Homosexuals were not allowed in the army, so instead of being conscripted like all the other men, they were sent to work on farms. Che was not involved in this and gays were not executed.
Che literally never did that. Also Castro > Che (at least in the looks department.)
u trippin???
Castro is sexy af but Che is god tier unf
They put some homosexuals in jail but they never executed them. Also any woman with the decency to visit tito's funeral can't be that bad.
Breh Che is a sexy ass man.
To be fair if the West was a bit harsher we might have avoided the AIDS crisis
What do you mean? AIDS was designed to kill blacks and fags. blame bisexualfags for that crisis
can you give me a source on that claim? I'm curious, most people say cuba was really bad with that, but people say a lot of things about cuba
fuck off, there wouldn't have been an aids crisis if reagan had done something to help people rather than just ignoring it
t. Homo
>A year after a significant connection between HIV transmission and sexual activity was made, the majority of the San Francisco gay community was still engaging in promiscuous unprotected sex, and the bathhouses were still open because "obviously there was no connection between sex and HIV, breeder bigots just want to stop us gettin' our freak on"
Proof that idpol is literally lethal.
hey you think homosexuals are so depraved that they would rather die then wear condoms, I think gays are just as rational as you or I, people were just still uninformed of the risks (also the gay community was probably younger in average age thus less responsible as well)
Also drug use was related I'm sure
A sane society just makes condoms widely available and makes certain everyone is informed about the risks. Thailand was able to thoroughly eliminate Aids that way
also, what statistics are there demonstrating the rates of unprotected sex? You don't know that. just because bathouses were open doesn't prove there wasn't an increase in condom usage
Most of the information in my post was derived from pic related.
Ultimately the gay community dragged their heels for at least a year (if not more) after the connection between sexual activity and HIV transmission was made. Most of the middle chapters are dedicated to the efforts of the handful of gay activists attempting to get the community to tone down the promiscuity, only to get accused of falling for "breeder propaganda".
It's eye-opening how so many people could see friends and lovers waste away in a horrifying fashion (i.e. HIV dementia), and shrug their shoulders and continue engaging in risky practices.
That's not a uniquely gay thing though. Straights were giving each other horrific diseases like syphilis and gonorrhea long before antibiotics were invented and they still kept fucking. Sexuality is an intrinsic part of the human experience. You cannot just tell people to give it up.
Socialists have a shared view in economy and economical equality and only that.
Unlike cuckservatives, nazbols, or liberalism that force to subscribe to a load of BS even that there's no relation between them.
Get good, faggot.
OP IS A FAGGOT. I will put you in gulag if it was up to me.