
Transhumanists are the only group of people I genuinely want to kill. Transhumanist technology will turn the world into a shitty super-oligarchy and integrate the human form into the market so that independence from it and any sort of freedom will be impossible. Who you are will become extremely mutable; we might discover some fates worse than death. Transhumanist swine hide behind rhetoric about freedom, but I'm sure we've all seen how that works out before.

Dearest FBI; the above is an autistic piece of fiction. Stick around for a few decades, and then you might get something interesting on me.

we're always integrated

Yes, but parts of your brain don't require a massive industrial base to sustain. And what if someone should tamper with them? Your individuality would cease to exist.


no, they just require a biological base to sustain. and people tamper with that too

they are worse than nazis and tankies and nazbols and liberals. worse than the worst death squads in cambodia and east timor. worse than being killed by japanese soldiers by way of bamboo impalement. worse than all of the serial killlers in human history.

I unironically agree.

If people started advocating that the state put psychoactive substances in the water to control the population, would you go along with it?

if it's possibility of tampering that is the base of your criticism, then possibility is just as well an argument against bio-humanism

A great deal of centralized power is essential for the creation and support of such machines, the workings of which would be extremely far beyond the capacities of any one person to comprehend. Such devices can and will be manipulated against the individual by those in power.

what kind of retard comes to this conclusion? if anything it's the opposite.


who will do what?

Read "I have no mouth and I must scream" for an introductory list of possibilities.

Agreed and now consider that progressive liberals are the exact same shit, they just aim for a reified equity and dissimulate as leftists, and infest this board.

i see what you're hinting at, i didn't take it that way because i don't imagine transhumanism as a matrix like scenario

i just wouldn't mind superstrenght and artificial gills

the fact that it's a thumbnail makes it even danker somehow

Transhumanism is entry level shit.
Posthumanism is where its at.

Transhumanism is posthumanism is technocracy is """progressivism""". It's the religion of capitalism. You're just the purest form of the ideology, a commendable fact considering the contradictions embedded in the others.

Wrongo. Capitalist transhumanists are shit. But the ability to transcend our feeble and limiting bodies and brains? Why would you deny yourself that if it's fully accessible to everyone. First step is to remove porky, second is to establish socialism, third is to eliminate traits like greed and disposition to violence. Then it's full steam ahead. I want to be a fucking energy being!

it would necessitate a vast autocratic bureacracy of engineers, supervisors and analysts all of whom would take precedence over individual choice. when the bio-tech/medical conglomerate institute/industry is constantly modding, adjusting, updating you implants and god knows what extra organs or lymph nodes you will never ever be alone or have a semblance of privacy. this isn't even getting into the 100% public (non-anonymous) noosphere internet that's going to be forced into our eyes and brains. again they're worse than nazis and liberals, literally the most evil ideology that's ever existed

I beg to differ

Yep and the aberrant neoprogressivist wave which has coopted the emancipatory project is just an early/incomplete form of this. Total state-corporate synthesis with their avatars giving them attentional dopamine via the "inspiration" circuit, human existence at its most fundamental level engineered by the logic of capital.

your understanding is very limited. Technocracy (which I, a pro-trans/posthumanist disagree with) requires the abolition of capital. Transhumanist simply refers to someone who desires the power to direct their own evolution. Posthumanists don't even give a fuck about having recognizeable human traits (insofar as a physical body, or a traditional brain, etc). Capitalism is a system of production by which a wealthy minority extract value from laborers who provide actual work.

As you can see these are all different things, none of which have to do with capitalism>

this I said
this I did not
this I never even implied
differ with what? Are you on crack? Get some sleep dude.

Imma assimilate u, son

why do retards think I can't become a cyborg under socialism


This is a thing I said. Yes sir. OH WAIT!

This high quality image is brought to you by the free market.


No, sage is "I am not bumping your thread with my post" You thinking that I posted a saged message (now 3 times) as a form of downvote, only goes to show that you, not I, are the newfag.

not an argument



Damn straight I don't dispute thinking being an alien machine would kick ass. Though I specified energy being.
Define cult however you want. But I certainly didn't come up with it. Sadly, I can't say that I am John Transhumanism, father of the Transhumanist Cult.
I just think being beyond human would be pretty neato, and I can only see it happening outside of capital.
saging through a bait thread just for funsies really

flesh is overrated tbh, no hate tho

It's happening within capital now. It's escapism in its purest form. Being superficially antagonistic to capitalism doesn't mean you've escaped its encoding of itself into your mind. We're already transhuman, unfortunately. That's what late capitalism is.

I shouldn't have to define everything I would like to you. But just for your autism, I think it'd be great to escape the bounds of the carbon/water based body I inhabit, be capable of existing as a stream of conscious protons, and, if I wish, return into a more corporeal form, but of a different template, one of my own design.
I aloways thought that scientism was the elevation of modern science to the point that such things as philosophy, art, and relationships, anything that can not be rigidly defined and rigorously tested through the so called scientific method, as inferior and unnecessary. I can assure you, that is not the case with me.
still doesn't define how
I'm not sure how my antagonism to capital is superficial, as my transhumanist desire is rather separate from my dislike for capitalist hegemony. I oppose capitalism on the basis of it being exploitative, and were I to choose between transhumanist capitalism and regularhumanist communism, it's communism all the way because transhumanism is right around the corner at that point any way :^)
And really, fam, you can't possibly request that I define "energy being" which is not at all vital to this discourse, whilst you don't explain in what way capital is encoded onto the mind. Were I to surmise as to your meaning, I would guess you refer to the values, impulses, desires and encouraged social behavior that capitalism reinforces.
I'm not sure how a chinese mspaint hentai forum allows you to catch such a glimpse into my psyche, but I assure you, my mind is not quite how the capitalists would like.
Still doesn't explain. Come on. We're transhuman insofar as we use communication tools that let us transcend basic human limitations. But all sorts of peoples have had that covered for millennia, between carrier pigeons and smoke signals.

As to why I'm replying so seriously to what I believe to be non serious bait-filled shitposts? I get off to writing walls of text now and again.