leftypol in a nutshell
Leftypol in a nutshell
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no fucking way slave ray punched spencer, what an absolute madman!!
wtf i hate jews now
fucking #lad tbh.
the absolute STATE of the alt right.
Imagine getting BTFO by this guy and then cry on the Internet about it.
Pretty sad.
I'll laugh if it's actually him, but there's no way.
damage control
One of you fuckers will get punch in the neck with a knife with these attitudes.
Is it just me or his nose actually looks different, compare to cuck guy?
My hero tbh
No damage was taken
I think so too.
And isn't Spencer's age like half of his alleged attacker?
you must be new here
seems legit
I bet it went like vid related
And how did you find out he was a shit-eating cuckold?
Who saw his face and went "I RECOGNIZE THAT MAN!"?
The prosecution indicts itself with it's own witness.
Light this bitch up
Your wife could fuck 100 black guys and you still wouldn't be as much of a cuck as anybody who thinks we should be ruled over by the bourgeoisie
Even Liberals are praising this guy.
this tbh
real americans kill nazis
he literally shrugged it of and went on his merry way.
I hate Spencer just as much as the next guy but come on
Few millions dead would put other millions in place.
The thing that bothers me the most about this is that fucking default font.
Assuming it's not ironic.
m8 he was nearly crying
He ran away like a flock of seagulls tribute group with worse hair.
i've been cucked of credit for my post ;-;
better go punch some alt-right retard
Spencer is an autistic LARPer with about 20 or so non-ironic followers at most. It's a good meme but you are not the french resistance for godsakes. Even now we are seeing liberal dorks posing with baseball bats and calling themselves 'the worst enemy of the alt right' or some shit.
Sex-Fetishes are bourgeoisie, tho.
I know Holla Forums is grasping at straws, but holy shit!
These set of pics definitely existed before that incident happened. Because we all know Holla Forums is secretly into weird fetishes and actually unironically claim it's for "research".
But since we know how Holla Forums operates, this may not even be the guy who punched RS.
You'd think they of all people would be able to tell noses apart.
I'm not convinced it's him either but I hope it is. Holla Forums's spokesman getting rocked by an actual cuck is too perfect.
A shiteater cuck bashing the fash?
How is this better nazbol?
With will happen when you encounter real anarchists…?
Not the other guy but French bourgeois were the first to get into cuckolding…
1) shit's corny af. 2) it's called commodity FETISHISM for a reason. 3) People who base their identity around sex fetishes are often libertarians.
You mean this entire time I've been bourgeosie?
How do you misinterpret Marx this bad?
two completely different builds and statures
he is LITERALLY living the dream
Why does that matter?
And I guess because you don't like something, it shouldn't be allowed?
2) it's called commodity FETISHISM for a reason.
3) People who base their identity around sex fetishes are often libertarians.
And this matters because?
they must be cleansed with holy fire
This. But seriously why is the autright so obsessed with cuck porn?
Commodity fetishism is named after religious fetishes (attributing human activity to object, like thanking a talisman for good hunt), not sexual ones.
FYI for the people saying it isn't him
His name has been found and it's really him
holy shit
I think he has sunglasses on
It would seem that Holla Forums's theory that universal strength only applies to a very short shallow pool of behaviors turned out to be wrong and they are easily bullied
Do you mean bourgeois? If yes, why
Christ…. maybe I am on the wrong side here.
*puts on wehrmacht*
*whips out dick*
So what you tell me is that a literal cuckold fucked that dumb retard spencer?
I'll never understand this place but it's great for laughs.
But we're not, you came here to show that said man punching was wrong.
Do not shy away from responsibility. You are all easily beaten up.
leftypol == antifa
nice damage control
he really does have it all figured out.
The nose is different and the antifa guy is skinnier. What's really interesting is how quickly Holla Forums recognised a similarity to a cuckold performer, almost as if they frequently watch such material.
His nose is completely different and has a jewball the cuck's doesn't. He doesn't even have the same eyebrows. Fucking sad!, Holla Forums.
I don't see how watching cuck porn is "research".
knowing your enemy is fine, but to defeat your enemy it is neccesary to get into his mind. That's why I spend at least 2hrs a day wanking to Cuck porn.
Did you just admit to compulsively watching cuckold pornography because you think they could harm your freedom
Where does your politics begin and your kinks end?
