Mike Enoch doxed

https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */c141c586ed5#.29bsv867q

Mike Enoch aka Mike Peinovich of TRS has been doxed. Look at this slob lol. The entire alt-reich pack of cards is collapsing.

Here is the best part though. His wife's name is Ames Friedman. The wife of this disgusting neo-nazi is jewish LMFAO.

So not only will he lose his job and never be able to get a decent job again, he will be called a "cuck" by his neo-nazi gang members because his wife is jewish.

This is simply beautiful.

Other urls found in this thread:


Here is the neo-nazi Enoch with his jewish wife. I wonder if she knows what his views on jewish people are.

oy vey!



Okay that medium link is not loading now. Looks like that nazi piece of shit got the link down. Anyone saved archive links of this?

The Daily Stormer's owner was doxxed too:
Andrew Anglin
6827 N. High Street, Suite 121
Worthington, Ohio

That photo is from a book release party.

The book got an award from…

Anglin has not been user though. He is just a white trash loser with no job. This Peinovich guy has a decent job and a child too. His family can be utterly ruined because it will be hard for him to find another job.


here you go


So this is what the members of the "MASTER RACE" look like.

Just like how Hitler and Goebbels looked like disgusting untermenschen lol

I feel that people who focus on their identity as part of their politics, tend to look ugly AF.


I am not a fan of identity politics in general but white supremacists are the only ones who think they are superior while looking like untermenschen.

Looks like a number of the TRS people have been doxed

Hope antifa finds out where he is currently employed so that he can get fired immediately.

Lets see if this tough guy keeps making those disgusting hateful podcasts now that his identity has been exposed.

He lives in upper east side manhattan where there are many jewish people. Wouldn't it be nice if those people knew there was a disgusting antisemite living amongst them?

I wonder who's behind this post

He seems pretty comfortable letting everyone know where he lives. I doubt his neighbors care. Rich jews are not as politically active as Holla Forums has led you to believe.

The daily shoah would be an accurate description of Mike Enoch aka Peinovich's life from now.

This. In case, you had any illusions, rich Jews will literally never help us do shit. Just finding out that the blacks wanted to integrate their schools too, that the a powerful Left would raise their taxes and that the 60s Left was mildly critical of Israel was enough for them to wall themselves up and invent the neoconservative movement–which somehow manages to be both pseudo-radical and pseudo-conservative all at once.

I'm imagining a gulag

A gulag for no one else

But the alt right. Just them. Just keep them in a camp, and watch the madness unfold.

Since all of these idiots can't keep their fucking personal information without a trail leading to them, because they're stupid, they shouldn't be too hard to find

Rich jews sure didn't help the millions of jews that got killed by the nazis.

I kept telling you the alt right was full of absolutely hideous people who you wouldn't want around you at any time, any place, in any context

But nobody listened too much.

Expect every single alt right e celeb to get doxxed and turn out to look like a giant living dingleberry from their own unshaved ass

Absolutely pathetic. Americans need to be expelled from the movement.


Stop being offended on behalf of ugly people who wear t shirts outside.

Who doxxed them? Holla Forums again.

Is he the guy that sound like he's fat?

Also why is every TRS member have someone very close to him from a group he "really hate".

Are they doing it only for shekels and d'nations?

Antifa ny doxed them

Chill out Assata.

Good. Is he the guy that sound in the podcasts like he's fat. Cuz he's the annoying one…

Yep that's exactly the guy you are talking about. The fat nazi fucker got what he deserved.

Well I'm glad I don't go outside then.

Pick one, they are quite Zionist actually.

Fuck off back to Holla Forums and jack off to Hitler memes with your 400 lbs buddies there.


Nice try Holla Forums and TRS user.


Dude, I listen to everything. Left and right. I read left and right and hardcore Islamic books.

TRS specially I listen to every episode.

I listened to the daily shoah after it was covered in the BBC few months ago. Mike Enoch was the worst of a terrible bunch. Glad the piece of shit got doxed. Hope his life is ruined.

I'm just playing, everyone should. Know thy enemy, know thy self.

It's confirmed that Mike Enoch's wife is Jewish.


Holy shit. Here we have a white nationalist whose wife is jewish and likes to dress up as a drag queen. Have any of you seen anything like this? lol

Wife's instagram: instagram.com/iamlisbethames/


And Seventh Son's mother a lesbian married to another lesbian…

Weird shit imo…

That's ghoul. Seventh Son's wife looks like a meth addict. This is quite the crew lmao.

Hitler just looked like some average Joe. If that's your standard for "disgusting untermensch" I wonder how you can stand to walk around outside.

Seems like TRS was just a bunch of larpers trying to steal money from right wing morons.

So that's Cernovich, Paul Joseph Watson, Spencer, TRS who are complete failures in life and trying to survive by getting money from people filled with hate.

Why are right wingers so dumb? This is how they got conned by Drumpf too who is just going to make good deals for his rich friends.

pretty much. ww1 didn't do much for his looks though

Well, if the "ubermench" is tall, blonde and so…

what a wonderful year this will turn out to be

I know hes a cunt and all but the way you phrase this just makes it sound so twisted

Who from TSR is yet to be doxed?

but wait, it gets better
What a surprise

2017 is so fucking meta. Nothing is real, everything is a meme. A middle-aged NYC media guy with a Jewish wife who somehow felt an obsessive compulsion to go online and roleplay as a Nazi?

imo the Alt-Right is far more 'postmodern' than the left. Sam Hyde could be a Philip K Dick character. It's less of a political movement and more of a symptom of pervasive memetic breakdown.

