That feel when you're a hardcore commie...

Any other jaded cynical leftists here?

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Not a stalinist nor a tankie. The stalin image is a joke that Stalin hated all his comrades.

Why do you hate all your comrades?

looks like we have a mindreader here
a time traveling mindreader

Oh boy, time for some feels!


Basically, I think the left doesn't actually give a shit anymore beyond virtue signaling to each other. Nobody in the left is actual serious about achieving any real sort of goals. The left has been "white anted" from the inside out by various things like identity politics, the effects of post modern thinking, liberal morality etc in that the left actively works against itself and sabotages itself from the inside out that makes it basically impossible to achieve our goals, while the right run around basically unhindered and even the dumbest fucking right wing movements like the utter retards of the Tea Party have seized more power and done more than any leftist movement combined in the developed world since the 1960s if not before.

The only group on the left who do care about power are the Trotskyists, but they spend all their time with entryism and fucking over other activists organizations trying to turn them into Trotksyist cult sects. Trotskyism tend to manifest iself as nothing more than early 20th century larping.

I've been an activist for 12 years, I come from an activist family, yet never more have I felt so alienated from the left and cynical about the future.

I'm a Sorelian. Welcome to my world.


Yep. I feel contempt for most humans and I don't think humanity is fit to be in charge of anything, let alone everything. Humans habitually fuck things up and make things worse rather than solving problems. The left is even more disorganized and incompetent than the right, although a lot of that can be put down to the action of groups like the CIA and MI5.

Whoops, left my shitposting flag on. I wish there was an easy way to make it auto-forget flags after every use.

Fuck right off

I know exactly what you mean

Can't stand how so many leftists are normalfags with stupid dyed hair, tattoos, drinking habits, drug taking etc

No one give a fuck about your daddy issues

The entire history of "the Left" has involved relentless factionalism and sectarianism over minor differences in doctrine or personal grudges

Beat me to it. Except I have no comrades who are leftist, save for this board.

Based anfem
words I thought I'd never say

Jaded faggot reporting in.


I feel your pain so much.

yes. everyone is so touchy, so serious and stuck on idpol. most people spend their time actually shilling for the enemy and have zero critical thinking skills. we need to teach these assholes to shoot, and think. worst of all were all on the internet afraid to go outside.

Sounds like a cool premise for a movie or a game.

Where are these comrades you speak of in real life?

Let's say your teenage self knew what you now know. How does your life course change?