Most socdems are barely leftist, they're hovering around center and most socdem parties nowadays are just a tad right-of-centre
Other urls found in this thread:
explain yourselves.
Bernie Sanders is symbolic. Capitalism is failing so hard that even in the USA a self-proclaimed socialist has become popular.
Claiming that social democracy is the end-all of injustices is retarded.
Because more than half of this board are americans and for americans in general a politician like Bernie is like the furthest of far left.
Meanwhile for european, Bernie is just a standard centrist, with some leftist policies, because most EU countries had Bernies in power since the end of ww2.
Shut the fuck up you dumb extremist
Not everybody was blessed with actual intelligent and visionary socdems like you Norway.
Some of us had socdems that were some of the most corrupt and downright thiefs of public money disguised as "moderates"
How long before you choke to death from that """"""moderate"""""" cock?
This board is public you cuck for the left.
This isnt an ultra edgy communist board, it is about left ideologies mostly
so not for socdems
Dems are left m8, stop thinking left is only hardcore communism that nobody really sees around
t. expert on being cucked
You are talking about the communists, right?
I'm growing pretty tired of newfags that don't know how a chan works, wanting to ban undesired users.
I know you're new here but do not disrupt the narrative over such a petty thing, it seems pretty COINTELPROish and serves nobody but liberals, which nobody here will allow.
Don't even give them the honor of being called social-democrats, reformists are for parliamentarianism and thus are proponents of unchecked bourgeois dictatorship. Don't get me wrong, guys like Corbyn should be supported because of how radical he is relative to the British establishment. But on a board of communists all our enemies here should be treated with uncompromising ruthlessness. Ridicule them, force them to concede their apologetics for imperialism, damn these nazi collaborators. Never forget the mistakes of a hundred years ago, when all social-democratic parties folded like a house of cards and traded social-democracy for nationalism. Cowards, class traitors. Not an once of courage or integrity in a single one of them.
Liberals are left, you might not like us but we are part of the left and thus belong here
You murdered a Communist leader alongside the Nazis fuck off to Holla Forums
If you like capitalism and idpol you already have a board
This is really all it's about, isn't it?
How are you people any different to Holla Forums again?
I wish, I seriously wish you retards would grow balls and do as you speak. But none of you, from the far right or the far left or the far up your own ass will ever do it and give me peace from this eternal misery. It's all just how hard you can shitpost and spread LE DIALECTIC on an anonymous anime forum.
Revolution is dead. None of you will ever pick up a gun for any cause.
wew go back to reddit where you belong, faggot
Do you fucking own Holla Forums or something, lol
Also liberals are about as leftist as social democrats are socialists. 1919 NEVER FORGET
We both seem to be getting all the dubs.
I suppose you could argue that before, with the left being progressive and the furthest right you could go being "you know, let's revert to feudalism", but liberalism isn't progressive anymore. We've been there, done that, and they're now a spent force who basically just infuriate conservatives asking for third bathrooms and other divisional shit the state doesn't need to get involved in. They have no economic dream because theirs is already true, they have what they want. That's why they cling to social issues as the great divider of left and right, but this liberal obsession with social views and their condescending way to go about it seems to be doing a pretty good job of giving the far right fuel. Pretty funny because they're spineless enough to join the right and trade in all these social values when push comes to shove in their defense of saving their capitalist utopia.
Can't tell if dumb liberal or pol false flagger. It's going to be a long process unclass cucking all the new guys here
It's the exact same experience I would get on Holla Forums.
There really is no difference, just shitposters and government agents who want me to believe there is a difference.
I vote dumb liberal, Holla Forums usually isn't
Do you have a vocabulary?
The favorite insult of liberals everywhere. If you aren't with the status quo you're obviously just role playing.
I suppose idiot also comes to mind but it would be like calling water wet.
It's quite pathetic by this point. Keep trying, though.
A collective of people engaged in nothing but shitposting.
Shocking. Look up Friedrich Ebert and the Freikorps.
Guy you're responding here. Feel free to start making sense and I'll write you a reply any time.
Actually try responding to a post with something to do with the gripe you came into here to bitch about, that's a good way to get a relevant explanation.
Until then fuck off back to Sargon's comment section or whatever meme of a place you crawled in from.
