Black Bloc Happening!

Black Bloc Happening!

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Go get 'em lads!

'deliberately violent'

smashing windows isn't violence you twats

'the police are responding, i think using water'

that's not water, it's fucking tinted orange, what is with these reporters? fuck me.

lol fuck yea anarchists


more fun vids

Police can shoot minorities all they like, liberals won't care until there's property damage.


LARPing your way to revolution. I can see the theory of permanent activism bear its fruits already. :^)



I'd rather not join you in doing that, no siree.

Well by the logic of this comic, since Trump is president now we should start protesting against him, right?

Not yet, wait until the inauguration is over.

Sure, but it's dangerous to go alone, take this: !

But participation in the anti-Trump protests makes no sense. Whom do you defend? Hillary? If anything, Hillary is even more Fascist than Trump.

Let two Right-wing groups tear each other into pieces.

Crazy smashies are doing nothing, they're just expending a lot of energy in the process. It's very inefficient.
You all need to get on my level: when I do nothing I use barely any energy at all.

Pic related.

Anything but waiting for the terracotta proletarian army to arise is opportunism. Read Bordiga.

This guy, whether he's parodying ultra-leftism or not, gets it.

"Doing things because smashie smashie" =/= actual working class organization, although I'd be hard pressed to leave the armchair and my books either way.


I'm dead serious, I'm every bit as effective as those anarcho-liberals sitting right here on my arse. I've got it down to a fine art.

literal beginner's mistake
fucking amerilard anarkids
this doesn't happen in greece

Have there been any armed lefties spotted at the protests?

Opposing trump can be a platform for opposition to the system in general. It's also a great place to do practical work with propaganda and netorking with other activist groups.

they're arresting black bloc now


This makes as much sense as redditors idea that opposition to catgirls can be a platform for opposition to the system in general.

Yeah. Because this totally worked before.

You don't even have organization to do propaganda or to network. You have no position to defend. You have no platform. As is you can only be incorporated into other - non-Left - groups. That's all that could happen. Is losing time and money - even going to prison - because of Hillary is something you intend to do?


fucking liberals

What kind of house is that? Why don't they let them in?

Why isnt there a redneck with a shotgun defending the property?

journos are also being arrested



holy shit that's fucking inhumane

Crimethinc's live updates page

Baruch HaShem!

Oy vey.

This is better and longer, by RT America


but you're a dindu when you get peppersprayed

Look at them.

opinion discarded

that's a grown man, how fucking pathetic

Good job

cry more

homo sapiens who does not engage in hostile acts

but that's too much a mouthful, i much prefer afro-american vernacular for that reason, a shame you're to narrow minded to engage with their rich linguistic culture

What? I'm just saying it's a really pathetic thing for a grown man to do, I'm not bothered by it in any way




Your cute little equation doesn't take into account Fascism, which can also be a result of a capitalidt crisis.

really makes you think

I fucking hate leftcoms so much

What you really hate is Marxism, communism and actual anti-capitalist politics. And sitting on a comfy armchair with a nice book.

Once the final capitalist crisis occurs, for example by way of automation or the rate of profit falling so low investment becomes pointless, fascism can't do anything to solve the problem. It's just authoritarian capitalism + nationalism. If the economic system is legitimately collapsing under the force of its own inherent contradictions and not merely stuck in a depression, there can be no fascist answer, only an abolition of the economic system and its replacement by an alternative. The only reason you idiots think fascism and "socialism" are answers to the same problem is because you keep forcing through your shitty state capitalist movements in response to economic downturns.

jfc kys

Kill yourself

I'm glad the socdems killed Rosa if she was annoying as these fucks are

What are you doing Anarchist?

Rosa was killed because she actually mobilized millions of workers to self-organize anti-capitalist resistance. She was also not a left communist (this faction of the 3rd international only appeared after her death) and actually had theory.

it was really fucking satisfying when they smashed up that limo, must have felt so good

and the niggers didn't achieve shit.



Based leftcom telling it like it is as usual.