So let's get this straight, alt-right is composed of:

rly makes me think

Family values hypocrites
Minorities that hate themselves

the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce

How is Friedman jewish?
Its originally German. It was later adopted by Askenazi jews. She looks german rather than ashkenazi

She said she is.

Werner Goldberg (October 3, 1919 – September 28, 2004) was a German who was of half Jewish ancestry, or Mischling in Nazi terminology, who served briefly as a soldier during World War II and whose image appeared in the Berliner Tageblatt as "The Ideal German Soldier"



I have no idea what this is even about any more but 4/pol/ is in uproar so it seems good to me


i just found out about the trs drama going on in the past couple of weeks today

just in time to see this tonight

honestly what the fuck is wrong with these people. i would probably have the tiniest bit of respect if he just came out and said "yeah i thought i could make a few quick bucks off low-IQ internet racists" but to double down and admit "yes, my wife just happens to be of the ethnic/religious minority we hate the most–but that doesn't matter, let's build on our good work" is just bonkers fam


She got doxed. :^)

I'm having such a hard time comprehending this. How do you propose exiling/killing Jews, and go home to sleep with one every night? This guy definitely has developed some mild mental illness from the dissonance in his life, because I already have a headache just thinking about it.

What is this?

he probably rationalizes it as her being "one of the good ones" or some shit. most right wing reactionaries' views are completely arbitrary and full of contradictions

>lolol this racist white supremacist looks like an jewy untermensch and is cuck

Do I really need to point out this guy is a sleeper cell. People are so daft.

How many levels of counter-signalling are we on here?

when will they name the Fash the Nation creeps?

THOSE guys are the ones i'm most interested in seeing outed. apparently they're Republican party operatives or at least hooked into real-life politics in some way.

He's not a sleeper cell, Andrew Anglin is married to a shitskin. The alt-right does shit like this all the time.

about 12 dimensions of backgammon, not sure what that converts to

Well, if his goal is to make a few bucks out of retards, he certainly won't be saying "lol at you suckers, no refunds!"

The quadroon looking fuck that posts stupid cringy shit and is supporting enoch? Complete disinfo agent.

it gets better: he also has a black half-brother

i'm hoping his WN online persona was a satirical scam all along, but…

tbh, any European who spends a sufficient amount of time around Ashkenazim eventually becomes an anti-Semite.

Did you ever stop to think Holla Forums, that instead of all poor representation of your movement being the result of some insidious conspiracy, Nazis aren't really the infallible ubermench you make yourselves out to be?

It's not like it's the most monitored and hated stuff and not only government agencies but people themselves decide to take it to their hands, especially jews (even if you think jews are conspiracy, we are still very personally against them); And not much sane people would be going around exposing themselves as nazis.

I have to hand it to you Holla Forums. I usually don't agree with your viewpoints, but what you did here was quite impressive. You blew a hole in the alt-right movement and now they're squabbling over ideological purity.

It's nice to see the left actually doing something effective for once, rather than cowering spinelessly in college campuses. Playing dirty is how you win people over.

would you?

I thought these guys were Fash the Nation. Who are they then, Daily Shoah?

I'd rather live around Ashkenazim than fascists

Does he know Enoch is a Jewish name?

This was all Holla Forums's doing
They went full retard with their moderation and saw enemies in every corner to the point where 8/pol/ is actually dying

No Germans have that name anymore and all Ashkenazi look decently Germanic because they're from germany the word literally means Germanic. Most Jews are German-Italians with Semite blood. Khazar theory is more interesting if you're a lying faggot tho

lmao and any black or arab person will become sufficiently deeply triggering and problematic after having to deal with white Chads for a long enough time. fuck yourself faggot it goes both ways

Top kek TRSodomite.

yeah they're TDS, enoch is the creator of the whole platform though

Think you're onto somethin' there.

someone explain this term

i guess the solution is segregation

nope, vigorous miscegenation is

Well, they're talking about it right now.


I don't know if you guys listened, but Mike's wife left him, his family disowned him and he lost his job. He's going to be on the Shoah tomorrow to talk about it. Pretty hilarious.

But they were cool with him when he wrote this:


Antifa really have it out for this guy huh.

Mike Enoch is pseudonym. Did you read the thread?

sounds like something a liar would say to keep his gravy train flowing.

Kulture Kampf (guys who debated Muke) leave TRS: radio.therightstuff.biz/2017/01/19/farewell/

Mike Enoch answers for himself:

They're talking about "mutualism" and I can't tell if he means Proudhonian mutualism or Kroptokin mutualism, and if they mean the latter they're talking about producing for a market.

Kek, I know I'm triple posting but this is too funny.
Is reading the wikipedia article of Proudhon too hard or something?


Oh what would the fuhrer say about his precious movement if he could see it now?

I won't be happy until this piece of shit is dead. Also he probably is lying.

Top fucking kek, did they delete the thread?

well, didn't take long for the alt-right to have their Night of the Long Knives, did it?

Sam Hyde is legit, that level of spaghetti can't be faked

You forgot the yellow fever guys and the weeaboos.




no surprise, people that get attracted to reactionary politics do it out of revulsion at their own pitiful selves under the tyranny of capitalism


The hottest women are half black and asian

it was fucking embarrassing. if you're going to blog or podcast about lolberg issues and shit talk left libertarianism you should at least be articulate on the subject matter. "hurr durr what is mutualism"


Neo-Nazis and the Right are getting exposed for the zionist puppets they are

The reason Jared Taylor speaks japanese is that he literally grew up in Japan. Don't know about the other guy.