Bookchin Book Dump

What's up you meme loving fucks?

If you've ever looked up Bookchin on Amazon, you will notice that his works are exorbitantly expensive. This is because they are out of print, sadly. So I've uploaded some copies for you here. I have more, but this is a good start.

"The Murray Bookchin Reader" is an introductory book, where the key concepts are explained and then excerpts from Bookchin's texts are used. The book was put together by Bookchin's widow and gomrade for decades, Janet Biehl:

"The Next Revolution" is the most recent book to come out on Bookchin, and it has some unreleased essays in it. For the most part, it focuses on his most developed politics. It has some scathing criticisms of both the left and identity politics:

"Remaking Society" is an introductory work, as well as an overview of Bookchin's ideas. It's a good read, but remember its a condensed version of some of the ideas in his more complex books:

"The Philosophy of Social Ecology" is a text explaining bookchin's philosophy of dialectical naturalism (i.e. the philosophical underpinning of social ecology):

Other urls found in this thread:


"Market Economy or Moral Economy" is a good essay, in which Bookchin discusses his views on market abolition. It's a kind of funny essay, because Bookchin calls people whores in it.

Even the Bordigafags, autistic as they may be, aren't this obtuse, and in threads where people finally started to question their memery they actually explained themselves and replied seriously and constructively (there was a 200+ reply thread just the other day) instead of just throwing around links.

You're not going to convince anyone to read anything by not even being able to present the red line that distinguishes your special snowflake ideologue from all the other special snowflake ideologues.

Any chance that you could upload a .pdf version of The Next Revolution?

People seem interested, especially given the revolution in Rojava.

Get triggered.

Bookchin's magnum opus "The Ecology of Freedom" (1982 edition):

Remember kids, this one is required reading for the YPG.

Sorry, I only have it in .epub format. Maybe there's a way to convert it?

Also, here is Bookchin's UNRELEASED work "The Politics of Cosmology". It is a massive some-2000 page work on ethics. It is unreleased to the public and only people in the social ecology "scene" have a copy right now, and people might get butt frustrated if they knew I was posting it here. You can still see Bookchin's personal notes in the pdf, which is kind of cool:

Based. Thanks user.

Thanks man

Here is the whole book that this essay is from. "The Modern Crisis".

how should I get started on this pinko?

I would recommend starting by downloading and reading "The Next Revolution". It is the best introduction to Bookchin's most mature work.

after that, what should I expect, and is there any background knowledge that I need?

As far as background information on Bookchin goes, the only thing I'd suggest would be reading this introduction to dialectics:

But after that, I would recommending reading this pdf on the five unfolding layers of social ecology, and then read "The Murray Bookchin Reader" by Janet Biehl.

Oh shit; didn't notice this thread; ah well. I'm gonna ask again: could bookchin's communalism be described as a deluzian interpretation of anarchism? Dialectical Naturalism's call for an analysis of the "developmental process" in which "being is becoming" seems to echo much of Delueze's original conceptions of immanence. Where it differs tho is how Bookchin thinks this enables us to create an objective ethical framework by maximizing our subjectivity and abilities to experience the world. Is that irreconcilable with rhizome philosophy?

Also here's "Urbanization Without Cities: The Rise and Decline of Citizenship" since it's out of print:

Don't know enough about Deleuze to know of any similarities, sorry. Bookchin was extremely critical of post-modernism, however.

How are you getting hold of these unreleased works? Are you the guy who said that he studies at the institute of Social Ecology? Why would people be mad if you are posting it here?

Also are the guy who started the previous bookchin threads?

So many questions. Are you a cop?

Sorry I forgot to take off my shitposting flag

Thanks op,

Why is it 339 fucking megabytes?

Because its 2k pages of pictures, not a neat text only file.

Oh he hello :^}

Absolutely fucking based. Somebody should create a torrent version of this.

Is post-leftism the bordiga "leftcommunism" of anarchism

For the most part, yeah; Bob Black is the only one to really try to refute much of Bookchin's ideology beyond the lifestylism complaints. But his critique ultimately falls apart thanks to his rather gross misunderstanding of Bookchin's conceptions of urbanization. Black thinks "Libertarian Municipalism" is just a sort of "mini-statism"; where he cites that much of revolutionary activity that has taken place in history has always been within the city.

This wasn't Bookchin's point; his point was that not once in history has the world been so vastly dominated by urban sprawl before. Bookchin's belief, was that the future is fundamentally urban, and that anarchists must adapt to this rather than rely on bourgeois nihilist conceptions of "deep ecology" and "permaculture." In the 21st Century, the marxist-leninist/maoist dream of peasant revolts will remain just that: a dream. To many, Bookchin's abandonment of class struggle is by far the most heretical thing he's ever espoused; but I think the proposed alternative doesn't necessitate abandonment, rather in in many ways it reinvigorates class struggle's ability to do what it does best: smashy smashy.

Here is part of one of Bookchin's "Re-Enchanting Humanity". It is an absolutely devastating critique of deep ecology, malthusianism, post-modernism, and a lot more.

Thanks user, :); could you care to link the rest?

Yes, just had to find the PDF.

That's a shame; both of them were extremely critical of traditional dialectical reasoning so I was just wondering there were any parallels that could be drawn there.

Thanks OP!
Been looking for this.

Especially for having it in epub, it's the most convenient way to read on the daily commute.

thanks again

Me too; I've been hard-pressed to find a digital copy of "The Philosophy of Social Ecology: Essays on Dialectical Naturalism" until now.

I started this, one of the few things I'm gonna have to go back to. Its quite a lot of reading. He rambles something awful and has a great many bones to pick with other socialists so he has a tendency to go on and on.

I like his ideas mostly though

OP is a god

we gotta send this to Ocalan on his prison island, he's probably bored af and would love some fresh Bookchin

yeah, the "grumpy old man" meme is not without merit

are his pamphlets any good?

Here you go

Here is volume 3 of Bookchin's multi-volume work "The Third Revolution". If you check amazing, these books are normally hundreds of dollars.

This book covers the 1905 and 1917 Russian revolutions.


left politics needs more free education

Here is volume 3 of Bookchin's multi-volume work "The Third Revolution". If you check amazon, these books are normally hundreds of dollars.

This book covers the 1905 and 1917 Russian revolutions.

Thoughts on this?

Ty based Frogfag


Superior version

Is his work "Post-Scarcity Anarchism" worth a read?


get rid of aristocratic anti semite, put in marx, and it'd be perfect

Has Bookchin taken Bordiga's throne as /ourguy/?

I don't like to complain, but do you have more epubs? I like reading on my ereader and they dont handle PDFs generally well

Use to convert PDFs to epubs or whatever other ebook format you need (it's even open source if that's important to you)

The result isn't always perfect but has been good enough for me over the years.

if they're text PDFs and not scanned page images anyway.

Pancake man > bookchin