It is not that everyone that we disagree is a socdem, it's that we disagree with every socdem.
Man it really is hard being a liberal, everyone cries about us and blames all the evils of the world upon us from left to right.
Maybe, just maybe you should stop generalizing the world into a simplified mess where "x is the ultimate problem in the world and if it is removed everything will magically get better"
not an argument
Hi Holla Forums!
Can't wait to see your thread crying about safe spaces when you get banned for intense faggotry.
Reported. :^)
This board is nothing more than a safespace, I've realized. A place where pretend leftists can pretend swarm opinions they dislike and hope the mods swing with them. Honestly, it's like Reddit but on Holla Forums.
It's quite sad. Even 4/pol/ is more open to discussion than this (which is why you people go to 4chan in the first place).
Oh hi Hiroyuki Nishimura, nice seeing you here
No! You have to wait for the ban message for being a stupid cunt, then post the ban message when you reset your router!
Just how fucking new are you!?
You forget to use the flags and inject a lot of idpol into it Holla Forums.
This board is raided by fascists on the daily. It's really not a safe space. Banning whiny shitlibs is just hilarious.
Might not even be a liberal, just salty 4chinner lmao
we /LARPypol/ now
Holla Forums is even shittier btw, I don't know why you guys try to raid it.
Also, the fascists get banned or bumplocked fast, you're not fooling anybody.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it, comrade
It's not as simple as throwing people who follow the same ideologies of past into the same boat as those that did back then, but understanding what's really important to the people that follow those ideologies, and what they will compromise on to retain parts of.
Often, private property is a dealbreaker.
FTFY Why is that these whiny libs have no grasp on history?
I'm not salty but I'd rather not ignore a century of socdems selling out socialists.
There is a reason why attacks on "social fascism" came to end in 40`s(since attacking us leaves space for fascists to rise).
Probs, ignore him since he's just throwing out fractions and chatting shit now.
Most people here function on memes and what meme macros tell them.
I think leftists must all lack a theory of mind
So you admit that this is an ebin raid?
Hello leftpol i am to also very into reading and here from 2013.
I like Bookchan and Bronshtein and i just have one problem with my very good theory and worldview
why are niggers so dumb?
many thank
t. leftpol
Must be borderline personality disorder, that explains the sheer black and white thinking common to such ilk.
Continue falseflagging and strawmanning as if any discussion was accomplished, however.
I just want social democracy first, then I think we can consider more radical solutions more seriously.
If social democracy is implemented in the US under the guise of """democratic socialism""", people will be more open to those radical ideas since they think they already HAVE a form of socialism.
Americans think the current system they're on is ""socialism"" lol
I don't think you understand what a personality disorder is, comrade.
Which is why Bernie Sanders is painted as a communist, kek
That strategy really worked for Europe, bud.
socdems, what makes you think
a) your welfare states can't be dismantled by other political parties
b) you can stop exploitation of cheap labor in third world countries
c) billionaires won't stay in their tax havens so workers have to foot the bill for welfare recipients, making them the subject of frustrations and enabling right-wing calls to dismantle the welfare state?
d) capitalism with some slight prevention measures won't keep on the mix of excess for the rich and artificial scarcity for the poor, ultimately leading to ecological demise?
You retard, democratic socialism is the more radical one, social democracy is still capitalism.
All social democracies are being dismantled as we speak in Europe. I think you and other socdems are genuinely confusing social democracy with democratic socialism.
I ll make a poll, what left leaning ideologies should i add
what else
Ask someone what communism is and you'll get 10 different replies. Specify what kind of communism. Marxism-Leninism varies significantly from Anarchic-Communism.
Bernie sanders is smart enough to know the difference between a socdem and a demsoc.
I for one am willing to take him at his word because let's be fucking honest if he was going to pull the same lie for 40 years he would've picked one that wasn't fucking useless until the tail end of those 40 years.
huge point. needs to be addressed. there is no evidence Soviet Union was friendlier to environment than US
^ I'm pretty sure this is the same person replying to themselves. Same sage + typing style. I have no idea what they're rambling about, either. Hilarious rant there, buddy.
Looks like Holla Forums is trying to seize an opportunity with this whole r/soc thing. We like to have actual conversation here, which is why you idiots stick out so much.