It's a joke post m8
Oh look it is a Holla Forums thread, you know what to do
but why Mandy?
Your god-emperor's administration is going to be easy as shit to take down
Might also not want to bump Holla Forums threads, just trigger them with homosexual husbandos since they have shit taste and hate fatness and gayness severely
wow I'm sure he's the same person, and that it couldn't have possibly been a falseflag if he is. golly gee this sure does discredit our cause!
You know how a lot of virulently anti-gay people often have homosexual tendencies? That's basically what the autright is like when it comes to cuckoldry.
Is this some browser addon that changes every filename into IMG_####.JPG?
Daily reminder to not post in Holla Forums threads
But you are posting.
Things that trigger Holla Forumstards so they ll have to suffer if they want to shit on Holla Forums
Seriously why are people even posting on these b8 threads seriously
So one of the leading figures of the Alt Right got punched twice (once during the middle of an interview), by a literal cuck?
Fucking hell, mates.
I'm rather shocked that Holla Forums is not attempting to bury this, giving how humiliating it must be to have a figurehead of your ideology taken out by by a literal cuck.
I wonder if 'Kek' will grant Spencer the power to show his bruised face in public again without looking like a total bitch.
Don't worry, he wants to take "whoever punched him to court" making this whole thing a spectacle. He has to before a jury who hates him, and a judge trying not to crack up, explaining, "Your honor, I was beat by this nerdy cuckold pornstar"
Sex Fetishes are almost always based on the denial of the other's subjectivity. Cuckoldry reduces the woman to a piece of meat to be defiled and the black dude to a disembodied cock.
It all makes sense now.
Into the gulag you go fascist
No, that's your job, and has been since there's been a Marxism
Eventually you see, we get sick of your shit
And we crack down, and you get scared. Because you're a fucking suburbanite who doesn't know how to fight or live.
No you are fascists.
This has been the state of people who oppose Marxism since before it was even conceived. Eat some more black bugs and stop crying like a bitch every second
Redbull me on how not viewing freeze peach as harmful makes me a fascist.
this is pretty humiliating tbh
Is this a counter to the Trump piss meme?
Western cuckolds will never cease to amaze me.
It is when for whatever reason only fascists seem to get attention from the media. It's important to remember that the establishment will always side with them when shit hits the fan. Thus why we must deprive them of a platform and their lives if necessary.
Free speech doesn't fucking exist you moron, in other words, you're spooked as hell kiddo
but what does that make richard spencer? the man who got punched in the face by a shit eating cuckold and took it like a bitch.
this isn't a good look for you Holla Forums ;^)
This spin is not working lel
Dude no one cares. Everyone just likes watching Spencer get punched. That's the great thing about antifa. The whole cuck meme doesn't work since they aren't known for being respectable members of society in the first place.
So anyone else surprised that Holla Forums is apparently filled with closet cuckold porn connoisseurs?
Nobody is surprised
I have it on window on loop and I broke windows of cars of sports cas during the protest in my city
What the fuck are you going to do faggot
Trump won't give you the health insurance you need after the anal fissures you'll get from the rest of us when this election has resulted settled in
You'll need fucking staples and by the time that's happened your humiliation kink is going to be impossible to ignore and you'll just be our bitch again
Well being shit-eating sub that thanks their mistress for being allowed to eat their own cum is pretty humiliating for anyone that isn't already antifa, though I can see why you guys might consider that normal.
That's pretty dope if he got wrecked by this guy, but I want to see the proofs
No wonder cuck porn angers (and arouses) you so much.
1) No evidence its him
2) You don't want it to be him because Spencer is going to sue him and you'll get a spectacle out of this about how Holla Forums got bitch slapped by a cuck, and Richard Spencer probably saying Pepe and Cuck in court in front of a judge and jury
3) You can't take shit, don't act tough.
literally NOTHING wrong with cum eating femdom games
Holla Forums everybody
Let's not pretend that sucker-punching a guy giving an interview and then retreating into a crowd of people is an amazing act of bravery by anyone's definition– except perhaps, antifa.
you are delusional
KEK, how will Holla Forums recover
But that's exactly what Spencer did. He didn't even fight back.
So much male testosterone he went and threatened to sue in court immediately on twitter, not fight like a man.
Let's admit it, you would go down even faster by our cuckold friend here.
You get fucking destroyed by a girl telling you no.
