Why does catgrills trigger IDpolers?

Why does catgrills trigger IDpolers?

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Liberals are allergic to cats, so the whole idea of catgirls triggers them beyond belief.

They hate the fun they're not "allowed" to have. It's the same way with Holla Forumsyps denouncing everything that offends their ideological sensibilities.

Cause men like them (and women to) and they cannot say "this is clearly sexism!".

It's the uncanny valey for them.

Insecurity of their vanity. Anime girls in general feel threating to them because they see it as this standard of beauty women must obtain to impress certain males. They feel their appearance that they choose should be their standard (unless you are really pretty) or else you are oppressing them.


is this board pro anime?

If I can't jerk-off to hentai, it's not my revolution.

I'm an unironic idpoler who fully supports catgirls

(and hentai)

If it wasn't they wouldn't throw words like sexism and hatred of women everytime anime is posted.

If it wasn't catgirls wouldn't be posted

Spooked people on the left or right are more likely to have knee jerk "anti weeaboo" views.

Well, she made quite a few dangerous statements. For example, picrelated (Marxist-Feminism cat) alone would be enough for a hate campaign (since its existence presupposes falsity of standard Liberal Feminism).

It's no wonder somebody decided to target her. Frankly, I'm surprised it didn't happen earlier. New Right crowd is pretty intolerant of anything resembling Left.

I don't think anybody cares.

Because it portrays women as pets.

Are there ulterior reasons they're being up-front about? Maybe, but that's the official reason that they've cited.

They get off on power and justify it to themselves as rooting out impurity.

Will I still be allowed to jerk off to cat and other monstergirls after the revolution?

Spooked people on the right seem to have embraced anime though, see Holla Forums for example.

This is a weeaboo board.

I like cats (even if I am allergic) and cat people are cute, except furries they kindness of creep me out. I can appreciate nonsexual cute furry art though

I don't think there is a consensus on anime here.

Weebshit is purely to emotionally manipulate neet's.

what did he mean by this

totally ambivalent. Although the pedo vibe is v creepy. Its a drawing

Yes, unless you fight for Marxist-Leninists. They are known for being same shit as Social-Conservatism, when it comes to sex.

Some of us are.

No, this board is strictly pro-furry. Animefags get out.


Why not both?

How can they even call them domesticated…Where is their master?!

I think the word you're looking for is 'mansplain'

Where would that "word" even fit into what I just said?

The Reddit mod was mansplaining the sexism of catgirls to a woman.

I would just say they were acting morally imperious. No need to talk about their cock.

Revisionist lies. They were hypocritical mansplainers and if they want to retain a shred of dignity they must all hold true to their beliefs and resign immediately.

There's only one way to stop a Trot.

Only Tankies and their socialist realism, aren't pro any form of artistic expression.

also that fucking filename

100%. Everyone who says otherwise is a revisionist.

He had it coming tbh

Is this place just full social inadequate autists?


In a word, yes.

I don't watch anime but catgirls are nice

feels bad man


Furry's go straight to the labor camp fuck off.

Anthropomorphism (yes catgirls are a form of anthropomorphism by definition - read a fucking book) triggers idpol because idpol is about HUMAN identity, inherently. They can't crusade using icons with flown-in animal traits.

They are against it because they feel any iconography with non-human traits demeans human identity. Anime because of its tendency to distort human traits is also despised. Only western style Tumblr art with red noses and "appearance flaws" are seen as good for the cause.

So, furries are bad?

And I though furries were all about the IdPol…

Furries have no identities. Look at their politics: scattered across all parts of the spectrum. Nobody's protesting for furry marriage, or furry adoption, or furry bathroom rights. These would be seen as a farce to the average furry.

hardest decision of the year so far

Why wasn't this posted here as a webm?

Pretty easy tbh. One side has cute girls.

Of course.

They banned the petitioner.

Sage to keep discussion all in the other thread.


cry moar

Don't they "identify" as their "Fursona" or something?

Also… YET!

first as tragedy

That's just so they can get laid and RP with other furfags. Other times, Furfags want a fursona because they're unhappy about who they are in the real world and want to displace their identities into an avatar they create and idealize for themselves, it's maximum alienation. That's also why they get super butthurt if you draw "their fursona" without "their" permission. Fags.

t. furry for 7 years (no fursona because I'm not a faggot)

It's far from a consensus on reactionary circles.

For example, if you check the discussions on almost any anime game/vn on steam you will get at least one reactionary there on the forums complaining about "degeneracy" (virtue signalling).

On the other hand there are a lot of idpol liberals who are weebs, anime like other media is politically neutral.

rly makes you think.