This is wrong and stupid on so many levels

This is wrong and stupid on so many levels

You going to explain why or nah?

It's obvious that Detroit suffered from deindustrialization not because of "BIG BAD GOVERNMENT", but because workforce in USA became too expensive, and capitalists decided to relocate the factories in countries where workforce is cheap. It's not socialism, it's neoliberalism

At least OPs pic makes the effort to not blame niggers this time.

Why was this especially so devastating for Detroit as opposed to other major cities?

That's what I was expecting before I read the subtext lol

Somebody post the Rwanda/America pic.

wtf I hate big government now
wtf I want a stateless, classless society now



Because Detroit was a one-trick pony that almost exclusively had it's industrial base put into the automotive industry. When NAFTA was signed, Detroit got gutted.


It actually makes less sense, though.

It's true that Japan doesn't have many black people, but trying to make the case that Japan isn't rife with muh big gubbermand policies is a much harder sell. Blacks actually work better as a scapegoat for neoliberalism in this case, and I think that's lowkey what "Turning Point USA" is trying to suggest, but they don't want to be overtly racist.

Private property is a government regulatory structure.

Yes actually it is.

No I just feel like its wrong.

Why wont you take my internal feelings as a valid argument?

Japanese people are naturally cohesive selfless and ordered.
African people are tribalist, backward, violent and chaotic.

Sauce: Ive visited both places.

It is easier to come back from a nuclear bomb when the country that dropped it also pumps a huge amount of cash into your economy.

Per capita Detroit received a lot more funding from the US government than Japan.

What did he mean by this?
No, really, all I know about Detroit is that everybody's job up and fucking left and now it's a hellhole.

Wouldn't it largely depend on how you spent it and the value of your own currency?

It's just neoliberals being weaselly again.

free markets =/= capitalism

Theres like a million factors.

Hong Kong for example was practically forgotten by the British and left completely to its own devices.
Its now one of the richest places in the world.

They believe "big government" is to blame because what caused the outsourcing of Detroit's industry in their eyes is not capitalists inevitably seeking conditions that allow them to make more profits but American workers becoming too "expensive" and "uncompetitive", "greedy" and "entitled" — thereby "forcing" capitalists to move overseas.

government making it hard for business to be moved overseas was the only thing that kept Detroit alive, it went to shit the moment those government regulations went away

ancaps forever and always blown the fuck out

Hong Kong is the equivalent to London in terms of economy. It's hugely reliant on market trading and is very unequal.

Yeah like I said they are doing really well considering they were a fishing outpost not so long ago.
Also dont forget Geography.
Hong Kong and Japan are both in a geographically advantageous position being near China.

Where as Detroit is near Canada. Which is no use to anybody.

Right. It's niggers, not the government.

Postwar Japan was rebuilt by the US and required the massive use of state-power and government intervention.
Detroit turned to shit because privately-owned capitalist enterprises thought they could make more money by outsourcing to third-world shitholes with no labor laws.
Once again the free market loses.

YFW in Detroit the government IS niggers.

literally a Holla Forumsyp meme

That book sucks

Then explain the Sengoku Period.

Yeah you're kinda right but i still like it for debunking a lot of free market BS.
When i ordered it online someone at amazon fucked up and sent me four copies for the price of one.