Muh superior Aryan genes
Holy fucking shit is he from under the ocean
no but really is that kid on drugs.. for instance ketamine?
Probably risperdal.
Kind of feel bad for the kid.
He's been raised in a bubble his whole life.
Does he have the tism
we all joked, we all said
"Barron is totally autistic lol"
it was all in good fun,
we could never know,
never know the truth about
Barron "Gump" Trump
that kid is fucking Autistic.
who this
Donald Trump's aging 60 year old sperm growing into a full gown boy now
Baron is better looking and taller than 99% of the ugly brown mestizo manlets that browse this board.
Trup's kid.
And the product of an elderly man and viagra on a dull night
We're going to rape you
Barron is 2 kawaii 4 me.
He's 10, and looks like a 15 year old tbf
You misunderstand
That's not necessarily a good thing
Rather be brown and ugly than "PURE ARYAN SUPERMAN" with autism
Get ready for the spider gag baby.
Barron is /our guy/
I want us trying to rape each other, but me succeding.
Barron is cute! Cute!
One things for certain
Your men don't know how to fight
You don't know how to shoot a gun
You complain about violence
And your women are middle class
You're all easy
That is good genes tbf, he's probably a tist, I think the hypocrisy of the 'ableist' crowd is rude, people are ripping a 10 year old boy on Twitter, the same people who pretend Trump mocked a spazzy handed reporter BECAUSE he had a spaz hand.
Glad I'm not the only one with a rapidly growing kink for cuteboi porkies being roughly seduced by manly leftists
Barron is a deep cover communist
What are the statistics about being fucked up when your parents are over 50
What are the statistics about genetic disorders when your parents are over 50
What are the statistics about being fucked up when your parents are rich and separate you from everyone else
I forgot
Can you show them to me?
Or explain why he can't fucking high five his bimbo mom?
you're retarded.
Yes, woman over 30 should not pro-create, you are preaching to the crowd.
How about men over a certain income bracket over 60? What about men in general?
Because Holla Forums all of you would be terrible fathers, and all of you don't even fuck.
That's a great idea
And have their nudes leaked
Dude, he is 10. Well, makes sense a trot would also be a Paedo as well.
You're right, someone should just shoot this little bastard
You're easy, because it wouldn't even be rape, if I tried it.
How many people have consented to you in your lifetime?
I'm sure the secret service is easier on the family members
Your dog, your neighbors dog, your parents dog, and your mother
Try outside the gene pool
I kind of pity him.
Maybe he'll become a leftist one day after he sees what a joke his dad is as president.
Like hell
Somebody needs to kill him while he's still young to give Trump a cost for power
she baited him to hi5 then took her hand away.
not even his own mother likes being around him.
I actually gasped out loud, I have never seen such intense autism before. even Chris Chan would had know to give a hi 5
They say that kid is ten. For fuck's sake Melania is in huge heels in this .gif. No 10 year old is that tall.
Do you think he's grown enough to survive a bullet?
she baited him, she was tricking him into giving a high five
stop assuming things, if you dont know what is being said
Are you ever going to stop defending this family of beverly hillbillies and actually care about shit that matters you cunt
Go away FBI, you are not even trying.
That's why you put multiple bullets or just aiming for the head
Fuck off let me get off on violence against the powerful and stop being a damn puss
wtf.he's 10 years old.stop//
I was just randomely making a comment. Relax.
What matters most is love tbh.
Melania doesn't give a fuck about him and neither does Trump, I honestly think it would be doing him a great favor, and I want to see his fatass jiggle crocodile tears about how sad he is
Once you reach an income bracket and level of power the gloves come off regardless, this is the president's son. He left his humanity to open game the moment he went into office.
you want to hug him, I know it!!!
kys man.you're deluded.
Nice to see pedro and his tequila drinking friends are the new flavor of the month boogeyman for Holla Forums.
user pls
Porky is porky, 90 or 9 days old.
I think he's a vegetable, would he know how to feel pain?
He doesn't know how to high five.
At least a fish, at most a tool to get to Trump's head.
Even rich people can love others.
So pretty much Barron Trump is going to get angry with his Dad's political policy as a teen, discover leftypol, and become a raging autist with the rest of us where he can finally fit in.
Cool. We will welcome him.
That's exactly why he should die
do you need a hug, user?