They derail threads & devolve them into shit purposely. Trying to make it look like Holla Forums is both extremely fragmented &/or retarded. You're so very transparent.
I want to make a poll m8, just give me the names
The thing is we can use it's failure in europe as a warning of why we CAN'T stop when we get complacent.
Well the USSR didn't achieve socialism and was rapidly industrializing so I don't know if it's the best example to go off of.
Shouldn't a self proclaimed leftist have the slightest clue as to what ideologies should go on their own poll?
Trotsky detected
You could just use google. For communist ideologies, there's a fuck ton, but here are couple that are most known:
There are more, but you honestly just use internet.
No, because you're both from Holla Forums. We'd appreciate it if you'd stop shitting up a thread. This one is RIP already because of your autistic "raid".
None of the historical socialist states have been friendly to the environment. Cuba? Huge deforestation issues. Eastern Bloc? Still recovering from the environmental degradation of the the big five year plans. Central Asia? One of the most polluted regions on Earth due to numerous soviet era crisises, whole lakes filled with radioactive waste and unswimmable or fishable because russians were dumping the excess from their "quality engineered" nuclear stations into the watersheds. North Korea? As deforested as Cuba, now, and reliant on coal for power.
"Friendliness to the environment" is a sideshow compared to "GDP growth". Now, this is true for capitalists too and most capitalist countries are about as bad now (though ecotourism helps), but I find it laughable to suggest socialism as a solution to the environmental crisis we are facing.
Sadly they didn't have the technological expertise to avoid ecological harm that capitalism would have afforded them.
I'm not in anyway fine with the popular front, and most communists even at the time thought it was a terrible idea.
No they're not at all. Fuck off faggot
Shut the fuck up. It's not a boogeyman, it's just a nuisance.
Im saying tho. Anthropocene Exctinction event is real and its coming soon. We need a future mode of governance that is completely acutely aware of this and ready to meet the challenge head on. No more electric cars powered by lithium batteries mined using acid and heavy metals. No more hydro power that's dependent on petroleum based plastics. The number one issue for the left should be the environment.
Its an infestation
Comrade, you might be little confused. First off, they were communist countries. They called themselves socialist for the same reason nazis called themselves Not Socialists, because it was a popular buzzword that everyone liked but not many understood.
Secondly, ideology doesn't cause pollution, lol. Massive industrialization does. Both USSR and China were massive industrialized nations with huge population, therefore the pollution. If they were a bourgeois dictatorship, same would've happened.
Socialism being the solution isn't laughable to me, since I don't see why it wouldn't.
*national socialists, fuged up on that one
You seemed to have missed the entire point of my argument. For example, this
is entirely in agreement with me.
Read it over again.
So much for your autistic "you no belong here"
I dunno what the fuck you're talking about but it's pretty obvious that the beginning of man made ecological destruction and the rise of greenhouse gas emissions pretty much began in the industrial revolution which is why scientists analyse the 'pre-industrial average' temperature increase. Since mankind's devastation of planet Earth's resources on such a scale has only occurred in the age of capitalism what you're saying is just plain wrong. With a socialist society not focused on pure profit making, societal labour could be legitimately redirected towards development of clean energy solutions and technologies to roll back the greenhouse effect. As it stands your precious capitalism literally has 0 chance to effectively tackle these issues. I'm sure that all these mega-conglomerates will just choose not to burn 60%-80% of the world's prospected oil before 2050 to avoid a 3.6 degree PIA because they just really really care. I'm sure some reforms will be enough to stop the oil industry completely in it's tracks. I'm sure that the Saudi group won't just continually crash oil prices like they did in 2011 to stop other countries from investing in clean energy solutions. Just keep Capitalism guys th-there's no point in trying anything e-else!!!
This post is a strawman and correlation = causation fallacy.
Mankind is the problem, not ideology.
PS: >Prior to 1989, CO2 emissions had grown virtually unchecked since 1950 at a rate of 4.8% annually. From 1950-1991, the former USSR's share increased from 12% to 16% of total global emissions. Growth during the late 1980s was stimulated largely by the rapid exploitation of huge natural gas resources. In 1991, emissions from natural gas consumption accounted for 33% of Soviet emissions. Contributions from coal burning, on the other hand, have shrunk, from 80% in 1950 to 31% in 1991. Petroleum consumption since 1975 have been relatively static. Gas-flaring data for the former USSR are poor and partly estimated and should be considered qualitative only, but gas flaring contributes only a small fraction of total emissions.
