these people are mentally ill in the first place?

Moreover, do you believe the mentally ill "deserve" what happens to them?

Oh boy here we go


Filtered. No point discussing anything with a larping blockhead.

Oh fuck a larping blockhead

I'm not claiming that homosexuality = mental illness but there are numerous studies that show that homosexuals do have a much higher risk of mental health problems. So there is a correlation. Why would they deserve this? Fuck off with your religious bullshit.


Alienation from society can cause mental illness, being molested/raped can cause mental illness, being gay doesn't.

How can you know what is cause and what is symptom?

A boy doesn't become gay because he gets bullied, a boy bullied because he's gay

Bourgeois decadence impairs one's ability to function normally in society. A worker's revolution will inevitably lead to a cure to homophilia and other social sicknesses.



You post on leftypol

You automatically enjoy futa

You have no choice

It is done

Most people on Holla Forums didn't even agree with them, though.

This is the only place edgy teens are not banned when they say their shitty opinions, so therefore, sometimes, we have edgy teens say their shitty opinions on here.

They don't represent the majority here at all, it's just the price of lax moderation and open conversations.



Maybe you're just retarded.

most people who don't have strong feelings about trans people don't comment on it, this gives the illusion that there's more people against them than there are for them

i am indifferent as they comprise 0.05% of the population, of course their rights should be protected but beyond that what's there to discuss?

You definitely did.

Gee, could that be because they are as sexual minorities more likely to face the problems that cause mental health problems in the first place?

A correlation and not a causation indeed.

I'm not sure I understand what you meant by this.

Gender is a social construct.
The mere existence of trans people questions one of the fundamental core issues of feminism.

One can not coexist with the other.


Whelp I have mental illness then.
Time for my well earned premature pension.

Mental illness. They ought to be jailed for life and taken care of so they don't harm themselves or others.

The thought quite often occurs to me. Then again, have you seen your own opinions? And the other ones people post here, even if kind of right? It's a shitshow, people.

Aside from Holla Forumsacks and only half-reformed Holla Forumsacks such as yourself, a lot of the people here on the right track.

do that to me plz

In general? Aside from rejecting capitalism, most appear to be pretty much retarded across the board.

Aside from, like I said, half-reformed Holla Forumsacks buying into right-wing identity politics, most people here are generally headed in the right direction.

What? Oh right the flag. Relax, antifa. It's a meme ideology.

woah almost cut me with that edge. r u a trap if so boipussi or btfo.

When are compassionate leftists going to start making threads about homeless and suicide rates of straight white males?

Lifestylism is why. They move to live with their buddies in the Bay Area and and up living in non-housing, like a warehouse, or sleeping in mattresses and floors in some communal living arrangement because the cost of living there is outrageous– these things make then fit the definition of homelessness


(1) We do. In fact, there were many threads about it when that study about increasing suicide rates among whites popped up a few months ago.

(2) Any discussion of homelessness and suicide in Europe or the US as a whole de facto deals with people that are in great parts if not in majority straight white males.

(3) It is not very relevant to discuss say "straight homelessness" because being heterosexual does not contribute to the problem and therefore doesn't shed any light on the issue.

Now get your resentful idpol elsewhere, you crank.

Porky hates gays. That's one reason why we need to cook him and cook him good

faggots are a disgrace to their parents.

no wonder why they end up kicked out of home.

This is going to be calling card every other post, but I'm majoring and studying to be an emergency fucking psychiatrist for hospitals. Who treat actual people alienated by Capital to the point they are suicidal, or longer can function for themselves, and mostly, their future relies on the service of the care of careers like mine.

Stop living off stereotypes, 1), 2), nobody on Holla Forums even goes to fucking medical school to help anyone so you could quit the accusation we don't do shit when your board is filled with more neets and highschoolers than /r9k/ and Holla Forums combined


fuck off with the kike shit my judeo christian porky friend

fuck of with the racism my Holla Forumsyp infiltrator.


Women always had to prostitute themselves in hard times and 'get by'. Conditions now make it possible for gays to to the same.

I hope you have kids and they're all gay and trans

I was calling out your homophobia by using racism how you gonna play it son


caring about "gay homelessness" is idpol

Parents kick them out more for social/religious reasons. That's why, OP.

Mental illness

I wouldn't go as far as to call it illness

Being gay is definitely a deviation from our standard genetic programing, but at the same time it doesn't really harm anyone.

Being trans on the other hand is a direct consequence of being spooked, and trans people wouldn't exist in a society where the concept of gender has been abolished. it sickens me though how liberal capitalism exploits these people's dysphoria for their own political agenda, while letting them mutilate their genitalia from a very young age.