No, I need bullets
Good Night Left Side
We control the House
We control the Senate
We control the Presidency
Soon we shall control the supreme court
After that we shall have enough states to call for a constitutional convention and amend the constitution to our right wing vision for this nations future.
Meanwhile, you are burning garbage cans and breaking Starbucks windows…..
What the fuck happened to you? You used to be a mighty, admirable adversary. An ideology to share the world stage of this planets future with.
Now, just identity politics, hatchet wounds marching for free gibs birth control and free on demand abortion as a form of contraception for when Stacy gets drunk regrets getting gang banged by Chads in the frat house. Pjnk dyed under amr haired third wave man hating femanists, Black Lives matter white guilt progressive stack.
You used to be fucking proud warriors god damnit!
Brave mother fucking fighters!
You held nations in check, the global international bankers feared you and despised you, they fell like pigs at your feet!
Entire capitalist families and dynasties bled for their treason against the workers.
God damnit, what the fuck happened toy you.
Capitalism already did
Capitalism already did
I'm sure a dead ten year old can fucking fix that cunt
What a retard.
Honestly that stupid faggot in the photo makes me want to be a Nazi. What a fucking idiot. MUH ANTIFA FLAG LOOK AT MUH FACE.
You're all just mad because his dad is rich and he'll probably make more money than all of you put together, then inherit a billion dollars anyway.
But really though, 8 years, not 4.
I'm mad he has a living breathing son.
But anyone with enough patience can turn that bitch into a useful static object
There was a time when your vision and reach went much farther. To storm capitals with rifles, hanging the elite politicians, both left and right, traitors alike gulaging them, putting the power back to the laborers, the workers, the builders, the crafters, the inventors, the mechanics, the plumbers, the factory workers.
Now all you seem to be able to care about is gulaging a garbage can. giving two fucks about the workers, giving zero fucks about the leftists who shit upon you wearing pink hats marching about consensual pussy grabbing.
You completely ignore the leftists who stuck the knife into your back and betrayed you. Those enemies from within that keep you down.
Zizek was right, you really are eating from the trash can of identity politics. Take a good heaping fuck bite. You deserve it.
It's only been 3 so decades since Reagan was shot
What do you think, a useless child should shake some things up.
user, that's just a GOP circlejerk sucking off Wall Street that controls those things, are you actually naive enough to identify with them? The West is not currently in the period of revolutionary instability, so don't expect any Hitler or Lenin to rise up and shoot a lot of people that disagree with him, it's only natural that all violent edgelords will be mostly people with too much free time.
Read some political theory instead of trying to be melodramatic on cantonese caligraphy club meeting.
The horror!
/r/socialism called, they want you back
you are so mean ;_;
You're on an imageboard, nigga.
Because you are a gigantic newfag from reddit or facebook who should stop posting for the time being and lurk more until you learn how things work.
You cannot even get past your own identity politics, how the fuck can you ever hope to accomplish anything more when your very words are silenced by the progressive stack of muh privilege?
Reminder to be a silent ally and get to the back white man.
The left will never rise again. Trumps rise of the far right is where your story ends. Nothing more but a footnote in the pages of history.
I'm not for shooting Baron anymore.. How about a stabbing
No fuck off retard this isn't all about you and I'm sick of hearing from your board
nice cognitive dissonance you tard
It's just hypocrisy. Cognitive dissonance would mean he actually considers the contradictory nature of his opinions rather than just spewing it and virtue signaling.
If Trump is the best the right can do, then the far left has this in the bag.
The far left.
Is ISIS leftist though? Do they really support workers rights?
How out of touch
what did he mean by this?
Okay, now do America.
Newfag thinks the ypg is ISIS lmao
I actually like those commy Kurds. I was in Kirkuk around 2006-2007 for a combat tour. The Kurds were the most rational, sensible ones in the entire fucking middle east.
Kirkuk was a hot mess. But the Kurdish people I worked with were amazing. Welcoming and inviting. Chi fucking chi all day. Offering a smoke to every U.S. soldier they saw. They constructed a few of the black site drone airstrips out in the middle of fucking nowhere. They were good people. Great workers, hard workers. Everyone else was pants on head retarded about infrastructure.
Strange times when our best ally in the Middle East are commies. I am now a /commie missile/
I apologize for calling them ISIS. Sorry famarino.
Can this be a YPG cutey thread now instead?
autism == good genes you fools
Can we save Barron from his porky roots?
Men don't control reproduction you fucking spastic