The collapse of the USSR was actually great for the environment.
This is the only time I really welcome moderation. Especially when we're getting many new posters. I don't want them to see Holla Forums sperging out & think this is how we run a board or think on our board. Lowers discourse to painful levels.
C'mon OP, do a better job.
Don't remove socdems, radicalize them. :^)
ironic digits
teenaged, less than 120 autism level redditors are prime recruitment for alt right faggotry. Its a shame we aren't allowed to do more to expose them
i asked
Go to reddit, then. r/The_Donald is waiting. No one on Holla Forums would be interested in aut-right.
Mods delete this obvious bait/shit thread, already & the Holla Forumstards that occupy it.
Would be appreciated.
What you have to realize is that the current scope and function of the welfare state and other "gains" of the working class under capitalism are ultimately tactical choices by the bourgeoisie acting in aggregate. They are, dialectically speaking, the product of opposing forces - immediate proletarian well-being plus bourgeois desire for stability of the system on the one hand and "decadent" bourgeois self-enrichment on the other. These pull in opposite directions to varying extents depending on the bourgeoisie's ability/willingness to make concessions and the proletariat's need for them (both of which are determined by material conditions) and naturally set up an equilibrium point around which we orbit. This is why, for instance, reformism cannot achieve a socialist society.
Your reasoning implicitly makes the mistake of assuming that such an equilibrium can always be set up, irrespective of material conditions. That the first world welfare state can always exist and satisfy the immediate material concerns, within reason, of sufficiently many proles regardless of the broader living situation and state of the economy. To put it bluntly, this isn't the case. Capitalism is not so durable. Its cyclical crises invariably trend towards a downward spiral under the weight of its own contradictions.
Why is it relevant in an argument about the socialism and the environment what a state-capitalist country with no environmental consciousness did?
Even if the USSR in the early 90s was completely socialist it's unfair to hold them or other countries accountable for greenhouse emissions. The effect of global warming was not heavily known at the time and probably not high on anyone's priority list. Now in 2017 that we are aware of the effect, the cause and what is to be done the best economic system to combat global warming is socialism. Not only could you eliminate the enormous waste that comes from capitalist production but you could directly coordinate labour to addressing the problem. I'm not saying it WILL happen but environmental consciousness is at an all time high so the conditions are right for socialism to be a better solution to our environmental catastrophe. Rather than relying on the good will of the capitalist profit machine or the effect of reforms (which have worked so well already!!!!)
Well they are economically the most right wing ideology. Its a safe space from socialist critique.
There's literally a causative mechanism you mong, it's called "accumulation of private profit." It causes ecologically damaging practices because it diverges from social need.
You harp about how every obvious reduction of your position to absurdity is a "strawman" and then in the very next breath pretend socialism proposes "ideological" solutions to capitalist destruction of the environment. Socialists are concerned with material conditions. That is, the concrete productive forces of society and the social relations surrounding them. If they are reorganized to meet social need, the way they are used is fundamentally different and serves different ends. A massive pivot to nuclear and renewables is then possible because the only thing to worry about is public need and the efficient socialization of labor to satisfy it, and not the dictatorship of capital.
yeah ok
Nice rant, but it's still not an argument.
Mankind is the problem, not ideology.
Absolutely wrong. Greenhouse gas emissions being an impact were well known among climatologist circles by the early 80's. The IPCC released their first report in '91.
Man choose to ignore that, and your response twenty years later is telling as to which direction man is heading.
Capitalism, communism - it doesn't matter. We'll all be in squalor by the end.
tbh he was a member of DSA which is sort of both socdem and demsoc. They see demsoc as unrealistic atm so seek socdem reforms. I imagine Bernie was both, similar to the organisation.
Fuck off and die, Holla Forumsack, wanting to divide us. This board is just as for socdems as for radical leftists. Socdems can learn about the ideologies considered "too radical" here. This place is a good place for anyone leftist to start communicating with fellow leftists.