That was uncalled for.
haha wow you are really delusional
your entire wellbeing hinges on painting some imaginary picture of the spooky ebil nazis you're triggered by so much, and securing yourself in the knowledge of said imaginary picture
Isn't "but he eats shit tho" damage control?
For the last time quit projecting what you people have done since Marxism was in practice and truly understand why the left dominates counter culture in giant spans of time while the right dominates shortly and swiftly before being knocked the fuck down
Don't take my word for it take the word on the races of the people you're talking shit about
Because I'm sure, I'm extremely sure, if your scrawny or fat fucking ass gets out of your house onto the street shouting your opinions like a retard it won't be long before you're another statistic on the FBI's page
Probably not even the guy but now I'm going to run along with it.
Holla Forums yesterday:
Holla Forums today:
I don't care who is in antifa. I just want to see Nazis get beated, raped, and killed (in that order if possible.)
he was in a decent amount of pain, he didn't take it on the chin like it was nothing. not saying he got knocked out cold but he didn't exactly come out of that unscated
If this becomes a trend of Holla Forums outing the people they get beat by being pathetic I'm all for it
I've never heard of such a scale of self induced schadenfreude
He got punched while talking to someone– of course he's going to be hurt. That's why people think sucker-punching is cowardly.
Good thing I'm not white :v)
oh my god go back to ifunny
What? When people get into fights they take a posture that protects them. When someone is not expecting to be attacked they WILL get hurt by someone trying to hurt them. It's just bio-mechanics.
Holy shit it writes itself. One thing leftypol gets right is noticing most Holla Forumsacks aren't even white.
fucking Holla Forums would turn getting beat in by a cuck as a victory
Who would have ever thought that antifa consists of people who hate themselves so much that they desire to be cucked and shit on as a punishment for their miserable existence.
Those are the sorts of people who join antifa, degenerate cretins whose own ugliness and misery gives them a burning hatred for everything lawful, good and pure.
fucking leftypol would turn having the only people on your side being literal shit eating cucks into a victory or anything other than something to be deeply ashamed and embarrassed about(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Not Holla Forums
No one cares. All that matters is that Spencer got bashed.
Sucker punching is an art.
See ninjas.
If we're all so pathetic I'm going to enjoy every week for the next four years becoming a new "I'VE BEEN BEAT BY A CUCK" "I'VE BEEN BEAT BY A NIGGER!" "A JEW BROKE MY JAW!" "HELP ME Holla Forums, A TRANNY RAPED ME!" "A WOMAN JUST KICKED MY BALLS" for the next goddamn four years
If antifa wanted to win a fight they would start one, this isn't about beating someone, it's about hurting a fascist. They don't want to fight them actually. They want to smash and run.
Neither does Spencer because all he has behind that rhetoric is an expensive lawyer
like niggers?
Spencer got sucker punched for one moment, you are miserable shit eating cucks for the rest of your existence. With such a bleak outlook, no wonder a sucker punch is taken as the greatest of victories.
No those are the ones that are going to kill you Holla Forums
what a time to be alive.
And spent the next night tweeting about how he's going to lawyer up
We have already beaten fascism before kid. We aren't the ones having online meltdowns and sperging out over this. You are.
It's not like he lost a fight, he was randomly assaulted. People will remember two things from this: Spencer was sucker-punched at DC, and antifa are shit-eating cucks.
The ones I'm looking forward to doing the most damage are to Holla Forums are the women
I'm liking the chances of an uptick in male rape cases
He did. He cringely mentioned fucking pepe being a symbol, got his jaw and ear knocked by someone who eats poop, started crying, spaghetti fell out his expensive designer pants, and he decided to tell twitter he's getting a lawyer for hours
Unfortunately Holla Forums, most of you cannot afford lawyers
Who am I kidding, most of you have rich parents. You can.
I wonder if you think making a pepe of it makes it true
that's not how meme magic works 'tards
go back to middle school
This is what you get for fucking around with a chaos god and thinking you own him.
Why doesn't Spencer he's a grown ass man and can't take a punch without crying
He was sucker-punched mate.
I could take that as an excuse if he didn't
A) Cry like a bitch
B) Tweet about lawsuit like a bitch
The antifa pathology, all that build up frustration over their own inferiority, with cowardly violence being a desperate attempt at confirmation of their miserable existence.
