Which flag will make my posts seem smart? Which tendency has read the most theory on average?
Which flag will make my posts seem smart? Which tendency has read the most theory on average?
Nazbol of course. Followed by Tankie.
Reported for pol subversion
can't get any better than this one
In my opinion, the best posters are ones with these flags:
Angry Cat
Downloading Communism
Read a Fucking Book
not my pic, I don't buy physical books
Fuck off Reddit.
Hail Satan
IMO you're better off deciding whether you want to pursue sincerity or irony. Nobody's going to think someone posting the opposite of his supposed ideology looks smart. So either pick the silliest option as a joke or something you genuinely agree with.
muss be saturday, me advice, go count tell and sage
The classic
Liberals are trash
educate urself
Leftcom, stalinstache, marched and Freud cigar are most well-read flags, imo
Fuck off pol
Leftcom by far.
So please don't shit it up by actually using it.
The tendency to read the most is the poster without a flag
The spurdo flag.
No, seriously, the spurdo flag.
Aren't leftcoms just trots who realize trots have a bad reputation?
Shots fired
I would say christcom but there's like three christcom posters, one is me (good), one is Rebel (bad), and one is a yung erf creationist (bad). Such is life
the smartest flag is the one you chose because you were the one who chose it
real talk
Scratch that I'm full of shit, anons are right the answer is spurdo.
Neither of these. Only answer is noflag + smart posts.
ain't no one smarter than a Marxist so obviously a Canadian flag would make you look the most smarterest of all
Leftcom is the best read. Unfortunately people use it as a shitposting flag. Really you should just read and not worry about labels. People here treat ideologies like sports teams rather than seriously studying or organizing in the real world.
this, but not sure about bunkerism tho
This. Flagless for life.
Seem smart: Marx head or cigar
Actually smart: anarcho-nihilism
pls tell me you are FBI
You could be this one it means you get to be grouchy and that you've read Capital. What more could you want?
Leftcoms. It's literally all theory and no practice.
Use this flag if you want to associate with an ideology that actually still exists outside of dead revisionist parties or the kurds.
I`m sure that its this flag, comrade.
I should have said "or liberals"
These flags generally have good posts attached to them:
These flags signal high quantities of autism:
These flags signal high quantities of illiteracy:
Single best flag tier:
Special snowflake tier:
I prefer social fascist tbh.