Nice try bucko. Molymeme magic doesn't work on Holla Forums. We're thinking people here.
I'm not claiming ideology is the problem. This should be obvious from my post.
Kek. Even leaving aside entirely the fact that this sort of fatalistic statement is completely useless when trying to scientifically understand the world, was mankind "the problem" 200,000 years ago? If not, what objective factors have changed? Is it possible now to suitably change these factors so that the world isn't destroyed?
Socdems are not leftists at all though. All they're doing is trying to maintain or restore a crumbling status quo, like the monarchists of the 19th century.
You're not fooling anyone. You reek of Holla Forums idiocy.
Which is pretty much when the Soviet Union dissolved…what did you expect them to do at that point?
Why are you unconvinced about the potential for Socialism to make reversing climate change much simpler?
We got in this mess in the first place due to capitalism. If you are correct and we're all fucked anyway, I guess there's no harm in trying something different. If it's all pointless why not let socialists take over so just sit back and relax my dude and let's try something that might actually work.
lol ok
Still better than ANY type of right-wing ideology. At least they want to restrain capitalism. They might be cucks who don't want to be radical until they know more about not polcorrect leftism. It takes some courage to overthrow status quo. Here they can get it.
lol ok tbh fam smh ikr
No, making almost exclusively low effort shitposts is. Please write coherently if you want to be taken seriously.
That europoor flag using liberal isn't me.
I wonder who could be behind this post
Mate. Even capitalists want to "restrain" capitalism.
This. You can only vote as much wealth from the rich as they allow you to.
Socdems of the early 20th century were atleast involved in labor movements. Now it's just social liberals.
That's what makes it even worse.
It doesn't seem to me as restraining. The fucking neoliberal ideology is almost as cancerous as anarcho-capitalism. They say "government intervention is bad". They don't wat to restrain anything other than the working class.
But all of this doesn't matter. What we need to do is convincing moderate "leftists" about the need for more radical approach. For this, we need to communicate. I don't want a safe space for us.
Does anybody else just loathe this shit? I think the Chapo boys brought it up about people who always scream 'STRAWMAN AD HOMINEM' without adding anything of value. I mean we're all human beings who don't think with 'Le perfect logic' why do we have to pretend like that isn't the case. Can you imagine someone who talks like this IRL? We aren't fucking robots that have memorised the New York Times Bestseller 'How To Win ANY Argument By Spouting These Shitty Debate Catchphrases. Number 4 Will Shock You!' Also those statements like ad hominem or strawman or no true Scotsman can really be bent and twisted to fit literally anything your opponent says no matter what it is or how accurate it is.
In summary Holla Forums can fuck off.
What a surprise, economic decline resulted in lower emissions.
And the collapse of civilisation would be even better.
It's massively annoying. Especially because it seems that 99% of the time they think that just invoking the fallacies name means they don't have to actually address the content of what was said.
Agreed, but to be consequent in weeding out counter revolutionaries you have to go through with it and take all enemies on.
Removal of everything that isn't Marxist Leninist is the minimum demand.
Unironically this
Holla Forums and many other retards are fucking obsessed with this bullshit. No wonder their lives are shit.
My mom bought me a book with all the 'logical fallacies' when I was 10 years old. I read it and I was so excited about all the debates and arguments I was gonna win. For like 2 weeks I just spouted them at everyone thinking I was top shit but really I was just some cunt kid who had no idea what I was saying. I think that's the sorta mindset we're dealing with here.
The neoliberal ideology is "we currently do too much, rather than too little, restraining, and so should do less." This is a pragmatic, tactical position, much like its inverse "we currently do to little restraining, and should do more." The balance between the two is decided by the factors mentioned above. Why do you think liberal ideology so religiously presents itself as "non-ideological," and its adherents as simple technicians?
Nobody has advocated with any serious support that the minimum wage or social security be abolished, because the cost/benefit ratio of that does not favor the broad majority of the bourgeoisie. Ancapism is on the fringe politically for just this reason.
Indeed, the Affordable Care Act, the crowning jewel of modern neoliberal politics, involves a degree of meddling in private industry
Reasoning has to be rigorous to be correct, man. The problem isn't that we're overly logical and need to become less so, which is nonsense. The problem is that 95% of people who shout out fallacies to win debates on mongolian trading card forums don't actually understand the fallacies they're invoking, and do so improperly.