I don't think I can wait that long


Because capitalism has a fantastic record during the 21st century of improving the lives of people there aren't jobs for

As opposed to pushing over bins?


Its like I have an excuse to do nothing

Based, can't wait for the liberal tears.

Those black blocs would happen too if it was Hillary instead of Trump. They are protesting the system itself, not the candidate.

"You" being anarchists in general? Because I can assure you that we do have network and produce propaganda.

That's the entire fucking point, silly. Capitalism can't last because the system is not equipped to deal with its own inherent problems and contradictions. When the system collapses in on itself and everyone can see it's a failure which can no longer sustain society, that's when the revolution happens, with the working class in the form of a spontaneous mass movement from below tearing down the collapsing system.

No, leftcoms are just smart enough to understand the difference between bourgeois sanctioned violence and revolutionary violence.


Color me surprised

Capitalism is incredibly resilient, if a large amount of low skill manual labor jobs get automated we'll have ubi and bullshit jobs implemented to keep proles occupied. It's going to have to be overthrown if we want to see it end, and unfortunately you can't do that from your armchair or smashing a few windows.

>>>Holla Forums


Today's post-inauguration events prove once again that ultra left meme magic is real and is in fact empirically correct in all of its implications and predictions. Does it know no limits?

Back to facebook

If I promise I'll be a good little prole and never ever do anything that might upset the status quo, will you stop posting here?

Probably. Maybe it would've been done in right-wing-style, not AntiFa-style.

Nope. For anti-system protest any day is as good as another.

Protesting today means you are protesting Trump specifically, not system.

Unaligned pro-Anarchist anons. But some of the Anarchist organizations too.

Lifestylism and LARPing are about as useful as anal masturbation when it comes to bringing about the end of capitalism.

Only if you buy yourself a comfy rear end resting place, order or pirate yourself a bunch of books and perhaps form a class union.

Sometimes I wonder if you are actually retarded or just really naive.

Liberal larper salt is best salt.

Explain, oh Wise One, how and why does Trump inauguration day - a day specifically suggested by Democrats to be used as anti-Trump protest day - make it a good day for anti-system protest?

>“It is all the more clear what we have to accomplish at present: I am referring to ruthless criticism of all that exists, ruthless both in the sense of not being afraid of the results it arrives at and in the sense of being just as little afraid of conflict with the powers that be.” (Karl Marx, letters to Arnold Ruge, 1843)
Marx knew, and the ultras embody his one and only true legacy. Ultra left meme magic is real, and it will lead us to capital's final contradictions.

I don't know if I can take this unfathomable realization right know. I think I need to take a seat…

The only LARPing being done is by Holla Forumsyps posing as us on this board .

there is nothing wrong with this

everybody needs recreational activities

why do nazbols not just go to Holla Forums?

Truly the course of history is decided by petty acts of small scale rioting.


Because I don't feel like just talking about niggers and kikes all day. I'm more interested in talking about economics.

Go to >>>/liberty/ then, you have more in common with them than us

If anything you should go back to reddit because you're so easily triggered by a flag. Ever since those reddit mods banned cat girls this place has gone downhill.


It does something, though. Who it ends up serving is a good question to be asked - this could either serve to embolden people against someone whose inauguration was marked by mass arrests, or it could be more strongly wielded as a propaganda tool by Trump to try and paint his dissenters (most of the country) as a radical fringe.

Either way, Trump is probably going to TRY to do that, but I'm unsure who will be more successful.

Including Marxism?

Criticism does not mean denial.



So what do we do?


Asymmetric warfare is much more effective than juvenile larping. A team of highly intelligent hackers able to crash the stock market would be 1000 times more effective than children kicking over trash cans or destroying windows that are covered by insurance. These anarcho-kiddies are using 20th century tactics in a 21st century world. All they're doing is hurting the socialist cause as a whole. If you want to do something in the real world, open a socialist soup kitchen, do something charitable. This is a war against the bourgeois but it's also a war for the hearts and minds of the proletariat.

