The number of unique users is still less than half that of Holla Forums though. Part of it may stem from the fact that Holla Forums has no centered representation outside of 8ch i.e. an interface to the greater public like 4chan's Holla Forums.

Sage because meta.

Almost as many PPH though. We have even more than Holla Forums at this point.

What's wrong with meta?

PPH don't matter much since it just means how post-happy the users are. From a pure raw numbers argument it's clear Holla Forums-mentality wins more followers and hence more representation throughout imageboards (as tragic as it is). Now, there may be a real quality-vs-quantity argument here on behalf of Holla Forums but it may be hard to assess and capitilize on. Anyway, I sage meta because I'd like to see threads discuss actual politics, not inner-board stats.

Autists posting online = REVOLUTION NOW
You commie bastards really do get me laughing sometimes

Looks like the last purge on r/socialism has send more people over.

defeatist get out reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the revolution will NOT be televised it will be on computers

When the autism rises, you will become the victim of its anti social tendencies


If Trump fuck things really hard I believe we could surpass Holla Forums in 4 years.


we will*
oh fuck i cant even type h

Holla Forums had like around 200 when i joined 3 years ago so that's pretty interesting

Look: around 900 active users make 271 PPH

whereas pols 2814 actives can only post 315 times an hour

We have the revolutionary dedication they do not

how many posts have been deleted in the last hour?

or we shitpost more :^)

It is quite simple. Our arguments are the soundest, our world view becomes more true with each passing minute as the transfer of wealth from prole to owner continues and the devastating effects of that become more and more and more apparent

No comrade, shitpost does revolution


None of this really matter while porky still has all the control over propaganda and can brainwash people.

Our board is growing at a much faster rate while the rest of the site has been in stagnation. Holla Forums's only recent growth was spurred by the election while we're being sustained by being a bogeyman for the aut-right and an influx of users sick of dealing with shitty leftist boards(reddit, revleft, etc). The more people complain about us the more people are interested enough to check it out.

of thes giv up fags

nothing new here

Leftists flocking to a superior board format with hands off moderation. Apparently your users are heading back to reddit or disillusioned by the piss emperor.

really? how many deleted threads and posts to sustain this reddit refugee camp?

Really makes you think

Far less likely to get banned here than on Holla Forums.

good thing im not from pol and dont ppst on pol

But you're a cuck.

you sure showed him pal

I did didn't I

yup budy

so why are you here fam? If its such a shitty board and whatnot? Your.. you don't like it here do you? You're…. you're not a…a… lefty are you?

Face it bitch. Shit is comfy

Bento, kitchen items and more…
visit the new j-list now!!!

when im not getting cucked i like engaging with my comrades