Okay, you caught me. It was a deliberate move based on my hate against both. The second part of your answer (shouting fallacies) also applies to me.
Let's not turn into /r/socialism. If we have Nazi and NazBol flags, we should definitely have SocDem ones. Besides, when they use a flag you know which posters to hate and revile from the outset.
Socdemism can be a helluva gateway drug to the left.
The point of Holla Forums is to educate and not smugly circlejerk. Seconding this.
take it and shove it up your ass, faggot
The last Reichstag meeting, to which Social Democrats were admitted, was "even more agonizing for many of us than our presence at the meeting of 23 March 1933. At that time we had expected to lose our lives in the worst case, but this time Some of us felt that we were losing our honor. "
But when Hitler began his speech, the comrades experienced a surprise. The new chancellor avoided any attack on the SPD, even for the Nazi opponent Hoegner sounded the speech "extremely moderate": "A gentle peace speech could not have kept Stresemann." When Göring called for the vote, the members of the SPD parliamentary group rose and voted in favor of the Reichstag declaration.
Hoegner described this as follows: "Thereupon an agitator of the other deputies broke loose, and even our most implacable adversary, Adolf Hitler, seemed to have moved for a moment, and he rose and clapped us applause, but the President of the Reichstag, Goering, stood up Spoke magnificently, "The German people are always united when their destiny is. Then the German national deputies began to sing the German song. Most of our ranks were singing. Some ran tears down their cheeks. It was as if social democrats, who were always cursed as the lost sons of the fatherland, had for a moment immortalized the common mother of Germany. "
It started there with me as well. After coming to this place, I became more and more radical. Still long way to go though - there are a lot of books.
1. Socdems voting Hindenburg - communists warned he'd then bring in Hitler, which is exactly what happened.
Socdems enabled Hitler.
2. related to socdems enabled the Nazis to remilitarize and were applauded by Hitler himself
The only reason for socdems to be here is because we also allow the open nazis.
Dubs of truth.
Social Fascism doctrine was not a mistake.
You should append this to include Syriza
Anyone who desires the abolition of capitalism I… won't necessarily like or want to work with but I can at least respect as a fellow traveler.
Socdems do not desire the abolition of capitalism.
we need to get the normies out now..
It's too late friendo. With everyone trying to troll each other the thread already has been derailed and turned into a popcornfest of ebin proportion.
I would rather have social democracy than this late stage capitalism clusterfuck that we now have. The working class in the first world is so cucked out of their minds that I don't even think revolution is possible at this point.
The proles the lowest in the hierarchy are basically checking out of society (like myself, a NEET) and often times ODing on Fentanyl, Oxycontin and other opiates. They don't even bother getting politically involved or doing revolution or anything. Once in awhile you see an autistic lone wolf kill a bunch of people. Or Muslim and black lumpenproles join ISIS and #blacklivesmatter respectively.
And the proles in the so-called "middle class" have the attitude of "who cares if the minimum wage is a third of what it used to be adjusted for inflation. I just care about my own situation."
I told my retired blue-collar trade unionist dad (the one who is enabling my NEET lifestyle) the other day that working is a scam. Did you know that the minimum wage in the 1960s used to be the equivalent of $21USD/hr today? And he said "really? well that's just minimum wage. make something more of your life."
Basically "Fuck you, got mine". And this is a trade unionist. There is no sense of solidarity. "Oh you make $8.73/hr? So sad for you. Go get a better job you loser."
Whenever I bring up the minimum wage, people tell me that I don't like competition, etc etc. I'm lazy, etc. So you're telling me that people are not entitled to a living income if they put in the request amount of socially necessary labour hours?
Right now I put in very little socially necessary labour hours (since I'm a NEET who basically makes money through investing and buying/selling bitcoins. Most of the time I do this from my laptop in my dad's basement). But I would feel a lot more motivated to work if I was getting paid $20USD/hr. And only had to work 20 hours/week. To hell with wage cucking for $8.73/hr 40+ hours/week.