Some anarchists are all right but overall, anarchism has done a lot to hurt the socialist cause.

There is a difference between slander and criticism.

You do now economies don't work like they do in Batman, right?


Wait for capitalism's inherent contradictions to accumulate and result in a state of general crisis which leaves the working class with no other option but to terminate the rule of capital and associated structures. It is the working class which must save the world, not lefty LARPers.

thanks comrades

but if anything else doesn't said LARPing function to spread class consciousness?

I know how this ends.

There is always another option. It's called Fascism.

Yeah. Totally workable approach.


Fascism is not substitutable for "things that put an ugly face on an ugly thing".

>Since the fascism of the inter-war period, the term "fascism" has remained in vogue. What political group has not accused its adversaries of using "fascist methods"? The Left never stops denouncing resurgent fascism, the Right does not refrain him labelling the PCF as the "fascistic party." Signifying everything and anything, the word has lost its meaning since international liberal opinion describes any strong State as "fascist." Thus the illusions of the fascists of the thirties are resurrected and presented as contemporary reality. Franco claimed to be a fascist like his mentors, Hitler and Mussolini, but there was never any fascist International.
>If today the Greek colonels and Chilean generals are called fascists by the dominant ideology, they nevertheless represent variants of the capitalist state. Applying the fascist label to the State is equivalent to denouncing the parties at the head of that State. Thus one avoids the critique of the State by denouncing those who direct it. The leftists seek to authenticate their extremism with their hue and cry about Fascism, while neglecting the critique of the State. In practice they are proposing another form of the State (democratic or popular) in place of the existing form.

Maybe you don't but it's pretty clear you don't actually have experience organizing or doing any activist work.

A public event full of political outrage is the perfect place to direct anger in the appropriate direction, and to coordinate with potentially allied groups.

The protests were going to happen anyway, if a hard left element didn't go out and join they would be giving up an opportunity to stand and be seen.

So what's your suggestion?

This will be ignored as 'oh gosh those are anarkiddies are being funny again' until a cop gets shot.
inb4 cointelpro

What I meant was that ideologically speaking, fascism at its core is an synthesis between capitalism and syndicalism.

If you're American, go outside and throw a rock at something. Then get your friends to do it
Then do the same thing tomorrow

Unless everyone pulls out an AK and starts mowing down police that is a waste of time.

We'll have a dead cop and more excuses for the right wingers to suppress us and other protesters. No thanks to that.

Call me when you start bringing guns to your black block glorious uprisings. As long as it's this half assed "at worst I'll get a misdemeanor for breaking a window that my rich white lawyer dad will plead down" I will never take this shit seriously.

Meant for>>1260604

PS I'm not an anarkid.

I don't really care about whether or not smashing windows will topple capitalism. I do however care about bashing the fash, which these guys are doing.

No joke I was raped by cops at gunpoint. I get high when cops die.


Organize in circles. Get educated. Start building organized movement (Vanguard; I would've called it Party, but that would've implied mandatory participation in elections).

Specifically here and now - learn some cryptography (in addition to Marxism).

Also reading this is a good starting point

are we still being raided by Holla Forums or why all these retarded shitposts

We are always being raided by Holla Forums

Right now we also have some reddit presence, I think. Or is this already over?

Holla Forums threads constantly make it to the front page's Velocious category.

Goddamn, it really looks like 90% of US Black Bloc is just Government agents spying on other government agents

They are paid, just like the Journalists and the 'KKK'

What if people just don't revolt? You can't have a blind faith in the working class. It is possible that capitalism will be the last mode of production, or that another class system will come that we don't even think of yet.

leftcom always showing up to ruin the party dude just kill yourself.

I hate cops, but that won't do shit.
Normies love their cops too much, and they outnumber us.

Nobody cares about revoltion

But that sounds really hot.