No, you're the ones who eat shit and sperg out when a superior specimen shows up.
see, we can tell you're underage because you're acting like an autistic internet tough guy
don't you have homework to do?
Don't use that word when one of you discovered that he was a cuckold pornstar. We're just surprised.
You are his audience Holla Forums, remember that
It's not an excuse. It's only about your use of the word "fight" in this context.
Holla Forums's shtick for the past year
Holla Forums and the antifa's shtick since their inception
Ok. It wasn't a fight. Richard Spencer said Pepe is a symbol. He next got his ear and jaw punched randomly. Turns out, someone on Holla Forums watches cuckold porn and knew him. We find out Richard Spencer is going to sue a cuck pornstar for making him cry.
There. We can easily say it wasn't a fight but more reminder the world is a stage.
Well we know one thing. Most of us didn't craft our ideology from the autismal scratch of Holla Forumsharbor and decided that it was a good idea to talk so much shit on the internet without realizing it comes with its just deserts.
Because you get out in the streets to complain and call it a riot.
The left beats you the fuck up like during the Trump protests and it turns out all you can do is complain.
Get good at playing the victim the next four years Holla Forums, you're the world's next social justice warrior
It's really him. He has antifa posters at home.
But then again, all antifa are actual fascists and not leftists.
That being said, keep reposting. I enjoy seeing Spencer getting punched.
I'll use the word when appropriate, in the case of miserable cucks who use cowardly violence as a desperate attempt at confirming their miserable existence, it is.
Those are your people, this is how they think, this how their ideology functions.
Are those the men who fuck your girlfriend while you eat shit?(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Why are you so obsessed with cuckolding? Seriously question here.
"In the case", so you're preparing to get beaten by cucks?
Hey Holla Forums, when are you going to tell us your hot new trick
complaining to us about cuck crime statistics
Then explain to me why Greek Antifa are beating the shit out of the golden dawn? Really makes you think…
we are already eating shit all the time under capitalist production, slave ray is WOKE as fuck
Those aren't even antifa posters lmao
Lads, meet our new brony
Vans =/= Antifa.
the other logo idk.
but even if it's truly him he is the absolute fucking madman.
Fascists beating up fascists is completely normal. Also the Greek antifas beat up pretty much everybody.
The attacker in the video had sunglasses, not regular glasses
Wait so is this entire thing an attempt by Spencer to paint his attacker as a literal cuck?
I'm not, I'm just amused by the tragedy that is the existence of an antifa member. Being shat on, getting cucked, being a slave… and then unleashing all that agony in an ideology that is perfectly crafted for your pathology.
It's perverse enjoyment to see it all become so brutally clear, a metaphor that comes to life.
Antifa is not an actual organization.
Sounds like your every day American republican
A metaphor you use a lot, which is why the irony is so delicious when you are the metaphor coming to life.
So basically you're tired of being called a cuck
By people who watch their gf being fucked while eating shit? Never.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS BAN EVASION)
So you're tired of being punched and called a cuck by the lowest common denominator
Who would care that isn't an even lower common denominator?
So you know exactly how it works. You're a miserable cuck, the lowest common denominator, so you sucker punch someone in a desperate attempt to get someone to an ever lower level than you, to take revenge against The Man who fucks your gf while you eat shit.(DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS POSTER)
Vans is a shoe brand not an antifa thing. That other poster isn't an atnifa poster numbnuts.
Call them reds, baby killers or stalinist sociopaths, and it all slides of from them like water from a raincoat.
But call their cucks, cucks, and their banhammer is swung faster than that of a redditor seeing a catgirl.
This is literally the only time if seen the mods ban someone for their retarded cuck shitposting
What do you do with people that believe in taking other peoples free speech? What if they use their free speech to actively promote the violent removal of my free speech?
You are basically saying that trolling IRL is okay. Like if you tell someone to kill themselves and they do it you have no fault in their death at all.
Using your freedom of speech to infringe upon another individuals right to life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness :) is not ok.
Bravery no, hilarity yes.
I support anyone who amuses me and condemn anyone who annoys me. The means always justify the ends, even if I'd never say so sober.
I am not a rational being, those are economist lies. I am a fickle man and I want to see pretenders and hanger-ons beaten to a pulp for my amusement, like the prole visiting the stadium to see the gladiators. No principle exists here, only laughs.
But yet my heart is in the right place, and therefore i'm no alt-right 14 year old faggot.