An acquaintance of mine, a bitcoiner, wanted to give me an admin job, promoting his website and answering emails for him at $15/hr. And I took it. But then I realized that this job reqiured more labour than I thought. And he told me he wasn't paying me for learning on the job. And he was threatening me with hiring an Indian to do the job for less than half the pay. So I was like "fuck this, go hire your Indian"
I put in like 2 hours of labour for him too. And I bet I won't even get paid for it. Because I didn't "finish the job" or something like that. Fuck it. To hell with petit-bourgeois scum who was pulling the "friend" card and exploiting him because he knew I was an unemployed guy living in dad's basement
exploiting me*
Holla Forums is full of confused LARPer liberals
I am a liberal and i am mainly here because we are part of the left and Holla Forums is full of brainwashed anti west nazi retards
I don't know where you got the impression you were welcome here. Not your safe space. Nowhere is safe for liberals.
Yeah that is anti west, without those things west wouldnt be that much better than asian shitholes like Russia
You're a neoliberal crypto white supremacist (via the proxy of "muh Europa"), and a massive snowflake.
indeed, this place has been infected by Holla Forums's aka russia's anti west propaganda, you would assume otherwise but i forget you are a special snowflake who thinks the entire congress and the intelligence communities are lying to you the poor underdog who knows better cuz an online article told him so and how you know what is better
Get out you furry piece of shit.
You are the one who makes these ridiculous claims poor underdog ;^)
Almost hope the nationalists win just to wipe that horse jizz guzzling smirk off your putrid liberal face.
And once again you reveal your emotions just like Holla Forumstards
"I dont give a damn about anything, i am just mad and want people i dont like to suffer"
Enjoying the thought of you suffering is unrelated to wanting universal human emancipation. You're its obstacle. You put your personal freedoms to indulge in your stupid fetish no one even cares about above the rest of humanity, and are an insufferable, clueless faggot about it.
Are you calling me a candy ass?
Thanks, but no thanks.
I think Bernie is actually legit, but playing realpolitik. He knows that advocating seizure of the means and all that would never fly in America, so he runs on a socdem platform.
Basically reformism
But truthfully Palin's been less of a jingoist than the liberals as of late.
At least she wants to keep us out of squirmishes.
I wish this was true. All they do is poison the well with communist parties until they watered down to nothing in the coalitions.
But yeah, Socdems are even worse than liberals. They promised us revolution for decades if we followed them and still nothing. In fact, capitalism got even worse. They destroyed socialism.
Social democracy is the highest form of capitalism which has managed to get the working class to the side of the bourgeoisie, much like liberal feminism is a form of capitalism which gets women to the side of the bourgeoisie.
I think it's just as important to realize that you can't vote less wealth from the rich than they allow, either
The stability of class rule has inherent value to Porky. Public policy always comes down to a cost-benefit analysis. Bourgeois democracy is still a democracy, albeit one by, for, and of the bourgeoisie.
liberals need to stop using pop culture, it's disgusting
Must be because the people are really stupid huh
kill yourself you ctr piece of shit
What's wrong with waiting for a revolution, but wanting redistribution of wealth in the mean time?
I hate socdems but banning them is retarded.
By the way, social democratic parties dropped all socialist/Marxist pretenses long before anyone here was born
No. He is not. Neither is Corbyn, Melenchon, Trudeau, Riexinger, D'Attorre, Iglesias, Tsipras, Putin, and whoever else is there.
Castro was /our guy/. Stalin was /our guy/. Robespierre was /our guy/.
You are wrong. Most nominally Marxist parties today have significant SocDem tendencies. Take a look at China and Vietnam, for example.
Putin's right wing, why the hell would anyone think he's /our guy/
I assure you, no one was under such delusion
y'all are salty
It's just bants, mate.
I swear why are all stacheposters autistic
Of course it is retarded. This is clearly a Holla Forums bait thread, where they argue each other & pretend to be opposing sides. Their latest thing is to pretend to be liberals or socdems.
I'm honestly surprised this thread remained up. Especially with new users coming by, they shouldn't be under the impression that this is how Holla Forums thinks, but whatever. Mods chose to leave it up for some reason.
Americans, get the fuck out. Any European would laugh in your face for this statement. Just because your political system is so obscenely right wing that the center right has started to call themselves the Left doesn't make it so.