I laughed too hard at this, tbh

Forget history

History is over, theres no more left to go then extinction





I loved that show but can't remember what it was called


Xavier: Renegade Angel.

nm, it's Xavier: Renegade Angel

oh thanks

I think this is the greatest thing I've ever seen.

I think it was called "Xavier" something. I never liked that show but that's a pretty funny skit.

Why do you hate fun

I fully support Trump over these delusional, childish, inept pseudo revolutionary 'protestors' and 'Antifascists'.

Zizek did say, that waiting for you magical 'revolution" will never happen.

Of course, childish, edgy, pseudo revolutionary teenagers on Reddit and Leftypol will never listen to Zizek and accept anything less than some magical revolution. I'm not surprised that most of you would be willing to kill off millions, even billions to force your shitty communist/anarchist society onto the human race. It's never organic, simply forced onto the human race.

We already knew that, Holla Forums


The experience of imperialism proves that the broken window fallacy is not a fallacy, but the law of capital itself.

Because life is serious, user.

Nono, you don't get it

You're supposed to not do anything instead of taking anything to the streets
No wait, it's nazbol, you have to fight for a state capitalist nation centered around the nationality

Someone should put a Hillary campaign symbol on the alien's chest or arm.

Are you potentially allied with Liberals?

Hard Left has nothing to do in the squabbles between Capitalists. There isn't anything worth fighting for.

Not that user, but
Except for pushing the Overton window further left & enlightening some liberals. Many of them can be reached. I was a liberal just a couple of years ago. This election turned me fully socialist.

it is great to see organized resistance but why take the fight to the main streets?

why not actually scare the porkies where they live?

b-b-but the smashies are doing that! look at all the windows they broke today!

this doesn't phase the oligarchs in the slightest but it does keep spooking the proles away from anything related to the left.

Literally kill yourselves. This is why nobody likes Leftcoms. You're literally the cancer killing the Left.



Why don't a bunch of people go to the gates of the white house douse the grass with gasoline and accelerants and throw some lighters

like idgi

it is a literal public space

It can't be that difficult for multitudes of people to go up to the white house so its harder to be arrested, throw gasoline, perhaps something more flammable like oil, and set it on fire.

Why aren't these lame anarchists doing that, and why aren't we doing that


Become post left, you know you want to



No thanks, I'm sticking to being ultra left; I still aqctually like to read and theorize the way of the world instead of just being edgy and esoteric for its own sake.

Forgot my flag



If I can't kill trashcans it's not my revluotion



I move that we make an active effort to meme Jeb! into actually becoming a radical leftist, on the basis that it would be hilarious.

I want Jeb to cum in my ass


I second this motion. What say the constituency?



Is it finally happening? Are the liberals waking up?

Was it taken down or is my connection just shit?

It's still up

Basically it's just Richard Spencer talking about whatever and then he gets into a shouting match with a couple of the protestors around him

And while that's going on, another protester runs up out of nowhere and knocks him to the ground

I tried to find it elsewhere & check this shit out!




Whenever edgy anarchists riot in the streets, smash some small businesses window's, set cars on fire, they turn people away from the Left.
All it is, is irrational explosions of violence that doesn't threaten capitalism, it is useful for the Right wing.

I hate these LARPING, edgy teenage anarchists that think their irrational window smashing, and violence in the streets accomplishes anything.
Of course Leftypol loves it when innocent people are attacked. They aren't "fascists".
"Fascists" is Leftypol's version of Holla Forums's "It's the Jews".
The far Left has screamed and cried "fascist" for so long, it's a meaningless word.

blow your hamfisted attempt at emotional manipulation out your ass.

It's just a fact today that every American possesses a deep seeded anti-social tendency and they are all looking for any excuse to burn some cars, beat up some strangers and smash a few windows for themselves.

Eh if there was actually the large scale action you want they would definitely catch many small and innocent people up in the turmoil

Edgy teenage anarchists like yourself don't accomplish anything aside from irrational explosions of violence.

The masses don't think "Yea, those teenage anarchists were right".
It turns people away.
If anything, such violence highlights the impotence of the far Left and anarchists.