Really? Is it in the DSM?

Also, social darwinist fuckhead, if mental illness is a problem worthy of homelessness, then why don't you fucking bother with communities not filled with NEETs

You really don't understand why transitioning exists in the first place.

It isn't what you think the reason is at all.

it serves to alleviate the person's dysphoria, but it really is a spook since gender doesn't really exist in the first place. the only reason people feel gender dysphoria is because of societal norms push the concept of gender, without it gender dysphoria would literally be impossible

It exists because allowing them to simply dress as they want resulted in other mentally ill people, and generally abusive fucks, to target them as a religious, sexual, and economic, weakness. An extreme Other.

So, you have a lot of patients dying or being raped or being abused, which raises all sorts of other psychiatric problems. Which is in fact, not good to allow anyone to put patients in direct harms way.

HRT is a last ditch solution for people with extreme gender dysphoria to fit their needs. True.

But it goes beyond that. It exists, not in common practice, so people can actually not get fucking stabbed.

how does any of this disprove my statement that gender dysphoria would not be a thing in an unspook communist society?

also, from the statistics i've seen, close to 50% of people with gender dysphoria manage to deal with it with therapy alone. and since you're so big about the well-being of patients, you should check the suicide rates in post-op trans people.

hrt is available to fucking 10 year olds that tell their parents they feel like a girl/boy. it's literally sickening how easy it is in the us to get hrt and genital mutilation surgery, even for kids

You use spook like it can stop someone from stabbing someone.

but the reason the stabbing occurs is because said person is spooked

also, we aren't discussing the mental health of the stabber but that of trans people. a trans person believes that they were born the wrong gender, which implies that gender is something real and biological. since it's not, but society actively pushes it, their whole dysphoria is based on a society propagated spook. under communism, this wouldn't be the case and their dysphoria simply wouldn't manifest

That's actually fucking wrong as hell.

Also, this is a gem.

Whats the difference between character trait and mental illness?

no it's not. the stabber's perception of the trans individual is a spook and doesn't reflect of the personality of the actual individual

you seem to either be unable to comprehend what i'm writing or are simply trying to provoke reactions with your idiotic responses. I made a statement about the phenomenon called gender dysphoria and how in a communist society, where the social construct known as gender would not exist, gender dysphoria wouldn't manifest itself. You mentioned people stabbing trans people as an excuse for why doctor prescribe mutilation and hormones, and while that may be true for some cases, even the stabber's reasoning behind his hate is emotion driven and completely based on his spooked perception of trans people. The stabber's emotional state and mental health is irrelevant to the manifestation of gender dysphoria, aka my original statement.

Why do I even bother replying to people that don't understand dialectical reasoning. read a fucking book you cancerous tripfag

You're ignoring the broader picture of liability here for patient care if a patient dies. For the time being, begging some sociopath who wants to find a target weak enough to abuse into nothing, can cause a multitude of other problems trauma based, that can fuck shit up even more.

You're ignoring the broader picture. Which is mental health care in America, and the causes that exacerbate it, are ignored. Stabbing, rape, violation, homelessness?

Who cares, it's about the guy dressed as a girl, not the broader picture of how mental health care is dying. And the stigma only makes it worse.

took me 3 posts to realize this is b8

10/10 lad

Why do you think this is bait.

I know some people might be triggered by this, but because of stupid teenagers.

It's because they're often kicked out of their parent's house for being too stupid to keep a secret. "Boy I know how to turn my christian conservative parents into LGBT-lovers I'll tell them I'm a faggot! Then they HAVE to accept me!"

I once knew a guy who tried this shit, his Texan dad made him pack up a bunch of his shit into a suitcase, he drove him out into the middle of the desert and left him there. He said "Whoever picks you up will be your new family"

Though eventually the kid found his way back and called the police and got his dad thrown in jail.


Mental illness

Ostracism, high rates of autism, fast paced lifestyle, high incidence of drug abuse, trouble integrating into a society that mocks/rejects them by default. I wouldn't know i am straight but this is what i've observed

His dad sounds like someone id like to sacrifice to the Goddess Kali for good fortune in the next life

This. If every individual was granted a place to live independent of any other individual happinesss

yeah, okay, maybe outing as gay to conservative parents is dumb (unless you're actively in a gay relationship), but trannies don't have much of a choice in the matter
once you're transitioning you're not only on a strict time limit due to physical changes, but you're also emotionally fucked due to the moodswings that come with early transition

fuck off