Lol, got banned from the Chapo chat saying peaceful protest isn't effective and violence at the back of every major movement is what made those movements effective. Then they all turned on me, they couldn't name literally one movement that was won with peaceful protest and just banned me instead.

Literally tried to argue VIETNAM was won on peaceful protest. What the fuck?!

Fucking lol.

you and others whining about "senseless violence" are missing the point, people are doing this because they don't have any leadership, education with theory, and are angry as hell. These people are ripe for recruitment into true leftism, but without anyone with the ability or desire to be a modern Che or (insert revolutionary here), they will just be a mob of anger.

You cannot blame people for being angry, most of these people aren't even anarchists but just pissed off people and liberals


Though I am a firm believer this needs to be backed by organized tactics.

The problem with Socialist orgs, especially anarchists is they engage in radicalism for the sake of radicalism. Not radicalism for the sake of change or tactical victories.

Imagine occupy where occupy actually had a group that got into wall street and just started burning those buildings down. Serious damage would have been rought, billions would have been lost, the stock market would have got into free for all as the trading would be severely disrupted and Occupy used the threat of actions like that to further push for goals in neogitaitions, breakups of the banks, single payer healthcare.

Would people really have been that horrified by the Banker porkies in Wall Street getting their comuppance straight after the GFC?

The problem with black blocs is they just target random shit, tip over some trash cans, smash some windows. It's radicalism for the sake of radicalism.


What Chapo chat?


The fuck is wrong with people?

They got majorly assravaged when I said all these liberal marches are flat out pointless and won't do anything or convince anyone and the media will just ignore them anyway (like what they've been doing)

They all got assmad and called me an "edgelord that fetishized violence", I said, name a single major movement that came about without violence or the threat of violence behind it, they said anti-vietnam lol

Because you know, Vietnam was won on hugs and liberal chants and protests. No, nothing else, what could have Vietnam be won on.

I was literally banned though for saying Civil rights was literally won on the back of violence.

Honeslty, they were just super assmad that I said their liberal protests and marches will achieve nothing, be covered by nobody and help with nothing.

Which is 100% truth, but some people can't take the bitter pill of reality.

In truth, us on the left are in complete shambles and fascists are in the white house? What is there left to do except organized defence of communities and violence? Really?

There's a huge difference in between having a mysterious fash enabler and one of the biggest bourgies in the world as head of state and having a corrupt globalist.

Wow, I haven't seen you around in a while. Where ya been?

What did you expect?

But what about brother Zizek? I think more and more he's becoming a Che like figure.

Will Zizek lead us to communism?

lmao fash got bashed

Too far to tell,but I doubt it. Right now communism is a direction, not a goal. Yet.

When will they learn that there is no such thing as sexual consent?


smh tbh fam

Lurking. Nothing much to reply to lately. Not that threads are trash, but that by the time I get to them they've already filled their purpose, etc. I usually kept that to /americanelection/ but that's kill.

Unlike I guess some tripfags if I don't have anything to contribute I don't comment. I have a twitter if you're a "fan", @LaresGriton. I've been meaning to start some sort of podcast type show as well, but I don't have much free time right now.

People say shit like this all the time, but what does an organized movement look like? Where do leaders come from, and how do they direct this energy?

Sure, I just followed you, comrade. I also stuck to that general thread, too. If you start a podcast you should post it here, too. I bet many here would love to collaborate as well, if you wanted.

See you round, comrade.


Yeah, sure seems legit.

P.S. most black bloc anarchists area actually feds acting as agent provocateurs.

So the feds burnt down a rich faggots limo

I hope they try for more

What a bunch of pussies you lot are. Change comes about through pain, not peace. Wait till October, you bourgeois supporting classcucks. You'll be lined up with them.

Well this ended up being exactly what I expected.

i've got into plenty of fights with them

trash cans can't fight back tho, that's abuse yo.

Petit-bourg is a thing y'know, and I like how you conveniently leave out that the places smashed were banks.